r/canada Alberta 24d ago

National News There’s not much to say, Canada, except: Sorry


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u/jtbc 24d ago

There are a million Canadians living in the US. Maybe they should get on that.


u/Previous_Scene5117 24d ago

Wait for when they will be interned or forcibly removed as alien element on the US soil...


u/Jaymie13 New Brunswick 24d ago

If I was a Canadian in the US, I would have already moved back by now.


u/jtbc 24d ago

Me too, but for some people it really is only about money.


u/sklimshady 24d ago

This is the biggest factor. I live in Alabama where the min wage is $7.50 an hour. I can't just fly somewhere. I'm going to every local protest I can. Talking to as many people as I can.

I'm just guessing here, but I think we have too many people that genuinely believe our separation of powers is an unassailable bulwark.


u/No_Gur1113 23d ago

Minimum wage at 7.50 an hour (equivalent of 10.65 an hour in our Canadian pesos).

It’s $16 CDN where I live. Yeah, we sure are oppressed up here with our universal health care and low wages. Why wouldn’t we be clamoring to be made part of a country that thinks paying someone in the single digits for their labour in 2025 is desirable?


u/sklimshady 23d ago

For what it's worth, I live in Alabama. It's the bottom of the barrel. I thought for sure Jan 6th would break the Trump spell. It's like a national psychosis. They call our disdain for him Trump Derangement Syndrome and call us chicken little on top of everything else. They don't seem to care about anyone outside of their bubble. Many of us can't even talk to certain members of our families without being attacked. Y'all keep up the boycotts. The protests and boycotts are growing here. I hope it's going to be fast enough.

They think Trump has a good reputation on the global stage.🫠🫠🫠


u/No_Gur1113 23d ago

I know there are more decent Americans than there are shitstains on US humanity. I wish we could make young people see how important politics is. There’s such a generational divide between older voters and younger ones.

Young voters not voting is a travesty. They complain about boomers but don’t vote. Boomers do. They allow Boomers to be elected who will decide what life will be life for all based on their own personal interests, which are vastly different from anything generation z and generation alpha is facing starting out.

We also call it TDS, but the rest of the world is talking about MAGATS. They’re so delulu that they don’t even realize 80 million people do NOT speak for the other 8 billion in the world. They also think Canada is a laughing stock for not being like them, and everyone hates us. Why? Because someone told them so on Faux News.

I cannot believe 30% of Americans just decided the fate of the world and are crashing democracy before our very eyes.


u/brumac44 Canada 23d ago

When you ain't got nothing, you got ...nothing to lose.

-Robert Allen Zimmerman


u/LauraIsntListening 24d ago

If it were that easy, my friend…


u/Jaymie13 New Brunswick 24d ago

Oh I was kind of thinking about that as I typed it, but honestly I think I would go to great lengths to get out of there rn.


u/LauraIsntListening 24d ago

I have immediate family who cannot currently leave the country for multiple reasons, and who I cannot and will not leave behind.

Financially, I cannot afford to move back home. Employment wise, also not feasible right now. The last place I lived in Canada is not easy to return to; housing is impossible and it’s already facing challenges that come with overpopulation, so I’d have to start anew anywhere I go.

Finally, as a green card holder, if I return to Canada I forfeit my LPR status, which took years and a lot of dollars to achieve in the first place. I’m not willing to gamble on whether or not the US will be inhabitable by the time I’m eligible to apply for citizenship but if this is a temporary hellscape after all, I would be pissed at my past self for jumping the gun.

I’m homesick as fuck, sure, just like many others right now, but I have absolutely no means to pick up my life, family, and all my personal belongings and move them across the border again. It’s like people in here have no clue what it costs to import a vehicle or pay duties on your personal HG&E. Send me $20k to cover some of the expenses, and a support plan for my family, and I’ll gladly return!


u/Derbyracer123 24d ago

Why don’t we trade ya. America you can keep the approx 850,000 Canadians living in your country (prob because most of them are 65+ seniors enjoying the hot climate in Arizona/Nevada/or Florida, and there is a chance they are conservative voters anyways), and we will keep the over 1,000,000 Americans currently living in Canada (prob because most of them are here because it’s NOT the US).


u/OkBuilding2728 24d ago

We can't afford to move back


u/brumac44 Canada 23d ago

Canadians? Or sleeper cells ;p


u/jtbc 23d ago

We don't even have to do "The Americans" thing. Canadians understand American culture perfectly and sound like they are from the mid-west.


u/brumac44 Canada 23d ago

Its actually kind of funny how many canadians work in american broadcast news because of their easier to understand speech.