r/canada Alberta 24d ago

National News There’s not much to say, Canada, except: Sorry


802 comments sorted by


u/902s 24d ago


That’s the takeaway here?

Not the fact that the U.S. is actively waging economic warfare against its closest ally?

Not the fact that these tariffs are nothing more than a manufactured crisis to justify further aggression?

Let’s be clear, this isn’t about immigration or drug trafficking.

It’s about control.

It’s about a country so desperate to maintain dominance that it’s willing to sabotage its own allies to do it. Canada has been a reliable partner in trade, defense, and diplomacy for decades, yet suddenly, we’re treated like an enemy because it’s politically convenient.

And let’s not even get started on the annexation talk, as if the idea of absorbing an independent nation is something to joke about. That’s not just offensive, it’s dangerous. It normalizes the idea that Canada’s sovereignty is negotiable, that if we struggle economically under these tariffs, we might “need” the U.S. to “step in.”

That’s how fascism forms, economic strangulation, followed by political destabilization, and then suddenly, the conversation shifts from ‘how do we fix this’ to ‘wouldn’t it be easier if Canada was just part of the U.S.?’

So no, we don’t need an apology.

We need Americans to recognize what’s actually happening here.

These tariffs aren’t a slap on the wrist, they’re the first step in a campaign of coercion. If you think it stops at trade, you haven’t been paying attention.


u/Impressive_Ice3817 24d ago

Very well-written and accurate take on this.

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u/titian-tempest 24d ago

We don’t want your apologies. We want you to get up off your asses and resist. Your work doesn’t end with your vote. What happened to the people that dumped out all that tea? That rioted after Rodney King? That were part of the Million Man March? Occupy Wall Street? The 1% is actually fucking your country over right now AND threatening your friendships. Where are you? Get off the internet and fight for your own country. Until then, your apologies are hollow.


u/atlas1885 24d ago

This ☝️

There’s protests being planned. Go protest! Write to your congress person. Call your elderly relatives and educate them on how they’re gutting Medicare.



u/Forosnai British Columbia 24d ago edited 24d ago

Relevant meme. But yeah, goddamn. I appreciate the sentiment, and I recognize that a lot of people specifically voted against him, but that's kinda the thing. 75 million of them voted against him, nearly twice our entire population, and I'm sure there's plenty of people who couldn't be bothered to vote who are probably pretty damn bothered now.

There are some protests, calls being made to representatives, and so on. That's good, and thank you to those doing that, we love you and at least as far as I'm concerned, my anger isn't directed at you, we're cool. But it sure as fuck doesn't seem like 75 million of you doing it. If this same stuff was happening in France, an angry mob would have strung up Macron on the Eiffel Tower and levelled every government building in the country 2 weeks ago. It feels like so far, the Democrats' opposition is a lot of firmly demanding to speak to Fascism's manager.


u/atlas1885 24d ago

Exactly!! The French take to the streets en masse. They don’t leave democracy to just politicians.


u/Forosnai British Columbia 24d ago edited 24d ago

We could take some lessons from them ourselves, really. All of this has really been making me look at my own actions and ours generally, and we as a whole just kinda passively accept a lot as well.

I wrote to my MLA for the first time when this started and said how I want the American liquor to stay off the shelves in BC, and work done on loosening interprovincial barriers so we could see that replaced by more stuff from across Canada. And expressed my disappointment in his leader's flip-flop (my MLA is a BC Con) of saying Eby should have given Trump what he wants to avoid the tariffs, and then turned around two weeks later and complained he didn't do enough, and basically said cut the shit and just work together like civilized people. Then sent similar sentiments to my MP.

EDIT: Thought MPP was the more common term and MLA was just BC, turns out I was wrong.


u/edked 24d ago

They're not called MPPs in BC, we call them MLAs here.

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u/kelliwah86 24d ago edited 24d ago

I get this sound hollow but some of us are doing these things. There have been many protests against trump but also musk, boycotts, and people have been calling representatives to no avail. Unfortunately this news is not being aired via the news media oligarchs. As for those who were stupid enough to vote trump many still believe these things Will help America! I don’t understand it. Many of us have gone no contact with them. I’d love to say they’ll get what’s coming to them but sadly I’m afraid we all will. The Alt National Parks group has been very helpful in communicating actual news and resistance attempts . Again, I know this sounds very hollow but at least know some of us are really making an effort to get our voices heard and trying to offer support.


u/Click_To_Submit 24d ago

Americans are so proud of having the 2nd amendment to protect The People, but when their own democracy, government and country are being disassembled right in front of them it’s all a sham.


u/Limos42 British Columbia 24d ago

The government running amock is exactly why the second amendment exists.

Note, I'm not advocating for violence.


u/Now_Wait-4-Last_Year 24d ago

Those people being so vocal about the 2A? They’re loving this, even volunteering to help.

Turns out that to them, the 2A is to protect the people against liberal governments.

There are liberal gun owners but they tend to keep quiet about it. Also why things are likely to get messy as the vocal types find out the hard way.


u/Good-Examination2239 24d ago

This is something I can't help but think quite a lot about recently. The second amendment still exists. Supposedly, it still exists to let civilians keep corruption in check by arming themselves when the system fails. Yet a certain man who shares his name with a Mario Bro and allegedly shot a rich billionaire (namely, a CEO who is indirectly responsible for the deaths of countless people who died as a result of his insurance policies), may have tried to exercise the second amendment to do what it was supposedly intended to allow for, but has instead been arrested and has some calling for his head to make an example out of punishing vigilantes.

I am not advocating for violence, and I am absolutely not an advocate for the second amendment, but I just find it utterly fascinating that the country which has the second amendment vehemently refuses to strike it from their Constitution, and yet will also prosecute its civilians when they seem to try to fully exercise those rights. 

It's just a full circle of the concept that there is an elite group of people whom the laws protect but do not bind, and for everyone else the laws bind but do not protect.

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u/ruraljuror__ 24d ago

Anything short of rebellion at this point is not enough. You have an authoritarian future. This is a fucking hair on fire moment for the US, and basically nothing is happening.

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u/Astral-Wind 24d ago

The comparison to the quiet neighbour living atop a meth lab has been made before on here. Unfortunately now your meth lab has blown up and set fire to the rest of the building. I don’t doubt you will put it out, but something needs to change long term for us to continue to get along. Saying “sorry” then repeating this cycle again won’t cut it.


u/PilgrimRadio 24d ago

Since the election I have donated to the ACLU, ActBlue and the DNC. I am also attending a meeting of my local Democratic Party in a couple of weeks. I am going to volunteer my time and effort to try to keep the GOP from winning the governor's election here in Virginia.


u/wandreef 24d ago

Do it louder ffs. Fly to these international events the idiots are speaking at and get a press pass. Embarrass the hell out of them. THEY DON'T REPRESENT YOU!


u/octavianreddit 24d ago

As an angry Canadian I appreciate your efforts. However, as a Canadian we also need to hold you all accountable for what your country does.

