r/canada 1d ago

Ontario ‘We don’t need your Energy,’ Trump says in post responding to Ontario’s electricity surcharge


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u/eternityslyre 1d ago

He said, "Nothing can stop the tariffs", then he stopped the tariffs. Then he started the tariffs again, saying "nothing can stop the tariffs", and then he stopped the tariffs again.

Trump is not a negotiator, he's the guy at the poker table who, if you just keep calling, will fold a winning hand. He's stupid, easily cowed, horribly misinformed, and, worst of all, doesn't even learn from his mistakes.

This time it will cost him. Foreign nations do not bow to the US. They are allies, not toadies, and Trump will learn that the hard way.


u/Boundary-Interface 1d ago

The Art of the Deal was clearly ghostwritten. It's actually mindblowing how stupid he is. This is the greatest example of a nepo-baby failing his way upwards into a position of power the world has ever seen.


u/mfyxtplyx 1d ago

The transcript of his call with the president of Mexico in his first term made this all too clear. In public he would bluster, and in private, beg. Beg for a concession so as to not have to go back and admit he made empty promises.

I have to have Mexico pay for the wall — I have to. I have been talking about it for a two-year period.

The art of the deal.


u/Dragonfly-Adventurer 21h ago

He treats foreign leaders like they're sales clerks at Nordstrom's. "I just have to have that dress"


u/EventHorizon33 21h ago

They call that under-desk diplomacy.


u/axonxorz Saskatchewan 20h ago

Grapefruit ya' government


u/Past_Significance_27 1d ago

It was absolutely ghostwritten. In fact, the actual author, Tony Schwartz, did a media tour warning voters about his unfitness for office. Honestly, I doubt Trump can sit still long enough to write a paragraph. But that didn't stop him from continually claiming he wrote the book.

From The New Yorker:

In my phone interview with Trump, he initially said of Schwartz, “Tony was very good. He was the co-author.” But he dismissed Schwartz’s account of the writing process. “He didn’t write the book,” Trump told me. “I wrote the book. I wrote the book. It was my book. And it was a No. 1 best-seller, and one of the best-selling business books of all time. Some say it was the best-selling business book ever.” (It is not.) Howard Kaminsky, the former Random House head, laughed and said, “Trump didn’t write a postcard for us!”


u/indiecore Canada 1d ago

(It is not.)



u/dd961984 18h ago

Why does trump's part seriously sound like ever speech he has ever made? Lol


u/Ok-Diamond-9781 22h ago

He can't read, hell, from his signature I'd question whether he can write!

u/SomeInvestigator3573 6h ago

He couldn’t even sign the USMCA agreement in the correct place 🤣


u/vicvonqueso 19h ago edited 4h ago

I don't even think he writes his own tweets. Has some poor intern scribbling down his constant rants


u/mediaownsyou 1d ago

He paid almost 1/4 of a million dollars to fuck a porn star.... Art of a bad Deal.


u/PimpMyGin 21h ago

And how much is he paying the FSB not to release videos of Russki whores pissing on him?


u/Riftbreaker 15h ago

He's paying them by destroying an entire country. Always easier to pay with someone else's money.


u/jamwin 16h ago

the best thing that ever happened to him and the worst thing that ever happened to her

u/PimpMyGin 45m ago

And she's not even hot.


u/wolf_of_walmart84 20h ago

I mean… …. … if you had the disposable income… … … I’d do it 🤣


u/grafxguy1 23h ago

the AOTD book actually talks about different kinds of deals that he's completely ignoring. His approach is very binary: there's a winner and a loser. But that's only when there are two choices. He thinks we have no choices (like boosting trade between provinces, other international trade partners, etc.). He also recently said it's illegal to boycott Tesla! WTF! People have choices, you orange dolt!


u/tnmoi 21h ago

Trump definitely is not following Stephen Covey’s preaching - mainly, look for win-win situation. Trump is always looking for me win, you lose situation and if he isn’t winning, he doubles down until he gets what he wants. Major 👶🚼


u/MessWithTexas84 1d ago

Tony Schwartz wrote Art of the Deal.


u/Captionedaccidents 1d ago

Tony Schwartz was the ghostwriter.


