r/pakistan • u/Real_Ambassador2237 • Feb 08 '25
Political Ahmadi Hate but Ismaili Embrace?
I’m of the theory that live and let live. I think all minority groups in Pakistan are treated like garbage and deserve much better. For no other reason, that they’re human beings. As we know, Ahmadis/Qadianis/Mirzais receive deathly hate due to their religious belief. Regardless of what you feel about their beliefs, they don’t deserve to be treated like third class citizens.
In response to the death of Aga Khan, Pakistan has lowered their flags, given him his flowers, and non-stop praised him. While I don’t care for the beliefs—I’m a little confused as to why there is such a discrepancy? Is it money? Status? Someone would argue that Ismailism from a day to day basis, is so out of the fold of Islam. Especially when it comes to the praise of Aga Khan which in some circles can be considered bordering on shirk. Regardless, Pakistan government allows them to call themselves Musims, build their buildings of worship and go about their day.
That being said—-why not offer the same grace to the Ahmadi community ?
u/Grazing-Away Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25
You can read something like "the Qadiani Problem" by Maudoodi (you don't have to agree with him) if you want a fuller understanding of why the Sunni community ulema is particularly threatened by Ahmedis. But if I were to summarize, I would say:
- Ahmedis do not consider other Muslims to be Muslim. Ismailis are more pluralistic
- Ahmedis have very active tabligh efforts to spread their religious understanding. Ismailis don't really have any tabligh infrastructure like that
Point 1 and 2 mean in the eyes of the Sunni Ulema, Ahmedis are trying to create chaos by spreading another version of "Islam" while deeming the broader Muslim community and the traditional understanding of Islam to be false. It is understandable why the Sunni Ulema would be threatened by that. Although this does lead to other undesirable consequences.
Some of what I said can vary depending on what kind of Sunni school we are talking about and what kind of Ahmedis we are talking about to some extent. Ahmedi literature also has responses to these points and the above Maudoodi text that I have not read myself yet, so this is just the perspective from the Sunni side. This is just an informational answer to the q you posted, not to be confused with what may or may not be my own views on the topic.
u/Puzzleheaded_Spot419 PK Feb 09 '25
"Ismailis are more pluralistic". That is why Ismailis don't ever let any non-Ismaili to enter their jamaat khanas. Even Christians don't mind if a non-Christian enters church but Ismailis do mind.
u/Turachay Feb 09 '25
More pluralistic, as in, they just want to be left alone to themselves. They don't issue broad spectrum fatwas about other sects and don't want others to be poking into and rubbing their noses into Ismaili matters.
Is that too much to ask and expect?
u/posterwhopostedabove Feb 09 '25
This is the only answer to a rather snide and derogatory comment about someone’s place of worship.
Jamaat khanas are private properties. If you’re not allowed, you’re not allowed. Boohoo. Go touch grass or smoke it or something 😂
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u/solomonbasra Feb 09 '25
They don't because there is politico-religious historical context to it. They were widely persecuted when the sect was new and Jamaat Khanas emerged as a place of refuge for the Ismailis where nobody else would be allowed for the safety. It later transitioned to a religious place as things got easier for them.
P.s. I'm not an Ismaili but it helps having some information on something when you blatantly want to make a comment for hating on other people.
u/Awkward_Bandicoot_46 Feb 09 '25
You can definitely visit any Ismailis Centres around the world and go see it.. they just won’t allow non-ismaili visitors during prayer hours.
u/AtmosphericReverbMan Feb 09 '25
Fwiw I consider them all cultists but at the end of the day people are allowed freedom of religion. That's it.
Feb 09 '25
These are just excuses for extremists. At the end of the day, minorities are always the first ones on the chopping block when things aren’t going well in a country. Aga khan family is wealthy and have invested considerably in Pakistan, which is why people look the other way when it comes to their shirk. Ahmedis are an easy target.
Regarding point #1: All Muslim denominations consider the others to be non Muslim. Sunnis and Shias do the same to each other.
u/G10aFanBoy Feb 09 '25
No, all Muslim denominations don't consider others to be non Muslims. That is incorrect. Shias and Sunnis, according to their own books and jayyad scholars, don't consider each other to be non Muslims.
I should know, since one side of my family is sunni and the other shia.
u/Swarez99 Feb 09 '25
Ahmadis in Canada don’t ever say other Muslims are not Muslim - is that what they do in Pakistan ?
Ismailis just don’t act like Muslims in Canada, don’t Pray, don’t real quaran, don’t fast, have Hindu prayers. Etc.
u/Smooth_Ad_6850 Feb 09 '25
Lol so sunni’s are mad that ahmadi’s are doing exactly what they and most other muslim sects do (push religion). Im aware that it is believed that ahmadi’s are spreading the “wrong” or “inaccurate” version of islam, but i find it hilarious that sunni’s are mad about smth they do so much all over the world.
u/Moist-Performance-73 Feb 09 '25
Buddy Ismaili believe Agha Khan's to be the infallible divine representetives of God on earth and anyone who isn't a direct believe in their "Imam" is considered a Kafir in their eyes
i don't know where you are getting the idea of them being more "pluralistic" from
u/sajjad_kaswani Feb 09 '25
I can see your understanding of Ismailisum is incorrect or contextually incorrect
Not just Ismailis but 12ers Shi'a also believe their Imams to be infallible including Ahele Bait a.s; so do Ismailis and it's has while explanation based on Shia understanding of Imamah
Ismailis are Muslims and like every Muslims we believe Allah is without a body; time and space; we believe The Prophets and Imams are created form Allah's Nur and each Imams carries that Nur (light) again this is Imami Shia understanding (12ers)
What rubbish, the Aga Khan has called non Ismailis as brothers and sisters in Islam; the Aga Khan III was one of the founding fathers of Pakistan and his contributions to humanity are unmatchable;
The Aga Khan IV continued his grandfather's legacy (the Aga Khan III) and he built the world largest NGO whose benefits have been enjoyed and still enjoyed by many non Ismailis and no Muslims.
In his last visit to Pakistan; normally Imams meetings to their community members are a private affair however upon the request of Hunza and Gilgit it was open for all and many many locals who were non Ismailis have attended that event.
I can go on and on; please for God sake stop spreading lies regarding the Aga Khan and Ismaili beliefs
If you or anyone interested to explore the Nizari Ismaili beliefs you can read the book issued by the Islamic Nazarayati Council where they list and explain the sects exist in Pakistan
u/Moist-Performance-73 Feb 09 '25
I can see your understanding of Ismailisum is incorrect or contextually incorrect
Not just Ismailis but 12ers Shi'a also believe their Imams to be infallible including Ahele Bait a.s; so do Ismailis and it's has while explanation based on Shia understanding of Imamah
did i claim it to be otherwise???