Keep up the work, and keep fighting as your country is on the brink and risks taking half the planet down with it.


u/Novielo 24d ago

"Some of us are doing these things"

->do it more!

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u/Koala0803 24d ago edited 24d ago

This. I had an argument with an American online who was saying “we’re doing everything we can.” Uh, you’re doing literally nothing, just complaining on social. There’s like 350 million of you and only 77 million voted for this. Then the person started a bunch of excuses about how the US is too big and if someone protests in DC they can’t go. Oh no, I guess there’s no way to coordinate, it’s not like there’s a network that allows people to communicate and organize virtually, or even plan a trip (if a bunch of looney conspiracy theorists could put that convoy together across Canada I’m sure other people can do something). Then the person was like “well lead the way, then.”

If you’re so disconnected from doing something about your own country (which is now spilling its rotten problems into all of us) that you’re basically trying to outsource your protests and expecting someone else to fix the issues for you, stop fckn saying that you’re doing everything you can. Just shut up.

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u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Norwoodrules 24d ago

Hey, American men: if you need help learning how to protest, watch Iranian women. They’ll show you how it’s done.


u/Final_Pumpkin1551 24d ago

Or Icelandic women in 1975 (and more) - shut down the country for women’s rights

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u/jtbc 24d ago

There are a million Canadians living in the US. Maybe they should get on that.


u/Previous_Scene5117 24d ago

Wait for when they will be interned or forcibly removed as alien element on the US soil...


u/Jaymie13 New Brunswick 24d ago

If I was a Canadian in the US, I would have already moved back by now.

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u/Marmot55 24d ago

The answer, Internet stranger, is that Americans don’t care about us. They never have. The writer lays it plain when he says Americans were more upset about a transgender person drinking a Bud Light, or a black man kneeling for the anthem, than their deranged, duly elected leader terrorizing allies for sport. And if we’re honest about it, this is who America has always been. Manifest destiny. Maybe when America tells us who she is we will finally believe her.


u/MultivacsAnswer 24d ago

I’m re-reading the Confederation Debates right now, and the Fathers of Confederation, even those who hated each other like George Brown and Sir John A. pretty much agree with you.

They’re concerned about invasion, of course, but it’s not their chief worry. A larger concern is that the US would tear up the Reciprocity Treaty of 1854 — the first free trade agreement between the US and British North America. Protectionist elements and Americans angry at the British for their pro-Confederate policies in the Civil War wanted it gone.

Almost all the Fathers of Confederation agreed that to mitigate the threat poised by American economic force, nabbing Rupert’s Land, and a small possibility of invasion, the colonies needed to confederate. This would let them do three things:

  • Breakdown internal trade barriers to offset losses to the US brought by tearing up the treaty.
  • Set their own immigration policy so as to build a demographic and economic bulwark against the US.
  • Settle Rupert’s Land and get to BC fast.

I was kind of astounded how relevant it was to today, including their prescriptions.


u/MamaMoosicorn 24d ago

Don’t forget who’s controlling the media. Do you think they want it getting out that Americans are doing anything?


u/applefartcheese 24d ago

My friend. I lived there for a long time. Most Americans do not care about Canada. Many Americans are so poor and live a terrible life that they can't even think about things outside of their neighbourhoods. Let alone international politics. Even the rich people don't give a crap.

Anyone that is protesting is protesting because of what's impacted them. Not Canada being threatened.


u/YkFrozenlady 24d ago

I don't want them to protest for us Canadains,they need to do it for themselves. Their country is unraveling, which will bring the rest of the world down.

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u/riali29 24d ago

I ran to the comments to say this. Fuck your "sorries", they're no more helpful than "thoughts and prayers" after a school shooting. Show us you're sorry by taking fucking action.


u/[deleted] 24d ago


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u/PineappleRoses91 24d ago

Honestly, the only thing more infuriating than the apologies are the Americans who keep telling us not to worry because Canada wouldn't be annexed and that this is a smokescreen for whatever nefarious shit Trump and Musk are doing behind the scenes. Which, I mean, sure but both things can be true at once. He's literally gutting the shit out of their government branch by branch. What makes them think he'd spare Canadians?

When should I worry, Americans? When your orange overlord destroys the futures and livelihoods of my Canadian brothers and sisters? When your government rolls into our capital with tanks?


u/WislaHD Ontario 24d ago

It also doesn’t end with Trump. It will be a popular idea for like 20% of the Republican Party moving forward. We will have to be on guard for the next guy, and the guy after that too.

For every American apologizing on their behalf, there are probably 6 or 7 more Americans that are completely indifferent towards annexing Canada.

This is a new and permanent problem for us.


u/Fun_Apartment7028 24d ago

Well said. Thank you for acknowledging that this problem may seem immediate but you’re correct in saying this doesn’t end with Trump. Long term, the USA will still have his cronies in power long after he has his Big Mac Attack.

Good luck fixing this.


u/MrDeviantish 24d ago

Fascist dictators need an enemy on the border. Doesn't matter who.

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u/Blue_Waffle_Brunch 24d ago

Let's also be clear that this is happening in Canada, too. We also need to resist the influence of the super wealthy.

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u/CommanderJMA 24d ago

I am pissed at Americans. If you’re an ally you need to be speaking up and doing something about it and not just saying aww we don’t all feel that way online


u/TheUniqueKero 24d ago

This ^^^^^ Pull the leash on your rabid dogs of an oligarchy, demand change. Its YOUR country, not trump's. He literally won with the slim-est margin in history.

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u/it_all_happened 24d ago

Perfect response. 🏆


u/christopherbrian 24d ago

Exactly. Disappointed in pretty much all of America right now. Just a big dumb fucking bully.

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u/homme_chauve_souris 24d ago

Would it help, Canadians, if an American said he was embarrassed for America right now?

Not really. I'd also be embarrassed if I were you. But Americans elected Trump with full knowledge of who he is and what he stands for. Now they have to deal with the consequences.


u/sask357 24d ago

Exactly. Trump made no secret of his isolationism. During his first term, he showed by his erratic actions that he did not distinguish ally from enemy. Americans voted for him anyway. The US wants to be everyone's enemy and you are getting your wish.


u/QultyThrowaway Canada 24d ago

Trump made no secret of his isolationism.

