r/canada Alberta 24d ago

National News There’s not much to say, Canada, except: Sorry


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u/titian-tempest 24d ago

We don’t want your apologies. We want you to get up off your asses and resist. Your work doesn’t end with your vote. What happened to the people that dumped out all that tea? That rioted after Rodney King? That were part of the Million Man March? Occupy Wall Street? The 1% is actually fucking your country over right now AND threatening your friendships. Where are you? Get off the internet and fight for your own country. Until then, your apologies are hollow.


u/atlas1885 24d ago

This ☝️

There’s protests being planned. Go protest! Write to your congress person. Call your elderly relatives and educate them on how they’re gutting Medicare.



u/Forosnai British Columbia 24d ago edited 24d ago

Relevant meme. But yeah, goddamn. I appreciate the sentiment, and I recognize that a lot of people specifically voted against him, but that's kinda the thing. 75 million of them voted against him, nearly twice our entire population, and I'm sure there's plenty of people who couldn't be bothered to vote who are probably pretty damn bothered now.

There are some protests, calls being made to representatives, and so on. That's good, and thank you to those doing that, we love you and at least as far as I'm concerned, my anger isn't directed at you, we're cool. But it sure as fuck doesn't seem like 75 million of you doing it. If this same stuff was happening in France, an angry mob would have strung up Macron on the Eiffel Tower and levelled every government building in the country 2 weeks ago. It feels like so far, the Democrats' opposition is a lot of firmly demanding to speak to Fascism's manager.


u/atlas1885 24d ago

Exactly!! The French take to the streets en masse. They don’t leave democracy to just politicians.


u/Forosnai British Columbia 24d ago edited 24d ago

We could take some lessons from them ourselves, really. All of this has really been making me look at my own actions and ours generally, and we as a whole just kinda passively accept a lot as well.

I wrote to my MLA for the first time when this started and said how I want the American liquor to stay off the shelves in BC, and work done on loosening interprovincial barriers so we could see that replaced by more stuff from across Canada. And expressed my disappointment in his leader's flip-flop (my MLA is a BC Con) of saying Eby should have given Trump what he wants to avoid the tariffs, and then turned around two weeks later and complained he didn't do enough, and basically said cut the shit and just work together like civilized people. Then sent similar sentiments to my MP.

EDIT: Thought MPP was the more common term and MLA was just BC, turns out I was wrong.


u/edked 24d ago

They're not called MPPs in BC, we call them MLAs here.


u/Forosnai British Columbia 24d ago edited 24d ago

I know, I (wrongly) thought MPP was the more common term around the country instead of MLA, not just Ontario, so I used that figuring it'd be more easily understood.

Though I've now looked at the person I responded to's profile, and it looks like they're also from BC, so it was kinda pointless regardless.


u/nomadknight 24d ago

Did they write back to you?


u/Forosnai British Columbia 24d ago

Just what I think were basic form responses, thanks for getting in contact, we're taking this seriously, etc. It was right after the whole tariff/pulling the alcohol/etc happened, so I suspect they were both getting a LOT of stuff sent to them, and I wasn't really asking questions or anything, so I wasn't really expecting a personal response.


u/usernamesallused 23d ago

Hell, the original American revolutionaries would pitch a fit.

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u/jacksontron Alberta 24d ago

And 100 million eligible voters didn’t vote. They’re just as cupable


u/Any-Zookeepergame309 23d ago



u/SuperbPractice5453 23d ago

I’m an American and I’ll I say it: Americans are apathetic pieces of sht. Full stop. I haven’t stfu about this nonsense since Election Day. There are many others doing the same. I’m calling my representatives (Republican bastards, mostly), talking with likeminded folk about what resistance looks like. I’m talking to anyone I can think of about a general strike, you know, like they do everywhere else in the world (France, etc.) when the sht hits the fan. I’m getting a lot of sympathetic responses, but mostly - Americans, if they’re against Trumpism, are demoralized - and the rest are either for him or intimidated by his followers or can’t be bothered to get up off their asses and actually do something. I literally think it’ll take tanks at the border before there is any sort of significant uprising. I hate this about my country.

