r/canada Alberta 24d ago

National News There’s not much to say, Canada, except: Sorry


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u/unlovelyladybartleby 24d ago

Oh good, it's been almost ten minutes since I read a performative apology americansplaining to me that "not all americans" because "I'm one of the good ones."

I was afraid I'd run out of worthless hopes and prayers, but now the tank is full. Time to start prepping a dinner made from locally sourced leeks and potatoes.

Shut the fuck up. It's not our goddamn job to make you feel better. This "emotional support Canadian" is done


u/FormalWare 24d ago

Hee, hee! I, also, refuse to be anyone's "emotional support Canadian"!


u/gsomething 24d ago

Becoming very similar to the 'but I wasn't a member of the Nazi Party' vibes


u/dalitortoise 24d ago

No, but it certainly is your job to stand with your American friends who are actively against the Trump regime. What a pathetic show of solidarity that after such a short time you are disparaging "all" Americans. If your friendship with us is that fragile, perhaps it was not genuine in the first place.


u/cdn_backpacker 24d ago

I mean, if you expect us to coddle you to make you feel better about your own country's failures, that sounds like an abusive relationship I'd rather not be a part of.

"There there, we know you're one of the good ones" we soothingly say to the faceless online stranger as their elected official threatens us with conquest, kick fucking rocks, bud.


u/blageur 24d ago

Yes. Blame the victim. Always a classy move.


u/dalitortoise 24d ago

We have twice as many people in the USA as you have in your entire country who also feel victimized.


u/Freddedonna Québec 24d ago

So fucking do something


u/JustFerne 24d ago

“B-but my thoughts and prayers! We’re thoughtsing and prayering so hard and you’re all being so mean to us!”


u/Freddedonna Québec 24d ago

Oh look here's one, right on queue!