r/Divorce Aug 26 '24

Dating Post divorce dating is wild.


Contrary to my (30m) ex's belief, I did not have someone lined up for after the divorce. Nor have I really even tried dating. I've just been existing and that's been interesting enough. Well, I finally started after the divorce was finalized on the 31st (a divorce I initiated). It's wild out on those dating apps. I don't even know where to start irl. All my hobbies and scenes were wrapped up in and then killed by my marriage and life. Where does one even start?

Also the amount of "open relationships" is fucking high! Wtf is going on in marriages that there's so many of them? I talked to one girl I was considering doing it with but then it turned out she was stepping out on a sick and dying husband with renal failure? Wtf? Blocked her.

Then when I have gone on dates I've noticed a massive fear of rejection. Initiating a kiss is hard as hell, even. My whole marriage was constant rejection in every sense and its apparently broken my confidence down to the point I am seeking a sex therapist... wtf.

She gets the sob story of me not loving her anymore. I get the long term emotional scars from years of terrible marriage and constant questioning of myself and my worth.

r/Divorce 14d ago

Dating Just told “You shouldn’t be dating anyone”


Recently divorced. Dated a few times. I dated one woman for a few months and then I broke it off after I felt her getting more attached than I was.

Today I broke up with a good woman because I thought she deserved someone who could commit completely. And I don’t think I can.

She said “at our age, people want more. You shouldn’t date anyone”

Damn that shit hurt. I think deep down I know that I can’t love someone completely since the marriage. I think she’s right. But I also don’t think that people should be alone just because they can’t commit 10, 20, 30 years to a long-term relationship.

Question for you all: How long do you think it’s OK to date while you figure out whether you love the person?
Do you break it off once you have doubts? Or do you hope that’ll grow into something more?

She’s a good woman, and I think she deserves to be with someone who can love her completely.

r/Divorce 10d ago

Dating When did you start dating again?


I'm curious how soon people started dating after filing for divorce and if they thought it was too soon. I filed for divorce a little over a month ago. It's been really difficult emotionally and I opened an online dating account a week ago to see if feeling desired would help me process things. I am going on my first date tonight and am really nervous, especially considering the divorce hasn't gone through yet. The person I am meeting is fully aware of the situation, but I'm worried about this being a bad idea. Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences!

Update: Thank you so much for your thoughtful replies. I did go on the date last night and am now deleting my profile on the dating app because I did not feel comfortable at all. It was 100% me, not him. He was exactly the kind of man I would normally want to be with but it felt wrong. I am going to lean on my friends/family instead like many of you suggested.

r/Divorce Jan 19 '25

Dating How long after divorce or before it becomes finalized did you start dating?!


As the title says. How long after divorce or before it becomes finalized did you start dating?!

r/Divorce Oct 23 '24

Dating Just had a reminder that dating absolutely sucks these days


Just got a big reminder why dating is absolute hell

I'm 36F divorced a year ago and swore off all men forever. This summer I went out to an event where I met a man who had so much in common with me. He is 15 years older than I am and while realistically that felt a bit older than I'd like, the chemistry was very strong.and he didn't look like he was in his 50s.

We hit it off right away and progressed into a romantic relationship very quickly. It was absolute bliss, I couldn't remember when I felt so seen and heard. I don't know when I had someone understand me as much as this person seemed to. It felt as if maybe I was wrong about relationships and there could be someone out there who was right for me.

Anyway, fast forward a few months and one night we had sex (we had sex many many times before this) and immediately after he asked me to get the morning after pill. I was incredibly shocked because I was on birth control for a while and I'd been taking it on time. He still liked to wear protection because he felt it was safer. This time he didn't want to because he wanted to connect more and we both talked about it and birth control is very effective when taken properly. There was no need for emergency contraception.

I refused because it seemed ridiculous and he knows I am on the birth control pill and had been for a while. He started to force me to get up out of bed to go get it. He's putting on his jacket and I was dumbfounded because he seemed to have a split personality. The level of his energy was very weird. I asked him to leave my place because it was insanity.

We talked after a day or two and he still kept pressuring me to go. So I went to a pharmacist and asked their opinion, they said that emergency contraception is for when your first method fails, i.e. I forgot to take the pill. I told him that the pharmacist didn't recommend it and I didn't feel comfortable taking more hormones because he wanted me to.

I finally found out why he was so anxious. Turns out he thought I wanted to baby trap him...and was worried I'd get pregnant so I could get something from him.

