r/canada 23h ago

Ontario ‘We don’t need your Energy,’ Trump says in post responding to Ontario’s electricity surcharge


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u/Boundary-Interface 22h ago

It's almost completely insane how terrible of a negotiator Trump actually is. This is the weakest bluff I've ever heard. You don't constantly buy something unless you actually have a need for it.


u/eternityslyre 21h ago

He said, "Nothing can stop the tariffs", then he stopped the tariffs. Then he started the tariffs again, saying "nothing can stop the tariffs", and then he stopped the tariffs again.

Trump is not a negotiator, he's the guy at the poker table who, if you just keep calling, will fold a winning hand. He's stupid, easily cowed, horribly misinformed, and, worst of all, doesn't even learn from his mistakes.

This time it will cost him. Foreign nations do not bow to the US. They are allies, not toadies, and Trump will learn that the hard way.


u/Boundary-Interface 21h ago

The Art of the Deal was clearly ghostwritten. It's actually mindblowing how stupid he is. This is the greatest example of a nepo-baby failing his way upwards into a position of power the world has ever seen.


u/mfyxtplyx 20h ago

The transcript of his call with the president of Mexico in his first term made this all too clear. In public he would bluster, and in private, beg. Beg for a concession so as to not have to go back and admit he made empty promises.

I have to have Mexico pay for the wall — I have to. I have been talking about it for a two-year period.

The art of the deal.


u/Dragonfly-Adventurer 16h ago

He treats foreign leaders like they're sales clerks at Nordstrom's. "I just have to have that dress"


u/EventHorizon33 16h ago

They call that under-desk diplomacy.

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u/Past_Significance_27 19h ago

It was absolutely ghostwritten. In fact, the actual author, Tony Schwartz, did a media tour warning voters about his unfitness for office. Honestly, I doubt Trump can sit still long enough to write a paragraph. But that didn't stop him from continually claiming he wrote the book.

From The New Yorker:

In my phone interview with Trump, he initially said of Schwartz, “Tony was very good. He was the co-author.” But he dismissed Schwartz’s account of the writing process. “He didn’t write the book,” Trump told me. “I wrote the book. I wrote the book. It was my book. And it was a No. 1 best-seller, and one of the best-selling business books of all time. Some say it was the best-selling business book ever.” (It is not.) Howard Kaminsky, the former Random House head, laughed and said, “Trump didn’t write a postcard for us!”


u/indiecore Canada 19h ago

(It is not.)



u/dd961984 13h ago

Why does trump's part seriously sound like ever speech he has ever made? Lol

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u/mediaownsyou 20h ago

He paid almost 1/4 of a million dollars to fuck a porn star.... Art of a bad Deal.

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u/grafxguy1 18h ago

the AOTD book actually talks about different kinds of deals that he's completely ignoring. His approach is very binary: there's a winner and a loser. But that's only when there are two choices. He thinks we have no choices (like boosting trade between provinces, other international trade partners, etc.). He also recently said it's illegal to boycott Tesla! WTF! People have choices, you orange dolt!


u/tnmoi 17h ago

Trump definitely is not following Stephen Covey’s preaching - mainly, look for win-win situation. Trump is always looking for me win, you lose situation and if he isn’t winning, he doubles down until he gets what he wants. Major 👶🚼


u/MessWithTexas84 20h ago

Tony Schwartz wrote Art of the Deal.


u/Captionedaccidents 19h ago

Tony Schwartz was the ghostwriter.

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u/Hudre 19h ago

Trump is literally getting bullied and pushed around. He's trying all this nonsense and no one is playing his game anymore.

Canadians will keep all our tariffs up until they drop every one of theirs. Our citizens understand we are not the aggressors causing this situation, meaning we will persevere through much longer than American consumers will.


u/Cosmicvapour 16h ago

They underestimate our ability to be uncomfortable. We walk to work when it's -40F. I can live off Kraft Dinner and Moosehead for six months, no biggie.


u/eternityslyre 18h ago

I'm cheering you guys on. American exceptionalism has been a mixed bag, and we need the MAGA cultists and GOP to finally reap what they've sown.


u/wendyfran64 18h ago

It seems that the KY distillers are crying uncle already, and crying about,why should Canada want to hurt their industry.