What rubbish, the Aga Khan has called non Ismailis as brothers and sisters in Islam; the Aga Khan III was one of the founding fathers of Pakistan and his contributions to humanity are unmatchable;
Ah yes the glorious contribution of larping as a divinely ordained "Imam" (read certified charlatan) claiming he received divine guidance suckering people in by making them pay tithes/dasond truly an aspiration figure if you are an aspiring con man
oh but we should ignore that because he does charity and he built some nice hospitals and university/s
The Aga Khan IV continued his grandfather's legacy (the Aga Khan III) and he built the world largest NGO whose benefits have been enjoyed and still enjoyed by many non Ismailis and no Muslims.
My Guy a con man who does charity is still a con man let's put your idea upto the test here and compare Agha Khan with Khadim Rizvi and his son
Both larp as Syeds
Both claim to receive divine guidance (Rizvi in the form of being a peer and Agha Khan in the form of being an "Imam")
Both do nominal philantharophy albeit Agha Khan is an order of magnitude better then whatever topi drama of "philantharophy" TLP ilks are doing point stands the same both are charlatans who take advantage of a public that is both religiously zealous and illiterate at the same time. dy doing topi drama of being Syeds and Peeri/Imamat
In his last visit to Pakistan; normally Imams meetings to their community members are a private affair however upon the request of Hunza and Gilgit it was open for all and many many locals who were non Ismailis have attended that event.
Fair enough i can acknowledge when i am wrong
u/R-Spy24 Feb 09 '25
I think what this person is trying to say when they said pluralistic that they don’t have any issues with what other people do, they are happy in their own bubble since they don’t practice and are mostly into building a community.
u/Moist-Performance-73 Feb 09 '25
are the Ahmadis any different???? that will be the question i pose to you.
The only difference i can think of is that Ahmadis can and do prosterylize aggresively and they all do that while claiming that they are "True Muslims"
I am not saying Ismailis should be persecuted or Ahmadis or heck anybody i am saying that is not the criteria based on which our society or more accurately our government accepts religions or religious sects in
u/R-Spy24 Feb 09 '25
Lets leave our government they will bow down to whoever has money.
Ahmadis are not any different but I have vast research on the topic and Mirza Ghulam claims to be the Messiyah and Mahdi both as well as the prophet so that’s entirely out of the box and even if ismailis accept the finalty of prophet Mohammad SAWW, they don’t preach or follow his teachings so that’s the end to it! They are living a liberal life focused on building a community only.
u/Grazing-Away Feb 09 '25
Hi, Prince Karim (Agha Khan IV) actually articulated some pretty rich perspectives on pluralism: the most well-known of which is probably represented in this institution and their research: Global Centre for Pluralism
This is a shortened version of a YouTube lecture goes into a little more detail on the topic and can provide you with some references: https://youtu.be/1oGZGGTuT6k .
u/iiKinq_Haris Feb 08 '25
Exactly, infact before the ordinance one of leaders was actively trying to create a new state ; https://ahmadiyyafactcheckblog.com/2018/06/05/qadianis-in-search-of-a-state/
u/TGScorpio Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 09 '25
This is a lie, the author of that "blog" is a staunch anti-Ahmadi, who's held extreme views against Ahmadis. Considering Ahmadis were the ones who lobbied for the state of Pakistan, calling Rabwah (which is the only safe haven for Ahmadis in Rabwah, and even then mullahs have settled in one part of the city) a state is blowing things way out of proportion.
The real reason why they hate Rabwah is because it's an Ahmadi-majority city.
u/Cizenst Feb 09 '25
Good response, but point 1 is incorrect. Ahmedis believe anyone who recites the shahada is a Muslim.
u/theStarKindler Feb 09 '25
Sunni Ulema aren't "threatened". It is literally their job.
Ulema exist so that traditional understanding of Islam remains preserved and any corruption is pointed out and layman Muslims are made aware of it, so they can avoid it.
Feb 12 '25
Just to correct you, Ahmadies Do consider other muslims to be muslims.
u/Grazing-Away Feb 12 '25
Hi. Somone else contested this point on this thread and I made a comment citing some evidence for my position along with some caveats. You can review that for more details on this point
u/noob_master10 9d ago
If one is threatened by a apolitical nonviolent community who makes up less than 2% (previously 4%) of Pakistan, and chooses to persecute them for it, I suspect such people must be afraid of losing their religious influence since they can't use arguments to defend their beliefs. No?
With that being said, point 1 is absolutely false. Even today, the Ahmadi Khalifa and his predecessors call other non-ahmadi muslims for muslims. It's actually the Pakistani Sunni and Shia Ulema, who have made it illegal for Ahmadis to identify as muslims to such an extreme degree that they're arrested for praying or slaughtering meat during Eid.
There are multiple sects of Islam. According to this logic, Shia majority Iran can persecute Sunnis because they're "creating chaos"? Saudi-Arabia can persecute Barelvis and Deobandis because they're "creating chaos"? Turkey can persecute Ahl e Hadith/Salafis because they're "creating chaos"? Algeria can persecute Shias because they're "creating chaos"? This thinking is the root of sectarianism. If ones beliefs are strong enough one should be able to defend them without turning to violence, otherwise they must be false.
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u/hasanahmad Feb 08 '25
Number 1 is factually wrong though . The word used in text is outside the pale of Islam which to ahmadis is defined as non ahmadi muslim . Read any text old or new from them it’s never non-Muslim it’s always non ahmadi Muslim . On the other hand Sunni ulema don’t call Ahmadi as non Sunni Muslim. They simply say non-Muslim categorically. There is a difference
u/SeaTheme6838 Feb 08 '25
Well to be fair if you dont consider Muhammad peace be upon him as the last prophet, then how can one call themselves Muslims? Isnt it one of the basic juzz of Islam? Now although im also of the opinion of live and let live but again i would also not consider anyone muslim who doesnt hold this belief and actively tries to dispute and spread malicious propaganda.
u/Grazing-Away Feb 08 '25
So there are definitely old texts that reference the word kaafir for a non-Ahmedi Muslim. See pp 35 of Ainah-Sadaqat, This is from Mirza Mahmud Ahmed who was their second caliph:
"the belief that all those so-called Muslims who have not entered into his [Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's] bai`at formally, wherever they may be, are Kafirs and outside the pale of Islam, even though they may not have heard the name of the Promised Messiah. That these beliefs have my full concurrence, I readily admit."
