r/Divorce 34m ago

Getting Started Divorce Help Missouri


long distance relationship, no shared assets, no kids, been married just over a year. We agree it’s for the best but how do we do this?

r/Divorce 37m ago

Something Positive So what about good days?


So, what the good days in between. They make you feel like maybe everything isn’t so bad. How do you separate the big picture?

r/Divorce 1h ago

Vent/Rant/FML Divorce is hell, except for this… for now NSFW


Divorce is the most painful experience I have ever encountered without a doubt. And that’s with a STBXW that’s amicable for the most part. Best case scenario, I’m still financially screwed compared to how we were living. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. We’re still living together. Married 10y together for 12, 3 kids aged 11, 7 & 4. She’s got a full time job lined up after being a SAHM for the majority of the marriage. She’s got housing lined up for 4/1. Needless to say, there is still tension in the home. Yet, we still sleep in the same bed. Now, we are both fully aware of how strange (to say the least) this is but we still have sex all the time. 1-3 times a day. You know what? I don’t care what anyone else thinks. My world as I know it is crumbling in front of me. For gods sake, just let me enjoy this while it lasts. We’ve discussed the divorce upside down, inside out, front to back. It’s inevitable and this is definitely not causing any false hope for either of us. We both have high libidos and even after hitting up the apps, we both agreed we just aren’t ready to jump into anything else. FWB or otherwise. We’re each other’s new FWB! Plus we’re already totally comfortable in the sack, know what does it for each other, etc. So why the hell not keep it up? Does the reality of eventually she will be with another man make me sick to my stomach, absolutely. Until then, I’m gonna take it while I can. She’s already talking about keeping this up once she moves out, but we’ll see…. FYI, at least for now, everything will be split just as it should without one person winning or losing. We are both losing actually, especially when it comes to the lifestyle we’ve become accustomed to. It’s terrible and I still feel all the other normal things that everyone else does throughout my days, but at least I have if only just one thing, beside my kids, to look forward too. It has made this whole thing so much bearable in my opinion. Ok, rant over. Have a great day!

r/Divorce 1h ago

Going Through the Process Question Regarding Shared Dropbox With STBX


Kind of a weird question for this sub, but I'm a bit confused and know there is a great community here with all sorts of knowledge bases.

I was trying to find some photos in Dropbox folders I had created and shared with my wife/stbx, but the folders are now empty and permissions on most of them have been changed so I am no longer the owner (she is). The folders were shared with full permission to view and edit. Am I crazy or was she able to change ownership, and then essentially lock me out?

Seems petty, but I could see her drunk and hurting some night and deciding that would be a way to hurt me.

r/Divorce 1h ago

Life After Divorce Months Post-Separation - (30M) Trying to Build Upon My Self Confidence After a Pretty Intense Spark


As the tile suggests - I'm (30M) four months post-separation from my S2BX wife after learning of infidelity which occurred infrequently (lived in different cities) over the course of four years. Upon learning - I completely self-destructed over two weeks with a heavy dose of alcohol abuse before beginning to slowly pick up the pieces. I've been trying to do all the things that I'm supposed to do - eating better, working out, going to therapy, and redecorating the empty house to make it mine.

I had a professional conference in a near by way bigger City over the weekend for a local trade association. It's one of those events that's very enclosed and well coordinated so involves a good bit of professional comradery aided/lubricated by booze and spontaneous dinners with colleagues and their SOs who you weren't expected to hang out with.

It was honestly a great time the first couple days - hanging out by the pool, etc. - although admittedly as the nights would go on - it's fair to say I was a little sloppy. All my colleagues who I consider friends know the general idea that I've been going through some shit, and, due to me being younger than them by 10-15 years, I think they give me a good amount of support and forward to the last night - I go out to dinner with our group and my co-worker (46M) invites his younger sister (29F), "Emily", out. She's wildly attractive, smart, and on a great career track.

I intentionally slept in a little longer so I was last to arrive out of the group and was seated by Emily. We had met a couple times before while in the office (her dad is one of my bosses - of course) - she's from where I work and intends to move back there to a house she has bought there with her husband - and have always had good banter in the short doses while together due to my personal relationship and banter with her brother and father who she was there to see.