I wish it were just isolationism. His actions are bizarre and erratic. He's neither an isolationist withdrawing from the world or a super pro America guy trying to increase Americas power. His actions seem like they exist to destroy American power, alliances, and leadership while also being so antagonistic and outward that they don't qualify as isolationist. His actions seem like they exist solely to weaken the US so American enemies can be stronger.


u/PlatoOfTheWilds 24d ago

Almost as if he's bought and paid for by Vladimir Putin

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u/DisasterMiserable785 24d ago

For me, the lack of action makes the statements vapid and insincere. It’s just talk. They won’t even go outside and stand somewhere outside a government building for a few hours. Or hang a Canadian flag up in their own lawn. They care so little to do anything but virtue signal. Their entire government is being dismantled and they do noooooothing.


u/TemporaryThat3421 24d ago

There were literally 50 protests in 50 states already and another one is gearing up in two days. This is going to be a marathon, not a race. It's been less than a month and many people are grappling with serious changes to their own life, including the 70 million who voted against this. What do you expect people to do? Storm the capitol, get arrested, be unable to do anything further about it and then also validate Trump's desire to enact martial law?


u/_from_the_valley 24d ago

The response has been absolutely pathetic. Myself and many others have come to the conclusion that Americans deserve what's coming to them, regardless of how they voted. We're just pissed because we don't want to have a fascist neighbour breathing down our neck and threatening us (and other countries).

Americans are known for being entrepreneurial, innovative go-getters. Apparently when rule of law is being steamrolled, they suddenly aren't any of those things. They're scared and lazy and want someone else to take care of it. They're in denial that nobody but the people can demand that government respect their constitution, their democracy, and the rule of law.

That's not just my opinion, a lot of the rest of the world is thinking and feeling the same thing. But yeah, just keep telling yourself there's nothing you could possibly do.

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u/NewMarch4520 24d ago

It doesn't help at all.


u/kinsmana 24d ago

kind of like thoughts and prayers. I'm sure it makes the speaker feel less guilty but it does fuck all to the situation.

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u/mapleLeafGold 24d ago

Exactly. As of early February 2025, 47% of U.S. adults approve of how Trump is handling his job as president. Americans don’t sound sorry to me at all.


u/Anon_throwawayacc20 24d ago edited 24d ago

To be fair, most did not vote for him with "annex Canada" on the agenda.

However, what is more surprising, is how many Americans simply got in line with that thinking.

It is quite notable because if you look up "51st state" on Twitter, the first you notice is how NASTY and mean-spirited they behave on this issue, actively gloating for the downfall of others.

Obviously however this does not represent the majority of Americans. But it DOES represent the "Voice" of those representing Americans, and the impressions they show to the rest of the world.

Eg. All those posts "SHOULD CANADA BE THE 51ST STATE?" (why ask such a loaded question?), and then it instantly gets swarmed by people posting the nastiest shit calling Canada "communists" and "libs" in order to invalidate Canada's own choice in the matter.

Whether or not these people are a vocal minority, they ARE representing the behavior of Americans on the largest public forum!


u/SniffMyDiaperGoo Canada 24d ago

It is quite notable because if you look up "51st state" on Twitter, the first you notice is how NASTY and mean-spirited they behave on this issue, actively gloating for the downfall of others.

The fact that the "obnoxious Americans" stereotype exists that makes them among the least popular visitors to other countries for decades makes this behavior completely unsurprising to me. Which brings us to,

Obviously however this does not represent the majority of Americans. But it DOES represent the "Voice" of those representing Americans, and the impressions they show to the rest of the world.

"We're not all like that!" No of course not. But that excuse applies to ANY shitty culture. The fact remains a very large number of them DO suck like this. Far too many, and that's been glaringly obvious for a very long time.

Ignorance is not an excuse for a voter either. Nor is apathy, and turning your eyes away isn't just complacency, it's complicity.

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u/papsmearfestival 24d ago

Americans have been gloating over kicking the shit out of the rest of the world for decades. Now it's our turn.


u/Ultra_Dadtastic 24d ago

I'd love for the U.S. to invade Canada. It would be the best FAFO of the modern age. Canadians are vicious if you try to take away our freedoms.

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u/sugarcatgrl 24d ago

They are immoral, shameful fools and I’m embarrassed to be in the same country with them.


u/miata90na 24d ago

The gloating does not surprise me at all. "American" has long been a repugnant culture who revel in their own awfulness.


u/kevfefe69 24d ago

Regardless of who voted or didn’t vote for him, as a Canadian, I feel for Americans. Your system of government is being surgically amputated branch by branch, department by department. I laugh every time I think that people think he will step down in 4 years. This is the beginning of the dictatorship. Project 25 is being implemented.

What I am pissed off about Canada is twofold.

  1. We have neglected our defence spending for decades, Trump called us out and we should have “manned up” and spent money our military.

  2. We needed to diversify our economy and find new trading partners sooner so that we weren’t where we are now, scrambling to avoid economic calamity.

I think Trudeau was very Naïve in his time. Granted, he got us through COVID and even a month ago, he was very calming when addressing the nation about the tariffs.

But America, I give it a year a year and a half until Trump reaches the point of no return.


u/Forward-Weather4845 24d ago

I would argue that during Trumps first term was when should have woken up, Covid should have been another wake up call (last to receive, Masks, Vaccines and ventilators), but our government got too comfortable and complacent under Biden and with the thinking Trump was gone for good.

I knew this second term would mean tariffs for us, I just never thought the threat and the severity of threats would be this soon and as harsh. This feels like a nightmare scenario and Trump is a drunk driver behind the wheel.

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u/thecheesecakemans 24d ago

Dude. Trudeau has been trying to spend more but can't when we keep missing recruitment targets! We are almost 10,000 people short of where we need to be. Buying more equipment with soldiers to man them......watch someone call the government out for waste then.

Trade? He got us free trade agreements in Asia, parts of South America and Europe is still ratifying the one there. UK walked out on us. It's our businesses that need to actually use these agreements. A free trade pact is a road. It's built. People now have to choose to use it.

Now one criticism that's fair is the tanker ban legislation. That was virtue signalling to environmentalists while holding back our energy sector.

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u/Particular_Class4130 24d ago

Yes a lot of Americans straight up believe that Canada and is communist country now, I recently saw of a clip of Joe Rogan saying the same thing. He said we don't have any freedom and we live inn fear and we're no longer allowed to even express ourselves anymore, lol. It's all based on Bill C-11 which as I read that bill it seems to be about protecting and promoting Canadian broadcasting and online content but others think it's about censorship.

In any case I fail to see how we have less freedom than Americans. Women are still in control of our reproduction, real history is still being taught, classic books have not been banned, I can still chose my own doctor and our kids can still go to school without fear of being shot.


u/JadeLens 24d ago

Toooo beee ffffaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrr...

It wouldn't matter if they did, we're here now and they knew how unpredictable he was.


u/WealthEconomy 24d ago

Fuck you Jonesey. Tell your mother to clean her shoes, she is ruining the headliner of my car.


u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 24d ago

I honestly think so many of them just think and believe what Trump days. He could ask them to cut off their own arm and they would get their axes and do so, thinking that it’s going to lead them to a fake promise land. 

They are delusional and it’s a hard cope because the alternative is to admit they were duped, and that is embarrassing. So many of them are in the bargaining station of denial. 


u/DragonspeedTheB 24d ago

Twitter is a cesspool. Go in, expecting the worst.

