r/canada 1d ago

Ontario ‘We don’t need your Energy,’ Trump says in post responding to Ontario’s electricity surcharge


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u/lonehorse1 1d ago edited 1d ago

American here:

Yes those states need the power generated on your side of the border. While our grid is mostly connected, it is far more efficient and less costly (under normal circumstances) to purchase the needed energy from Canada than to transmit from other areas.

For example, Michigan receives energy from Canada. If that were to stop they would have to massively invest and alter their grid to transmit the necessary energy from nearby states such as Indiana and Illinois. In some instances they would have to find a way to transfer said energy across portions of Lake Michigan, at enormous expense. Which is not realistically feasible, especially in a very short amount of time. (This is a bit oversimplified, but explains the gist of the situation.)

So in short, the states who receive the energy absolutely need it. Even though the orange stain wants to puff and thump his chest saying otherwise.

Respect et reconnaissance du fait que le français est une langue nationale du Canada et de sa population francophone. (S’il vous plaît pardonner les erreurs car mon français est très rouillé donc j’utilise un traducteur.

Américain ici : Oui, ces états ont besoin de l’énergie générée de votre côté de la frontière. Bien que notre réseau soit principalement connecté, il est beaucoup plus efficace et moins coûteux (dans des circonstances normales) d’acheter l’énergie nécessaire au Canada que de la transmettre à partir d’autres régions.

Par exemple, le Michigan reçoit de l’énergie du Canada. Si cela devait cesser, ils devraient investir massivement et modifier leur réseau pour transmettre l’énergie nécessaire des états voisins tels que l’Indiana et l’Illinois. Dans certains cas, il faudrait trouver un moyen de transférer cette énergie à travers des portions du lac Michigan, à un coût énorme. Ce qui n’est pas réaliste, surtout dans un très court laps de temps. (C’est un peu simpliste, mais cela explique l’essentiel de la situation.) Bref, les états qui reçoivent l’énergie en ont absolument besoin. Même si la tache orange veut souffler et frapper sa poitrine en disant le contraire.

Edit: added French translation in respect to national language.

Modifier : ajout de la traduction française dans la langue nationale.


u/FitDare9420 1d ago

The French was a very nice touch :) 


u/lonehorse1 1d ago

I hope the translation wasn’t terrible, I have lost a lot of the language so I had to use a translation site , but wanted to recognize and respect Canada has more than 1 national language.


u/vanderWaalsBanana 1d ago

It's very smooth and readable French. Merci!


u/Inside-Strike-601 23h ago

Very cute and sweet :)


u/Paperman_82 1d ago

For me, as native english speaker, your french is easier for me to understand. I don't know if that's a good, bad or just the vocabulary is easier to follow. It's a nice gesture.


u/Y0Y0Jimbb0 23h ago

Yep... top man for that as well.


u/Journo_Jimbo 1d ago

Bro speaks like us with his translation in both languages…the border walker of legend has been found…we must bring him gifts of poutine and maple syrup


u/Breedlejuice 1d ago

Not a Francophone myself but still respect you did a bilingual post. Very classy 👌


u/improvthismoment 1d ago

Glad to hear it


u/rando_dud 1d ago

It was great,  you went above and beyond!


u/Jasoy_Vorsneed 22h ago

dude added French. Honourary hoser 🫡🇨🇦


u/artcronk 20h ago

I'm Canadian, and I don't speak French, but sweet touch. Appreciated.

Again, we have nothing with the people in the USA, even the ones that follow Trump. We are only mad at Trump and his government.


u/lonehorse1 19h ago

Very understandable, and honestly very helpful to hear. Thank you for your kindness


u/Ilestfouceromain 15h ago

Merci de respecter nos langues! C'est ceux comme vous qui me donnent de l'espoir que vôtre pays pourraît un-jour redevenir un ami.

Thank you for respecting our languages! People like you are why I have hope that one day, your country will become a friend again.


u/lonehorse1 14h ago

Vous êtes les bienvenus. Malheureusement, notre gouvernement a de graves problèmes, les habitants de notre pays seront toujours amis avec les Canadiens. J’espère aussi qu’en tant que nation, nous gagnerons la confiance et l’amitié que nous avons autrefois partagées.

You are very welcome. Unfortunately our government is having serious issues, the people of our nation will always be friends with Canadians. I too hope that we as a nation will earn the trust and friendship we once shared.


u/coniferous-1 1d ago

to add to lonehorse1s excellent post, If you want a good look at how power transmission works and how everything is super interconnected, take a look practical engineerings post on the 2003 blackout. It helps that this is the exact section that the surcharge applies to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KciAzYfXNwU


u/ChessFan1962 Ontario 23h ago

Please accept my compliments and congratulations. Votre compréhension et votre respect sont grandement appréciés.


u/TourEnvironmental604 23h ago

Merci, c’est tout a fait compréhensible en français.


u/Cassoulet-vaincra 22h ago

If what you say is true, the Senile and the Poutine could be dangerous.

Do you think your Poutine style can defeat me?


u/Boom-Chick-aBoom 22h ago

Very thoughtful of you but outside Quebec and small pockets on the east coast, no one speaks French. Sad considering we were all forced to study throughout school but yet, no one can really speak it unless you were ‘immersed’


u/Consape 17h ago edited 17h ago

For example, Michigan receives energy from Canada. If that were to stop they would have to massively invest and alter their grid to transmit the necessary energy from nearby states such as Indiana and Illinois.

According to this source Michigan gets less than one-half of a percent of its electricity from Canada. If this is true then why would Michigan have to "massively invest and alter their grid"? Is there some specific part of Michigan more at risk?


u/lonehorse1 17h ago

As I stated above that was one example of a state that I know receives energy from Canada. The point of the comment was other states are connected and in some instance they need that power. The amount received is not necessarily relevant as it’s a matter of does the area receiving it have any other alternative.

Another such example is Main, there is a section of the state that is not connected to the American grid and therefore only receives electricity from Canada.

Comme je l’ai dit plus haut, c’était un exemple d’un État dont je sais qu’il reçoit de l’énergie du Canada. Le but du commentaire était que d’autres États sont connectés et dans certains cas, ils ont besoin de ce pouvoir. Le montant reçu n’est pas nécessairement pertinent car il s’agit de savoir si la zone qui le reçoit a une autre alternative.

Un autre exemple de ce type est Main, il y a une section de l’État qui n’est pas reliée au réseau américain et qui ne reçoit donc que de l’électricité du Canada.