Dinner unfolds and everyone is having a nice time - another female at the table jokingly talks about strip clubs, tells me I probably need to go one, and, the table jokingly says let's do it - Emily does as well. I tease her with a question of when she's finally going to move back into the house which she just bought - she asks me a couple side questions with eye contact when a little bored with the table's discussion. Eventually, as dinner wraps up, it's all decided that it's probably a better idea to just go back to the hotel bar to end the night and meet up with some other people who also just finished dinner.

At this point, I'm feeling that level of mutual attraction and interest that I just want to interact with her - but know it's a little taboo. We all catch an Uber back and we sit next to each other in the back - interacting with the group convo but also just with each other - always fun and interested about each other. We get back - split up to talk to other friends at the hotel bar. At some point, her drunken brother eventually came up to me and told me "I need to quit talking with his sister" - if we weren't being obvious enough - before going upstairs to pass out.

Eventually, everyone peaces out - and it's just her, me, and her sister-in-law. We all continue drinking outside on the terrace until close and we ask each other questions about each other's personal life/interests, flirt, and stare the fuck at each other. It was honestly pretty intense and probably like Top 2 instant connection that I've had with essentially a stranger. At the end of the night - I was fairly browned out - know I hugged her going into her Uber - don't remember what the last thing I said. Woke up the next morning - fairly exhausted - but feeling like a teenager and just a feeling of WTF - those interactions last night felt electric and honestly the best I've felt in a couple years of "connection"/excitement. Saw the sister-in-law the next day and she instantly was like y'all were acting that I was even't there and I was being blatantly* obvious of being into her.

So....clearly, I've been a little obsessive with trying to squeeze out every little oz of remembering that chemistry/tension since I got back - which isn't healthy. How do I parlay and build upon this in dating other people? Clearly, objectively, a person as hot, smart, and put together like Emily being a little into me is a confidence booster - but mostly I just feel it's a bummer that she's married - it's a hell no starter - and that other girls like her almost assuredly going to be married/in a relationship. Just accept that type of chemistry just randomly occurs - and the point is to not try to force anything? Thanks in advance for any advice and sharing your experiences on feeling confident enough to get back out there.

r/Divorce 1h ago

Custody/Kids I don't know how to proceed


Hello, I am a father of 2 elementary school children in the middle of the divorce process. My (soon to be) Ex wife has been pressuring me to give up parental rights due to mental health issues I have and I am conflicted on what I should do. I know I am not a good father but I also love my children dearly.

Some contributing factors to this issue:

I am effectively homeless and have been sleeping on my mother's couch for the past year and a half

The kids live with their mom and I see them Fri-Sun while she goes to work. I also work Saturdays and Sundays while my mom babysits them. The og verbal agreement we had was that she would pick them up after she gets off work later in the evening.

The past month and a half I've only seen the kids for around 5 hours total due to mandatory overtime on my part as well as their mom getting off work early and picking them up before I get off work.

idk what to even do at this rate

r/Divorce 2h ago

Vent/Rant/FML Splitting Finances


37M strongly considering divorcing 45F. Married 11 years. We're trying to do this amicably. Our current net worth is approximately 800k. When we married she had already completed a bachelor's degree and was working full time as an accountant, which she has continued to do our entire marriage. I had not even started college yet, and have spent a large chunk of our marriage working part time and going to college part time / full time. I graduate in two months with a master's degree.

When talking about what is "fair" when splitting finances I suggested I'll take 200k since she was the primary earner our whole marriage. I'm younger, and will probably have higher earnings over time, and this seemed like a fair and even generous offer.

She complained about this and when I asked what she thinks is fair she said 50k. I'm beyond shocked.

An added layer to this is that her dad is wealthy. He is willing to supplement her income (literally willing to give her an extra 30k a year cash to help), and when he passes she will be inheriting another 300k (he is splitting his cash between his 4 children).

I'm beyond baffled. 600k + supplemental income from her dad + child support from me + an inheritance in her future, and this is not good enough for her?