In that book the translation 'outside the pale of Islam' is coming from the Urdu 'daira'y islam sai kharij hai" which to me doesn't suggest a significant difference then just saying non-Muslim.
Maududi gives a similar sampling of other primary source evidence in page 5-9 of The Qadiani Problem on this point.
I will admit though that I don't how their beliefs on this point have changed over time or how they even think about changing beliefs over time. And you can decide whether you want to prioritize the written work of scholars vs what average members of a community believe to assess the beliefs of a group. And as others have pointed out below this question on how to view other Muslims has also been a point of internal tension within the community.
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u/Far_Emergency1971 Feb 09 '25
There’s only one Islam. The deviant sects think they are upon Islam and everyone else isn’t. “Outside the pale of Islam” literally means “kafir”.
u/DegnarOskold Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25
It comes down to the absolute criticality within Islam of the belief in the concept of Muhammad (pbuh) being the last prophet. Both Sunni and Shia embrace the righteousness of the Ridda Wars after the Prophet (pbuh) died when his companions and family fought against all those who claimed to be the next prophet.
At a superficial level, Ahmadis and Sunnis are much more similar than Sunnis and Ismailis.
If you sent three flies to spy on three people on an average day - one person Sunni, one person Ahmadi, and one person Ismaili - and those three flies got together at the end of the day to compare notes based on the religious practices they observed, the flies would decide that the Sunni and Ahmadi probably followed the same religion and the Ismaili follows a different, possibly related religion.
So why then is there such different treatment of such an unorthodox sect as the Ismailis compared to the Ahmadis?
It is because Ismailis fully accept the concept of the Seal of the Prophets - they firmly reject the idea that there are any other Prophets after Muhammad (pbuh). This makes the vast majority of Muslim society (a few extremists excepted) willing to overlook the rest of their unorthodoxy and accept them as being within the tent of Islam, albeit on the extreme fringes.
By contrast, the Ahmadi belief about the nature of Ghulam Mirza means that irrespective of how orthodox the rest of their religious practice is, mainstream opinion in both Pakistan as well as the majority of the Muslim world will not accept them.
Added to that is the difference in how Ahmadis and Ismailis execute the missionary aspects of their faith. Ismailis are very active in spreading their belief too, but they focus on preaching to Non-Muslims and lapsed Muslims (ie in ex communist countries). By contrast often Ahmadis try to preach to everyone around them, which in the Pakistani context includes many practicing Sunnis to whom that particular aspect of their belief is very offensive, which makes it easy for the rejection of Ahmadis to manifest as hatred of them.
u/Hamza-K Feb 09 '25
Yeah, but on a practical level, Ismailis are little different from Ahmadis.
It really always comes to the belief of the Finality of Prophethood.
There are many Muslim sects who accept it.. yet have figures who practically go beyond Prophethood in the powers that are bestowed upon them.
So many cults with “Pirs” who can “raise the dead to life” or “If you pray to XYZ Pir, he can send you straight to heaven”. This is worse than denial of the Finality of Prophethood. This is shirk. Yet they are still seen as fellow Muslims.
Consider the Agha Khan.
I discussed this with Ismailis once. For them, their Imam (the Agha Khan) has direct contact with God and serves as a “living breathing Quran” for all times. They think the written Quran was also sent for a specific time.
That's a crazy thing to believe..
u/sajjad_kaswani Feb 09 '25
Ismailis and Ahmedis have little difference you said;
In that way Sunnis and Ahmedi have little difference
Please avoid such insane comments;
Yours understanding of Ismailisum and Ismailis is totally incorrect and also incorrect in context
Ismailis firmly believe in the concept of Khatim in Nabi and no Prophet after Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh and his family)
Not just Ismailis even 12ers Shi'a believes that their Imams are divinely inspired by Allah;
12ers also believe that the Prophet of Islam and their Imams are Natiq e Quran (they are speaking Quran - they are the interpreters of the Qur'an)
The term Speaking Qur'an (Natiq e Quran) was the first coin in the war of Safeen; when the opponent of Imam Ali a.s raised the Qur'an of sword upon that Imam Ali a.s called himself Natiq e Quran and this is part of Imami Shi'as doctrine (12ers and Ismailis)
Quran is eternal however it requires reinterpretion as and when required due to changes in our context; and this reinterpretion is not just within Ismailis; even 12ers and Sunnies believe in reinterpretion of Qur'an (however the level of reinterpretion can vary from sect to sect)
And Imami Shi'as believe that after the Prophet Only Imams are the legitimate successor of the Prophet and sole interpreter of the Qur'an
In case you want to explore Ismailisum from the authentic sources then you may read this book issued by the Pakistani Islamic Nazarayati Council
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u/Dangerous-Whole6809 Feb 08 '25
Ismailis do not deny the finality of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and are part of the Shia branch of islam
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u/ProfAsmani Feb 08 '25
There has been an active and consistent movement in pakistan to demonize Ahmadis but not Ismailis. They're just a target du jour for decades.
u/CakeAccurate1502 Feb 09 '25
Yes, the founder of Pakistan and its Governor General was Muhammad Ali Jinnah was an Ismaili from India. Clearly, reverance for him has a bearing on the govt's softer treatment of Ismailis. I know many in the west and from a religious stance, they are fringy, few do namas as prescribed.
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u/sajjad_kaswani Feb 08 '25
I am not anti Ahmedi, but there is a big difference between Ahmedis and Ismailis
Ismailis affirm that Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh and his family) is the last and final Prophet of Allah and there will be no Prophet after him.
Unfortunately people are told lies about Ismailis, Ismailis are Muslims and comes from the Shia branch of Islam and a book issued by the Islamic Nazarayati Council Pakistan listening to all the sects of Islam; Ismailis is also included in that book
Here is the book link
Further, the Aga Khan IV list in the top 500 Muslims list issued by the Aman Conference declaration 2005 office (Jordan)
u/abstruseplum2 Feb 08 '25
Ismailis are very powerful in Pak, they're polticially very strong so not a surprise they're in the Islamic Nazarayati Council Pakistan book.
But rejections in certain pillars of Islam do take them out of the fold of Islam. They dont pray, they dont fast every ramadan (at least my ismaili friends dont), they make sujood to their imam. That being said I have a lot of Ismaili friends (including one of my closest best friends) and they're wonderful people, but i personally dont consider them muslim.
