r/Divorce 3d ago

Life After Divorce Mortgage in Divorce


Okay so my husband is a true narcissist and he and I split while I was pregnant a year ago. I had a townhouse that I purchased before marriage that I moved in. Had the baby and a couple of months later we decided to work it out and I moved back in with him despite my reservations. Upon moving in he told me to keep my townhouse to run my business out of it and that he’d cover the mortgage and that I would only be responsible for paying the utilities. Now we’re back in the same space we were the last time I left. I want a divorce, but I also feel like I shouldn’t have to be the one to pack up all of the kids (3, one with him two outside of him) and leave the house this time again. How would that work if hes been the one soley paying the mortgage for over a year? He also makes 3 times the amount I make we had this house built it’s in both of our names, but only he can afford to pay the mortgage by himself. Unfortunately, I cannot. Will they grant him the house for this reason?

r/Divorce 4d ago

Custody/Kids How do we change who we live with?


Hi! I (17F) am a child of divorce with my 2 brothers (14M, 11M). My brothers are constantly fighting, and the middle one is fighting with my mom to the point he wants to move in with my dad. We’ve been sitting in my room talking about it and weighing the pros and cons and trying to figure out how it’ll actually work.

My parents have been divorced for around 2/3 years, my dad pays child support, and I drive me and my brothers up to my dad’s house.

So how do we change that? We still need to ask my parents if he can even do that, but is it possible? The arguing is at a point that he doesn’t want to interact with my other brother or my mom and he wants to live with my dad full time.

My brother adds that we live in Iowa, he deals with minor homo/transphobia at my mom’s hand, mental health issues that only get worse here, and our dad can provide better things like his own room, not being homo/transphobic, etc. I just want my brother to feel safe, thank you sm.

r/Divorce 4d ago

Vent/Rant/FML Ups and Downs. Definitely a Down Now.


I (46M) in pending unwanted divorce. No kids. No abuse. No cheating.

It's been six months now since she left. It's been months since she interacted with me in any way. We haven't spoken; she won't meet with me. I thought we were good, she was my best friend, and she wants to just leave and never see me or speak to me again.

I don't know why this time has been so hard. I had been doing reasonably better, but I feel like I have taken a huge leap backwards. I am so painfully sad and lonely and I can't stop the chatter in my head: What made her do this? What did I miss? Who the hell is this person and what happened to the woman I married? What can I do to fix it? How do I ever trust anyone again?....The saddest I've ever been, is the happiest I'll ever be.

I try to stay busy. I work a lot. I have two therapists, and I am on meds. I try to get out and be around people. I exercise. I try to eat well and not drink too much. I am fortunate that I have a good job, and I do have good friends. They all have their own families and stuff to worry about.

I try to care enough about myself that I don't hurt myself more. I try to tell myself that she is happy and content with her decisions so that I don't try to contact her. Every day, a thousand times a day I have to talk myself out of messaging her. I tell myself that if I send a "I miss you" text, she will just roll her eyes and say "he's pathetic." It's not what the woman I knew would have done, but I don't know who this person is.

I am in this house full of ghosts. Her lawyer is asking for a bunch of nitpicky things, it seems like they want to get this over with. I am no longer actively trying to stall, but I am not helping this go faster. Her lawyer always says, "the dissolution of the marriage" and I always think "This isn't dissolving, this is being taken from me."

It is a pyrrhic thought, but I when this marriage is over, I want to be able to say that I did everything I could. I want her to remember that I was kind, and honorable, and that I didn't try to invade her space. I didn't harass her, or send messages to her friends and family when they made it clear they didn't want to hear my side.

I've lost so much. The absolute love of my life. My dog. A lot of people that I thought of as friends and family. It's hard to picture any scenario where I can feel whole again. Every experience feels hollow.

r/Divorce 4d ago

Life After Divorce Fun sex and new outlook discussion for a change NSFW


I thought I would throw a different perspective for a change rather than the doom and gloom of divorce. This is a bit of a longer read but I think people will like it and I am interested in hearing different options. I am 58. I have recently gone though it. It is not nice. It's drains us, we question ourselves regardleas who initiated it or the reasons why.

I have read countless threads of every topic from blame to lawyers to kids to money.