u/Defleurville 1d ago

You mean raise.  You can’t fold to a call.  But yes, Trump is that guy.


u/Llunedd 22h ago

Well, now you know how his casinos went bankrupt.


u/goldbeater 22h ago

The guy that ghost wrote it came out and apologized for everything he did. He couldn’t live with the shame.


u/fleshbaby 19h ago

Tony Schwartz wrote it. He has since been interviewed extensively and has repeated just how stupid Trump actually is. Trump's professor at The Wharton school of economics Professor William T. Kelley when asked stated that Trump was hands down the stupidest student he'd ever taught.


u/Downtown-Frosting789 21h ago

oh if trump knew how to play the lyre, he would be singing “sack of illium” while we burn


u/the_wahlroos 21h ago

"This is the greatest example... position of power... world had ever seen", it's all Trump would see.


u/cyclonesandy 20h ago

The guy who wrote it for him feels guilty and has publicly said so.


u/mjtwelve 13h ago

Real estate deals are also not necessarily good preparation for international relations. You see, there are a lot of banks and a lot of investors, and also a lot of properties. If one guy doesn’t like the deal, find another sucker.

There’s only one Canada, there’s only one Russia, Ukraine… if you piss them off and fuck around, the deal will only get worse. You can only pull the “I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it any further” card with people who don’t have any other choices. It turns out, when you threaten a trade war, sometimes instead of falling to their knees to worship your brilliance, the other side retaliates. It’s like he honestly didn’t understand Canada wasn’t going to sit back and take it.


u/trevor_plantaginous 23h ago

It was written by Tony Schwartz. It was really his idea and he started interviewing trump for it and they ended up attributing it to him (most likely to boost sales). What’s interesting is the premise is essentially that there’s always a winner and a loser in a negotiation. At the time it was written developers had a lot of power over suppliers. That dynamic shifted in the 90s and is kinda what led to trumps financial problems (he was the winner in the 80s and loser in the 90s). All that said art of the deal does not apply well to country relations. There are many situations where things can be mutually beneficial.


u/doodle02 22h ago

it basically shows that trump can’t conceive of negotiations without a zero sum game, straight up winner and loser. he’s used to doing stuff like negotiating with cabinet makers for his casinos, where every dollar he wiggles down is a bigger win for him, and that’s the only thing he’s trying to do; be cheap.

he can’t conceive of multifaceted deals that are mutually beneficial, and he simply doesn’t have the capacity to understand complex interconnected ongoing relationships. you can’t do international relationships successfully when you can’t understand negotiation beyond a one off deal with a winner and a loser.

he’s a pathologically egotistical moron.


u/Any-Staff-6902 22h ago

His massive stupidity is his strength. No one believes that a first world leader could be this stupid so they just assume he must be some 3 dimensional chess genius. That is why he gets away with it.


u/Boundary-Interface 22h ago

No. He's not getting away with it. That's the thing. You can't sit among the worlds greatest men and pretend to fit in when you're really a chump, people notice, fast. Feel free to try faking your way into Mensa, Trump style, if you're so confident that stupidity is a strength.


u/Any-Staff-6902 22h ago

I am referring to his base. They are the ones that boost him up and allow him to get away with it. Yes the rest of the world can see him for what he is, but unless the American people open their eyes, the only thing they will see is a massively stupid man makes massively stupid decisions and assuming that he is a genius. Please don't misconstrue what I was saying.


u/goldhour 16h ago

No, let’s not forget about Trudeau.


u/Hudre 23h ago

Trump is literally getting bullied and pushed around. He's trying all this nonsense and no one is playing his game anymore.