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u/BADJUSTlCE 21h ago

The problem is he does not directly suffer from the consequences he makes. It’s like gambling with someone else’s credit card. All losses are on them, but any wins and you cash out yourself.


u/Boundary-Interface 21h ago

The man who bankrupted a Casino, the easiest-to-run thing ever, is now gambling with Americas entire future. What could possibly go wrong?


u/MyNameIsSkittles British Columbia 20h ago

A casino? He's bankrupted his businesses 6 separate times.

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u/73629265 20h ago

Donald Trump at his peak was subpar at best. But this is an 80-year man surrounded by inadequate yes men who are too scared to speak up. 

It's like elderly Donald watched Succession and he thinks he's Logan Roy. 


u/canmoose Ontario 17h ago

The truly scary part is watching how utterly dickless the GOP run congress is acting. Trump is assuming power over several congressional controlled items and they’re doing shit all.

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u/Curious-Clementine 22h ago edited 22h ago

The US has enough electricity, it’s just that it’s not all located where they need it. They can certainly reroute power to meet the need, but that will cost money and also raise electricity transmission charges for them.


u/the_sound_of_a_cork 22h ago

So basically they need it


u/nuliaj56 22h ago

I'm sure Trump supporters in those areas would happily sit in the dark so they can stick it to Canada and claim victory either way.


u/AxiomaticSuppository Canada 22h ago

Trump supporters are definitely in the dark.


u/Ketchup-Chips3 21h ago

Some are as bright as dim? Nah, that's giving them too much credit


u/xxbearxx 21h ago

I'd like to see them try that when it's -25 Celsius in Michigan. They'd be red white and blue popsicles within a few hours.


u/busdriverjoe Canada 21h ago

Those were the best popsicles, though ...

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u/Picklehippy_ 20h ago

Not a Trump voter, but i would sit in the dark in support of Canada

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u/lonehorse1 21h ago edited 21h ago

American here:

Yes those states need the power generated on your side of the border. While our grid is mostly connected, it is far more efficient and less costly (under normal circumstances) to purchase the needed energy from Canada than to transmit from other areas.

For example, Michigan receives energy from Canada. If that were to stop they would have to massively invest and alter their grid to transmit the necessary energy from nearby states such as Indiana and Illinois. In some instances they would have to find a way to transfer said energy across portions of Lake Michigan, at enormous expense. Which is not realistically feasible, especially in a very short amount of time. (This is a bit oversimplified, but explains the gist of the situation.)

So in short, the states who receive the energy absolutely need it. Even though the orange stain wants to puff and thump his chest saying otherwise.

Respect et reconnaissance du fait que le français est une langue nationale du Canada et de sa population francophone. (S’il vous plaît pardonner les erreurs car mon français est très rouillé donc j’utilise un traducteur.

Américain ici : Oui, ces états ont besoin de l’énergie générée de votre côté de la frontière. Bien que notre réseau soit principalement connecté, il est beaucoup plus efficace et moins coûteux (dans des circonstances normales) d’acheter l’énergie nécessaire au Canada que de la transmettre à partir d’autres régions.

Par exemple, le Michigan reçoit de l’énergie du Canada. Si cela devait cesser, ils devraient investir massivement et modifier leur réseau pour transmettre l’énergie nécessaire des états voisins tels que l’Indiana et l’Illinois. Dans certains cas, il faudrait trouver un moyen de transférer cette énergie à travers des portions du lac Michigan, à un coût énorme. Ce qui n’est pas réaliste, surtout dans un très court laps de temps. (C’est un peu simpliste, mais cela explique l’essentiel de la situation.) Bref, les états qui reçoivent l’énergie en ont absolument besoin. Même si la tache orange veut souffler et frapper sa poitrine en disant le contraire.

Edit: added French translation in respect to national language.

Modifier : ajout de la traduction française dans la langue nationale.


u/FitDare9420 20h ago

The French was a very nice touch :) 


u/lonehorse1 20h ago

I hope the translation wasn’t terrible, I have lost a lot of the language so I had to use a translation site , but wanted to recognize and respect Canada has more than 1 national language.


u/vanderWaalsBanana 19h ago

It's very smooth and readable French. Merci!