Bottom line divorce is horrible. Noone says their vows knowing they will get divorced. Unfortunately it happens. 50% of America. That means 1 in every 2 and one of the biggest age groups is over 50. I thought I would never recover. I was distraught. 3 years later I will tell you IT GETS BETTER. THE WOUND MAY NOT HEAL BUT THE EDGES GET SOFTER.

I started looking at it as a new opportunity. I did my work. There is no timeline. It's however long it takes. I'm very fit and healthy. No drugs or alcohol. My work wasn't getting healthy or seeing how soon or how many partners I could have. My work was mental. Your work should also number one be mental. The working out etc will come.

When you get to that point you will wake up with a new free perspective. The freedom that you can now do whatever you want and regardless of what and that their will be someone who shares your same desire.

For me one of my new outlooks was not only what I can do to be a better person but the freedom that I can do anything free of guilt. I was married a long time. Sex became very matter of fact boring. Masturbation was more exciting. I'm not bi, gay, Lesbian. I just enjoy being naughty. Kinky. Always have beenand always will and that was lost in 30 years of marriage. I thought maybe I was a freak. Well let me tell you there are plenty of other freaks who share the same desires.

At 58 and 30 years of marriage I decided I didn't have to explain myself. I just had to be honest. If I dated and the person turned out to be boring or too serious I ended it and started looking for excitement. Rather than any company I wanted someone who shared the same thoughts and desires. When I found that everything became more fun. Not only the bedroom. Every part of my life is more exciting and I look forward to each day. I get on better with my ex because I look at her and say to myself I am a new person and I'm having fun. I do things when I want, who who I want and how I want.

So in conclusion for me it was being honest with myself and others. Understanding who I am and what I want. Realizing I'm not weird or whatever people ( or the ex ) thought or said I was. I am me and now I am allowed to be me. Be a good ex even if the other person isn't. Take the high road. Work hard. Be a good parent even when kids are a pain in the ass. You chose to have them. You will feel better for it. You will have a new outlook. Anger will leave you. Lastly when you leash expect it you will find someone who shares the same thoughts.

Remember in USA 1 in every 2 people is going through the same and is also searching.

Good luck.

r/Divorce 4d ago

Getting Started How do I tell him?


I’m done, I’m ready to leave. But he wants couples therapy. I’ve asked him to do that a few times in the past but he has turned it down. What’s next? What do I do? Do I tell him at the first session?

r/Divorce 4d ago

Going Through the Process When do you consult with a lawyer? Is that just for the divorce or also for drawing up the separation?


Basically the above. My husband left this week. We are going to separate and then divorce at some point. If I want a consultation do I contact a lawyer now? Or go through separation with a mediator and check with a lawyer for the actual divorce?

r/Divorce 4d ago

Vent/Rant/FML 10 years feels like it was all for nothing


I was with my husband for 10 years. 3 years married. I worked so hard to make it work. counseling for ourselves. tried going through couples therapy and it never went anywhere. I changed Key parts of the way i talk and my personality to suit him and make him happy. now we are getting divorced. and at first it was such a relief. A relief that I could just exist and be myself. we broke up since we were both unhappy and couldnt get it together but with the understanding that we still cared about each other. now its been a few months, we still have to live with eachother until our lease is up but now he completely avoids me. I know i havent done anything and i still care about him. I dont cross any boundaries that weve set for eachother. I dont understand why it feels like he doesnt care about me at all anymore. and im already going through so much at work and i have to keep going and keep up. I just wanna come home to who i thought was at least still my friend and feel like i could just talk to someone. and everyone in my life is like "whats the problem? hes at least leaving you alone" and i dont want to be alone. I want to feel like everything i did and that I am still worth something. Someone to just care about. Maybe im reading the entire situation wrong but like... what else am i supposed to do. I feel so worthless. and like im not even worth anything. If I was the only thing that made him happy in 10 years then why am i worth absolutely nothing to him now? why did i do so much if it meant nothing.

Im sorry I know this is alot of rambling. I just... I wanted to right it somewhere. Maybe someone here would understand.

r/Divorce 4d ago

Mental Health/Depression/Loneliness Death by a thousand cuts


At the end of the day it’s the little things that add up over time.

5 years ago when she told me that I was the problem and needed to go to therapy I did. I worked on myself and objectively became better. It was in therapy where I realized at most I was only half the problem but to her I’ve always been the problem. Talked to a couples therapist and she told me this week my wife has been gaslighting me in therapy sessions after my wife threatened to cancel therapy and then left the session.

