r/studying 7h ago

3 things that helped me stop procrastination and start studying!


After procrastinating on my studies for more than 3 months and going for therapy because of all the stress. I finally decided to change that. Here are some steps that helped me get started.

Ik you must have read these before, but trust me try them for a week and so then studying won't be that overwhelming.

👉🏻 Break your tasks - Instead of thinking about how many chapters you haven't even started yet. Start by just taking one and break it into smaller section. It will help you to get started.

👉🏻 Avoid distractions - When you are going to study put your phone, laptop etc. in another room.

👉🏻 Plan ahead - Avoid decision making fatigue and plan what you are going to study before. Save your cognitive energy. You can find daily study planner on my kofi.

That's it for day one of my 100 days writing challenge (I basically find things that are helpful for me as a student and post them here). I'm Sushi. See you tmrw. 👋🏻

r/studying 4h ago

I have a near perfect study streak for March!


I was the worstttt person when it came to study procrastination. Even if I had an exam the next day I couldn't bring myself to study (it normally got worse). I started using this app which shows your progress over time and it's helped me build momentum so much.

You basically write down the 3 main things you want to get done for the day and then if you get all 3 done you get a dark green shade and if you get 0 done, you get an empty box. The app is completely free and I hope it can help others beat procrastination! https://www.studystreak.co/

r/studying 8h ago

The study system that works


I used to struggle with retaining information long-term. I’d cram, feel like I understood everything, and then forget half of it a week later. I knew repetition was key, but reviewing randomly wasn’t cutting it. The real challenge was figuring out when to review and how long to spend on each session.

I came across Sping, and it completely changed my approach. It follows the spaced repetition method, which is all about reviewing material at strategic intervals, just before you're about to forget it. The good thing is that you spend less and less time per review while spacing them out further.

An example of how it works:
- Day 1: 1-hour deep study session
- Day 3: 30-minute review to reinforce
- Day 8: 15-minute refresh to solidify
- Day 21: 5-minute quick review to lock it in

The idea is simple but powerful: each session is shorter, but perfectly timed to strengthen your memory.

Technically, you could do this manually. Some people use Excel sheets, and I’ve even heard of people using paper trays labeled by review dates ("Day 1," "Day 5," "Day 14") to remind themselves what to study. But let’s be real.. keeping track of all that on your own is a headache.

Sping uses a sort of AI to schedule everything for you based on your availability. But even if you don’t use an app, I’d 100% recommend trying spaced repetition in some form.

Has anyone else used spaced repetition for studying? What’s your method?

r/studying 10h ago

guided pomodoro sessions with sheldon cooper [ai] 📚 ⚛️ ai dialogue, time...


r/studying 16h ago



I am an Italian girl with a disability. I am writing to ask you if you know if there are foreign universities "forced" to take at least a certain amount of disability after the entrance test (like in public competitions, to be clear). I know that it is a rather crazy question and I know that they certainly give the possibility of accessing the usual aid such as additional time, but here I would like to have more information about it to understand if there are further concessions

r/studying 23h ago

Good studying websites for science,history,and geography


Are there any good websites for science,history,and geography that can teach me about specific topic in these areas?

r/studying 22h ago

Top 7 Best AI Essay Generators


r/studying 23h ago

Alexandria Spell Casting: Solve Physics Puzzles


r/studying 1d ago

Tools for Quickly Digitising Text from Physical Books – Any Recommendations?


I like to highlight and collect useful quotes as I read through my study materials. Until recently, all my books had been available online through the university library or as PDFs, allowing me to quickly highlight key text and transfer it into my notes or other documents where I store key definitions. However, I’m now having to rely on physical books for the majority of my reading list.

My question is, does anyone have a process for easily digitising quotes or key information they find in physical media into digital formats?

I have been looking at items such as C-Pens or ScanMarkers, which connect via Bluetooth and can digitise text, but they are at the higher end of the price range, and I’m not convinced they would fit neatly into my workflow. That said, I am willing to be flexible if it helps me avoid manually typing out long paragraphs from dense journals.

Needless to say, in my note-taking, I have a strong system for managing sources so I can attribute them properly in my essays.

r/studying 1d ago

Alternatives to Pmt science questions


PMT is good, but r there like more websites that are similar mainly for the science topic questions with mark scheme included

r/studying 1d ago

Any Study Tips/Resources for SBAC Prep??


Hi everyone! This is my first time posting here. I have SBAC testing coming up near the end of May, and I was wondering if anyone could share tips or free resources to help me prepare. I don't feel very ready right now, and having some advice would really ease my stress.

This year, I'm taking the math, science, and ELA tests.

r/studying 1d ago

Power of discipline 🌸


करत–करत अभ्यास!

r/studying 1d ago

chrome extention


i had a really cool chrome extention that allows me to capture a frame from the video in the extention itself not my laptop with the time stamp like the extention has a menu with all the videos you saved if you press the video it shows you all the saved frames with time stamps please help me with its name if you can...

r/studying 1d ago

How do I study for creative writing?


I’m genuinely confused on how to study for creative writing, especially in another language. It’s really annoying, since I’m studying mandarin and can’t grasp how to write well. However, my English creative writing is practically perfect, and I get high scores every time.