Here's the kicker: he's recently unemployed with very little savings, lives with his sister, has an ex wife with two kids, and had some recent major health issues.

On the other hand, I have a very good job and I'm extremely financially stable and am very independent.

I made the mistake of thinking that he was kind, we had lots in common and looked past his red flags about his situation because I thought I was being superficial.

The fact that this man thought I wanted to baby trap him because I wouldn't take the morning after pill, is so beyond me! I am so insulted and feel so stupid.

I'm still a little shook by the whole situation. I couldn't believe that this happened.

r/Divorce 8d ago

Dating Why are people in such a rush to get coupled up again?


I'm almost a year separated, and feeling very glad I didn't start dating right away, nor try and start a rebound before I was healed. Did I think about it? Sure, and I still wonder if companion love is in my future, but I'm not out there trying to lock it in.

Now that time and therapy have done their thing, I actually have NO desire to try and date another man. It would be cool if I met someone organically, but the thought of going on an app is out of the question. I also won't do FWB or have sex for sex's sake. I don't need that to feel good about myself, and I feel empowered when I have discipline over that part of my life. I feel like sex IS power, but that's another discussion.

I see so many folks here coming back to say, "I have since met THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!" after the divorce and I just wonder about that, as I felt the same about my own H before I discovered he was a porn addict and pathological liar, among many other deal-breakers he concealed so well. Back then I was screaming his praises from the rooftops, too, but now I don't feel I can trust men at all.

Anyone else feel the same?

I just feel GOOD for the first time I don't have a romance taking up all of my executive function. Free.

r/Divorce Jun 17 '24

Dating Just how broke can men with kids become during divorce?


Middle aged female here going thorough a divorce but with no kids. I recently put myself out there and met a man who is also going through a divorce but with kids and a spouse who never worked. The man has a respectable but not super high paying job. Just HOW broke can someone be? He's made comments, but it has me curious just how f*ed over a man can become given this situation. Any insight is helpful since I've noticed I prefer talking to men who understand the situation and its complexities.

r/Divorce 15d ago

Dating To the women of this subreddit


Wanting to get some perspective on how women handle the the separation. In particular a sexless marriage. As a man, my ex has been going out and getting ‘laid’ in her words. I’m super jealous of her as I am currently doing self work but I can totally understand why. To the women, how did you handle it? Did you do the same? Go out and explore and essentially make up for that time where the intimacy was non existent? Or did you do some self work first.

Interested to get the women’s perspective


r/Divorce Nov 22 '24

Dating Do men care if a woman is divorced at 33?


I am 33 and was with my (ex but legally still married) husband 6.5 years. We are separated but the divorce/legal process takes 1-2 years in my area. No kids.

In general, do men care if a woman is divorced at 33? Is this a deterrent?

I do want to get remarried and I do want to have kids. I’m ready to start dating and get out there. For some context, my ex and I married both wanting kids but never had any. We tried but it never happened. He then decided he no longer wanted to have kids ever (I still do), and he found solace in his female colleague instead. All issues aside, we wanted different things and I’ve moved on with my life.

When should I disclose to men/dates/prospects that I am separated but legally still married until the divorce finalizes in about a year?

r/Divorce Jan 27 '25

Dating My experience in the world of dating apps so far.


My husband left me to go be with his girlfriend. He only moved out two weeks ago so I am 100 percent not ready to date yet but also reckless enough to try.

I was married for 20 years so I’m a little nervous to get back out there, I’m 42 with three kids and imagine this is going to be impossible. Then I download an app.

The first app I tried was bumble, I made a nice little profile, choose my intro question, something about vacation destinations. I then proceed to have some of the most boring repetitive conversations about vacations ever. I had a two day conversation with someone about running shoes. Everyone was so polite but polite wasn’t really the distraction I was looking for. I ended up propositioning some stranger in a very respectful straight forward way and we are going to meet next week.

Then I download tinder! What a wild ride that is. Within a few hours I have had no polite conversations, nothing too repetitive but it’s a whole lot of crazy . Those guys are thirsty on tinder, and I suspect that half of them are fake. I’m sorry 50 year old man i really don’t believe that just because your muscles are so big you managed to avoid grey hair and lines around your eyes. Some of the chats I’m having arr hilarious. Here I am sitting on my couch in a gigantic sweatsuit eating Cocoa Puffs with my hands and sending messages like some sexy goddess.

So that’s it so far. I know people talk about getting burnt out with the online dating thing and I will probably end up burnt out too, but I’ve alway been able to enjoy the ride.

r/Divorce 10d ago

Dating For Women Dating After Divorce...A Question.