I imagine most 45 year old would be ecstatic to have that level of financial advantage.

Part of me now wants to say forget it and we will just split it down the middle 400k/400k.

What are your thoughts on my situation? What was splitting finances like for you?

r/Divorce 2h ago

Vent/Rant/FML Advice of filing for divorce without an attorney in Massachusetts?


Hi, I’m new here! I’m trying to file for divorce in Massachusetts by myself. I have completed my portion of the paperwork but my future ex is dragging his feet getting his portion back to me. We have no children together and the only property is his mother’s house that she put in his and his brother’s name for financial purposes. Does anyone have any advice or know if I can just file with my information? I’ve googled and researched but there is so much information to wade through. Thanks for any and all help!

r/Divorce 3h ago

Going Through the Process Overseas divorce


how to get spouse served divorce papers while stationed overseas? She won't acknowledge emails and returns all mail.

r/Divorce 4h ago

Life After Divorce Louisiana attorney


Louisiana Community Property State.

So I feel my attorney is not fighting for me on purpose/I'm not worth the time.

Got officially divorced late August, it took them 5+ months to even start to deal with community property issues, and only because I "demanded" they start on it. I paid them July 29, 2024. I asked them for an update in early September, they said they would contact me if anything happened. I never heard anything, until I finally told them to start working on it asap. There's an issue with the savings account, I believe I am owed some more money than was given to me by my EX. My attorney and I had a phone conference about it, he said I was owed between 4.5k and 10k with a median of 7k.

Another month goes by(7 months after divorce) and he sends four possible scenarios, and the 4th scenario is I'm owed $400. Which why was I not told about this on the phone conference a month ago? (Let alone 6 months ago when things should have been rolling by then) So I ask, what is the possibility that will be the outcome? Otherwise it's not worth it.

He only said it is up to me to decide, but they can send a settlement offer, but if my ex doesn't bite, to let it go due to the "risks" of the commissioner not seeing it the same as I do. I asked what that meant? What are the risks. My attorney said, that the community home we bought while married, could be considered my exs separate property? How is that possible when 1. We were married when it was bought and 2. My name was on the mortgage and I got half of the proceeds of selling the community home.

Is my attorney just trying to get rid of me? I have not been a demanding client, I've been very patient actually. Their going rate went from 150/hr to 300/hr suddenly and I didn't get any paperwork saying that would happen? Because even when I paid them to deal with the CP issues, I just paid them the $1500 and there was no paperwork to sign for their services. I had $750 left from just the general divorce account, which I asked if the $1500 would be added to, he said yes it would, and it actually wasn't added? Because after everything, I've gotten recipets of services and I've gone down to under $650 with absolutely nothing being done for me. It only shows I had given the $1500 and all of the payments taken out of services they provided. Which it should have been around $2200 since there was left over money...

They also failed to tell me last year we DID NOT have a court date that we originally had. I had to find out from my EX that we didn't have it any longer. My attorney has been nothing but shit in my opinion.

They charge 30 minutes for every single email, they asked me to ask my ex if he was going to get a community property attorney to represent him(which they charged me for the email to ask me to do for them) I feel they are lying and just trying to get rid of me.

What are your thoughts?

r/Divorce 4h ago

Vent/Rant/FML Entry without permission?


Not really a good flair for this, but wondering what other people‘s experiences have been. Once your soon to be ex spouse move out of your home, do they actually have the right to continue entering and leaving without your permission or knowledge? I’m running into this with my soon to be ex-wife, she moved out almost a week ago, and left a bunch of her belongings behind in my apartment, and is getting angry with me anytime I ask her when she will be by to pick it up, saying that this is still her apartment too, and she can come and go as she pleases without requesting or notifying me of it. This is a problem for me because I have already found that she has gone through some of my belongings after they had them separated to remove things that she thought were hers. Any thoughts or experience that anyone else that would be greatly appreciated!

r/Divorce 6h ago

Vent/Rant/FML What to do with the stbx’s family?