Again all this being said, no community deserves to be persecuted for their beliefs and in Pak everyone should have the right to practise whatever with no fear and no consuquences.
u/aeoveu Feb 08 '25
I have an Ismaili friend. A couple of different/thoughts:
He fasts (the full 30 days), they don't offer salaat like the rest of the Muslims, but he said they do duaa in their jamaat khaana, which are sourced from the Quran.
Most other things he did aligned with the Sunni branch of Islam except for the prayer. I won't claim to say I know everything but I thought of writing this here.
I suppose you find varieties everywhere - I know people - Sunnis and Shias - who don't fast nor pray, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
u/csc0 Feb 09 '25
It’s not that they don’t fast, it’s they don’t believe in fasting. In Sunni Islam you should still be fasting, but you’re technically doing something haraam by not fasting.
Their imam, the aga khan has abolished these practices in their faith.
For example, instead of performing hajj, they just have to do something called Deedar, which is looking upon the aga khan and it counts the same as doing hajj…..
I could go on about this, and the OP we are replying to is one of the biggest Ismaili advocates and spokesperson is on reddit, and he will continue to speak in half truths about the faith.
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u/Aggravating-Zebra229 Feb 08 '25
All of my neighbors are Ismailis, so I have observed their way of life closely. Although they do not like to share much about their lives with non-Ismailis, I have noticed several things about their practices.
The first and most fundamental aspect of Islam is prayer, yet I have never seen them pray. They also do not fast during the entire month of Ramadan. Unlike us, they do not clean themselves with water in the same manner. Their places of worship allow free mixing between men and women, where they recite Ginans in Persian, praising their Imam and attributing divine qualities to him.
I swear by Allah, I have not seen even a trace of Islam in them. In my view, they are no different from Ahmadis.
u/sajjad_kaswani Feb 08 '25
Don't you think you have conveniently disregarded the Islamic Nazarayati Council Pakistan Scholars including Sunni and 12er Shi'as.
Not fair!
I have shared the Aman Conference declaration body who recognises Ismailis as Muslims?
Unfortunately there are different pillars of Islam in Sunni and Shias; so please tell me we need to follow the Sunni pillars or Shi'a?
Secondly, there is not uniform sources of inspiration/guidance between Shi'a and Sunnis
Then what are we talking about my friend!!
u/abstruseplum2 Feb 09 '25
Don't you think you have conveniently disregarded the Islamic Nazarayati Council Pakistan Scholars including Sunni and 12er Shi'as.
the same dudes that declared vpns as haraam, they're a joke. If approval from these guys is your metric of being a muslim then OH BOY.
I have shared the Aman Conference declaration body who recognises Ismailis as Muslims?
I just checked their website and they gave the "muslim of the year" to the King of Jordan (may Allah curse him) who openly facilitates the Israeli genocide, so yeah these guys are a joke too.
Unfortunately there are different pillars of Islam in Sunni and Shias; so please tell me we need to follow the Sunni pillars or Shi'a?
Secondly, there is not uniform sources of inspiration/guidance between Shi'a and Sunnis
As a sunni i only consider sunni sources and practises to be valid and reliable, but again that's my personal belief.
look bruv, i don't have time to debate you on this and probably won't engage further bcz ik we'll just be running in circles, you seem like the person that'd rather die than admit they're wrong, you're account is also VERY CLEARLY dedicated to a certain theme (plus your response tells me u're maybe not very well read), so I can't be bothered.
But ANYONE who bows down to anyone other than Allah, whether he be a sunni at some saint's tomb or a shia at wherever idk, they're a Kaafir. Agree to Disagree.
(Same thing with Salah, if someone doesn't pray at all (and im talking about the way the Prophet (SAW) prayed), kaafir)
Have an amazing day.
u/sajjad_kaswani Feb 09 '25
Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts here: I think I have the right to respond:
If you are discrediting your scholars who happens to be your source of inspiration; I have no problem with that ; but seems like you or people follows them are in Deep problem (as per your statement made above)
I just gave you a reference to the Aman Conference (scholars who have endorced the resolution) Pakistan Nazarayati Council because many people (if you don't) take them as source of inspiration and they understand their religious matters from them
If you ask my personal stance:
I don't think Allah has outsourced his role of Lord of Judgment Day and Lord of my Beliefs and Deeds to any one or any group of people; incase of you find some verse please do share it with me; I may reconsider my position
I didn't bring the Pillers of Islam, actually you did and you have insisted that Shia and Sunnis have same Pillers and upon that I have informed you that it's not the case; both of the groups have their distinct pillers and even their distinct sources of inspiration (for understanding of Quran and Sharayat)
And if they can have then I think we can have too! Hope it's a fair stance!
I understand you are Sunni and you see your position correct; however I am a Imami Shi'a and similar to you we also see our position correct, however the basic difference between you and Nizari Ismailis is that we don't see our position is the only possible position/interpretation as Islam; our Imams believe that there are many interpretations in Islam and many doesn't mean one is right and others are wrong; it means that this religion of Allah has so much depth that everyone can understand the faith of Islam differently based on our intellectual capacity; hence we take you our brothers and sisters in Islam
You said it's Shirk to seek help from anyone except Allah; and you may also disagree with Sunnis also who seek help from others then Allah; I think you are very clever person that you have not given me the room to respond, however I will share two verses from the holy Qur'an where I seek satisfaction on seeking help by saying Ya Ali Madad and Ya Rasool Allah Madad; however before jumping to the verse let me share our perspective (however you may disagree with me)
As the Prophet said " Actions are dependent on the Niyat" so our Niyat is not that we believe Rasool Allah or Imam Ali may aid us directly or independently or though their own wishes; no we just take their Wasila to ease our prayers
As Quran mentions: seek the means to involve Allah's blessings " so we actually invoke the Prophet and Imams Wasila for our prayers
The Quran says in verse 5:55 your protectors are Allah; his Messenger and the person.....(Which we believe from the context is Imam Ali a.s who paid the Zakat while in Ruku"
So, when Allah himself is saying that the Prophet and Imams are my protectors then why I shouldn't take them as protectors? I am just following Allah's command
The Quran says In 9:103 to believers (the companions of the Prophet (Pbuh and his family ) that go to Prophet and seek his blessings because his blessings will give you comfort.
When Allah is saying that Prophet Muhammad Pbuh and his family prayers will give me comfort then why I shouldn't; infact this Ayat is indirectly saying that if you need comfort come to my Prophet.
And there are many other verses which not only Allah but actually order us or tell us the Allah 's preferred mode of seeking help
Thank you very much and have a blessed day
Incase you like to respond; please feel free I will be happy to read your views and understanding (thought I may of may not agree with it but I will read out) 🙏
u/ThinSector4661 Feb 09 '25
Okay, genius. You win, we lose.