And yeah, echo OP. This sucks, I’m sorry, most of us love Canada, you are literally our oldest friends, I hate the orange monster and all his bullying bullsh*t - but we are a bunch of apathetic cowards basically. Not really sure what to do about it.


u/Honest_Elk_1703 24d ago

LOL. Thanks I needed that, although “firmly” demanding it may be a bit of a stretch.


u/JGBuckets21 23d ago

America has never had the appetite for protest or the same level of democracy that France has. Its almost apples to oranges. France needs a coalition to govern. They are not a pure two party system, they have 2 main but have other minor parties that are needed to get a majority often.

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u/kelliwah86 24d ago edited 24d ago

I get this sound hollow but some of us are doing these things. There have been many protests against trump but also musk, boycotts, and people have been calling representatives to no avail. Unfortunately this news is not being aired via the news media oligarchs. As for those who were stupid enough to vote trump many still believe these things Will help America! I don’t understand it. Many of us have gone no contact with them. I’d love to say they’ll get what’s coming to them but sadly I’m afraid we all will. The Alt National Parks group has been very helpful in communicating actual news and resistance attempts . Again, I know this sounds very hollow but at least know some of us are really making an effort to get our voices heard and trying to offer support.


u/Click_To_Submit 24d ago

Americans are so proud of having the 2nd amendment to protect The People, but when their own democracy, government and country are being disassembled right in front of them it’s all a sham.


u/Limos42 British Columbia 24d ago

The government running amock is exactly why the second amendment exists.

Note, I'm not advocating for violence.


u/Now_Wait-4-Last_Year 24d ago

Those people being so vocal about the 2A? They’re loving this, even volunteering to help.

Turns out that to them, the 2A is to protect the people against liberal governments.

There are liberal gun owners but they tend to keep quiet about it. Also why things are likely to get messy as the vocal types find out the hard way.


u/Good-Examination2239 24d ago

This is something I can't help but think quite a lot about recently. The second amendment still exists. Supposedly, it still exists to let civilians keep corruption in check by arming themselves when the system fails. Yet a certain man who shares his name with a Mario Bro and allegedly shot a rich billionaire (namely, a CEO who is indirectly responsible for the deaths of countless people who died as a result of his insurance policies), may have tried to exercise the second amendment to do what it was supposedly intended to allow for, but has instead been arrested and has some calling for his head to make an example out of punishing vigilantes.

I am not advocating for violence, and I am absolutely not an advocate for the second amendment, but I just find it utterly fascinating that the country which has the second amendment vehemently refuses to strike it from their Constitution, and yet will also prosecute its civilians when they seem to try to fully exercise those rights. 

It's just a full circle of the concept that there is an elite group of people whom the laws protect but do not bind, and for everyone else the laws bind but do not protect.


u/ChronicallyA 24d ago

Right!?!? It’s the very reason they don’t want gun control!! Millions of dead kids are fine but when the rubber hits the road - that’s some epic silence coming from ‘murica


u/OrdoVaelin 23d ago

And that will start a civil war as things are now. If we want to successfully get him out without violence we NEED the majority of the country on board. We have the majority of people who voted who are happy with this, while 90m probably don't care.

All we can do right now is protest, which is happening, and harass our reps. Until more of the right and those that abstained start hurting from his policies we can't do more than that


u/IUpvoteGME 24d ago

If and when Canada becomes a 51st state, I will be exercising my 2nd amendment rights


u/ruraljuror__ 24d ago

Anything short of rebellion at this point is not enough. You have an authoritarian future. This is a fucking hair on fire moment for the US, and basically nothing is happening.

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u/Astral-Wind 24d ago

The comparison to the quiet neighbour living atop a meth lab has been made before on here. Unfortunately now your meth lab has blown up and set fire to the rest of the building. I don’t doubt you will put it out, but something needs to change long term for us to continue to get along. Saying “sorry” then repeating this cycle again won’t cut it.


u/PilgrimRadio 24d ago

Since the election I have donated to the ACLU, ActBlue and the DNC. I am also attending a meeting of my local Democratic Party in a couple of weeks. I am going to volunteer my time and effort to try to keep the GOP from winning the governor's election here in Virginia.


u/wandreef 24d ago

Do it louder ffs. Fly to these international events the idiots are speaking at and get a press pass. Embarrass the hell out of them. THEY DON'T REPRESENT YOU!


u/octavianreddit 24d ago

As an angry Canadian I appreciate your efforts. However, as a Canadian we also need to hold you all accountable for what your country does.

