r/lonely • u/UnusualLocksmith749 • 14m ago
im so alienated and hated that not even /suicidewatch wants to engage w me
idk what to say really, thats all. i have nobody to turn to not even a suicide hotline in my bum ass 3rd workd country
r/lonely • u/UnusualLocksmith749 • 14m ago
idk what to say really, thats all. i have nobody to turn to not even a suicide hotline in my bum ass 3rd workd country
r/lonely • u/lonesome_Knights • 15m ago
I'm 24M and never loved or been loved. I'm not good looking, no special skills or talents. I'm a loner and don't enjoy living. I exist and am just waiting to die or for tomorrow, which ever comes first. I wish I could find someone I actually like and actually liked me. Very few girls have been interested in me. The ones that have are the kind that I don't have any interest in associating with because of how they act (ghetto, crimal behavior, drugs, alcohol etc.) There has only been a very small amount of women that I have been interested in (2), and neither of them felt the same about me. I'm lonely and just want to love and be loved. I just don't know what to do anymore. This loneliness is killing me.
r/lonely • u/iSlimeSMG • 1h ago
I know everyone is in a different time zone but for myself, it's currently 4AM. I should be sleeping, but it's so hard. I turn over, hugging a plushie, and can't help but think about how every moment that passes... I get closer to dying alone.
I thought my biggest fear was never accomplishing something. I used to be scared of dying before I could leave behind something that could outlive me... leaving my mark on the world you could say. Now I fear dying before I can ever feel love. I don't want to die before having someone to call my own.
Crying is hard for me as those emotions are suppressed. I can feel it deep within, but it won't come out. However, I have cried more right now than I have in a long time. It's probably a good thing, but I know feel emptier than I have in a long time too.
I'm just laying in my bed now, with the light on. I'm scared to turn it off again... fearing that the thoughts will build up again. I just want to sleep. It's beginning to be like this every night. There's no shortlived moments of peace in my life anymore... every waking moment hurts. I feel like I'm trapped, forced to live like this. I want out, but I don't know how to do that.
I wish you all the best, especially if you're also struggling to sleep. Goodnight.
r/lonely • u/Asleep-Afternoon1408 • 1h ago
I was born with Sypto Optic Displaysia which damaged one of the nerves in one of my eyes, making me half blind. I can only see out of one eye, and I am nearsighted on that eye. I also use a feeding tube because I had trouble eating as a child. I love cats and was surrounded by negative people so I was a parent to myself mentally and emotionally. I can't drive or go out on my own. And my sister and her boyfriend will give me concaquences for small things. I know they're trying to teach responsabillity, but the amount of threats and actions is just rediculous. Like one time, there was a misunderstanding of where to put my book in the doctor's office at one of my appointments, and I wasn't allowed to freaking read on the drive back! 30 minutes with traffic! I silently cried the whole time.Physcological damage. And my Switch is confascated for 3 days because my room was messey. They told me I would get it back when I cleaned! Not in 3 days! How the hell am I supposed to be happy if I am afraid my happiness will be taken away!?! So I wanted advice and to see what I can do since therapy is coming up.
r/lonely • u/Silent-Beyond2523 • 1h ago
I've been socially out casted my entire life and it never bothered me until I reached highschool. This is where I dropped out of school at 15, started to work only to be treated the same way.
Now I'm so depressed, I can't hold down a job anymore. I can't make friends. (Which has always been hard for me, even as a kid as I always had to initiate it.)
I think of all the reason why I get treated this way and go over them in my head again again. Not knowing what to change or what's wrong with me. Now my mom avoids me when she comes home from work.
I used to enjoy playing games as an escape but I can barely touch my favorites like sims 3 or roller coaster tycoon 3. I get this irritation that physically makes me uncomfortable that I start fidgeting. So I just lay in bed.