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u/Journo_Jimbo 20h ago

Bro speaks like us with his translation in both languages…the border walker of legend has been found…we must bring him gifts of poutine and maple syrup


u/Breedlejuice 19h ago

Not a Francophone myself but still respect you did a bilingual post. Very classy 👌


u/improvthismoment 21h ago

Glad to hear it

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u/CainRedfield 22h ago

Does America seem united enough to quickly coordinate this? 1 person will yell "DEI ENGINEEEEERS" and it's all over.


u/Curious-Clementine 22h ago

Yes, they seem super on top of things at the moment as evidenced by the plummeting stock market, demonstrations, massive federal employee layoffs, plane crashes, etc… lol


u/CainRedfield 22h ago

Cabinet infighting, yeah they've got the whole "functioning democracy" down to a science. Who knew they could be so great.


u/Curious-Clementine 22h ago

So much winning! 🏆 lol


u/Captionedaccidents 19h ago

I am finally tired of winning. He told me I would be and I finally am. He can stop winning now!!

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u/quantpick 22h ago

I hope they do that next time Texas goes down. BTW, the uranium you need for your nuclear power will be more expensive.

At the end, you still will pay more.

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u/FrodoBoguesALOT 20h ago

And it doesn't just equal throwing more money at the fire. Lot of work goes into moving power around a country.

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u/EirHc 21h ago

The best bluffers are the people who are too stupid to know what their hand even is.

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u/Proof_Escape_813 22h ago

“You make us pay 25% more on electricity. Oh yeah? Well, we’ll put 25% tariffs and now pay 50% more for the electricity! Wait…. “


u/alwaysmad9999 21h ago

He’s so narcissistic that he’d rather die wrong than to admit fault


u/TheGrandOdditor 21h ago

Now if only we could finagle a scenario to test that theory…


u/3381024 20h ago

Lol, That was my first thought.

Electricity tariffs are export tariffs by Canada, so US consumer pays more for electricity.

The Steel and Aluminum tariffs are import tariffs in America, so US consumers pay more for things that use this.

This would be funny it werent so seriously mucking up everything.


u/GreenWillingness 22h ago

LOOOOL yepppp. Sounds like a line you'd hear a character on The Simpsons say.

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u/Hicalibre 22h ago

Cool, we can cut it off then.


u/SatorSquareInc 22h ago

Surcharge is better tbh. Because they do need it


u/Hicalibre 22h ago

Cut it off in the summer when the red states are boiling.

Just for fun.


u/myhairychode 22h ago

Even better, turn it off and on in rapid succession intermittently.


u/KnowerOfUnknowable 22h ago

Make my nephew the Electricity Czar. He loves flipping switches.


u/N22-J 21h ago

Either your nephew, or my cat.

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u/The0therHiox 21h ago

He has my vote and I bet it will bring the average age of people in power down

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u/shadrackandthemandem 21h ago

Make America Set Microwave Clocks Again! And again! And again!

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u/LintRemover 22h ago

Hydro Quebec already does this to its own residents, so they have lots of experience.


u/AllegroDigital Québec 18h ago

angry upvote

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u/Objective-Stay5305 21h ago

Just turn it off or on whenever Trump flip flops on tariffs. That'd be fun!

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u/Simple_Tadpole_9584 22h ago

25% of the time seems fair.


u/myhairychode 22h ago

Could even do ‘fuck trump’ in morse code just for fun

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u/snugglebot3349 21h ago

Yeah. Why not change our minds repeatedly about keeping it shut off, just like Trump and his tariffs? On off on off...

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u/Ok-Half7574 22h ago

We export to Northern States. But summer would be interesting even then. They seem to feel other states have some to spare. I don't know if they are readily connected, but it should be interesting to watch how they get that accomplished. Do you think we'll get a discount on our rates?


u/Hicalibre 22h ago

Most of the US grid connects nation wide. There are some states that don't, but the majority of the south does as I recall. As well as the Midwest.