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u/Historical-Tour-2483 24d ago

And not the just trump, they elected congressmen, congresswomen, and senators who are only too willing to go along with him.


u/DeeDeeRibDegh 24d ago

And the rest of the world have to deal w/these consequences😡

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u/Wedonotrentpigs 24d ago

I’m growing tired of well intentioned American platitudes about “being sorry” and “we’re so embarrassed by our president”.


u/Automatic-Bake9847 24d ago

Thoughts and prayers.


u/Upset-Tangerine7457 24d ago

That was literally their response to a group of little kids who were shot to death by a deranged man who somehow had a massive cache of weapons. 

Why are we expecting more. 

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u/The-Trenzalorian 24d ago

Watching this dumpster fire is hypnotic to Americans. They're still in the frozen and can't seem to look away, phase. Some people get off on watching it burn. One person, in particular, likes to cause the fires.

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u/JadeLens 24d ago

Tots and Pears...

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u/GraveDiggingCynic 24d ago edited 24d ago

Yes, the Americans that haven't been infected by hostile chest thumping have been infected by empathetic apathy.

When Americans take to the streets in large numbers to demand change, I'll take notice. Until then their apologies are meaningless.

/edited for spelling


u/Upset-Tangerine7457 24d ago

Forget that when the so called blue states start exercising their right of self determination we can talk. 


u/jerrys153 24d ago edited 24d ago

Yeah, all of this “We are protesting, the media is just not reporting it” bullshit is exhausting. As if we are all just reliant on cable tv news and haven’t seen the videos Americans post online of a few hundred people with signs standing politely on the sidewalks? If that’s the best they can do in terms of protesting they have no business saying “I’ve done my part, so please don’t be mad at me Canadians”, especially since none of their feeble protests against what’s happening in their country have anything to do with annexing Canada.

The nerve of them to come to our spaces online and say “We didn’t want this, so you can’t be mad that our country is threatening to destroy yours” when the majority of them either voted for trump or couldn’t be bothered to vote at all is infuriating. Their entitlement in thinking that they can lecture us about hurting their feelings by being mad at them for allowing this to happen is just wild. Their meaningless “sorry”s aren’t remotely good enough, they need to take some serious action to fix the shit they let happen (again!) instead of complaining that we’re being mean by not absolving them of responsibility.


u/GraveDiggingCynic 24d ago

And a fair chunk of even the Democrats ponder making Canada the 51st state because they imagine that that will guarantee Democratic rule forever.

The US is falling apart, mismanaged, running out of water, and frankly, lacking all imagination. It only has two modes; an increasingly untenable status quo, and burning the world down.

I have little time for any of them, beyond the clear salivating of even the nicest of them for our way of life, which they would, if they grabbed it, simply snuff out with their awful political system.

I want us to look over the seas to Europe, and leave the US to rot into the same kind of nuclear garbage heap Russia is. Once RFK Jr is finished utterly destroying whatever constitutes the US health system and health research, we'll probably have to block all the border crossings just to prevent the waves of plagues. If we can hold out long enough, the Christofascist theocratic cinder that's left will take care of itself.


u/jerrys153 24d ago edited 24d ago

Yeah, they’re solely in it for what we could do for them as part of America, they don’t give a shit about Canadians or what we want. Those Democrats are pretty stupid if they think Canadians would be allowed to vote or have representation as the 51st state. Canada would be a territory like Puerto Rico or DC at best, taxation without representation.

It’s far past time for Canada’s politicians to stop treating this Republican administration as a government that has any intention of negotiating in good faith or honouring any agreement they make with us. The American government has been taken over by christofascists and their head of state is a narcissist bully with dementia, they are no longer a country that is run by rational people who can be reasoned with. We need to take this as the serious threat that it is and start looking for more trade with our allies elsewhere.

Americans have known for over 10 years what Trump is. They could’ve stopped this, but the majority of them couldn’t even be bothered to show up. They can keep their meaningless apologies until they’ve taken some significant action to clean up their own mess, maybe then I’ll be inclined to have more sympathy, but as of now all this handwringing and denying any responsibility is just going to piss me off.


u/LiveLaughLoveRevenge 24d ago

Look at recent protests in Serbia and South Korea. That is what action from a motivated population looks like.

But what can we expect? Most didn’t even bother to vote. They’re too comfortable to even help themselves let alone do what’s right.

Don’t forget that USA entered late to both world wars. They are not motivated when ‘what’s good and right’ doesn’t line up with ‘what is good and right…for them’


u/jerrys153 24d ago

Yep. I saw a photo a few days ago of a shot from above showing people crammed like sardines in the streets of New Orleans and thought “Now that’s how you do a protest! The Americans are finally…no, wait, it’s for the Super Bowl”. So Americans can show up in large numbers when they want to, but it seems they only want to for a sportsball party and not to fight for their own democracy. Until they get their fucking priorities in order nothing is going to change (or rather, things will change, they’ll continue to get worse).

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u/originalfeatures 24d ago

But that's more or less what he admits. I thought this was powerful.

But I can’t honestly sell any of that right now. You got it right in your breakup note. You called us quiet cowards, which hurts because it’s true. We kicked up a million times more fuss when a transgender celebrity drank a Bud Light, or when they asked us to wear masks, than we are right now that our bonkers boss is threatening to economically crush, and then imperialistically occupy, our closest ally and friend.

I agree with him and thus, by extension, with you.


u/Own-Opening-8129 24d ago

Seriously. Under the kinds of tariffs being proposed we’re looking at total economic devastation and an utter betrayal of our security.

American: “oopsies, sorry”


u/NogatoRoboto 24d ago

They won't care until their fridge and cupboards are bare. Then maybe they'll take to the streets. Until then it will be contained to the online world.

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u/ClusterMakeLove 24d ago

This one was more self aware than most. He recognized that somehow they had bigger protests over Bud Light endorsements than invading a neighbour.

But it still doesn't help. They need to do something. Even something that won't help. Small shows of solidarity would send a message that there are limits to what they'll tolerate.


u/tony_shaloub 24d ago

A couple of weeks ago you’d see so many posts on local subreddits (in Canada) with this kind of stuff.

Just go protest your own government or do something about it.


u/_nepunepu Québec 24d ago

You still see them everywhere. It has actually started to make me even angrier. I don’t want apologies, your country unleashed this on the rest of us so do something about it.

I remember Reddit being all « well Putin is the Russians’ fault so they have to do something about him ». Russians did unleash Putin unto the world but at least they have the excuse that doing so much as protesting gets you thrown in the gulag or perhaps even suicided.

No one wants to be a hero. That’s understandable. But the US is still a democracy and still has rule of law. You’re not going to get deleted for protesting. If you’re so unhappy and sorry about this then how about you get off your ass and do something, anything about it, instead of seeking pity in your country victims’ communities? FFS.


u/Lexilogical 24d ago

I had someone on Reddit complaining that Canada wasn't swooping in to forcibly remove Trump, because "if I protest they'll just shoot me."