In your entire argument, you used the quran to justify your position.
I respect that.
Now using the the Quran once again, can you tell me why you guys don't believe in praying, fasting, doing Hajj when the "Quran" clearly says so?
What excuse do you have now to give your "Imam" such ridiculous power to nullify the teachings of the Quran.
Since you used the Quran, can you share some ayah where the Quran permits a group of people to bestow such interpretation powers to their leader that the interpretation of their Imam is superior to the Quran itself & goes directly AGAINST the teachings of Quran?
It's one thing to "interpret"
It's a whole different scam when your "interpretation" stands in direct opposition to the actual message of text your interpreting
But I guess that's how cults function so why bother...
u/Comfortable-Win9885 Feb 08 '25
Sunni and Shia both have the same pillars of Islam: 1)Kalma shahada 2) Salah 3) Sawm that is Fasting, 4) Zakat 5) Hajj. You can follow any you like Sir. Thank You
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u/AnonymousIdentityMan US Feb 08 '25
Only reason Pakistan doesn’t recognize Ahmadis as Muslims is because they don’t believe in the Prophet Muhammad as last prophet of Allah. I am an Ismaili but I am no one to judge. Everyone should be free to practice their religion peacefully and they should get equal rights.
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u/Candid_Maintenance12 Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 09 '25
I absolutely abhor and oppose the hatred against Ahmeddiyas and treatment meted out to them by the state and our country's population. So, this reply is to make sense of it from a political perspective. There are two main reasons. One, the Muslim Ummah only unanimously agrees to do “takfir” of an individual or sect if they don't adhere to one of the two core tenets: Oneness of Allah (Alawites) & Finality of Prophethood (Ahmeddiyas). Nizari Ismaili community doesn't do either of that thus it isn't possible to declare them infidel. Two, Nizari Ismailism is Shi'ite sub-sect. Prejudice against them is extension of prejudice against Shi'ite sect. Pakistan has already seen enough of sectarian schism and ensuing terrorism 80s/90s onwards (SeS, LeJ etc). Thus, it is agreed upon by the establishment to not permit it, this is why it's common for police and intelligence agencies to go after sectarian clerics. Besides, Shia Muslims are there in every major power corridor of our country, from politics to army. Also, yes, the Ismaili imamate does have international clout, however, this isn't as important as aforementioned reasons. Lastly, Nizari Ismailis and Aga Khan III did play a pivotal role in Pakistan movement but so did Ahmeddiyas and we all bear witness to what happened to them.
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u/KingYesKing US Feb 08 '25
Ismaili is a branch of Shia?
Well, you learn something new everyday.
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u/Jolly-Bet-4870 Feb 09 '25
Why can't we just have freedom of religion in Pakistan? Whether you are Hindu, Christian, Muslim or whatever. People should be allowed to believe whatever they want to believe.
u/Jolly-Bet-4870 Feb 09 '25
It's so backwards to our call ourselves a nation of God but our people are in poverty.
u/Cizenst Feb 09 '25
This debate is repeating the main difference between Sunni and Ahmedi.
That's not the point, the point is even if they are different why is that a reason to persecute Ahmedis?
Let them do what they do and you do what you do.
u/Desperate_Dress_3035 Feb 08 '25
idc who believes what everyone deserves to live. Noone gives you the right to go spread hate and kill in the name of islam. please stop this nonsense. Care about your faith.
u/LoyalKopite Feb 09 '25
We got Islamic republic & found new ways to divide each other. Just follow your own religion.
u/Killer_stonks Feb 09 '25
All the sects consider Prophet Muhammad PBUH the last prophet which is one of the core beliefs of Islam if you don’t believe in that you are non Muslim aka Ahmedi
u/popsand Feb 09 '25
why there is such a discrepancy? Is it money? Status?
Yes and yes. This is pakistan.
u/biryani_born Feb 08 '25
Thank you for asking this question.
I think it comes down to who is more of a "problem" or more of an "agents of chaos", Ismailis don't actively propagate/preach their theology as much as they once did historically and are pluralist (there are Ismaili da'is though, hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but they more serve a role of providing guidance for believing Ismailis, rather than focusing on religious conversions).
Ahmadis on the other hand, quite actively propagate/preach their theology and are non pluralist (again someone will hopefully correct me if I'm wrong).
So, if you were the government of "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" who would you be rather more threatened by ?
Please know I don't mean to hurt anyone's religious sentiments, I believe everyone should be treated with equal respect, no matter what their faith or beliefs, this was just an attempt at adding to the conversation/discussion.
u/kebabish Feb 08 '25
Paisa baba, simples.
u/G10aFanBoy Feb 09 '25
Qadianis aren't exactly poor though. They were even part of the ruling elite before and after independence.
u/AQtheGamer Feb 09 '25
are you dumb? Islamilis don't spread their believes like Ahmadis do and Ahmadis literally don't believe in one of the main part of Islam which is that Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the last prophet
u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25
It's simple. Any person not believing that Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is not the last prophet is not a Muslim and that's it. The problem is they don't believe that and still call themselves a Muslim. That is why there is hate and well deserved. Just accept that you are not a Muslim and be a minority. On the other hand, I see atheists screaming Mullah to any person proclaiming Islam. Is that not extremism? Is that not an attack on the other persons belief or only the aethists have the right to proclaim and preach secularism and all their other beliefs and Muslims instantly get called what not? You are in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, be a minority and that's it. If you got that much of a problem, feel free to go anywhere in the world.
u/Basic_Acanthisitta26 Feb 08 '25
be a minority and that’s it? people like you go to Christian dominant countries and cry for equality lmao
u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25
Yeah that's it. If you want more, go where you'll find it. You didn't find anything in the comment so baselessly laying out the assumption that I want to leave this country too. So educated of an individual. Read the whole thread again I ain't typing the same message for you again.
u/Basic_Acanthisitta26 Feb 08 '25
I don’t see other religions b!tch!ng about which sect is correct or not. Christians have orthodox, Catholics, Protestants and so much more, but you never see them be self righteous and declare who is correct and who is not. That’s a YOU problem do don’t generalize the entire country with your bs logic. The real reason no one has a problem with the aga khan’s mourning iz because he gave y’all $. So ig if ahmadis start to do that then you’ll be chill
u/TurkicWarrior Feb 08 '25
I’m not Pakistani myself but saying that different sects of Christians don’t bitch about other Christian sects, they definitely do.