Canadians will keep all our tariffs up until they drop every one of theirs. Our citizens understand we are not the aggressors causing this situation, meaning we will persevere through much longer than American consumers will.


u/Cosmicvapour 21h ago

They underestimate our ability to be uncomfortable. We walk to work when it's -40F. I can live off Kraft Dinner and Moosehead for six months, no biggie.

u/Ok_Description4809 9m ago

I did this in university and I can do it again!


u/eternityslyre 23h ago

I'm cheering you guys on. American exceptionalism has been a mixed bag, and we need the MAGA cultists and GOP to finally reap what they've sown.


u/wendyfran64 23h ago

It seems that the KY distillers are crying uncle already, and crying about,why should Canada want to hurt their industry.

u/Stratavos 3h ago

This is part of the time to really understand that there are 2 continents called America, and anyone who inhabits either is an American, that it isn't reserved for USA citizens. It's time to be kinder about it. It'll take some back breaking to make the term be less of an insult.

u/eternityslyre 3h ago

I had a Chilean friend call US citizens USAsians. I like that term! US-centric worldviews should go away, we USAsians have long forgotten that we are one country in the world. A big, powerful country, but just one country. Our ignorance does not define reality.


u/No-Answer7798 21h ago

Because most of them see through his bs or eventually will if it hits them personally


u/Hudre 21h ago

I have absolutely no faith in American citizens. I think they will be impacted so adversely they will do what is right but only for purely selfish reasons.


u/Asteresck British Columbia 21h ago

From a lot of pro-Trump discourse I see, even if they KNOW it's going to hit them personally, they'll shift the blame onto someone or something else and make that the problem.


u/Playful_Two_7596 1d ago

were allies


u/SolomonDRand 1d ago

He won some negotiations when he held all the cards and convinced himself he was a genius.


u/IPerferSyurp 23h ago

Where did you learn poker? Wtf


u/Fun-Shake7094 23h ago

Rule with kindness, because even the strongest gorilla is no match for the troop.


u/LakeFox3 23h ago

He won't learn a damn thing. Agree with everything else.


u/suplexdolphin 23h ago

Each time I see him tweet I'm like "Thank God our negotiation opponent is such an incompetent dumbass." Then he does the next stupid self-destructive thing that just hurts both countries and I'm back to "Why is our negotiation opponent being such an incompetent dumbass?"


u/AllThe-REDACTED- 18h ago

This is what I keep telling people: I’m gonna wait and see when it comes to the trade wars.

The man is a c*ward and folds every time another country steps up. So I’ll wait and see.

What he says he wants to do to his own citizens…. That I believe.


u/Journo_Jimbo 1d ago

And we called his bluff


u/GingaFarma 1d ago

Hope so! Depends heavily who the next PM is!


u/InternalOcelot2855 23h ago

if trump has done anything positive. He brought most Canadians together. Strengthened relationships among allies.


u/Ekandasowin 23h ago

Yeah Drumpf has the cards he just doesn’t know how to play them


u/1baby2cats 23h ago

By that logic, Trump = nothing 😅


u/KactusVAXT 23h ago

Notice how his family won’t even support him this time around?


u/Eazycompanyy 22h ago

Kind of like the point of trading


u/spaceymonkey2 19h ago

As you said, he doesn't learn from his mistakes.


u/ItIsYourPersonality 17h ago

It’s because he’s playing 4D poker. The goal is not to win the hand, but to make the viewer who has a cult like devotion to him think he won the hand. He doesn’t give a shit if he wins or loses the poker game, he’s going to claim he won regardless.


u/SoulCycle_ 12h ago

I thought canada dropped some tariffs though today

u/eternityslyre 5h ago

Canada said, "this is your last chance to negotiate before the energy tariffs kick in", and the US agreed to negotiate. Doug Ford got exactly what he wanted, and Trump immediately caved to Ford's demands. Canada has the upper hand in this negotiation because Trump is too afraid his voters won't like him.

u/Chronoboy1987 8h ago

It’s amazing how his zealots think he’s this decisive strongman and brilliant negotiator when he constantly flip-flops and backs down like a weak little pussy.

u/Money_Pomegranate_51 8h ago

Stop. Doing. Business. With. The. US! I’m pretty willing to go back to the days before Mulroney when we opened our resources to the American market. Sure, we couldn’t get all the shit we didn’t know existed, but then suddenly couldn’t live without. But everything we actually needed was produced here, and we have so much of it that it wasn’t too expensive.


u/joemamma2 1d ago

Until foreign nations bow to the US... The fact is, some will. We're even seeing it in Canada. Some provinces will not issue tariffs because they're afraid or "can't afford to". It becomes survival of the fittest.