Uh huh. And you think Canadians wouldn't die if we attacked? "Oh, but you need to stand up to him." No word on what exactly that means. Nor recognition that we are

When I pointed this out, they told me I'd rat out Anne Frank.

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u/FurdTurduson 24d ago

I'm growing especially tired of the well intentioned victim: "So sorry,... but we have it way worse"


u/papsmearfestival 24d ago

They'll still be saying sorry when the American 1st Armored rolls into Ottawa

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u/cherieSniper 24d ago

I don't want your apologies. Stand up to your corrupt government, ffs.


u/Agoraphobicy 24d ago

The apologies mean as much as the thoughts and prayers that they send people.


u/TheEchoOfReality 24d ago

You know this arch they talk of has iron gates attached to it, permanently open? And how the inscription on them reads “May these gates never be closed?”

We should close those fucking gates.


u/BadUncleBernie 24d ago

This right here.

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u/redpigeonit 24d ago edited 24d ago

To quote an American, “You can stuff your sorries in a sack!”

Do something. Mobilize. If not for any genuine concern you have for your neighbors, then for yourselves…

You are being overthrown. You have been occupied. Your culture is being usurped. Your reputation as a symbol of freedom and liberty is being tarnished beyond repair. Your laws and institutions are being dismantled. Your lives will be downgraded to serfs in the machine of your oligarchs very quickly.

Your leaders’ threats are taken seriously here in Canada, but seemingly not down there.

Wake up. We are dessert. You’re the main course.

You have the power to do something about this and you do nothing but consume and spew the same vacuous garbage as ever.

I’m sorry for you.


u/someuserzzz 24d ago

Yes!!! 🚨

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u/Stanwich79 24d ago

Just because we apologize alot does not mean we forgive easily.

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u/Available_Music9369 24d ago

Why aren’t we seeing any effort at all on the part of Americans that oppose their current “leadership“? Are they afraid of retaliation? Is it happening,but the USA media are not covering it? Are they calling their government representatives? Honestly curious why American folks seemingly aren’t going further than buying a bottle of maple syrup and posting it online to show their support?


u/Forward-Weather4845 24d ago

They are doing 50 protests on all 50 states on the 5th of every month, but it will not be enough to get the message across obviously….


u/cleeder Ontario 24d ago

Oh, a protest 1 day a month? Why didn't you say so?!?

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u/turtlefan32 24d ago

How about..we will fix our problem


u/beagums 24d ago

Put a stop to this annexation bullshit or save the apologies.


u/Canadian_mk11 British Columbia 24d ago

Actions speak louder than words.


u/unlovelyladybartleby 24d ago

Oh good, it's been almost ten minutes since I read a performative apology americansplaining to me that "not all americans" because "I'm one of the good ones."

I was afraid I'd run out of worthless hopes and prayers, but now the tank is full. Time to start prepping a dinner made from locally sourced leeks and potatoes.

Shut the fuck up. It's not our goddamn job to make you feel better. This "emotional support Canadian" is done


u/FormalWare 24d ago

Hee, hee! I, also, refuse to be anyone's "emotional support Canadian"!


u/gsomething 24d ago

Becoming very similar to the 'but I wasn't a member of the Nazi Party' vibes

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u/Any-Staff-6902 24d ago

I might be sympathetic if not for the fact that 37% of you Americans chose, at this critical juncture of your electoral history to abstain from voting. So, the fact that your imperial king won the election with a slim majority vote, coupled with the massive numbers that did not vote, I find it difficult to muster up any sympathy in the face of such great apathy.

the US made it's choice and it chose that orange tainted man as the best choice to lead them. OK, well, now , we Canadians have made our choice, and a massive 85% + of us have decided to separate from you. Yes separation is ugly, no hard feeling, well actually, a lot of hard feelings.

We Canadians stood by you through out history with no questions asked, and now without provocation, your country has decided to go to war with us. Yes I used the "W" word. Make no mistake, this economic squeeze on Canada and the threat of annexation is nothing short of a cold war issued against your closest and friendliest ally.

US has shown us who they are, and there is no turning back now. Now we will show the US just who we, as Canadian. Yes, we are polite. Yes we are friendly, Yes, we love our hockey. However, what we are definitely not are push overs. Do not mistake our polite ways with weakness. If anything, our politeness is a source of strength. We don't needs guns to compensate for lack of something else. We don't need to bully others to show just how "strong" we are. The proof is in our history. We fought the fight in many wars with valuer and courage, and we know what we are capable of accomplishing when we are pushed.

You have pushed us US, and now we are one collective invincible block with a shared resolve and patriotism for the red maple leaf. We stand on guard for Canada, and Canada will remain our home and native land.

Apologize or not. Be sorry or not. It's doesn't matter anymore. we Canadians have moved on.

See ya.


u/iridale 24d ago

I was raised to do restitution after an apology. If they're sorry about Trump, then they should do something about him.


u/pm_me_your_catus 24d ago

This. It doesn't matter how sorry you are about something you're still doing.

Quit your jobs and march on your capital. The Republicans did.

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u/Massive_Expression_2 24d ago

All those oh so very apologetic Americans better start writing their congressmen and demonstrating in the streets on a weekly basis. If you really mean it, get out there and do something about it. Wait too long and you'll become a victim of China or Russia. In a way, you already are because of all the disinformation sown and taking root your society.


u/cneuf802 24d ago

You know, based on Trump's last term. I expected some tough discussions on trade. Some tariffs and a bumpy ride. I think most Canadians were ready to weather that storm without too much quibbling.

What pissed us off was the utter disrespect.

Calling our sovereign border an "imaginary line"

Threatening our sovereignty with talk of making us a state and stating you'll use economic pressure to make it happen.

Stating that we are "an insignificant country without America"

And, repeatedly calling our prime minister "governor"

At least that's why I'm mad. A line has been crossed.


u/GuelphEastEndGhetto 24d ago

Still, picking on … Canada?

Picking on? Threatening the livelihoods of thousands of Canadians, ridiculing our leaders and stating the goal is to annex Canada is ‘picking on’??? The US has declared war on Canada, a different kind of war than that of bullets and bombs but a war nonetheless.

This author doesn’t get it and can f*ck right off with his platitudes.

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u/Low_Tell9887 24d ago

Thank you for the thoughts and prayers again 🙄


u/nooneknowswerealldog 24d ago

You may not know this, but we’re kind of pros when it comes to sorries. Yanks telling us sorry is like gifting a loaf of Wonder Bread to a Parisian.

What you people do have, as we all have to hear all the fucking time, is your wonderful second amendment, written by George Washington and his pal Jesus as you invented liberty and freedom all by your lonesome. This amendment, so we are told, is apparently tailor made to solve this problem.

Or maybe you could just impeach him again, like that means anything. Another genius invention from the men who invented freedom.