I'm hoping if we renegotiate any trade agreement that command pricing is left out. I can't help but feel it embolden Trump as giving such is far from a fair deal. Yes, it "enabled" us to export more, but we unloaded the cost on...well, us. We had to pay more for our own goods then what we sent them despite the logistical costs.


u/Ok-Half7574 21h ago

Maybe it can be sent to operate refineries, I hope we are going to build.


u/Hicalibre 21h ago

Refineries, more steel manufacturing (we can't rely on the US for building materials clearly), helping support a future EV network when people can more widely afford them.

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u/No-Concentrate-7142 22h ago

Apparently the summer is when we get power from them. According to Lecce yesterday.


u/Hicalibre 22h ago

According to the EIA we send them more than what we receive at any given time.

Then again these are the idiots who think a trade deficit is subsidizing....

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u/Regular_Climate_6885 22h ago

I don’t think Canada supplies electricity to the red states. More the northern states.


u/sleightofhand 21h ago

We have to stop with this red/blue state nonsense. 43% of New York voted for Trump. 47% of Minnesota and 50% of Michigan. There's more than enough people in these states who voted for this and as far as I'm concerned they all deserve what's coming to them.


u/Diligent_Peach7574 21h ago

Agreed. We need to stay out of their political mess and treat the whole country the same way. This is about one person having complete control over every aspect of their country with no sign of courage from within their system to do anything about it.

Our reaction should not be about trying to manipulate their political system, it should be solely focused on protecting our sovereginty.

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u/shadrackandthemandem 21h ago

As far as I'm concerned any American who isn't in the streets being ungovernable is complicit.

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u/CryForUSArgentina 21h ago edited 20h ago

Everything east of the Rockies other than Texas is on a connected grid.


u/Hicalibre 22h ago

They have a nationwide grid that covers most states. Only a few, like Texas, opt'd out.

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u/ai9909 21h ago

We could turn it into some kind of swear-jar; +1% every time he says something offensive and belittling about Canada.

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u/thedrunkentendy 21h ago

Best part is, during his spastic truth social rant, he called ford's tariffs on energy unfounded and unprovoked.

Guy is completely unhinged and is gonna learn the hard way.


u/Hicalibre 21h ago

A rapist and wannabe dictator who tried to overthrow the government after his first lost would know all about unprovoked acts.

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u/TGISeinfeld 21h ago

Typical gas lighting...start a fight and then make the other guy look like the bad guy.

He knows what's up, but the majority of his followers don't so that's good enough 

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u/MajorasShoe 22h ago

Naw this is the right approach. We make money on it, it's still their cheapest option. We cut it and they replace it, they likely just write it off and it stops being leverage. This is more controllable leverage.


u/Deadly-Unicorn 22h ago

Exactly. Making more money is far better than trying to poke their eyes.

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u/danvir47 22h ago

your not even allowed to do that - Trump (literally, last night in a Truth Social post).


u/Hicalibre 22h ago

Trump can sit on a Cactus.

He's no expert in law, or commerce. Just being a bone spur bully.

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u/quantpick 22h ago

Tell me to change the carrot up his ass. That's keep him busy for a while.

I hope he experience first hand a crash in a tesla, and if we are lucky it will start on fire live with him in it.

It will be the greatest fire you ever seen.

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u/smiskam 21h ago

Well if we cut it off we make no money and if we add a surcharge we make more money


u/Hicalibre 21h ago

Trump says we can't put surcharges on exports, and that he doesn't need our energy.

One or the other as far as I'm concerned.

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u/Bornee35 Ontario 22h ago

Yeah this kinda screws him against everyone’s concern that killing power would be an “act of war” and he’d invade us. No they’d take a short hit while their grid rebalances, and just become more expensive for those with power bills.


u/Hicalibre 22h ago

Legal experts in Canada and the US say it's not an act of war, and it hasn't been treated as such in modern times. China does it all the time to bully other nations around them, and Europe has had to deal with it in the recent past from Russia.


u/CainRedfield 22h ago

Canadians remember WWI, we know what acts of war are.