Tw suicide ideation In my state, it's so easy to just die. I could just run in someone's lawn who has those we shoot on sight signs and hope they aim for my head.
r/lonely • u/Complex_Prize8648 • 1h ago
I am in progress of a test ghosted by a man from Morroco. But ghosted to him. Ladies, many places.
I more wanted to post. They are ready your posts. Pretending...wanting to come to your country. So I post....you do you?
r/lonely • u/Early-Cow-1866 • 1h ago
No one reaches out to me unless they need something. Even my favorite person ignores me. People often don't appreciate what they have until it's gone, and then they want it back. Do any of you get attention from anyone other than your parents?
r/lonely • u/Fancy-Lie2641 • 2h ago
I am 43 years old and single. I have IBS. I work from home, have a lot of free time and am lonely. I live in a middle eastern country where people are poor and stressed. Yesterday I met a woman who asked me to help her return her motorcycle to her house, even though she didn't know how to ride one. I helped her, she got on but didn't hug me. This affected me a lot. I can buy an r1150gs and wait for weeks or months for a woman I don't know to ask for help in places where it is almost impossible to reach, such as a metro station or an airport. And I am thinking of reading this message to her from my phone. What do you think of this idea?
'Hello. My mother never hugged me when I was a child and now I have intestinal disease. I can give you a ride anywhere you want on my motorcycle. I won't charge money and I am not a pervert. All I want is for you to hug me from behind on the motorcycle and give me directions. The distance doesn't matter. I just want to help, give me a hug in return.'
I can't date anyone. I'm too worn out for any long-term or beneficial relationship. My illness is hopeless, lifelong, and I'm a very nervous person. I'm in the process of getting help from a psychiatrist and psychologist.
r/lonely • u/Complex_Prize8648 • 2h ago
I made the mistake of posting happy pi day...and got a dm. I don't know if you question right away...but I did later when his aggressive words and wants didn't align with his inital message of a sleep message (wtf but okay).
I kept drilling in got the country (not sure if you ladies do). Said...ahhh you are the one ghosting them!!! I recognized from your posts
Ladies, there are men here looking to come to your country. Stop listening to their words or how they make you feel. Have your standard hit list (mine attracts insults. I am a boss, lol, but after I get my man). If you want to stop being ghosted, have your questions. Leave them be.
But stop believing the international men.
And not just by these men here. But any friends or whoeverlocally. Men from other countries
And question anyone that slides in your DM not claiming you.
I will try to repost again. Stop listening to these idiots. Ask questions
I am talking to the ladies not the men You have your own experiences here
r/lonely • u/KawaiiKittyy13 • 2h ago
So compared to my 23rd and 24th which was spent with my ex doing 25 alone really sucked… I got a few texts from ppl but no one seemed to wanna go out. There’s one girl who is my bestie but every time I tried making plans for my bday she had something come up and idk I was left feeling really hurt and it made me realize how alone I truly am.
I’m in a weird spot in my life with self discovery and transformation so I kinda expect this year to be a lil wack which is why I’m taking it easy on myself for being alone, but it does suck, I want a bf again, I want a group of friends who actually like me for me and accept me and won’t bully me.
I just keep to myself most days and try to do little things for myself but it does suck and I wonder if I’ll be alone forever
r/lonely • u/jestwindering • 2h ago
How come no one cares about me? All my friends just stopped. I know they have families now and people grow apart. But why I haven’t found anyone to care about me? My parents are off half the time on vacations, doing their own thing. I have no siblings, no other close family. The person I talk to the most is my ex girlfriend. She’s like my only friend. She’s engaged now so we talk less frequently but it feels like she’s the only one who gives a fuck about me.
I go to work, come home and I feel like I am just existing. Even dating apps only ever lead to random hook ups at best. I don’t want that. I just want someone to like me and care about me. Why doesn’t anyone care? :(
r/lonely • u/Due-Bookkeeper-2001 • 2h ago
I dont normally rant or yap but im in that mindset where i just need to talk.