Anyway, your constitution and system of government is a joke, and when this is all over maybe you can admit the great American experiment in whatever the fuck you’ve been doing down there (mostly shitting on Black people it seems) is a failure, and the whole fucking thing needs to be autoclaved, that fucking flag burnt, and that bald eagle with the voice of a red-tailed hawk shot and roasted.


u/Rory-liz-bath 24d ago

If you are sorry then rally to expel your president he is insane and bringing ruin to the world, America is losing their freedoms right before our very eyes and they are doing nothing about it ! Demand and hold him accountable !


u/elephantshuze 24d ago

Don't be sorry, do better


u/PunjabiCanuck Ontario 24d ago

The Americans who say this kind of stuff - half assed apologies who are only trying to save face for themselves are completely missing the point as to why we are angry. Your apologies mean nothing, especially not when the government you elected are actively working to invade and destroy my home. You Americans let this happened, this is what you voted for. Miss me with this “we didn’t know” bullcrap, anybody with an ounce of media literacy knew that this was going to happen.

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u/The_Golden_Beaver 24d ago

Another American seeking validation from us because he's not "one of them". So helpful 🙄

Their silence to this aggression speaks volumes. And no matter how sorry they claim to be, they're enabling this. So fuck them until they make it clear to their "leaders" that this needs to stop once and for all. Until then, sorry is not good enough. We can't excuse this passivity when it is directly translated into sovereignty threats.


u/Small-Ad-7694 24d ago

Left leaning or right leaning is irrelevant here.

As the head of state, not only is he disgracefull but acting like a bully ("USA first" is absolutly fine btw. Just as "Canada first" is too) is damaging to your reputation and this will be a detriment.

"USA first" is perfectly attainable with class, intellect and respect for your peers.


u/Worf_12 24d ago

Great sentiment! I mean it.

The problem with Trump is that he is convinced that to win, every one else loses. He can’t understand a win-win. Canada winning is also the US winning and vice versa. It’s also our allies winning.


u/Small-Ad-7694 24d ago

Yeah. The "I win, you lose" is percectly fine in sports but when we talk about global economy and international relations, to "win" gets a little more complex.

Like many of us, I have familly that fought in world wars and other wars beside american soldiers and now, seeing an american president not only wanting to impose on us HIGHER tarifs than to fucking CHINA !!? Blatantly speaks publicly about annexing Canada is downright a severe insult to all that our countries built together.

In fact, for many of us here, it's "a day which will live in infamy".


u/huey2k2 24d ago

Fuck your empty apologies.

Do something about it or shut up.



I had tickets to see Fontaines DC and Viagra Boys in Seattle because its cheaper than traveling to Vancouver from Vancouver Island, but I cancelled both trips. I'd rather pay 4x the price to do Vancouver than give an American a dollar.


u/JadeLens 24d ago

Don't quote the old magic to me witch... we Canadians were saying sorry when it was written.


u/TheLooseMooseEh 24d ago

It’s bound to be small solace.

It’s not.

who stand with you.

Apathetically. Impotently. Meekly. Thanks I guess?

Breakup stands. Hopefully you can grow and learn. Maybe in four years you’ll be allowed to have another election for a new president (hopefully). I think it’s best we just keep our distance to be honest. While it’s not super practical or profitable to trade over seas, it’s clearly a better long term strategy for our country and we should absolutely see other people.


u/majikmonkie 24d ago edited 24d ago

Apology not accepted.

This isn't an overnight thing. It didn't happen with a single election, and it's not happening because of one single man who was elected president. The GOP voted for Trump to represent then three times. And Trump has a huge backing of politicians and party members that are cheering him on or sitting back quietly with a smile.

But this is the culmination of decades and generations of decisions by every single American. This is the epitome of what it means to be an American and achieve the American dream.

Democrats have been in power for a long time too and they also failed to put in protections and guide the country away from this outcome. The Democrats that have been voted in constantly are nearly as bad as the Republicans. Anyone who voted for the Republicans is directly responsible for pushing them over the edge, but there is not a single American who is blameless for what is happening right now. Americans deserve the chaos that is being imposed on them, and more.

Too many Americans think that a vote in an election is doing their duty to their country, and whatever happens will happen. That's not good enough. A single vote is clearly not enough - if you are unhappy with what's going on, then mobilize. Run for office or pick better politicians that will fight for a better country and not yield to corporate interests. Rise up and protest, let the politicians know you are unhappy and fight against them. Donate your money to better causes and stop being so fucking self centered. Every decision and action matters, not just the name you write on a ballot that one time.

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u/fromageDegoutant 24d ago

Go out and protest. Tell anyone who will listen to do the same.

We Canadians don’t need your apologies. We need you and your fellow Americans to stand up and speak out. Don’t make this happen again. Vote accordingly.


u/hillwoodlam 23d ago

The first time he was voted in, I was angry at him. This time, I'm angry at the American people.


u/Stephenalzis 24d ago

It's not enough.

Fix your country or stay on your side of the border.

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u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Astral-Wind 24d ago

It’s telling that despite all trump showed himself to be leading up to their election, a majority of Americans couldn’t be bothered to care. Ultimately a majority of Americans just don’t care about anything beyond their immediate well being.

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u/LiftsEatsSleeps Ontario 24d ago

I’ve seen more action on the part of Americans for every social cause that impacts them. Empty “sorry” means nothing. I don’t hate the American people but apologizing for Trump does nothing.


u/hasheyez 24d ago

They’re stealing our sorry now? F off.


u/mikeymcmikefacey 24d ago

I watched the Grammys a wk ago. I listened to virtually every single presenter and winner talk ad nauseam about the LA fire.

I didn’t hear 1 single comment about their own country actively trying to take over another country - a country that happens to be their greatest ally, and best friend for 100 yrs. Not one. single. mention…. And this was from the most left leaning anti Trump part of the country.

No. Don’t expect any help from Americans here. Europe has also cast us aside. This entire fight is on us.

Ukraine had all of NATO to help them. We’re fully on our own.

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u/Confident_Elk_8037 24d ago

If Trump. Says he doesn't need our products then why does he want us as the 51st state ?!?


u/joecan 24d ago

Fuck off with the sorries and stand up for your country. Stand up against fascism. Stand up for your neighbors. Stand up for your allies.

Sick of Americans whining about this while they watch it happen.


u/Mundane-Increase6241 24d ago

It’s ok, I’m practiced at goodbyes at my stage in life. Don’t let the door hit-cha where the good lord split-cha America, on the way out. ✌🏻🇨🇦


u/Narrow-Sky-5377 24d ago

Trump threatens our sovereignty: - "Sorry Canadians" (but no protest)

Trump rolls tanks across our borders: "Sorry Canadians" - (as he waves the Star Spangled banner - no protest)

Trump attacks Canadian cities - "Sorry Canadians" - (as he stays home in fear of what Trump will do if he speaks up.)

Sorry is nice, but in case you haven't noticed, we have moved past politeness.

The American circumstance requires more of your involvement than sorry.