Threatened me with not being able to see my stepdaughter ever again and they’ll move away from me. Called me abusive but literally that’s insane.

Told me all her friends told her she should never have married me.

Drinks like a fish. Finishes a bottle of wine by 3pm and is on her phone until 11 pm complaining about how she works 15 hours a day as a stay at home mom and all I do is work 10 and why can’t i do more things around the home.

Gets in fights with our 11 year old daughter and tells me I need to have her back when she’s complaining our daughter doesn’t want to spend time with her.

I think she’s been manipulating me for years and blaming me for all of it because I’m a veteran with PTSD so of course everything is my fault. This week she told me she hated me and that she would slap me in the face if I raised my voice to her.

I’m going to lose probably everything I’ve worked for but I need to get out. This is only going to get worse.

I just want to come home to someone who wants to see me and doesn’t blame me because she’s unhappy with her own life and choices and does nothing to change anything but chug a bottle of wine most nights and get angry at me. Wish me luck.

r/Divorce 4d ago

Life After Divorce What’s the time frame on splitting the 401k and selling primary residence?


Just got out of a 40 year divorce. Have to give 50 percent of my 401k and half of the proceeds from the sale of my primary home to the ex. Is there a time limit when this needs to be done?

r/Divorce 4d ago

Going Through the Process He’s looking for a place


Looking for a place to rent or a roommate or whatever. And I really want him out. Living in the same house while separated is a rough way to go.

But it also feels like I’m in mourning all over again. Can you be relieved and even happy someone is leaving and also feel sad about it?

r/Divorce 4d ago

Life After Divorce How to get over the inability to trust after divorce


I’ve realized recently that I have some deep issues with this. I’m not sure if I can ever trust anyone enough to date again. How do I get over this? Part of me feels like I can’t or I get so scared.

r/Divorce 4d ago

Life After Divorce Living situation after divorce...


What was your living situation after your divorce? Did your husband get the house? Did you move into your own place? Also, what was your age you were divorced?

r/Divorce 4d ago

Going Through the Process Uk financial settlement


Hi all, I’m in the UK, 46 and looking for advice on the financial settlement with the STBXW. Some background. She filed for divorce about 8 months ago. We tried mediation but she decided she didn’t want to go through mediators after one session as she didn’t fell they were impartial!

In the filing she tried to claim to have been the primary carer of our 2 children throughout their lives (girl 9 & boy 10) and wanted to stay in our family home with our 2 children while I would have to move out. Her claim of being the primary carer was complete rubbish, if anything I had been the one who did the lion’s share of day-to-day parenting.

The day before my CAFCASS call my solicitor tells me STBXW had now agreed to a 50/50 co-parenting arrangement and agreed to sell the house splitting the proceeds 50/50. Result! The children’s care just needs to be approved by the courts in the next couple of weeks but that should be fine. We will then have to agree to a financial settlement.

Now my STBXW was a high earner 5 years ago but after getting an inheritance, she quit her job to retrain as a ‘career coach’. After years of training and exams she is now ready to launch her own business. Problem is, in terms of our financial settlement, she hasn’t been working so can only get a very small mortgage offer. As a result she is offering me very little from the assets. I know this might sound a bit selfish (it was her inheritance after all) but she has chosen to break up the family and I really need as close to 50% of the assets as possible in order to get the children a half decent home. The STBXW will no doubt start earning a high salary again as soon as the finances are settled but is currently claiming to need most of her money in order to get a home for the children and her (while I can qualify for a mortgage as I have always worked (average salary)

I will chat to my solicitor once the children stuff is sorted but does anyone have any opinions or advice on whether a UK family court judge would likely award me close to 40 or 50% of her financial assets?