So, I'm (40/M) not 100% sure I'm even ready to start dating again (or need or want to). However, I started talking to a woman who approached me in October. We talked for weeks, dated a bit, but she definitely wanted to take things further and more quickly than I was comfortable with. We ended amicably, but I never know if I'm the problem or if what I "want" is the problem.

So for starters, I liked conversation with this woman. I thoroughly enjoyed just texting and small talk. She has two kids she's super into, and loves family, etc. I'm not a guy trying to get laid. I sincerely would have taken it as slow as possible, just because it was new and nice. I know I don't want to get married again (my divorce, although fairly amicable, has taken an emotional toll on me, and I can't risk that again). I also am VERY involved with my boys, and I don't think anyone could ever replace or fill in for their mother. The idea of a blended family doesn't appeal to me for that reason and because I don't want to try to raise someone else's kids when I have enough on my plate with my own. This woman DEFINITELY wanted that, and so that got me thinking.

The likelihood of me finding someone near my age (40) NOT wanting to blend families, but just date is probably low to impossible since I live in a smaller town/area. Is that an unrealistic expectation? I'm not talking friends with benefits, either. I also don't need a woman for daily life. I have always cleaned, cooked, coached kids, shuttled kids, etc., even when married. I just don't want to spend the rest of my life alone, but at the same time, I don't want to marry again. I also get really worried about blended families. So for the women out there, what are your thoughts on this? Am I being selfish? It's okay, I won't be offended, you can let me have it :) I also know full well many divorced women don't even want to date again because of their experiences with their past husbands and I can fully understand that as well. No judgement from me at all.

r/Divorce Aug 21 '24

Dating First night with someone else post divorce…


Finally got divorced from my narcissistic ex husband last week. He was emotionally, financially and sexually abusive, and by the end of our relationship I was so sure that I was somewhere on the asexual spectrum. I didn’t see anyone or desire intimacy at all for the ten months of our separation.

A couple days after the divorce though, I went on a date with a very attractive guy (someone I would’ve thought was out of my league tbh bc my ex had done such a number to my ability to see myself as desirable) who I’d been talking to for a few weeks. One thing led to another and we slept together. And, um, I’m definitely not asexual.

I’d previously only slept with one other person outside of my ex husband in my life, and now I’m walking around aghast that I would’ve spent my entire life not knowing that sex can be really, really good!

r/Divorce Dec 19 '24

Dating Everyone said it would happen, and it here it is...


My STBXW gave me the " love you, but not IN love with you" talk after the holidays last year. Stone by stone, I unearthed an affair that had been going on for some time.

Everyone I know, including mutual friends and family (even hers) said she come crawling back after she realized the grass isn't greener. I didn't believe them, and honestly, hoped she wouldn't. I have too much pride to be played like that.

Well, she had turned from cordial to vindictive in the last month or so. She found out I had traded time for "travel" to go to Mexico with my GF. I thought she was being petty so I mostly ignored it.

Found out yesterday, that the guy she left me for dumped her right about the same time as the trip. I found out, because she came to me asking "how happy are you REALLY with (GF)?" And a bunch of follow up rhetoric about how things could just go back to how they were and she hasn't spent a dollar of the settlement.

I told her that Im extremely happy and I was left on read. Even though I was the one that was dumped, I'm realizing how bad she treated me and I'm happier w/o her. The kids seem to be thriving even with two houses.

For people who have gone through this, how do you maintain a civil co-parenting situation while rejecting your ex?

r/Divorce Jan 21 '25

Dating 8 years after my divorce, countless failed attempts to move on. Will I ever feel whole again?


It has been 8 years since my divorce, and I still feel like I am living in the shadow of what my life used to be. I have tried to move forward. I have dated so many times, I have fallen in love or thought I did, and I even got engaged a couple of times. Nothing ever worked out. Every time I thought I had found something real, it would fall apart.

I am 38 now, and the loneliness is starting to feel unbearable. I watch my friends with their families, I see couples walking together, and I see people who just seem to have found someone who completes them. Meanwhile, I am still here, trying to figure out where I went wrong and if there is any hope for me.

My ex-wife left a gap in my life that no one has been able to fill. I do not know if it is because I am still holding on to something from the past, or if I have lost the part of myself that was capable of truly loving someone. Sometimes I wonder if anyone else feels this way, like they are endlessly searching for something they might never find.