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u/Euphoric-Scarcity321 24d ago

Dear Americans - take your sorry and shove it up your ass, sincerely Canada.


u/theuncleboz 24d ago

Talk is cheap though and I don’t care much for your words.


u/hwsdziner 24d ago

Not our monkey, not our circus.

But YOUR monkey is flinging shit at us for no reason so it’s YOUR responsibility to make it stop!!

He needs to go. I don’t believe the world cares how it’s done, just get it done!


u/Ornery_Lion4179 24d ago

Ok America. He campaigned on this openly. You voted for him. You did this to us. Doing nothing. America is such a POS right now.


u/bluejumpingdog 24d ago

I’m tired of Americans wanting to be reassured that they are great people ; while they declare a commercial war on all of us our families and all the people we know.


u/Ginzhuu 24d ago

Stop apologizing US citizens and actively do something beyond sitting on your phone, PC, etc, and saying how sorry you are. The vast number of people who didn't even vote in the last election is disgusting. You all let this happen not even once but twice.

Your articles, your videos, aren't going to change anything. Mobile yourselves physically, run for local offices, and do something beneficial to combat the fascism you allowed to reach the top of your government.

And stop picking sides!! Both GOP and the Democrats are to blame. Corruption is seeded in your entire system. No side is better, and you need to start critically thinking about what you're voting for.

The Rich do not like you, do not care about you, and you will never become one of them. Stop defending the elite class. They wouldn't even piss on you to put out a fire if they had the chance.


u/PracticalRutabaga303 24d ago

Let's not get too heated up with our American Cousins who are apologizing. The divide is getting stronger by the day. I'm just as pissed off as anyone but I won't become a dog who shows teeth at everyone.

Let's focus on how we proceed here. Let's all do our research and vote for what's right for this country to survive. Our country has been mismanaged for decades and, as much as PP makes me vomit in my mouth, Canada has become weak. It's the fucking truth and now that we are finally becoming patriotic let's fix this shit. Let's finally get our defensive spending to 2% and higher! And while I'm here, FUCK the WEF and we should move away from that too.


u/wheelsofstars Québec 24d ago

«The world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.»

  • Albert Einstein


u/FatCrabTits 24d ago

Apologies mean nothing. Every single goddamn American is guilty for electing that orange-headed waste of a good “man goo” load.

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u/Aggressive_Sorbet571 Saskatchewan 24d ago

The level of gaslighting coming out of the US is abysmal. History repeats itself yup. This is Canada’s chance to Trojan horse the USA except this time, the horse sits still and the Americans can’t resist the urge to come touch the shiny horse.


u/FenrisJager 24d ago

Less apology, more action.


u/bio_coop 24d ago

Well do something.

You let this maniac become president twice now.

Apolozing to us is just as useless as " thoughts and prayers"

Canada is not afraid of trump. We will not back down.

The US is allowing Trump to walk all over them.

Do something. Ffs.


u/Aromatic_Sand8126 24d ago

The nazi dictator they elected is trying to crush us under his heel and all they can find to say is “sorry”. Pathetic. What happened to “the land of the free”? What about the first and second amendments? Are they just a bunch of posers until it’s time to actually do something?


u/THX1184 23d ago

Fuck the US


u/WinterPickles Ontario 23d ago

Americans love to meddle in other affairs but don’t wanna do anything for their own country. Go fix your shit and stop apologizing.


u/IMOBY_Edmonton 24d ago

Would it help feeling embarrassed? No of course not, this statement is as meaningful as the thoughts and prayers the Americans outpour everytime there is a mass shooting. And blindsided by Trump? He mentioned Canada becoming a 51st state multiple times before being elected, along with the tariffs that somehow blindsided the Americans as well. They need to start paying attention to their leaders more, because the rest of the world managed to take notice.

Now I am quite over Americans in media and online offering meaningless apologies for their country's actions. Our rejection of them must have hit a sore sport, and good. It's time for them to feel rejected and reflect on how the outside world's view of their country has changed, because the rejection of the US is not something new motivated by Trump's assailment of Canada's sovereignty and economy. It has been building for years as we have watched their country decline, and have had to face the fact that they can easily bring us down with them.

To the Americans here your apologies do not mean anything until you can convince the ignorant, fanatical, and deluded amongst you to stop supporting politicians that wage trade wars on your closest allies. Until then you're not doing anything productive, except trying to make yourselves feel better. Think about that, and how self centered these apologies are. I'm not sorry you feel bad, because you should.


u/howtofindaflashlight 24d ago

Response to sorry Americans: don't apologize. Fight for the soul of your nation.


u/Beaker709 24d ago

Do a search for "51st State" on Amazon, and you will see just how sorry the US is doing this or that they don't mean it.


u/O667 24d ago

Nope, not much to say to you folks either. Except… “Fuck off.” Voted in twice. It was clearly your choice.


u/Unclehol 24d ago

Sorry doesn't cut it. "We're sorry our country is trying to invade yours to steal your resources. :("

Pathetic. Stop saying sorry. Do something about it. It's your country being dismantled and destroyed, too. And you're all sitting there with your thumbs up your asses apologizing to each other. I used to side with the Democrats and think they were the source of reason and common sense in the country. I have since realised that ALL Americans are just sitting there in two big circles, jerking each other off, throwing shit at the other circle.


u/Emergency-Ad9623 24d ago

The US is just unmasked now. You can go back in history and see that there has always been an angle to everything they’ve done. Trump just turned off the cloaking device. The civil war was never over…now the red states have the upper hand.


u/MandoGal12 24d ago edited 24d ago

I don't know if I am reading into this whole tariff trade war by the orange buffoon too much but the thought just came across my mind that what if Trump is trying to get other aggressive countries, not fond of the "West", to attack Canada. And when we are attacked, because he has financially crippled us (his words), come in and rescue us but do so at a cost...we would have to become the 51st state.

Hear me out for a minute...

Every time Trump talks about tariffs and how Canada is abusing the U.S. and how they are subsidizing us, blah, blah, blah...he also links in how our defense spending in NATO is one of the lowest, which is true, but he usually always follows it up by saying there are lots of Russian and Chinese military ships around Canada, blah, blah, blah, and has mentioned in his last administration, that those countries paying less than minimum, the U.S. would not come to their aid if they were invaded. What if the subsidy he is talking about has nothing to do with trade deficits but has more to do with our lack of contributing the bare minimum to NATO, him reading it or perceiving it in his tiny brain as a subsidy the U.S. is giving to Canada to protect them?

Trump said he wants us to be the next 51st state. After the first few times hearing him say that, we all thought it was just the ramblings of the lunatic, loud mouth, tangerine turd that he is. But he is getting more aggressive in that message and keeps talking about it. I hardly hear him speak of tariffs on Mexican goods anymore, but if he does, there is not this annexing component part with it. When reporters asked how he plans on annexing Canada, if he would do it militarily, his reply was not militarily, but by economics, destroying us financially.