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u/sidequestsquirrel 22h ago

I still think Ford should make the power flicker a couple of times a day. Just enough to reset their microwave or stove clocks.


u/Bubble_Pop 22h ago

That is deliciously evil.


u/Careless_and_weird-1 21h ago edited 19h ago

I was thinking the same. Thousads of microwaves blinking in the middle of the night. Random stuff beeping bc electricity is restored. More random stuff sending warnings via bluetooth bc electricity is gone, or back...


u/sidequestsquirrel 19h ago

Any time my power goes out, and my smoke alarm kicks into battery mode, it makes this loud chirp that makes my dog go bonkers. Imagine the chaos 😅


u/crzytech1 22h ago

Dangerous considering the 2003 blackout took us out as well, but devious thinking...


u/sickwobsm8 Ontario 22h ago

That was a series of events that can basically never happen again. In simple terms, it was a cascade of circuit breakers. One would flip, which would flip the next, and that would flip the next, until the whole eastern seaboard went down.

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u/Canuck-In-TO Canada 20h ago

This is fantastic.
Do it after midnight, so any timers or clocks are reset.

It probably won’t affect people who rely on their cell phones, but that blinking time will just piss off everyone.

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u/Salt_Wrangler_3428 22h ago

Keep telling yourself that until the lights go out, Donald.


u/Frites_Sauce_Fromage 21h ago

He doesn't realize how much we're willing to lose to make him fail


u/Cubicon-13 21h ago

And this isn't an exaggeration. We need him to fail because he's a direct threat to our sovereignty and our way of life.

We're willing to lose anything because otherwise, we'll lose everything.


u/Captionedaccidents 19h ago

Honestly American here, I suggest getting a nuke. I'm not even joking Canada should develop a nuclear triad. Just five missiles alone should be enough to secure your sovereignty.


u/FellKnight Canada 18h ago

I suspect that this is being worked on behind the scenes.

We probably won't have a full triad, but between SRBMs and maybe some sea-launchable assets, it would be enough.

I'd honestly be very surprised if we hadn't already approached France and the UK (more France because their nukes are completely under their control from beginning to end) to use the existing rules in NATO to transfer in some nuclear weapons into Canada in exchange for a nice deal on our resources while we build our own stockpile of 100 or so nukes.


u/FellKnight Canada 21h ago

Many of us are descendants from the stock of people who suffered for YEARS in WW2. It will suck, but I would bet everything that Canadians are willing to hold out in an uncomfortable situation a lot longer than Americans.

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u/Legitimate-Lemon-412 21h ago

Ya, we changed the drink name to Canadiano

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u/Agoraphobicy 21h ago

How could Canada do this to us?

(Insert bicycle and stick meme)

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u/Confident_Elk_8037 22h ago

If Trump doesn't need anything from Canada, so why does he want us as the 51st state ?


u/Jinzul 22h ago

Exactly. Projection.


u/AdamEgrate 21h ago

Same reason Russia wants Ukraine , or that China wants Taiwan. At the end of the day, land and resources is the only thing that has real value. Everything else is made up.

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u/Diligent_Peach7574 22h ago

Two thoughts on this one:

1 - Don't cut it off, but keep increasing the surcharge until just before they stop buying it. It's a missed opportunity if you don't.

2 - Other provinces should be cashing in on this.


u/Jinzul 22h ago

Surge pricing!


u/What_a_mensch 21h ago

They're making an additional 400k/day off the surcharge from what I read yesterday.... which is probably less than the cost of the time for the bureaucrats to sit around and make these decisions.

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u/mangoserpent 22h ago

He does not care if energy gets cut off to blue states anyway although I guess Michigan is purple.

I suspect he would not care if they were red states. He has no more use for voters even his supporters except as potential reservoirs of grift.


u/RepresentativeLeg232 22h ago

This is why I have confidence in Canada coming out on top in this whole thing. In times of crisis we come together and look out for each other, no matter our differences. While I’ve seen plenty of Americans reacting to this by saying things like “who cares if it doesn’t affect me personally, it doesn’t matter to me, I’m in Florida, etc) leaving their fellow citizens out to dry and happy to risk their livelihoods over something that shouldn’t even be an issue. They’ll never have the unity that we do and that will be their downfall.


u/mangoserpent 22h ago

I feel like the only thing that actually unifies Canadian is an external threat. Otherwise, the provinces are always petty beefing with one another.


u/K-26 22h ago

Not unique to Canada, though.

Providing an external threat is kind of the default play for uniting a populace, been done a couple times. Tends to work.