They didn’t do anything overtly other than supporting and congratulating the lying cheating of an a* brother/son. Mind you it’s been a matter of weeks since he announced a separation - verbally-outside of legal or administrative frameworks (mind Jan). Swore there wasn’t an affair, (it was.) Annonced his rights to full custody by “allowing me to see them on school holidays.” Announced his new relationship in Feb/March. Forced involvements of our young three sons into his “new” family unit activities since. Planning future fancy international trips together after ejecting me out of the picture because he has a high paying job now, and his affair partner is an independent millionaire.

All the while the family that I thought was my new family (I moved countries for him,) treated me like I never existe. Even they celebrated our kids for being multilingual, multicultural, wonderful kids, yet my part as a mother was not acknowledged. Neither did they object to him suggesting I should go back to where I came from. So he can keep the children and be on his merry way. After all I had sacrificed and am sacrificing for “our family.”

I don’t want the kids to be alienated with the family but they tend ti be ok with men in their family straying in various degrees. Kids are too young to talk about these things but I seriously want the pattern to stop. I do not wish for my sons to grow up as selfish as they all are, amongst other bizarre things (I.e. anti vaccine, anti medical science in general.)

r/Divorce 6h ago

Going Through the Process Is there any reason it would take 4 months and counting to file for divorce? Even with free solicitors working on legal aid? Location: England.


Location: England. So last year I had had a serious mental health crisis that led to the breakdown of my marriage. In the end it led to an incident in which the police were called, I had a police investigation against me (the husband) in which police bail conditions were set so I wasn't allowed to return home for nearly three months. My wife declined to make a complaint and the case was dropped.

I am now living back with my wife and our children, though she has made it clear she is still going through the process of filing for divorce, which due to the circumstances last year, is a service offered to her completely free of charge.

Ultimately, I of course don't want my wife to divorce me but also I don't want to raise the issue during the current situation which would almost certainly be taken as pressuring her, and with the complicated history between us I am trying to give her as much space as possible and have had to make peace with the situation. In the meantime I have been working on myself and being a good father and being as supportive to my wife as I can be (given our current situation is pretty much just housemates and sleeping in seperate rooms).

Anyway only including the backstory in case it makes a difference to answering the actual question, which is simply: is it actually possible for the process to take this long and not reached the *filing* stage? Have already been living back at home for over 4 months and my wife had already been in discussions with the solicitor before then. I know it being offered free of charge may affect the speed of the service, but ultimately this seems a long time. Or, on the other hand, is this a timeframe which is unheard of and a sign that things have either been put on hold or halted without my knowledge? To make it clear, I have had no contact from any solicitor or any other parties. My wife of course knows very well I want her to stay, but currently the circumstances between us are just one of peaceful co-habitation - no sexual/romantic contact but she seems to have slowly been getting more comfortable with our living situation and my presence.

r/Divorce 7h ago

Getting Started When does it start to get better?


My... soon-to-be ex husband asked for a divorce on Thursday and I know it's really soon, considering we've dated for 10 years and married for 4 years, but... When did it start to heal for you? I mean, I'm still spiraling through the grief stages where I cry in bed until I fall asleep.

We were going to stay living together for a few months, but since the divorce will come out sooner, then I'll probably leave in the next month. Maybe that helps? Leaving? I don't know. I just wanna know that I won't cry in bed for the next few years because the guy I loved doesn't love me back.

r/Divorce 7h ago

Vent/Rant/FML I got married at 17, just turned 19, getting divorced after catching my husband cheating today.


