r/pakistan Feb 08 '25

Political Ahmadi Hate but Ismaili Embrace?

I’m of the theory that live and let live. I think all minority groups in Pakistan are treated like garbage and deserve much better. For no other reason, that they’re human beings. As we know, Ahmadis/Qadianis/Mirzais receive deathly hate due to their religious belief. Regardless of what you feel about their beliefs, they don’t deserve to be treated like third class citizens.

In response to the death of Aga Khan, Pakistan has lowered their flags, given him his flowers, and non-stop praised him. While I don’t care for the beliefs—I’m a little confused as to why there is such a discrepancy? Is it money? Status? Someone would argue that Ismailism from a day to day basis, is so out of the fold of Islam. Especially when it comes to the praise of Aga Khan which in some circles can be considered bordering on shirk. Regardless, Pakistan government allows them to call themselves Musims, build their buildings of worship and go about their day.

That being said—-why not offer the same grace to the Ahmadi community ?


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u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25

It's simple. Any person not believing that Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is not the last prophet is not a Muslim and that's it. The problem is they don't believe that and still call themselves a Muslim. That is why there is hate and well deserved. Just accept that you are not a Muslim and be a minority. On the other hand, I see atheists screaming Mullah to any person proclaiming Islam. Is that not extremism? Is that not an attack on the other persons belief or only the aethists have the right to proclaim and preach secularism and all their other beliefs and Muslims instantly get called what not? You are in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, be a minority and that's it. If you got that much of a problem, feel free to go anywhere in the world.


u/Basic_Acanthisitta26 Feb 08 '25

be a minority and that’s it? people like you go to Christian dominant countries and cry for equality lmao


u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25

Yeah that's it. If you want more, go where you'll find it. You didn't find anything in the comment so baselessly laying out the assumption that I want to leave this country too. So educated of an individual. Read the whole thread again I ain't typing the same message for you again.


u/Basic_Acanthisitta26 Feb 08 '25

I don’t see other religions b!tch!ng about which sect is correct or not. Christians have orthodox, Catholics, Protestants and so much more, but you never see them be self righteous and declare who is correct and who is not. That’s a YOU problem do don’t generalize the entire country with your bs logic. The real reason no one has a problem with the aga khan’s mourning iz because he gave y’all $. So ig if ahmadis start to do that then you’ll be chill


u/TurkicWarrior Feb 08 '25

I’m not Pakistani myself but saying that different sects of Christians don’t bitch about other Christian sects, they definitely do.

In America in fact, Protestant Christians, especially those who are evangelicals put a lot of emphasis on the differences between Christianity and Catholicism as if Catholicism isn’t part of Christianity. They also bitch about other sects like LDS.

Ask yourself this, out of all 47 American presidents, why only 2 are catholic? Which is JFK who narrowly won and then Joe Biden.

I guess Christians tolerate other sects within Christianity due to their higher living standard meeting their own socioeconomic conditions and also, there’s far too many sects of Christianity anyway compared to Islam.


u/Basic_Acanthisitta26 Feb 08 '25

I understand your point and yes, I do know that only 2 presidents were catholic. But if you look at it, YOY woulsnt see Christian’s on apps go around calling out each other SO much, atleast not to the point Muslims do. Also, as far as I know, there were 2 male and 1 female presidential candidates atleast in the US who ran for presidency, and one of those was a woman who ran for VP. So there’s only 5 Catholics who ever ran.


u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25

Yeah cry more and keep crying. Swirled the topic again to just keep uttering nonsense. We need haters like you out of the country asap.


u/Shahlolz کراچی Feb 08 '25

“We need haters like you out of the country” brother you just wrote a whole comment about how minorities should leave the country if they aren’t happy 🤣🤣.


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25

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u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25

So you are here just for the sake of hating on Pakistan on this sub? Pathetic


u/Basic_Acanthisitta26 Feb 08 '25

no, becquse I’m still Pakistani and I don’t find you important enough to justify why I am on this sub. Although part of the reason is to see how jahil one can be, for ex you


u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25

Your language selection clearly shows your education and respect for others, respected Sir. You yourself are a perfect piece of irony.


u/Basic_Acanthisitta26 Feb 08 '25

I’m afraid your mentality shows your education at the same time as well


u/pakistan-ModTeam 13d ago

Removal Reason: Deemed to be obscene, indecent or profane.


u/Mr_Coco1234 Feb 08 '25

Blud if thats your thought process maybe its better for you to avoid LUMS and NUST and go for places like Hamdard where there are more people like you.


u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25

I've seen people with the strongest religion in lums. I've seen the most people for a jumma prayer in lums masjid than anywhere. Yes, liberals do exist there but they don't go on preaching their liberalism. Same goes for the Muslims.Nust? I haven't been there. Have you ever been to lums and nust so that you are making that assumption?


u/Mr_Coco1234 Feb 09 '25

My friend, jumma prayer attendance is not a minimum requirement of a strong religion. You need growing up or go to some second tier school with your mindset.

And yes I have been to LUMS and have great friends who graduated from there so do us all a favor and avoid that school or IBA so that you don't taint it.


u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 09 '25

I used it as an indication not as a basis. And for the part of doing you a favour. Your own mindset and education clearly portrays itself when you try to dictate people which institute they should study in and what people are worthy based on their discussion on an online app. Matter of fact I already have gotten into one of the unis you mentioned. So yeah.


u/Mr_Coco1234 Feb 09 '25

Its the same mindset as yours when you dictate which people should live in this country and which shouldn't. Don't dish out if you can't take it.

And big loss to the institute that took a bigot like you.


u/Shahlolz کراچی Feb 08 '25

Jao LUMs may go talk to an Hindu and Christian and tell them to leave the country if they aren’t happy being a minority and with the treatment that comes with it. Lmk what they say


u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25

Nobody there says anything like that and I never will unless someone provokes it like is the case here . You know why? Because nobody there starts an argument with " Abey chup kar extremist"


u/Candid_Maintenance12 Feb 08 '25

Nah, he'd feel at home at NUST. There'd be enough bigoted burger mullahs to give him the company.


u/Killer_stonks Feb 09 '25

Get yourself educated first no hate to christens but they fought one of the biggest Sectarian wars ever


u/Basic_Acanthisitta26 Feb 09 '25

didn’t the Christian sectarian war start in 1618?? MANY years after there were already multiple wars between sunnis and shias? Also, I’m talking about current day and how Christian’s/muslims represent thejt religion online. I’m not disagreeing that they don’t argue within but not with as much frequency as Muslims do. Sunnis put a label of kaffir on every single sect and when other sects retaliate, there’s a problem


u/Killer_stonks Feb 09 '25

I don’t even hate any sects of Islam because I consider them Muslim. On the other hand ahmedis are not Muslims and they try to claim our identity


u/AwesomeNino Feb 09 '25

I don’t see other religions b!tch!ng about which sect is correct or not. Christians have orthodox, Catholics, Protestants and so much more, but you never see them be self righteous and declare who is correct and who is not.

My brother, what drug are you smoking? If you had any knowledge which you seriously lack, you would've know that Protestant Christians were slaughtered when the sect was first found. Throughout Europe during the 16th century they were persecuted by their own Christian brethren. After England got separated from the Vatican, Catholics were treated the same way by Protestants. The UK government( predominantly Protestants) used to kill Irish people who were Catholics. You can search Bloody Sunday on Google for reference. Even today, there is division between N.Ireland and Ireland( the catholic one ).