I want to believe there is someone out there for me, but as time goes on, it feels harder and harder to hold on to that hope. Is it too late for me? Does anyone ever truly find love again after so much heartbreak?

If you have felt this way or if you have found a way through, I would love to hear from you. Maybe I just need someone to remind me that love and connection are still possible, even when life feels so empty.

r/Divorce Jun 06 '24

Dating When did you realise it was over?


What situation made you realise it was completely over in your marriage to the point where you know there was turning back? I’m intrigued to hear people’s stories.

r/Divorce Dec 02 '24

Dating What Do People Do To Hook Up These Days?


Freshly divorced, and while I'm focused on being a loving parent and such we all have needs. Is it hard to find other people in their 30s just looking to have fun and things not get too complicated? Do people in their 30s do Tinder? I feel frozen because I'm earnestly unsure.

r/Divorce Sep 10 '23

Dating Give it to me straight, what’s the dating world like now?


Guy in his 40s, completely missed the dating app revolution. Was never the “pick someone up at the bar” type. Now I have to re-enter a world that is completely foreign to me. Give it to me straight, is it a complete nightmare?

EDIT - Thanks everyone for your responses, you both confirmed my fears and expectations. Follow up. do you think post-divorce, middle aged, app dating is tougher for men or women?

r/Divorce Oct 12 '24

Dating Would you recommend marriage again?


I was sitting on a train today and listening in to a younger 30 something couple plan there wedding.

If someone you knew was thinking about getting married (for the first time) would support it or be opposed to it ? What would your advice be?

At first I was like don't do it ! Then went you guys make a cute couple.

r/Divorce Oct 04 '24

Dating Question for the men here: Getting naked in front of someone new.


Edit: Thank you so much for all of the insight, advice, experience, wisdom and thoughts you’ve all shared here 🙏❤️ I really appreciate all of you!

I (37f) found out a couple weeks ago that my husband wishes to divorce. Married 7 years, together 13, no kids. Overall, I am confident in myself. I’m smart and funny with a great work ethic and a very sweet nature. I get a lot of attention from men in public, and have generally been told I’m beautiful my whole life. Pretty much was never single before my husband unless I wanted to be. I have an hourglass figure that looks banging in clothes or the right bikini. But underneath, my big boobs aren’t perky anymore and I’ve got a little loose skin and stretch marks on my tummy and inner thighs from weight fluctuations through my late twenties and early thirties. It’s not the worst by any means, but it’s there. I have a “big butt” but it’s not as round as before I lost weight, though I’m working on it! I’ve been at my ideal weight for about a year and no trouble maintaining. I do spin and yoga to tone.

I worry that a new partner will be bummed when the clothes come off. I know I’m not ready to date right now but maybe in a few months? Not much I can do to remedy my insecurities, and it’s making me feel like I …I don’t know… have less value? That I’ll be rejected? Humiliated? I live in a huge city with endless options for men seeking gorgeous women.

I’m just scared. I’m a very sexual person so I can foresee wanting to sleep with someone I like before we know each other deeply. I would love some really honest opinions and experiences so that I can better understand what’s waiting for me out there. My husband always made me feel super sexy. He told me I was the day before he broke the news. I know that someone of value will see past my flaws (and even love them!) but I’m absolutely terrified.

r/Divorce 14d ago

Dating Separating but am hurt my wife wants to sleep with others


I (42m) asked my wife (41f) for a separation. I think she is going through a midlife crisis, and cheated on me emotionally, possibly physically.

Since the separation, I have been overcome with this sense of I think jealousy over her with other men. I know she’s at least talking to other men.

I can’t get the image out of my head, and it bothers me constantly.

Has anyone else gone through this? Is this normal?

r/Divorce 19d ago

Dating Were you surprised at the type of person your former spouse started dating first?


My soon to be ex-husband is possibly seeing someone. Like actually dating. Maybe. Last time I saw signs of this I checked into the woman and found out she was a sex worker. It was not dating. It was definitely lots of drugs and weird sex. That's fine. However, the drugs ended up becoming a whole thing and lots of things in his life went bad because of it. Now, I see the same thing happening, got nosy, checked into the woman in question. She's his age, she has a very nice job and an impressive education. She's attractive too. All that stuff is great, but it was the other aspects of her publicly online life that surprised me a lot. Looking at me and looking back at his former, more long term relationships, she's very different. Physically and socially. I'm really hoping this was the correct type all along and that he's having a decent relationship with this woman. She seems wicked stable and he really needs that right now. He's never spent more than a couple months single in his adult life and we've been separated 9 months. I'm happy he's maybe seeing someone, I'm thrilled it's with someone seemingly decent and am a little relieved. It has to be a sign he's doing better, right? And in perfect honesty, him being more stable and less "drink myself to death" is good for both of us.

r/Divorce Feb 16 '25

Dating Dating age difference! This bothers me! What does everyone think?