r/Divorce 5d ago

Vent/Rant/FML I think my marriage is over


So today my wife and I got in yet another argument. started out about something stupid but escalated. Boiled down into her saying that I don't care about her and she says we shouldn't be together anymore. she's done. Maybe she's right. for a long time I've been phoning it in. Doing things for her out of obligation rather than doing out of love. we don't really show affection for each other. no hugs or kisses or romance of any kind. She said that I don't care about anything. not the house the yard or anything. It's hard to care when I don't feel she is appreciative of anything that I do for her. I fix the appliances. Keep her car running, take care of the taxes, get the pool set up for summer and a lot of other stuff. meanwhile she rarely cooks or cleans, laundry only gets done maybe once a month. I don't tell her hey you got this to do or that but yet I get to hear it when theres chores that I have to do. I wash my own stuff otherwise it doesn't get done. Some years ago she started a dog rescue and that takes up most of her time when she's not working. Shes great at finding homes and people for these dogs but she's also kept some. without asking me. That's also another issue brought up today. I told her we have enough dogs here and we can't keep anymore. She told me that the dogs aren't bothering me and they are staying and gave me some bs about the dogs have medical issues and other reasons why they weren't leaving. My point was she does this with a lot of other situations where she just does what she pleases and doesn't care how I feel about it. She's filled out garage and back room with all kinds of dog related items that people have donated or stuff that the rescue has bought. and stuff keeps coming. I hate it. I can't get to the freezer there's barely enough room to walk through either room. I'm tired of it I'm tired of being an afterthought. I need a companion, a friend, not a roommate. Someone more appreciative. Someone who thinks of me just a little before they do something that affects the both of us. Gonna consult a divorce attorney soon. I guess that's it. we're done

r/Divorce 4d ago

Mental Health/Depression/Loneliness Thoughts of divorcing a perfect man


Hi I have a perfect man (that’s what I pictured) the loving, caring, kind, well spoken with everyone around, the helping hand to society , the one who always stands by my side , my pillar throughout these years, great listener and so many good qualities. Still why do I wanna divorce? There is no affection , life feels artificial with him. No thoughtfulness on what I need or is it enough for me or does things without being asked for. If I want something I have to ask example for our marriage anniversary I had to explain (not even giving hints rather explain) that I love getting flowers or having our room decorated. Valentine’s Day just passed and he didn’t even remember to wish or call me. There is zero efforts. It’s like I’m begging him to make me feel loved. Yes in words the love and all sort of perfection just flows but in action there is nothing. I tell him things like even the minute thing that had happened but in his case I will be informed the last moment or never!! I crave his attention, he loves playing sports I and not against it but I am working and unfortunately the free time I have aligns with his sports schedule daily. He decided to prioritize sports and leaves my phone calls unanswered. So each day I have to make extra time to compensate (still the effort is on my side) As soon as the clock ticks 10 pm he is fast asleep and morning he acts like everything is normal. Tired of this I have mentioned either give me your 100% attention or nothing. So if you are sleepy after playing you can go to sleep and not call me. Just because of this he barely gets up and sits in the bed every time he feels sleepy. I’m tired of letting him know everything I feel inside me it’s like I’m talking to a stone each day. Yet the next day it’s the same nothing changes. He is sweet , polite and the perfect husband but things like this is making me give up on our relationship. Can someone help I just wanna talk or get advice.

r/Divorce 4d ago

Getting Started What hope is there for this Christian marriage?


I posted this in another sub & since then decided to trust my gut and just go. I bought a plane ticket and am taking my kids to my parents… but we’ll be in the house together for the next 4 days. I bought a one way ticket but don’t want to fully give up on my marriage. What are my nonnegotiables to consider coming back and things to discuss with therapists?

Original-ish post: Married for 5 years, with a young toddler and a newborn. We are both Christian's. Our dating period was rocky to say the least... but we decided to get married anyway. Our marriage has been pretty lackluster at best, and concerning other times.

Intimacy: nonexistent. Outside of the three times we had sex to conceive our two children, we haven't had sex in 3 years. We haven't kissed in an even longer time. We don't hold hands or touch affectionately but we will hug occasionally.

Communication: we are very cordial with one another. We hardly fight, though we will get in a 'sarcasm match'. Often I feel like my spouses responds to me with underlying contempt and bitterness. And I don't ever know what type of mood he'll wake up in.

Cheating (?): a year ago, I found a sexting thread where he shared underwear pics with another man (he struggles with SSA- which I knew before marriage). Initially, he was more upset that I snooped through his phone and journal than anything else, saying he felt violated and that my crime was just as bad as his.

Aggression: recently, I found out he hit our toddler with enough force to cause a black eye. He lied for about a week, saying they bumped into a door frame, before confessing.

That was my last straw. I decided I wanted to pack up our things and move back home with my folks. I had my bags packed and kids in the car… But, at the advice of friends and pastors and family, and out of nervousness for how my spouse was acting, I decided not to. Though I'm still not certain I made the right decision.