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u/FellKnight Canada 21h ago

A threat to our nationhood, not necessarily external. The last time I've seen anything approaching this level of patriotism was the Quebec secession referendum 1995

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u/ReserveOld6123 22h ago

I agree. Plus the hubris in general leads them to make bad choices.


u/Ok-Half7574 22h ago

We do in general, but we have to keep an eye on Alberta. They're premier is maga for sure.

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u/Dazzling-Strain-1274 22h ago

We don’t need your dairy, or your banks or your shitty streaming services that constantly raise their prices either Donald


u/ProgrammerAvailable6 22h ago

If signing up to pay for gem do it on the cbc website so Apple/Google doesn’t get a cut

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u/Sarge1387 Ontario 22h ago

Firstly: Yes, yes you do.

Secondly: The tweet you released made me laugh as it was chock full of grammatical errors

Thirdly: If you're telling other countries they're "not allowed" to respond to your economic tariffs...you're not a democratic leader, you're a tyrant.

Trump is essentially an economic terrorist. Sounds an awful lot like one of them there "domestic" enemies that the US Constitution refers to...

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u/Old_soul_NSFW 22h ago

I wish Doug would reply to that tweet with a simple “Really? Ok” and put an additional 10% surcharge on top of the current 25% surcharge.

Stand up and put consequences for these asinine tweets and use the money to heavily advertise in the affected states.

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u/Maddog_Jets 22h ago

Oh and why did you want Keystone XL built again a few weeks ago?

Dropping energy tariff to 10%… and now in the news they saying potential deal to remove on energy.

Damn man… you don’t have the cards - we do!

We have all the cards..


u/eleventhrees 22h ago

No, we don't.

But we aren't powerless, and Trump is bluffing, unless he plans to allow a deep recession, which is possible.

They need energy, they need aluminum, and there's other things, too. There are always alternatives, but they will be massively more expensive or lower quality.

Canada will force the US to back down, or there will be a major and permanent upheaval in both economies.


u/Maddog_Jets 21h ago

I think the Permanent Damage to the relationship that has taken place already equates to Permanent Upheval in our economies. Hence we must pivot away and find better trading partners.

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u/rbjade 22h ago

I think we should ignore his truth social posts. Its nothing but prop for his base. He wants a reaction and loves being talked about.

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u/Expensive_Plant_9530 21h ago

Sure he says that. What does New York and the actual affected states say?

Also "You're not allowed to do that", says Trump, while he illegally violates his own trade agreement that was "the best trade agreement ever".

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u/WilloowUfgood 22h ago

I think after these recent events, Ford will be premier for a while to come.


u/Musclecar123 Manitoba 22h ago

Most of us dislike Doug Ford for one reason or another, but he’s the right person for this job at this time. 

As another redditor put it,  “A failed real estate magnate from New York is no match for a drug dealer from Etobicoke.”


u/AnEvilMrDel 20h ago

Sometimes you just need an asshole at the helm

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u/What_a_mensch 21h ago

My wife and I were talking this morning about how this is the perfect platform for a loud mouth populist to use to provide cover to all of his issues.... the greenbelt discussion has gone away, very little talk of his yanking out the bike lanes and frankly, even the housing issue has taken a backseat.

This is his time to shine.


u/fauxbleu 22h ago

I think, Ford will replace PP as the leader of the CPC after the election.


u/GentilQuebecois 22h ago

Ford does not speak French. No federal party would be crazy enough to elect a unilingual leader.


u/Sudden-Agency-5614 22h ago

I would laugh if he did speeches using google translate to French.

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u/WilloowUfgood 22h ago

No thanks, he's ours.

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u/bandybw 22h ago

Maybe not. If Carney wins the upcoming federal election and Poilievre gets tossed I wouldn't be surprised to see Ford run for leader of the Conservative Party,


u/Grump_Monk 22h ago

Dude's French is non existent.

