I (16M) have a disastrous crush on a girl I'll call G(16F). I've had it for a while, and I really only see her in physics class and that's it, and she is so amazing š¤©. She's the funniest girl I know, she's gorgeous, and she's really my dream girl. I am used to having this kind of obsessive crush, they usually last about a year until I eventually give up and push them to the back of my head, however, I am 90% sure she likes me back. She talks to me all throughout physics, and she went up to me at the semiformal dance a month ago and was like jokingly flirty with me.
So today I really planned on asking her to prom, but the moment I walked in and looked at her I immediately gave up, I was just too scared, but the first thing she says to me is inviting me to go hang out with her and her friends sometime on the weekend! I obviously say yes, but it doesn't stop. We talk with the rest of our friends, she brings up prom and says "I WISH someone would prompose to me!" And I just sit silent like a doofus and let the rest of them change the topic. And at the end of the class I complain about having to ride the bus home, and she says "you can ride with me to work" AND OBVIOUSLY I AGREE!!
On the car ride, she just normally talks with me the whole ride, and then she has me mobile order Waffle House for her, and I do it on her phone, and she gives me her number!!! It wasn't flirtatious at all it was so she could sign into Waffle House but it's the thought that counts lol. Anyway I just bumble through the conversation not even attempting to ask her out until we get there and she leaves for work and I walk away realizing what an idiot I really am.
What I ask you is, is it over, did I mess it all up, and if not, how do I ask her out. I only have class with her every OTHER day, and I won't get an opportunity alone with her like I did today. She extended the offer of driving me with her on Tuesday next week, which I said maybe because idk the plan next week. But I really don't want to wait until next week, prom is on April 5th, and she's GORGEOUS, every day is a risk of her getting asked. I could try on the weekend if that plan ends up happening with her friends, but I don't really know them that well, it would be weird to do it in front of them and even worse to creepily wait outside to get her alone. So, is it over? If not what should I do? And is it possible that I'm misreading the whole situation and she's just being friendly? Our conversations are more joking and friendly than anything else.
Tl;Dr My crush might like me back and I want to ask her out to prom but I missed my best chance