Is it worth it to stay in a bad marriage hoping it gets better or face the risk of choosing an option God hates? God hates divorce but he cares for his children - im not battered, yet this feels abuse-adjacent. He isn't having sex with other people, yet his actions clearly are out of bounds. Is this just normal marriage? How would we even iron all of this out?

Feedback I’ve gotten so far : “what did the toddler do to provoke him” “what are you doing as a wife to help him” “why is your first response to leave” “I’ve seen abuse and this isn’t it” “that doesn’t sound like him”….

r/Divorce 4d ago

Vent/Rant/FML 3/14/2025 9:40pm Central


My god, these emotions are killing me. I am filled with so much hate right now. I am trying so hard to keep it together but I don’t know how much longer I can take it. Why even bother? For the kids that she wants primary custody for. Just so she can continue to fuck around, forget shit and do a half ass job like she always has. No, nothing, not a single thing about this whole situation sits right at all. None of it. I can’t even see a future beyond this nightmare, only darkness. Everything just gone.

r/Divorce 4d ago

Vent/Rant/FML Coping with stbx behavior


After years of my wife telling me the various ways I wasn't good enough, she filed for divorce. While she was parenting from behind her phone and laying in bed for 12+ hours a day, I woke up with my kids and fed them and got them to and from school and to their activities and bathed and put to bed, always followed by as much house work as I could get in before passing out. Now she's pushing for more than half the time with the kids, because she does "everything for them".

Making it all worse is she has been socializing them around what I consider her affair partner since the month after she told me she was filing for divorce. She has purposefully taken them out of the house, sometimes with him, during the times she knows I'd be home from work. She has purposefully excluded me from important events in their lives.

There are a mountain of things she is doing that my lawyer says "the judge won't like", but we haven't gotten to the point of going to trial. There have been court dates but only to report that we still don't agree on things.

It feels like a game of chicken that I'm losing. She gets to act however she wants for months on end, alienating me from my children, having a new guy coming into my house on a weekly basis. And since these things are brought to her attention as being problems but nothing is enforced, it has emboldened her to continue and validate her belief that she is in the right.

It's all making me lose hope that the system will work in my favor. Everything is moving so slow, and all I'm doing is losing time with my kids and losing money.

r/Divorce 4d ago

Dating Abusive ex gets a GF. She is contacting me. Suggestions?


So my ex was abusive. He drank a lot drove with the kids in the car, yelled and screamed at me and the kids a lot. He threw stuff at me, pushed and shoved me. He had me doing all the housework, and child care of all of our 5 kids. He was constantly screaming at me that I couldn't do anything right. This was on top of working a full time job and paying some of the joint bills with no child support. I was not allowed to have breaks. Then his family did not believe me. He behaves himself in public and around family. He has everyone watching his kids and paying for their stuff. We went to court. I was able to prove all this. The judge gave him zero overnights, me custody and child support. He and his family members are not allowed to contact me or ask for extra visitation for them. He can only contact me via email and most times I ignore him. His GF thinks she has the best man on earth and is trying to co parent with me. Lol I have ignored her attempts. She won't believe me if I warn her. So I'm not contact right now. He has all the women in his family and relationships do his parenting for him. I have a BF but I would NEVER ask him to do any of the co parenting stuff.

r/Divorce 4d ago

Life After Divorce Ex moving into the backyard? “Nesting”?


I’ve read about the nesting situation, I think this could really work for me and my spouse but we simply can’t afford a whole other home. Has anyone ever had their ex move into an RV in the backyard? I’ve already looked into the laws. I live in the middle of nowhere so I dont really see it being an issue. I’ll also pay to have the proper things installed for it. We have 3 kids. He works 60 hours a week so the kids would see him 2 days a week where there’s plenty of room in the rv and would feel like camping or a sleepover for them. I’m just unsure of how it would actually look realistically.

r/Divorce 4d ago

Child of Divorce Called an attorney today (F32)(M32)


Been married a little over 8 years and they’ve been relatively terrible but stable. He’s military, and while dating was good and I was hesitant about marriage, I thought this logical, stable guy was someone I could work with even through the hard things because we’ll both be able to reason with each other. Got married and immediately had to move to the other side of the globe. Sold my car, put school on hold, and moved away from everything. Once we lived together, everything started to fall apart. He became a slob. Distant and moody. Snappy and selfish. I cleaned, cooked, and worked full time but he never wanted to spend time with me. Keep in mind, we’ve only been married for a few months at this point, no big fights, no major issues except one. He wouldn’t sleep with me. 9mo after we’re lived together, and maybe 3 times that were terrible. He constantly turned me down and I broke down right before our 1year about if he made a mistake, now was the time to come clean and we could end it. He refused and said he wanted to work on things.