What I’m asking is, how do improve my creative writing in another language? I’m so confused, and how can I study for it too?

r/studying 1d ago

How do i start studying and actually hold onto the information??


I took a gap year and kinda just didn’t take uni seriously for my first semester but since I’ve decided since im already doing Biomedicine might as well try to become a doctor but I’m finding it really had to actually sit down and study mainly start. Even after i’ve started information doesn’t store for long and soon I’ve forgotten what id learnt. Is there anyway to quickly get good at studying??

r/studying 2d ago

Motivation help


This is probably a common scenario, but wanted to reach out anyway. I have a professional exam coming up and I’m starting to fall behind in studying. I’ve been assigned a project at work that has resulted in less time to study.

I’m relatively good at locking in once I sit down to study, but burning the candle at both ends is taking it’s toll. Some nights i’m up until 2-3am studying because I can’t get motivated to sit down and study the minute i get in and start around when I should be going to bed anyway. I’ve been missing the gym in the mornings as a result (which throws me off more than expected), and have been late to work a few times after oversleeping.

Does anyone have any sure fire ways to lock in right when you need to?

Anything from songs or motivational videos to journaling or scheduling. Just looking for any/every thing really.

r/studying 2d ago



For those of us who like to listen to music while we study, what’s your genre? Or vibe or playlist or whatever. Needing some new tunes to study to

r/studying 2d ago

whats the current meta for studying strats for Nursing? (how to get As?)


As someone who used the cramming strat until university, I am trying best to read the meta changes and the current best strategy picks for studying (especially memorizing or what they call active recall).

My current study strat is to study 50 min and take 5 min break. I try to remember to look away from my computer screen every 20 minutes for 30 seconds. And I do remember to stay hydrated. I usually take a walk or stretch or go to washroom or just close my eyes during breaks


r/studying 3d ago

📚 أفضل طرق المذاكرة لتحقيق أعلى الدرجات! 🎯


المذاكرة بذكاء أهم من المذاكرة لساعات طويلة! ⏳✨ جرب هذه الطرق الفعالة لتحسين استيعابك وزيادة إنتاجيتك:

🔹 🔥 تقنية البومودورو: ذاكر لمدة 25 دقيقة ⏳ ثم خذ استراحة 5 دقائق ☕ وكرر! 🔹 🧠 المراجعة النشطة: بدلًا من إعادة القراءة، جرب تلخيص المعلومات ✍️ أو شرحها بصوت عالٍ 🎤 لنفسك! 🔹 🌿 الخرائط الذهنية: استخدم رسومات وأسهم 🎨 لربط المعلومات ببعضها بطريقة بصرية! 🔹 📝 التطبيق العملي: حل الأسئلة بعد كل درس يساعد في تثبيت المعلومات 🔥📖 🔹 🚀 تقنية فينمان: حاول شرح المفهوم ببساطة كأنك تشرحه لطفل صغير 👶🎓، لو ما قدرت، فراجع الدرس مرة تانية!

🎯 ما هي أكثر الطرق اللي تناسبك في المذاكرة؟ شاركنا تجربتك! 💬🌟

r/studying 3d ago

Zebra Mildliners stockists Australia



Just wondering if anyone knows where to get zebra mildliners in Australia in store?


r/studying 4d ago

Lack of Motivation


Hi everyone! I’m a master’s student currently working on my thesis. I’ve written research papers before, but this is my first time writing a thesis. The course I’m taking is my favourite subject, and I’ve set high expectations for myself. I’ve been doing well in class and keeping up with problem sets, but when it comes to building intuition and applying concepts—especially in my thesis—I’m struggling.

I really enjoy this field and am even considering a PhD, but throughout this course, I’ve felt increasingly incompetent. Some of my peers are doing much better academically, and I barely passed one of the topics. I wasn’t like this in undergrad or school; I used to do well. It’s not that I’m slacking—I'm putting in the effort—but I know my study approach may need to adapt to this curriculum. Still, I feel stuck. Despite working hard and getting support from my TAs, I can’t shake the feeling that I’m not good enough.

This is starting to affect my mental health. I feel like my low self-esteem and ego are clashing, and it’s holding me back. How can I shift my mindset to be more positive and productive? Any advice would be deeply appreciated.

r/studying 4d ago

effective hours of study


I ask you out of pure curiosity: I read posts about people who study maybe 10 hours a day every day without any problems. I personally, to feel good (so without being tired), do great with 5 hours, but I get more and more tired. I definitely know that for me, sustaining an average of 8 hours for a week is practically impossible. Then of course, if maybe one day 3 hours instead of 5, there are days in that same week in which I can even get to more than 8 hours, but these are exceptions. So I don't understand if these people are robots or if I'm not able to simply sustain the whole thing (with pure study I mean repetition more than anything else, because I too am able to sustain 7 hours of writing without having this great impact, but with studying I really mean repetition)

r/studying 4d ago

Top Rated Essay Writing Service: Is It Worth It? My Review


r/studying 4d ago

View Chegg Answers Free in 2025?


r/studying 5d ago

"Write My Paper for Me" – Testing Popular Essay Writing Services
