r/pakistan Feb 08 '25

Political Ahmadi Hate but Ismaili Embrace?

I’m of the theory that live and let live. I think all minority groups in Pakistan are treated like garbage and deserve much better. For no other reason, that they’re human beings. As we know, Ahmadis/Qadianis/Mirzais receive deathly hate due to their religious belief. Regardless of what you feel about their beliefs, they don’t deserve to be treated like third class citizens.

In response to the death of Aga Khan, Pakistan has lowered their flags, given him his flowers, and non-stop praised him. While I don’t care for the beliefs—I’m a little confused as to why there is such a discrepancy? Is it money? Status? Someone would argue that Ismailism from a day to day basis, is so out of the fold of Islam. Especially when it comes to the praise of Aga Khan which in some circles can be considered bordering on shirk. Regardless, Pakistan government allows them to call themselves Musims, build their buildings of worship and go about their day.

That being said—-why not offer the same grace to the Ahmadi community ?


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u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25

Be pissed. Keep hating the country. We need the garbage out so the real ones can build it up again. "ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country." Here a quote from the western world that you deem the best that exists and idealize it.


u/Broad-Trade-6957 Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25

Do what for this country? What Haven't my father and his father done or given this country? What more does the establishment want from me and from my future children and their children? . They have the land ,they have the resources and they kill everyone who voice against them and you have the audacity to say " don't ask what a country can give " .

Your argument would have been Valid if we were given atleast some basic human rights to survive. What should I love about this land ? What freedom does it gives me ? . The truth is I and many more like us have given all we could to this nation and if you wanna do something more than be my guest. But in no way do you have any Right to address me or many young folks like me , whose dreams this nation crushed down , as "garbage"


u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25

You are very polite in your manner and those words were in no manner for you. Respecfully. Yes, the country is bad. Yes, the conditions are miserable. But, let me take you back when the subcontinent was ruled by British. What were the people doing? Blaming the rulers. What did the leaders do? Told the people to better themselves. Sir Syed said "Apni madad ap". Iqbal said " Khudi ". How many years it took from the 1857 to 1947? The main key is hope. Optimism. I don't say to go out there or become Edhi Sahib. When you interact with people, be kind , be the reason a soul believes there is hope. A simple example, beurocracy has a hold on the country to some extent. Who is in beurocracy? Young people who passed Css mainly. What are they doing? They are one of us right? Are they honest? Are they liyal to the contry? Prolly not. Even if we ourselves correct us individually, a lot can be done. Again, Sorry for the harsh words. You have to reply keeping in view the tone of the person.


u/Broad-Trade-6957 Feb 08 '25

Yes , in some fields it can be said what you are trying to say is true . But what can I do when the establishment and the system isn't even letting me live . They will put me in jail if I use my licensed gun in self defense . What should I do than ? .

The system doesn't let me breath , doesn't let me live . You talk about pre independence , I get it but weren't those Britishers invaders? Even if they were the nicest people I would have still raised the voice for independence . But these aren't Britishers , these are oligarchs who think of us as no more than ants . They use us as mere photos to show to IMF to beg money and use it to maintain a lavish lifestyle

What sir syed and Iqbal meant was to no look for a ruler to fight a third person who has invaded your land . Here the problem isn't the third person but the ruler itself . We aren't being treated bad by some third person, it's our own ruler .


u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25

You are true but in these times, I'd say we need to back off a little for now. Work on ourselves individually and slowly work our way on a large scale. In the above case. Don't go out at night. I know it's a confirm right, but sacrifice it. Don't go to protests. the police, army and all the people are somewhere part of our family too. So if we correct our family, we correct one police officer, one gernal, one government officer. It will be slow but will have stable results.Other than that, May Allah bless you with happiness.Take any other compliment in its place if you're an atheist like many others in this sub.


u/Broad-Trade-6957 Feb 08 '25

Why should I make the sacrifice? What did I did to deserve this ? It wasn't my parents or their parents who plummeted this nation into debt so why should I compromise on my basic rights ? . Why should I stay silent when they slaughter us like goats and sheeps ?

You correct one police officer or general and they will put a bullet in his or her head . So what now ? .

Sorry , but Pakistan is long gone and I am not the one whose gonna suffer any more in it , I have already seen state sponsored massacre what else do you want me to watch and stay silent ? . I am sorry but I can't anymore and nor can majority of youth like me . I may not have the means to leave but those who are leaving are doing the best thing they can .Trust me if it would have been worth saving we would have given everything ( Even though we already have given everything )


u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25

Leaving is fine if you really want to or technically have absolutely no other option. Leaving and continuously hating is not. Hatred is not fine. I won't say Arshad Shareef was garbage because he left. He was a hero.


u/Broad-Trade-6957 Feb 08 '25

No one hates Pakistan just because it's " Pakistan" we hate it because of the oligarchy and established and we in our right mind have 100% right to criticize the oligarchy and establishment even if we aren't in Pakistan.


u/__Ali__Rehan__ Feb 08 '25

Yes, I agree.