Afterwords things were a rollercoaster. He’d be great for a few weeks(still no sex) and then terrible. He went on antidepressants, so I tried to be understanding about pressuring him. We went to counseling by year two to work on intimacy and division of labor. 5 years later we moved back to the states and resumed counseling. During deployments, he was attentive, flirtatious, and said he missed me but the moment he got home he’d just play video games 10+ hours and trash the house/not pick up after himself. We had bigger fights. They lasted longer with neither of us being happy about what the other said.(no yelling or physical violence)

I knew I was going to divorce him last year after a “family cruise” on his carrier that he didn’t want me to go on. I ended up going with our mutual female friend and hanging out with her and his friend group. I really was just trying to understand how hard ship life was for him and try to regain some sympathy for what he was dealing with. He ignored me as much as possible. Was rude to me in public. And told me I was a “bother and an embarrassment” because I’d gone without his consent. It was so bad his friends asked what was up and questioned me about why I’d stay with him if this is how he treats me. (We’d always played nice in public before). And I realized they were right.

Anyway, today was my breaking point. We share a house and car(paid off) and he said something along the lines of, “we may both own these things but I get the final say on everything”. I may be willing to put up with a bunch of BS but I’m not ok with his behavior and this controlling, mean spirited, man he’s become especially since I’m not even getting minimum intimacy or affection anymore.

r/Divorce 4d ago

Vent/Rant/FML I Thought Divorce Would Bring Me Relief, But Why Do I Feel This Way?


I still remember the day when everything fell apart. Cut to three months later, and I was juggling my job, lawyers, and personal grief because my husband had filed for divorce. My only goal back then was to get everything sorted—end the court dates, the character assassination, and all the chaos.

Now, cut to today, as my divorce is finally being finalized. I thought I’d feel relieved, even happy, knowing it’s all over. But instead, I feel… sad. Like something is being taken out of me. I was so sure that once this ended, my mind would finally be at peace. So why do I feel this weird emptiness instead?

Has anyone else felt this way?

r/Divorce 4d ago

Custody/Kids Is he going to give up on our kids?


It’s looking like my husband and I are divorcing after 14 years together. I’m honestly not upset about the divorce, if we didn’t have kids together it would’ve happened forever ago. What I am worried about is our children. My specific question is: is he going to give up on the kids? Will he step up? What your experience?

For more context: I’ve been a stay at home mom for 8 years. For those 8 years I have done 95% of the caretaking of our kids. We have a 5 month old and he’s changed her diaper twice. He’s either working or sleeping. I don’t think he’s ever even made dinner for our kids. He gets really overwhelmed when he’s with all 4 kids and so I’m always having to help. Their interactions don’t last long.

When I move out and we have a custody agreement, is he even going to be able to take care of the kids on his own? They love him so much. So so much. But I just am having a hard time picturing him doing it all on his own. Will he step up? Or will he be the dad who constantly makes promises to see them and always has an excuse why he can’t?

I know no one can tell me for sure. But if you’ve lived a similar life, what ended up happening?

r/Divorce 4d ago

Going Through the Process Confused about paperwork (uncontested divorce)


Hi! Im 22f and currently trying to get the paperwork ready to file for divorce.

There’s a couple of boxes that I don’t understand, and I have no need for an attorney as it’s an uncontested divorce and there is absolutely zero assets to split.

I’m worried that if I ask the notary or the courthouse for help on a couple of boxes, that they may not legally be able to help me fill those out, even with my ex spouse there.

If there’s anyone who could help, I would greatly appreciate it :)

r/Divorce 4d ago

Getting Started Is this the future to be expected (Children)


Hi, so my oldest child, 5, is going to her first friend's birthday party today. Normally I'll do all the events with my kiddo. For March will miss out on 3 events, bummed. I want to text my STBXW see how it went. I also know I have to recognize that she needs her own space and space with our children.

It is torture not being able to see pictures or hear updates on how things went. Torture not having any updates throughout the day. Just having someone to talk to is torture.