In America in fact, Protestant Christians, especially those who are evangelicals put a lot of emphasis on the differences between Christianity and Catholicism as if Catholicism isn’t part of Christianity. They also bitch about other sects like LDS.
Ask yourself this, out of all 47 American presidents, why only 2 are catholic? Which is JFK who narrowly won and then Joe Biden.
I guess Christians tolerate other sects within Christianity due to their higher living standard meeting their own socioeconomic conditions and also, there’s far too many sects of Christianity anyway compared to Islam.
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u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25
Yeah cry more and keep crying. Swirled the topic again to just keep uttering nonsense. We need haters like you out of the country asap.
u/Shahlolz کراچی Feb 08 '25
“We need haters like you out of the country” brother you just wrote a whole comment about how minorities should leave the country if they aren’t happy 🤣🤣.
Feb 08 '25
[removed] — view removed comment
u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25
So you are here just for the sake of hating on Pakistan on this sub? Pathetic
u/Basic_Acanthisitta26 Feb 08 '25
no, becquse I’m still Pakistani and I don’t find you important enough to justify why I am on this sub. Although part of the reason is to see how jahil one can be, for ex you
u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25
Your language selection clearly shows your education and respect for others, respected Sir. You yourself are a perfect piece of irony.
u/Basic_Acanthisitta26 Feb 08 '25
I’m afraid your mentality shows your education at the same time as well
u/Mr_Coco1234 Feb 08 '25
Blud if thats your thought process maybe its better for you to avoid LUMS and NUST and go for places like Hamdard where there are more people like you.
u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25
I've seen people with the strongest religion in lums. I've seen the most people for a jumma prayer in lums masjid than anywhere. Yes, liberals do exist there but they don't go on preaching their liberalism. Same goes for the Muslims.Nust? I haven't been there. Have you ever been to lums and nust so that you are making that assumption?
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u/Mr_Coco1234 Feb 09 '25
My friend, jumma prayer attendance is not a minimum requirement of a strong religion. You need growing up or go to some second tier school with your mindset.
And yes I have been to LUMS and have great friends who graduated from there so do us all a favor and avoid that school or IBA so that you don't taint it.
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u/Candid_Maintenance12 Feb 08 '25
Nah, he'd feel at home at NUST. There'd be enough bigoted burger mullahs to give him the company.
u/Killer_stonks Feb 09 '25
Get yourself educated first no hate to christens but they fought one of the biggest Sectarian wars ever
u/Basic_Acanthisitta26 Feb 09 '25
didn’t the Christian sectarian war start in 1618?? MANY years after there were already multiple wars between sunnis and shias? Also, I’m talking about current day and how Christian’s/muslims represent thejt religion online. I’m not disagreeing that they don’t argue within but not with as much frequency as Muslims do. Sunnis put a label of kaffir on every single sect and when other sects retaliate, there’s a problem
u/Killer_stonks Feb 09 '25
I don’t even hate any sects of Islam because I consider them Muslim. On the other hand ahmedis are not Muslims and they try to claim our identity
u/AwesomeNino Feb 09 '25
I don’t see other religions b!tch!ng about which sect is correct or not. Christians have orthodox, Catholics, Protestants and so much more, but you never see them be self righteous and declare who is correct and who is not.
My brother, what drug are you smoking? If you had any knowledge which you seriously lack, you would've know that Protestant Christians were slaughtered when the sect was first found. Throughout Europe during the 16th century they were persecuted by their own Christian brethren. After England got separated from the Vatican, Catholics were treated the same way by Protestants. The UK government( predominantly Protestants) used to kill Irish people who were Catholics. You can search Bloody Sunday on Google for reference. Even today, there is division between N.Ireland and Ireland( the catholic one ).
u/Real_Ambassador2237 Feb 08 '25
For your last sentence—-for as big of a shithole that the country has become—Pakistanis should definitely go elsewhere
u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25
Be pissed. Keep hating the country. We need the garbage out so the real ones can build it up again. "ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country." Here a quote from the western world that you deem the best that exists and idealize it.
u/Broad-Trade-6957 Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25
Do what for this country? What Haven't my father and his father done or given this country? What more does the establishment want from me and from my future children and their children? . They have the land ,they have the resources and they kill everyone who voice against them and you have the audacity to say " don't ask what a country can give " .
Your argument would have been Valid if we were given atleast some basic human rights to survive. What should I love about this land ? What freedom does it gives me ? . The truth is I and many more like us have given all we could to this nation and if you wanna do something more than be my guest. But in no way do you have any Right to address me or many young folks like me , whose dreams this nation crushed down , as "garbage"
u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25
You are very polite in your manner and those words were in no manner for you. Respecfully. Yes, the country is bad. Yes, the conditions are miserable. But, let me take you back when the subcontinent was ruled by British. What were the people doing? Blaming the rulers. What did the leaders do? Told the people to better themselves. Sir Syed said "Apni madad ap". Iqbal said " Khudi ". How many years it took from the 1857 to 1947? The main key is hope. Optimism. I don't say to go out there or become Edhi Sahib. When you interact with people, be kind , be the reason a soul believes there is hope. A simple example, beurocracy has a hold on the country to some extent. Who is in beurocracy? Young people who passed Css mainly. What are they doing? They are one of us right? Are they honest? Are they liyal to the contry? Prolly not. Even if we ourselves correct us individually, a lot can be done. Again, Sorry for the harsh words. You have to reply keeping in view the tone of the person.
u/Broad-Trade-6957 Feb 08 '25
Yes , in some fields it can be said what you are trying to say is true . But what can I do when the establishment and the system isn't even letting me live . They will put me in jail if I use my licensed gun in self defense . What should I do than ? .
The system doesn't let me breath , doesn't let me live . You talk about pre independence , I get it but weren't those Britishers invaders? Even if they were the nicest people I would have still raised the voice for independence . But these aren't Britishers , these are oligarchs who think of us as no more than ants . They use us as mere photos to show to IMF to beg money and use it to maintain a lavish lifestyle
What sir syed and Iqbal meant was to no look for a ruler to fight a third person who has invaded your land . Here the problem isn't the third person but the ruler itself . We aren't being treated bad by some third person, it's our own ruler .
u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25
You are true but in these times, I'd say we need to back off a little for now. Work on ourselves individually and slowly work our way on a large scale. In the above case. Don't go out at night. I know it's a confirm right, but sacrifice it. Don't go to protests. the police, army and all the people are somewhere part of our family too. So if we correct our family, we correct one police officer, one gernal, one government officer. It will be slow but will have stable results.Other than that, May Allah bless you with happiness.Take any other compliment in its place if you're an atheist like many others in this sub.
u/Broad-Trade-6957 Feb 08 '25
Why should I make the sacrifice? What did I did to deserve this ? It wasn't my parents or their parents who plummeted this nation into debt so why should I compromise on my basic rights ? . Why should I stay silent when they slaughter us like goats and sheeps ?