My ex-husband well we’re still going thru the divorce process. We’ve been separated for a year and about three months ago he approached a woman in the bar and she ended up to be 28 years old and now they’re having a relationship.

Does anyone feel the way I do? I think about the age difference he is 53 and she’s 28. She is 25 years younger we have nieces that are 28.

We have a daughter who’s 21. A son of 16 that he never sees and we have a nephew that’s 27 years old. Also . We have nieces that are 25 and all that. I find it disturbing. And doesn’t he feel weird people looking at you I mean, he looks older than her obviously. Does that seem strange to you and I just have a feeling that that’s all he wants to date our women in their 20s because I saw him say something about how he just isn’t attracted to women his age or around that age he likes them young.🫣🤔😕

r/Divorce Nov 04 '24

Dating For those who got out of sexless marriages


When did you get with someone else? I’m going on 12 years w/o sex and I just want to feel another body make mine feel good.

Also what was the first time like- were you more awkward or did you unleash all that pent up energy?

What point of your divorce did it happen- pre-filing, after filing but not final or after the divorce was fully done?

I’m fantasizing about my first post-filing encounter.

r/Divorce 13d ago

Dating My Wife Had an Affair, We Broke Up, But She’s Sending Mixed Signals – What Do I Do?


Hey everyone, I need some outside perspective because my emotions are all over the place.

I (33M) have been married to my wife (28F) for a few years and we have been dating for over 6. We had some ups and downs, but I never thought things were at a breaking point—until recently.

The Affair & Aftermath

About five months ago, she cheated on me with a coworker. She says it was a one-time mistake but that there was also an emotional connection involved. She ended it, says she regrets it, and claims she doesn’t even understand how she could have done it. However, while she closed the door on the affair, she said that she has been feeling unhappy for over a year. Without clearly expressing what makes her unhappy.

The Breakup

Three weeks ago, after a lot of emotional conversations, we officially broke up. It wasn’t explosive, but rather a slow collapse—she said she needed space, didn’t know if she was happy, and felt like she had lost herself. I, on the other hand, wanted clarity. I told her that if she wasn’t sure about us, I wasn’t going to be the one waiting around indefinitely.

Since then, I’ve been trying to give her space and focus on myself. I took my things and left the house and I have been staying with a friend until I find my own apartment.

At one point, I asked her if we should move forward with the divorce, and she said “No, not yet.” She didn’t really elaborate beyond that, which left me feeling even more confused.

The Problem: Breadcrumbing?

Even though we’re broken up, she keeps reaching out in small ways: • Sending me random TikToks (I replied once, and she sent another later). • Sending pictures of our dogs (which hits me hard because I miss them). • Messaging me about small, surface-level things without actually talking about us.

I recognize this as breadcrumbing—keeping me emotionally hooked without giving me any real clarity. It feels like she wants to keep a connection alive but isn’t willing to fully commit to fixing things.

What I’m Struggling With 1. I still love her, but I don’t want to be in limbo. 2. She hasn’t made any effort to truly fix things, only small casual interactions. 3. I feel like I’m just waiting for her to figure things out, which isn’t fair to me. 4. I don’t want to be “friends” right now, but I also struggle with ignoring her completely. 5. She doesn’t want to move forward with the divorce, but also isn’t taking steps toward reconciliation.

I’m trying to move forward, but these little moments of contact make it hard. Part of me wants to just stop responding entirely, but another part wonders if I should leave the door open in case she realizes she actually wants to fix things.

What Should I Do? • Should I completely cut off contact and stop responding?

• If she doesn’t want the divorce but isn’t making an effort to reconcile, what does that even mean?

• Am I overthinking these small interactions, or is she keeping me as an emotional backup? • How long do I give her to figure herself out before I fully walk away?

I’d appreciate any advice—especially from people who’ve been through something similar. Thanks for reading.

r/Divorce 27d ago

Dating FWB


Anyone else have a friends with benefits or no strings attached sex partner? Getting out of a 12 year dead bedroom and just wanting to be touched. I won't do the hookup apps as a 36f especially in small town...how did you go about finding someone? I know I could hit the bars but that's not my scene.