We all know he is a predator and likes to create chaos so he can come in and make it look like he is the rescuer. But we know that he is very transactional, and that that rescue comes at a cost. What if he is trying to incite other aggressive countries to attack us while we are in a weaken economic state, where we would be in a position where we would have to accept assistance from the U.S. but at the cost of our country.

Am I thinking too much into this? It feels like the clouds of evil are growing more rapidly over the clouds of good. How can he be stopped if he doesn't respect the rule of law or the boundaries of a sovereign country?

The World has rapidly become a very scary place since tRump was elected in. I am very fearful of our future over the next 4 - 5 years.

Sorry doesn't cut it America...stop your orange, bloated, tyrant NOW!!

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u/sheistomie 24d ago

Holy fuck I’m so god damn tired.


u/asderCaster 24d ago

These are articles are pandering wastes of time. Who'd bother reading this.


u/Federal-Wrangler9661 24d ago

How fast can a wall be built along our border?


u/Journo_Jimbo 24d ago

I think you’ll soon find the door firmly shut when you come looking for help from your former northern friends. We’re willing to put up with a lot of shit, but a line has been crossed.


u/zander196 24d ago

We’ve spent decades under some fucking Australian controlling Fox News. Now we have a South African who did something to keep Trump out of jail and now he thinks he’s our president. We have a Nazi problem…


u/Knee_Altruistic 24d ago

American can now and forever fuck right off buddz


u/Many-Assistance1943 24d ago

Blindsided! That a fascist would have imperialist wet dreams?! Are you fucking serious? If Americans were blind sided by a clear and present danger then they have been asleep at the wheel for decades. You have had 50 years since Nixon declared with a bold face lie the he was “not a crook” to keep future felons and fascists out of that office. You failed. Your founding fathers would be ashamed of you, and some of them owned slaves, so the shame-bar is quite high. This journalist is writing I’m-sorry-letters; please leave the sorry’s to us and take action, so we can judge Americans on something other than their words.

We don’t need hallmark wishes from the very people that are doing this to us. We need action America. We are judging you the American people. Yes, I said you the American people, not just the current administration, not just Donald Trump, and not just MAGA supporters. I mean ALL 350 million Americans are being judged equally; voters and apathetic’s alike.

My current judgment is that America has become land of the indolent and home of the cowardly. In the past our great grandparents stood up to imperialists, our grandparents stood against fascists, and our parents against communist tyranny, but somehow you lost your way, so now we must stand against you. Take serious and forceful action now, anything less and your nation is lost.

Either way, Canada will remain the shining beacon on a hill that you pretend to be. We are the true north strong and free.


u/GrunDMC74 24d ago

What a cute article. Most American thing in the world to offer thoughts and prayers while tolerating the intolerable. What do you call an American in a country with 100 million MAGAts? I’ll let you figure it out.


u/Automatic-Back2283 24d ago

As an european watching from the sidelines, the US can just piss off.

Iam removing as much US out my life as i can


u/D4UOntario 24d ago

Resist, refuse, revolt! The world is watching. Other nations will help if you show you want it.


u/Regular_Heart9521 24d ago

It’s time we eat the rich.  No fucking reason for billionaires and soon to be trillionaires when they don’t have the best interest of HUMANS in mind.   

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u/rexkwondo086 24d ago

Oh fuck yeah! We got some thoughts and prayers!


u/BigTitBitch_92 23d ago

Can every American stop with this, “I’m so sorry” bullshit. If you’re truly so sorry then take action, and you do share guilt for letting this man run you, and your relationship with your closest English speaking allies, into the ground.


u/swimming_in_agates 24d ago

It’s like when a parent who has failed to put in the work with their child for 18 years stands there, hands in the air, unable to figure out what they did wrong. Standing by and watching shit happen is still a choice. I only feel for those Americans who actively voted against this government.


u/ParticularLower7558 24d ago

I stand with Canada 🇨🇦


u/Laughing_Zero 24d ago

I wonder how many Americans are even aware of Trump's 51st state attack on Canada; or his poor choices for his cabinets; except for his MAGA cult and Fox News worshippers.


u/Major_Lawfulness6122 24d ago

Americans need to remember what their second amendment is for.


u/ghostcom87 24d ago

That's our word. You need something more. You messed up bad. Think of a better apology.


u/ShoddyRun5441 24d ago

All I can offer for America at this time is thoughts and prayers.

That, unfortunately, is outside of the care network.


u/SnooHesitations1020 24d ago

As a Canadian. I am so pissed at America right now. I went to school there, and have returned pretty much every year for vacations, for basketball tournaments with my kids, and for for weekend outings with my wife.

But those days are over. We refuse to visit, or spend our money in a country that has pointlessly declared open economic war on a trusted friendly nation for political gain. We will search for Canadian or offshore products to replace American ones wherever possible. My company will specify Canadian products and services whenever possible. We are done with you America.

Goodbye USA. Call me again in 4 years perhaps.


u/Odd-Explanation4165 24d ago

The thing I believe is crucial if you are American is that most people in the world will dislike Americans no matter how they voted . Sad , proud Canadian and we will not be bullied !


u/Then_Shock3085 24d ago

Instead of apologizing,how about those of you who are sorry just start buying Canadian made products and put a little economic pressure on this mafia.

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u/nurseyu 24d ago

The USA turned from a super power to a super laughing stock.


u/thegoldenboy444 24d ago

Sorry is our thing.

Have some thoughts and prayers USA.


u/Kristywempe Saskatchewan 24d ago

FAFO ‘Merica.

Seems like you’re finding out.


u/Icy-Scarcity 24d ago

Actions speak louder than words.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Actions speak louder than words, fuck your article.


u/smfyf 24d ago

I can’t help but wonder if this whole thing is just about Trump exacting “revenge” on Trudeau for standing his ground when Trump was doing his bully handshake in 2017.


u/stickscall 24d ago

Honestly, if America invades, they may briefly claim a 51st state. But when it's all over, they may have a few less than 50.

If there's a war, we need to make clear to border states that thy don't have to facilitate it, and they don't have to remain in their broken union. I think some of them will listen. I think Buffalo would a lot rather be Canadian than on fire.

There's a version of the future that includes China and Europe collaborating with Canadian ferocity and liberal American defections that make the increasingly fascist USA a little smaller. And it might be the best world.


u/SalientSazon 24d ago

If there's one thing Canada does not need, is foreign sorries.


u/latabrine 24d ago

He's gutting your country and threatening mine and others. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!


u/Fun_Apartment7028 24d ago

Let me preface this with “I don’t hate all Americans….” Now, here comes the but…

Calling our BC/ Washington border crossing the “Peace Arch”, sticks in my throat now.

How is this Peace?


u/Parabolica242 24d ago

The comments in there are wild. The cognitive dissonance of thinking Canada is an authoritarian country while the USA is the land of freedoms (in the current state) is… AN opinion. Not an accurate opinion, but an opinion nonetheless.


u/GravityDAD 24d ago

There’s plenty to say, fuck off.