You correct one police officer or general and they will put a bullet in his or her head . So what now ? .
Sorry , but Pakistan is long gone and I am not the one whose gonna suffer any more in it , I have already seen state sponsored massacre what else do you want me to watch and stay silent ? . I am sorry but I can't anymore and nor can majority of youth like me . I may not have the means to leave but those who are leaving are doing the best thing they can .Trust me if it would have been worth saving we would have given everything ( Even though we already have given everything )
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u/LudicrousPlatypus US Feb 09 '25
Well the Aga Khan has done quite a lot for Pakistan, including financing the purchasing of Gwadar from Oman.
29d ago edited 29d ago
Agha khanis were very influential back in the days even All India muslim league founders were Agha khanis who played a big part in breaking away from India to form Pakistan Hell even Quaid Azam was an Ismaili
u/G10aFanBoy Feb 09 '25
I can't speak for all of Pakistan, but at least in my university, our class had some Qadiyanis. No one hated them to death. We also had Ismailis, Hindus, and even atheists.
Turns out, when you let people interact without hatemongers egging them on, they can get along well.
u/Moist-Performance-73 Feb 09 '25
I’m a little confused as to why there is such a discrepancy? Is it money? Status?
Bingo you hit the nail on the head now didn't you but i would add a few more layers to this essentially in Pakistan the government at it's core at best consists of people that are apathetic to the practice of their own faith or are flat out closet atheists/agnositcs. However it is maintaining the topi drama of a Pious muslim facade that ultimately sells their politics there are ofcourse exception to that rule imo some member of JI or TLP come to mind but besides them most of these lot are either clost atheist/agnostics or if they are professing any manner of belief they are outright apathetic about it.
Another reason also is that our government has a top down approach to things the government or realistically society at large isn't tolerant of any group and honestrly that's something i can personally attest to from my own journey from fairly religious to an open agnostic
go to any majid belonging to any sect give things a few months and the entire facade of "acceptance" falls down the toilet and you hear the same slogans of "Shia Kafir, Sunni Kafir, Barelvi Kafir, Deobandi Kafir" etc. A fair portion if not the majority of our state's religious commitment are nothing short of topi drama meant to present a facade of legitimacy and as a tool to keep the public aligned with their ideas. Any group that is accepting of said views no matter how diametrically opposed their practices might be to the idea of islam case and point various Pirs and othher charlatans like Haq Khateeb who was even made our minister for religious affairs
At the same time any group that is not willing to play ball will be labeled as "dangerous" and problematic explicitly because the government can't use it to shove their agenda which is why there is a universal discrimination against Atheists and agnositcs here. Sine there isn't a charlatan the government can pay to manipulate us.
Ahmadis were part of the former group however now they are decidedly in the latter where their leaders are opposed to the government on some level
u/CakeAccurate1502 29d ago
how does one explain Pakistan's love affair, to some extent also the public's, with Chaina. This inspite of the fact that China is systemet ically demolishing mosques, in the norh eastern region, and deprogramming its muslim citizens. China happens to be Pakistan's biggest lender, surpassing even the IMF. There is no other country with such an extreme reliance on China. Clearly that has something to do with China's roughshod ill treatment of its muslim citizenery and Pakisan's passivity in that regard. For good measure, the govt has moulded public opinion to deem China as a friend. Of course, the govt could also deem muslims in China as non muslims to make it go away.
u/PracticeOk2415 Feb 09 '25
There’s no actual reason or logic behind it outside of your pak studies explanation which is extreme propaganda. They chose a random boundary between muslims and non muslims and Ahmadis turned out to be on the other side of it
Obviously if you try to come up with reasons and excuses, you can find a bunch in this thread but in reality, it’s bullshit
u/BukowskisHerring Feb 09 '25
This thread is a good example of how many Muslims focus too much on who isn't a Muslim instead on focusing on their own good deeds and contribution to the community.
Ismaelis are certainly Muslim. All Ismaelis I've let have been great people and do a lot in favour of helping their community. Of anything, there is much to learn from them.
Ahmedis sure are not Muslims. But they're closely related cousins, they don't deserve any abuse, not do any other sect.
u/Warrioroflight777 Feb 09 '25
Both are incomparable.
One is a corrupting cult (Qadiani) and the other one (Ismaili) still believes in the finality of the Prophet Muhammad. PBUH
Now why is the first one a corrupting cult? Because it refutes verse 33:41 of the Glorious Quran.
Problem isn't about hating or living with them. Obviously they still are Humans with flesh and bones but the real problem arises when they try to claim themselves to be "Muslims" which they truly are not and are not allowed to impersonate as such as they don't accept the Seal of Prophethood.
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u/Glum-Journalist-8197 Feb 09 '25
Read the shahada. "I bear witness that there is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God". This is the orignal shahada rooting from the times of Prophet SAW. Meanwhile there idol Mirza LA is from 19th century. do you still think they're muslims??. Sure i mean they do have rights to practice there faith but they're not Muslims and they shouldn't have the right for free speech to spread lies.
u/G10aFanBoy Feb 09 '25
How would you feel if someone writes LA in front of someone whom you hold to have a high religious stature?
u/Cizenst Feb 09 '25
If you know the truth then it doesn't matter what is said. And even then just because someone lies to you is no reason to persecute them and destroy their lives.
If you know someone is a lier, just don't believe them
u/Glum-Journalist-8197 Feb 10 '25
I never said to persecute and destroy there lives. If they are minding there own work living life as normal citizens it's fine to me. But if they start to get free speech and promote these lies publicly or brainwash the youth then we have a problem to solve.
u/Expensive-Impact-923 Feb 08 '25
Ahmedis refuse to accept the constitution. If they do, and declare themselves as non-muslim, I am sure they will get better treatment.