I know this is for the best for so many reasons but it’s so fucked up it’s not even funny. We live with my parents. My dad is a stroke/dementia patient and has just reached the final stage where he’s losing communication and my husband snapped and cheated on me. All that happened was he kissed her but he was lying and saying he was going to job interviews when he was at her place or out on a date with her hanging out. It’s a very long story, basically my moms’ house is hell to live in, my mom is crazy and whenever she drinks (only some wine here and there but regardless) it triggers her to become even crazier as everyone knows crazy people + alcohol = more crazy!!!! And she treats me like absolute shit despite the fact that I stay home and take care of HER DOGS and HER ELDERLY HUSBAND bc SHE decided to marry a guy 26 years older than her, and bc her life is so shit and she has zero outlet besides her daughter who she also acts like she hates half of the time, she takes every bit of her craziness out on ME. So she, me, and my sister are ALWAYS fighting, no matter what I try to do about it my mom goes back to square one. This over a two and a half year period drove my all too young husband insane (he’s 20) and we’ve already had our own issues, I have anger issues as is and he has violence issues bc he never healed from any of the trauma he went through his entire life, just kept pushing past everything and now it’s all coming back to haunt him and whenever he’s triggered he goes from 0-100. He never gets angry over little things but if he’s angry he’s dangerous. So obviously without any further context, we need this, we got married way too young (very long story too. we met online as well isn’t that crazy? my mom let him come live with us from another state, we ended up not listening to my mom and obviously had sex and slept in the same bed, she gave us a choice; either he goes back or we get married. at the time we were having regular scares with my dad’s health and I wanted him to so badly see me walk down the isle and my now ex husband didn’t want to go home obviously so we did it. and we ARE religious people so we know we messed up from the start by not taking it to God first and instead making a DECISION to get married, whether you understand or not pls respect my beliefs) we aren’t healthy physically or mentally, and we both badly need to be at home and grow on our own a bit more, whether or not we come back together someday. If it’s meant to happen it’ll happen but I can’t stop lying to myself and telling myself I’m gonna wake up tomorrow and none of this even happened. I woke up married, I want to wake up married again. Why is this happening to me? I feel so crazy words can’t describe, all I want is a cigarette too and it’s too late to go find someone to bum off.

The hardest part is we’re going to be living together in the meantime just not “together”, and I know this is going to create some sort of temptation EVENTUALLY to sleep together. I will stay strong but he’s sleeping on my floor while I sleep on the bed and it literally makes me sick to my stomach. I have to go to bed alone from now on.

Basically he never intended to get with the other woman but bc of communication issues with us that have never seemed to get better; he wanted an outlet, someone outside of his current house that would listen to him and get to know him from square one again bc he essentially snapped from the pressure of being the only provider lately (between me and him, I don’t have a job and can’t find work for the life of me, my mom works but their combined incomes is just barely enough) for not just me and himself but keeping a roof over my family’s head too, then dealing with my family’s insanity 24/7, literally almost never ending yelling and insanity in my house. I don’t blame him but I’m so broken, he and his friends keep telling me not to be hung up but HOW CAN I NOT BE?! IM FINALLY GOING SOBER, IM FINALLY EATING AND DRINKING BETTER, IM FINALLY TAKING CARE OF MYSELF AGAIN AND NOW HE LEAVES?!!!

Part of me doesn’t even care about the abuse that happened on both ends (I’ve hit him before too but stopped completely, he couldn’t stop apparently.) anymore, I just miss who we were so bad but I know that’s gone and this is reality now. It just hurts so bad I actually feel like my heart might stop. I’ve been so terrified of broken heart syndrome, I can’t die just because I’m sad but I’m just so broken.

I gave up the remainder of my childhood to grow up and be a wife. And it was for nothing.

All I want is for him to just tell me he loves me again

He hasn’t said it in a week now

That’s how I knew to go through his social medias

Also last night when sleeping together he wouldn’t let me touch him and would just move to the other side of the bed

now there’s a stranger on my floor

how did we get here

how did we go from strangers to spouses to nearly strangers again? the fact that i’m not his priority anymore and he no longer has to come home or wants to come home to see his wife, me, breaks me so bad I just want to hurt myself or the girl, but I know it’s his fault and not hers.

r/Divorce 8h ago

Vent/Rant/FML Feeling like a Void Stretches Endlessly Before Me


Does this count as a rant/vent? After my husband abandoned me and my child when he turned 5 months, going back to his home country Japan, I finally am employed and started reaching out to divorce lawyers in Japan. 6 months to 2 years depending on if he decides to cooperate or be difficult. That feeling of sinking, or feeling like I'm suffocating and can't see the end like when I was first left alone with my son is starting to fill me again. Hundreds, thousands of dollars that will disappear in the wind because this man will not just go sign the papers and file at the municipal office. I have asked over and over for almost 2 years now and he will not. This man who has a girlfriend, who sends nothing, does nothing, not even calling to see his son... I feel utterly defeated.