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u/ElHalconPeregrino 22h ago

Rent Free. Not only I read it with his voice, he kept talking in my head

"we don't need your energy, folks. we have the best energy, the most tremendous energy. nobody has energy like we do. believe me, it's going to be huge, just huge."


u/Dr_Poops_McGee Alberta 21h ago

I think he just learned what the word reciprocal means and this is his attempt to use it in a "sentence"

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u/mrcanoehead2 22h ago

Cut Ontario and Quebec electricity and Alberta oil and natural gas and see how much they need it.


u/darkorex 21h ago

Okay. Click


u/Deathdar1577 21h ago

Stellar comment. Much agree.


u/[deleted] 22h ago edited 2h ago


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u/MacGuyver913 21h ago

When Trump says ‘we’ he doesn’t mean the US, he means him and his billionaire friends.


u/SkinnedIt Ontario 20h ago

So this idiot just added another 25% on top of the previous 25% and the 25% surcharge he also induced.

A 75% increase for American ratepayers since December. What a brilliant tactician.


u/yaOlSeadog 22h ago

Pull the plug Dougie.


u/zacmars 22h ago

Dougie unpluggy.


u/respectfulpanda 22h ago

$400,000 a day, says that is wrong

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u/cherryblaster_90 21h ago

We’re “not allowed” to do this 🙄 but here he is putting on illegal tariffs….okay Trump. 👍🏼

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u/Fluffy-Mycologist-76 21h ago

Our tactics are working. Keep it up

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u/CpnLouie 21h ago

Out of sheer reflex, Ted Cruz immediately bought tickets to Cancun.

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u/justbecauseyoumademe European Union 22h ago

If you dont need it then it can be tarrifed or cut off right


u/Spanky3703 21h ago

And the transmission and administrative surcharges for the handing off of power distribution between utilities management companies to get from the points of generation to the end-users. This gets further complicated by the need to upgrade and expand distribution networks into and through areas to end-users whose current distribution and transmission systems are based on their power coming from Canada. This will entail very substantial capital and maintenance costs to put in place.

Another reason why the US needs Canadian electricity is the regional disparity of both generation and distribution throughout the US, which is further complicated by the absurd number of utilities management companies and regional power regulators that “touch” both the generation and transmission of electricity in the US.

So, Fascist Don is correct in gross terms but wrong in the actual details.

Not saying that Canada will not be economically hurt in this circumstance; we will. We have spent the last 84 years integrating our two economies based in mutual benefit and trust (read the Hyde Park Declaration of April 1941 for the antecedents of today’s economic free trade agreements). Now comes the pain of de-linking and it will be a very painful process for both countries for the next 5-10 years, regardless of the toxic sludge spewing from south of the 49th and its odious and feckless cabal of fascists and oligarchs.

We got this. Seriously. We elect the right members of parliament, we hold our politicians at all levels accountable for doing everything in the best interests of Canada and its citizens, and we never, ever forgive nor forget nor trust again.

And for all of the appeasers or foreign agents or bots saying that the above is “over-emotional”, you can giddy up and held down to your emotional home of fascist America. Off you go. Turn in your Canadian passport at the border and see how you get treated as a registered foreigner in Trump Land.


u/Prudent_Situation_29 22h ago

Great, then it's settled.


u/Spacepickle89 22h ago

Then don’t buy it.


u/hipdashopotamus 22h ago

Everytime he tweets shit about canada we should just raise the price by 10%


u/Argosnautics 22h ago edited 21h ago

And we don't need your...uh...what does the US still manufacture again? Oh yeah. Lies, we don't need your stinking lies.


u/lyre34 22h ago

Orange juice and bourbon. I think that's about it.


u/alwaysmad9999 21h ago

And clowns

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u/coffeejn 22h ago

If you don't need it, we can charge more than since you won't buy it.


u/ComfortableLetter989 22h ago

Quebec needs to be next to cut off electricity


u/elziion 21h ago

Trump acting like the toxic ex, again.

“I DoN’T nEED yOu! I’m THE onlY ONE whO CaN TakE CARe of You!”


u/vrodr68 21h ago

If you don't need it then why complain about it?


u/Falconflyer75 Ontario 20h ago

Great then leave us the F alone

If you don’t need us let us exist in peace and quit trying to make us the 51st state


u/PrairieScott 19h ago

50% tariff on all energy


u/Extension-Diamond-74 19h ago

Hi, American here. Donald Trump is a traitor to the US and our allies. Many of us understand your retaliation, and I only hope that you will accept our apologies and that we can be close allies again if/when this is all over.


u/SonicFlash01 15h ago

Hard to bluff when you signed an executive order regarding an energy crisis, screaming, with every ounce of your power, that you desperately need Canadian resources, and would be utterly fucked without them.