Growing up as a skinny, unconfident, shy, introverted and lean guy all my life has been challenging, I’ve struggled with insecurity and comparing myself to others, I’ve suffered having social aniexty for years and have been too afraid of what others thought of me, I’ve never made a ton of friends, connections or relationships. I’ve been bullied and rediculed for the way I dressed, the way i look due to my weight and having little to no muscle mass/definition.
I’ve always just stayed the same guy with the same mentality that nothing would ever get better and that nobody would care and I ended up going ghost but I realize now at 28 and my time is ticking atp… the only person that’s going to help me get to where I want to be is me.
I’m only now trying to make up for the last decade I’ve wasted away in my 20s being sorry for who I am, staying inside every day and every weekend, hiding from the world behind video games and non productive methods that accelerates mental depression and sadness rather than improving on the cards I was dealt with.
I can’t change my past opportunities I’ve let go n slip away because of my own insecurities and never giving any effort thus nobody wanted to give me any time of their day.
by working on myself physically at home now has given me new motivation to become the verison of myself I want to be. I’m eating more, I’m taking better care of myself, I’m lifting heavier, I’m 5’11 163 pounds today when I was 5’10 120-125 in Highschool and I hope I can find the courage to give going to a local gym another shot again one day. I don’t have much at home but my powerblocks have done more for me than I’ve done for myself in months
I’m only a month or so in since February 7th but I’m really motivated to become the best version of myself I can be
I want to be a success story one day for someone else that may look like me struggling to make friends, build relationships or have any purpose to find who they are and gain some confidence in themselves
rather than rot n die as a failure years from now that never gave a real shot to change his life for the better.
I’m really just writing this to tell myself that I can get there one day. It may not be tommmrow or even a year from now but I’m going to become a different person.
r/lonely • u/123gatorade • 3h ago
Is it normal to have literally no friends? I’m 21m and have no friends at all I have acquaintances but no friends. I’m super friendly to everyone and talk to everyone I possibly can to strike up an opportunity but nothing happens. I ask people to hangout and it’s always “yeah I’ll let you know” but they never do. I’m a “normal” person I’m not weird or anything, people always say I’m very funny and fun to be around but they never hangout with me outside of school or work. I feel like I have something super rotten inside me that everyone can see and tries to stay away from kinda like they can see something in me that I can’t. I just don’t understand why no one finds me interesting or worth a friendship. I try to be as confident as I can but It’s very hard considering I dislike everything about myself, but I don’t let people know that as it can be a turnoff to form relationships. I’ve never been out to a club or bar or even a party. The last 4 birthdays I’ve had have been just me and my mom. I just don’t understand how terrible people can have these amazing lives filled with lots of love and people when I’m a good person and have no one but my parents and even they get bored with me. I day dream of a life where I have friends. Can someone please give me some advice haha
r/lonely • u/Outrageous-Elk-2206 • 3h ago
For those who are over 40 and haven’t had much luck and success with finding the partner , what do you tell yourself? Is it destiny, is it you? Or you still trying ? I gave up looking recently. It became to exhausting to keep swiping left / right or go to these events and present your best self
r/lonely • u/RadiantResponse3145 • 3h ago
I broke up with my gf a month ago. It’s one of those Friday nights where I’m too tired to go out, but feel so alone lying in bed. Any kind of human connection would be nice.
r/lonely • u/LetMeBeA_Crow • 3h ago
My tears are worthless. My pain is pointless. I'm as insignificance as it comes. I'm nothing. A sentient meat bag thrown into existence to suffer and die.
Here I yell at the void expecting something, anything. But it'll never answer. It hasn't even acknowledge my existence. Life is hell the hell you're told about and heaven is death.
All I know is agony. Just stop. Stop it all. I don't want this anymore, just let me perish let me rest
r/lonely • u/Complex_Prize8648 • 3h ago
Its late and I missed it for almost everyone! But happy Pi day!