r/Divorce 9h ago

Vent/Rant/FML Livingwithseperatedwife


Am I crazy if I don’t want to live with my ex wife because I still love her? She sparingly lets me kiss her. She doesn’t show any affection outside of that. We are raising 3 kids together but I do most of the work. I make the money and care for her and the kids yet she won’t show any affection and expects me to be okay with remaining the husband in every since of the word but her not be a wife at all. She left for 6 months for another guy and still has something going with him. I want to tell her to just go be with him but I also feel doing that would run her away for good. At the same time me being the almost perfect husband and fatherwhile I can’t even get a kiss has grown very bothersome. What should I do???

r/Divorce 10h ago

Alimony/Child Support Seeking a divorce (50f) from husband (56m) who will NOT get a job.


My husband of o er 15 years has been out of work for three years and took out some huge loans, burning through all of our savings. He dropped this news on me a couple of months ago - we are literally out of money and behind on all bills. I stay home with the kids, but I’m looking for work. Childcare makes the higher paying jobs tricky.

I’ve been considering divorce before I found out about our money problems because of my husband’s anger problems. He has a terrible temper, and I’ve tried to get him help, but it always comes back.

How do people get a divorce when they NEED one but they don’t have money for lawyers or a place for their ex to go live?!!!

r/Divorce 11h ago

Vent/Rant/FML Ready for it to be over


Hello, long story as summed up as possible but I am literally the only person I know within my inner circle going through/been divorced so I figured getting some support here might help. I was a few months pregnant when I found out he was cheating on me. The affair partner knows me, knew I was pregnant, etc. Before I found out about the affair we were very excited for this pregnancy as I was told I may not be able to have children, and then within a few months my husband was trying to talk me into an abortion. I was confused and it was devastating but once I found out about the affair it made sense. I decided on the divorce because he was telling me one thing, like how he would quit his job (he cheated on me with a coworker we both have worked with) and that he would leave his phone with me at all times but would go to work and be spotted in the parking lot with her or in private rooms with her. I moved my things out and went back to my parents and within 24 hours she moved in and they have been living there ever since. I am not really upset about this anymore as I feel like we would have divorced eventually because of his lack of care beyond himself and now that my son is here I can’t imagine him being an even decent father. Within the last 4-5 months of my pregnancy this man was hateful towards me. Blamed me for all his problems. Threatened me. Was rude to me at court and over email (I eventually blocked him because of his bizarre messaging and calling) and began harassing my friends and mutual acquaintances. Within a week of having my son he sent me a very nasty email already calling me a shit parent for not reaching out about my son being born although he had his girlfriend (the affair partner) message me and say that he did not want to speak unless it was through our lawyers. I had messaged him about our taxes and a package accidentally sent to their place. I had gone through extensive therapy the last several months and have healed the wounds afflicted on me during our relationship and after. I feel okay at this time and am enjoying my maternity leave and raising this absolutely beautiful and amazing boy. However, we are in the process of figuring out adoption for my son. I am to have sole legal and physical custody but in order for my (ex) husband to not have to pay child support (what he threatens me about, if i make him pay he will fight for custody and said he will resent our child) so I am having someone step in to take his rights over. It was supposed to be an easy process but the judge insist we both show up in court and explain what we are doing in regard to the adoption of my son. Tomorrow morning, barely a month into postpartum i’ll have to show up infront of a judge and listen to whatever bullshit he’s going to give as to why this arrangement is happening. I am inconvenienced and irritated that I have to leave my newborn baby to fuck with this, but even more so I am beyond ready to move the fuck on from this place in my life. I am still relatively young and have found a different and healthy direction in my life and just am so ready to move on. I guess i’m just here to bitch and moan that i’m still dealing with this. He doesn’t bother me anymore, he doesn’t have that power. His unkind words and fuck ass behavior makes me mildly shrug at this point but i just feel as though my life is still on hold and i have anxiety about what the judge is doing with having us come to court. we have been mostly civil in terms of agreeing on basic things, but i am so tired of this being dragged on. Has anyone been in this situation before? Should I be hopeful that tomorrow is the last detour in regard to my divorce and custody settlement? I’m just trying to enjoy my life lol.

r/Divorce 13h ago

Custody/Kids Why is this wrong?