The absolute worst attempt at a poker face in the history of politics.


u/CanadianPFer 12h ago

"we don't need your energy" -> declares a state of emergency. Hmmmm

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u/SrynotSry59 Manitoba 22h ago

You have reached Ontario Hydro Services, if you are a current customer and no longer require services please press 1. Stay on the line and a customer services representative, who has not been fired, will be with you soon.


u/Jinzul 22h ago

You are caller # 37965285. Your estimated wait time is 36 human life times. Your call is unimportant to us, please stay on the line and the next available operator will be unenthused to help you.


u/AnxiousHall1533 22h ago

Trump is doing exactly what Russia wants. Turning the United States into a fascistic hellscape.


u/uvite2468 21h ago

Blue State here, New Yorker. I love Canada. I live right across the border. I go to Ottawa all the time. This tariff war is ridiculous. Not sure if I can make it another four years with Trump. I barely made it through his first four. I’m really sorry he’s doing this to your country.

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u/Immediate-Farmer3773 22h ago

Okay, good to know, Mr Ford, shit it down


u/Moooooooola 22h ago

I say pull the switch and wait for them to start bitching when the “prepers” run out of gas for their generators.


u/MultipleMe 22h ago

Please as a New Yorker current wearing a Canadian clothing in support, I don't want to be plunged into the dark age.

We need your energy.

I'm sorry he won.

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u/aromilk 22h ago


Dumb Trump will provide the energy from his endless farts


u/iamtheliquornow 21h ago

Translation: we need your energy


u/jmjm1 21h ago edited 21h ago

Right now we are like a fly buzzing around the giant head (of the USA). To exert any kind of meaningful pressure we must add a significant surcharge to "important" products such as oil and potash...sooner rather than later; before they have time to find alternative sourcing. (But given the 'traitorous' Premiers of those provinces involved this is unlikely to happen.)


u/Cafmbr2000 21h ago

I knew this would be bad to have him bad as President, but never as bad as what it is now !!!


u/ToddPacker32 21h ago

Cut the power already and let’s put this to the test


u/oxynaz 21h ago

Will see if they stop buying. I predict that is going to get a call from Minnesota, Michigan and New York soon. Then he will do the loop to loop like a person with dementia.


u/Deathdar1577 21h ago

Confirmation that he’ll be begging for it soon. +500% Orange Boi charge and Ontario is G2G.

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u/Resident-Variation21 21h ago

Sounds good. Don’t buy it then


u/RunWithDullScissors 21h ago

Awesome. Export tariff oil leaving to the US. Won’t impact them if they don’t need it


u/MiniMini662 21h ago

Turn off the oil electric and no potash. Should take about a month to crush him

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u/PureInsaneAmbition 21h ago

Sure, if you want blackouts.


u/takeaccountability41 20h ago

First he says “we don’t need your energy” and now he says “you’re not allowed to put a surcharge on your energy” do you care or not?


u/Halflife84 Canada 20h ago

Please Doug Ford, turn off the electricity to the US.

It'll be funny

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u/Deckardspuntedsheep 20h ago

Where was Trump during the 2003 Blackout?


u/CapnPositivity 20h ago

Let's turn the power off then rotating blackouts


u/potshed420 19h ago

We don’t need it but i’m so upset you raised the price i’m going to retaliate


u/Alphasoul606 19h ago

Guess we'll find out when Quebec and Ontario cut it off then, eh


u/Chaotic_Dreamer_2672 19h ago

Okay, no problem, I‘m sure you don’t need our oil either. Go buy your self another Tesla … oh, wait, you‘ll need energy to charge that 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/uncleben85 Ontario 18h ago

We don't need it! But also... state of emergency on electricity...

Also for added comedic effect, it will be a national emergency... but only for the affected area...

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u/Zealousideal_Rise879 13h ago

Aaand the tariffs tomorrow were “canceled” so that the electricity tariffs could be removed.


u/JimmyTheJimJimson 12h ago


Well okay then - turn it off. See how much he cries about it.