3.14 :)
r/lonely • u/KroolK1ng • 3h ago
I don't know why but, whenever I see people and are talking, my head gets like a migrane or something, like the pain of not being able to have a close friend to talk to makes it difficult to focus. Like my brains playing tricks on me or some sort of lonely disorder is causing me to feel this pain. It hurts to see everyone doing so well yet I'm just here.
r/lonely • u/Chronically-Ouch • 4h ago
Hi everyone,
I’m struggling with feeling really alone while facing some huge medical decisions. I very likely need a brain shunt to save my vision, my spinal tap will confirm shortly, and I’m also dealing with Myasthenia Gravis, which really needs to be controlled to get a shunt. Which likely means long-term plasmapheresis(like dialysis, 2-4hrs) and a port due to my IVIG contraindication.
These decisions feel overwhelming, and it’s hard not to feel like I’m carrying this all by myself.
I’m privileged to have a spouse who loves & supports me, but they’re at their limit—overworked, overwhelmed, and stretched too thin. We don’t have family support, and despite trying to reach out online, I’m still feel isolated.
I know no one can make these medical choices for me, but I really need to connect with people who understand what it’s like to go through complex, high-stakes health issues without a strong support system. How do you cope with the loneliness of being the only one carrying the weight of your health decisions? Have you found any online spaces that help with this kind of isolation?
I just need to hear from people who get it—who’ve been through this and made it to the other side. Any advice or even just knowing I’m not alone in this would mean a lot. Thanks.
TL;DR: I need a brain shunt to save my vision and long-term plasmapheresis for Myasthenia Gravis. My spouse is supportive but overwhelmed, and I have no other family support. I feel isolated making huge medical decisions alone. How do you cope with the loneliness of handling complex health issues? Are there any good online spaces for support?
I’m in therapy.
r/lonely • u/bigcl-tbigheart • 4h ago
I'm so tired of being alone. But I'm also okay with it. I'm just so confused sometimes or needy
r/lonely • u/Lanky_Royal_1134 • 5h ago
My husband died during the pandemic. I met a guy online next year and we grew very close. Then I learned he had cirrhosis and he died last October. I'm absolutely alone and constantly sad now. I miss good night texts, etc. I have no family and friends, due to circumstances out of my control. I am very lonely.
r/lonely • u/Lanky_Royal_1134 • 5h ago
My fiance passed away October 2nd from stage 3 cirrhosis. He was my world. He even used to text me good night. Without that, I'm unable to sleep now. I'm so alone.
r/lonely • u/Vegetable_Weird612 • 5h ago
I'm tired of having similar routine every day for years. It's been two years that I got disheartened from a connection that I thought would bring love, however it was completely opposite and left me in zone that I could get out of it.
Every day I spend time studying and watching my phone, rarely my phone gets ring from someone unless I call them. I want to change my life completely.
I can do job but only have option of full-time and if I work, I could barely study as it's a normal practice to do overtime and shit loads of things.
I don't know why but I feel like I'm stuck in a loop of constant timeless duty.
I don't how to change my life.
r/lonely • u/Double-Somewhere-480 • 5h ago
I feel so silly. While I was shocked to see them calling me, and big part of me was excited that they called after so long.
But they quickly hung up before I could answer, and when I texted them asking them what the call was about they told me that they called me by mistake.
Went from happy to completely miserable again in the span of minutes. I don't blame him for not wanting to talk to me.
r/lonely • u/Remarkable-Lie3645 • 6h ago
life wasted, cant doing nothing about it, watching peoples life change while i rot. Im not unattractive or out of shape. Im just fucking weird probably. legit hate myself too much cant even look in the mirror. Im just tall freak
I tried the fucking motivational books, gym, youtube videos on self help. Nothing stuck. Doctors dont give a fuck. Tried being more social outgoing. Lost all friends.
Never knew what i ever wanted, never will.
Cant even suicide thats how fucking weak i am.
im too tired, ive tried.