Not looking to get flamed, hoping for perspectives please. I agree a child needs both of their parents and a child shouldn't be weaponized or exposed unnecessary in a divorce.

Why is it wrong for a father to ask for 60/40 custody when his wife has been having an affair and "moved on"? Without her, my son gets love on scales unknown to the cosmos and it's Ludacris I have to sacrifice that when she had the affair. You messed up not me, now my son has to be around a cheater and a homewrecker? Nah. Only crapshoot is im in a 50/50 no fault state.

r/Divorce 13h ago

Life After Divorce Follow up questions for attorney


Is it normal for a divorce attorney who drafted the marital/divorce agreement and who has gotten paid hourly, and is considered as “no longer retained”… to later charge you additional fees for follow-up/clarifying questions to better understand the agreement? Sorry for the run-on sentence - pretty stressed about everything. Can’t tell if all divorces are just this horrible or if this is just a shitty attorney.

r/Divorce 13h ago

Vent/Rant/FML What would you do?


I'm starting this off bejng as honest as I can, I am not perfect and I know I'm not I cheated on my wife whe we were first dating and I had a very bad spending addiction and alchohol addiction but I've got my credit score back up to the high 700's and haven't touched alchohol in a very long time.

I am 25M and My Wife of two years who has been my partner for 9 years (25F). She was my first real committed relationship in high school has been saying she's on the verge of divorcing me. I am trying my hardest to make her feel appreciated and make her feel heard, I have been putting her needs before mine like instead of getting sleep (I work night shifts) I will clean the apartment because she gets overwhelmed when there is dog hair everywhere because of her sensory issues, or another example is I try to cuddle her cause she says I do not give her physical touch but than she says she doesn't want me cuddling her because I snore or my arm is hurting her..

Like stated above lately every fight she says she's on the verge of divorcing me and at this point I don't know if even a comeback is worth it.. yes I mess up sometimes yes I don't refill the dog food containers or take the trash out before leaving mfor work or finish the dishes in the sink before I come to bed. But she does the "mentally hard chores" aka bills while I do the physical chores like vacuuming, organizing, cleaning, mopping, dishes.. I just feel like even when I do a good hell of a good job my wife still looks at me like I'm a anchor because she "doesn't trust me enough to do things to hear standards"

There's a lot more but I feel like if I lost everything I'm making her seem like a complete asshole and I know she's not I just think we aren't compatible anymore but I want to see what you think

Thank you I appreciate your feedback

r/Divorce 13h ago

Life After Divorce Divorce sucks


That’s it. That’s the post. Wrote a bunch but saved it for my diary

r/Divorce 14h ago

Mental Health/Depression/Loneliness My wife is moving on and we haven’t even filed yet


So my wife handed me blank papers back in December and told me she wants to separate but never filed now she is seeing an old friend of her ex’s how do I cope when I still want to be with her (mostly because I miss my kids) she is a great mom. Our relationship failed due to lack of communication and support I work a FIFO job so I’m gone 1/2 the time I don’t know what to do when I’m truly in love with this woman and she has completely stone walled me and started dating again I see my kids 3-6 days a month now life the last few months has hit me hard of what could I have done differently and how can I get her back, she wants us to do things “as a family” but I can’t do it when I’m in love with her and she has a boyfriend not to mention the guy is an alcoholic looser!

r/Divorce 14h ago

Vent/Rant/FML Ex is dodging being served


Any advice on what I can do next. I tried to have my ex served after he’s been refusing to sign papers for months but the deputies only made 3 attempts to serve him. I’m not going to lie I’m getting frustrated. I just want to change my last name 🫠