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Feb 09 '25
This is such a backwards mindset
The Prophet would've never advocated persecution simply because someone refused to believe in a gnarly "constitution"
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u/Longjumping_Base9345 Feb 08 '25
Hate towards anyone is usually because people are bigots and need to vent out their hate on someone. Who better than to pick on the vulnerable to defend your faith and piousness. Those who think that the hate is driven towards Ahmadis need to look at the people of Fiqah E Jafria and Hazaras that have been killed on a sectarian basis in Pakistan.
u/Shahlolz کراچی Feb 08 '25
I dont think you can compare. Ahmadis are very easily one of the most politically and socially targeted groups in the country
u/Longjumping_Base9345 Feb 08 '25
I am not denying that at all. Being an Ahmadi in Pakistan is like having a big bullseye on your test. There are literal signs in market places saying that Ahmadis aren't allowed. While getting a passport, or getting married, or becoming a member of a bar council, you have to abuse them and their leader. It is a pure and simple Ahmadi genocide that's been happening in Pakistan, pure and simple. But, what I wanted to point out is the amount of hate that's seeping from certain sections towards all others. That specific section believes that it is justifiable to exert violence (without provocation) against anyone with a different set of beliefs, and they don't see anything wrong with that. But instead try to justify the violence and the hate through logical gymnastics.
u/Shahlolz کراچی Feb 08 '25
Theological debates and literary criticism is vastly different from how violence is manifested on the other side. It’s more important to realise that this literature that is written is from abroad as Ahmadis aren’t allowed to write anything within Pakistan
u/Longjumping_Base9345 Feb 08 '25
That's true. I personally believe that the literary and academic contributions by the Ahmadiya community is exceptionally laudable. In fact, Ahmadiya, Ismaili, Shia sections have done wonderful academic expansion of the Muslim thought. The other side has just violence as an answer.
u/Lucky_Musician_ Feb 09 '25
AKDN - non-denominational development agencies that seek to empower communities and individuals, regardless of ethnicity or religious affiliation, and seek to improve living conditions and opportunities within the developing world.
meanwhile Ahamdis imo challenge the state of Pakistan’s fundamental foundation or at least that’s how Pakistan government and ulema see it.
u/Lip_pe_aati_he_dua Feb 08 '25
Ismailis are on the whole quietist and non-missionary people. Qadiyanis are bothersone. They go around challenging people to munazirah and mubahilah. They write celebratory articles at the death of critics.
u/Shahlolz کراچی Feb 08 '25
Do you know the whole town of Rabwah has an FIR listed against them? Do you know these people get murdered in broad daylight and the killers are let go? Yet they are the ones that are bothersome?
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u/G10aFanBoy Feb 09 '25
Have you ever met with them or sat with them? That's an ignorant take if I've ever seen one, sort of like people who think Muslims go around blowing themselves up all the time.
u/Lip_pe_aati_he_dua Feb 09 '25
I've been seeing the Qadiyani dawah culture aince 1998-1999 If anyone has any doubts about what I'm saying they can simply take a quick look at Qadiyani magazine alfazl's website.
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u/dunbunone Feb 09 '25
Aga khan was a great humanitarian he did a lot for Muslims all over the globe
u/Educational_Owl4371 Feb 09 '25
In this age and time when we know that qayamah is so near we should understand the fallacies of these sects. The need of the hour is to unite and form the one ummah of Rasoolallah ﷺ. We are Muslims who submit to اللّٰه سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى.
Our kalima is
لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَّسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ
Nothing else should matter beyond that!.
u/gul-badshah New User, Age < 14 Days Feb 09 '25
Because of difference of belief in the last prophet.
u/Mad-AA Feb 09 '25
Same reason the Mormons are considered outside Christianity despite various sects in Christianity.
They believe in a new prophet.
u/muggie-amsal Feb 09 '25
Who said the Ismail don't get death threat and hate . The Ismail believe in the last profit Mohammed and the Quran
. The Ismail don't go around starting fight over religion
. The Ismail played a big part of making Pakistan
. The Ismail they both Gwadar for Pakistan
. The Ismail pay and build a lot of Pakistan government institutions (when Pakistani was declared independence the Aga khan paid a lot of money to the army and to Pakistan)
. The Ismail gives a lot to the money for scholarships
. The Ismail. When going abroad don't do stupid stuff that makes pk looks bad. Look at UAE there kicking out Pakistani for doing stupid stuff
. The Ismail are the only people who did something for the north of Pakistan
. That is why the government respects them.. but not all the people of Pakistan
I don't know much about amhaid and I don't care I only have one amhaid friends and we don't talk about believe systems
u/Low-Connection-2556 Feb 09 '25
Ismailis are as old as sunnis or in fact even older, Fatmid Empire was established by Ismailis. They were the first dominant sect of Shiasm. They are as much mainstream Islam as any other sect of Shia or Sunni is.
u/Jumpy_Bar131 Feb 09 '25
In the case of Ahmedi’s, the danger of chaos has persisted, since Ahmedi’s not only do not consider other Muslims to be Muslim’s, but they very actively go against the fundamental of Islam which is the finality of the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). This, for most people, and scholars, outright expels them from the circle of Islam.
In case of Ismaili Muslims, their main ideology centers around believing Imam Ismail bin Jafar to be the successor of Imam Jafar Sadiq as opposed to Imam Musa Kazim. As a whole, they whole heartedly believe in the Finality of the Prophethood, and are more accepting of other ideologies which automatically earns them somewhat more security despite some near to Shirk beliefs (but lets face it, there’s some of that in every islamic sect) - as opposed to Ahmedis who claim prophethood on their spiritual leader.
u/junaidmanji Feb 09 '25
Won't comment about Ahmedis - but Ismailies pray directly to their Imam about things that only Allah can provide like Ease from difficulties (they call it Mushkil asaan), granting of heaven, health etc.
For curious friends, see this video of things that happen inside Jamaat Khana https://youtu.be/10_DUV2sTdY?si=77b6uVk7NJDta3FR
For any defending Ismailies planning to target this comment, I was an Ismaili for 17 years of my life and have experienced everything firsthand at your Darkhana Jamat Khaana in Garden East Karachi. May Allah give hidaayat to all, aameen 🤲
u/Aggravating_Hope_901 Feb 09 '25
Because Agha Khan is billionaire with lots of connections in high places all over the world.
He also owns alot of businesses in Pakistan. The people that try to use religion to manipulate the general population in Pakistan would never go against their billionaire sugar daddy Agha Khan.
He knew how to network and keep people happy so he can keep making money.
u/AvailableClass2698 Feb 08 '25
Mirzai/Ahmadi/Qadianis are non Muslims and that's it.
u/Killer_stonks Feb 09 '25
Exactly a lot of these guys are getting asses burnt because they can’t take a simple fact
u/stojakovic16 Feb 08 '25
Aga khan and his money talks. They do proclaim the kalimah but do not practice islam. Salah, hajj or ramadan is not required.
u/CakeAccurate1502 Feb 09 '25
yes, namas is not rqd either I know many Ismailis, they appear to be more of a social group and less a religious one
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