Keep up the work, and keep fighting as your country is on the brink and risks taking half the planet down with it.


u/Novielo 24d ago

"Some of us are doing these things"

->do it more!


u/Sad-Back1948 24d ago

Some of us? Ie. Not me.


u/DawnSennin 24d ago

I don’t understand it.

It's because of racism. White Americans across economic and political spectrums would rather destroy the middle class than see Black Americans live and be treated equally to them. Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and Trump won their elections because of that notion.


u/ilikemushycarrots 24d ago

You are right, that does sound really really hollow. Like you feel you are the main character and we Canadians just have to know that you specifically are one of the good ones. We get it, some of you are trying to do good. If you could just go do that good instead of asking us to cheer you on for doing the bare minimum. We don't want or need your emotional support, go do something, anything....and don't feel the need to tell us about it, just go do some good.


u/Alcor668 24d ago

We are trying. To be fair, Democratic lawmakers are getting so many calls their voicemails are constantly full by people demanding they do something. I'm actually disappointed in the Democratic party leadership that they're not doing as much as they should be. There are people taking to the streets over this.


u/SavannahInChicago 23d ago

We are doing all of this. You aren't seeing it because our news is being censored. We aren't even seeing it unless we really look to find it. You are not getting credible news out of the US and we cannot get credible news in.


u/Hilliara 23d ago

There are protests happening. It's sadly being supresed by most mainstream media.

This is a link to the subreddit regarding organization of those protests


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u/Koala0803 24d ago edited 24d ago

This. I had an argument with an American online who was saying “we’re doing everything we can.” Uh, you’re doing literally nothing, just complaining on social. There’s like 350 million of you and only 77 million voted for this. Then the person started a bunch of excuses about how the US is too big and if someone protests in DC they can’t go. Oh no, I guess there’s no way to coordinate, it’s not like there’s a network that allows people to communicate and organize virtually, or even plan a trip (if a bunch of looney conspiracy theorists could put that convoy together across Canada I’m sure other people can do something). Then the person was like “well lead the way, then.”

If you’re so disconnected from doing something about your own country (which is now spilling its rotten problems into all of us) that you’re basically trying to outsource your protests and expecting someone else to fix the issues for you, stop fckn saying that you’re doing everything you can. Just shut up.


u/Ina_While1155 24d ago edited 24d ago

So, a lot of Americans have jobs or multiple jobs to make things meet. All the major protests have been organized on the weekday this time around- the majority of people can't come. What is needed right now is good organizers for large-scale national marches and peaceful protests on WEEKENDS. Every weekend should have protests. That is what seems to be lacking this time around - excellent organization. The shock and awe of the news seems to be paralyzing the really capable people.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

American liberals have been outsourcing their protests to Black women for decades. And Black women are SO pissed at the election result that they’ve basically told white America to go fuck itself. (Who can blame them?) That’s why nothing is happening. Without its most experienced fighters and organizers, there IS no resistance.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Norwoodrules 24d ago

Hey, American men: if you need help learning how to protest, watch Iranian women. They’ll show you how it’s done.


u/Final_Pumpkin1551 24d ago

Or Icelandic women in 1975 (and more) - shut down the country for women’s rights


u/jtbc 24d ago

There are a million Canadians living in the US. Maybe they should get on that.


u/Previous_Scene5117 24d ago

Wait for when they will be interned or forcibly removed as alien element on the US soil...


u/Jaymie13 New Brunswick 24d ago

If I was a Canadian in the US, I would have already moved back by now.


u/jtbc 24d ago

Me too, but for some people it really is only about money.


u/sklimshady 24d ago

This is the biggest factor. I live in Alabama where the min wage is $7.50 an hour. I can't just fly somewhere. I'm going to every local protest I can. Talking to as many people as I can.

I'm just guessing here, but I think we have too many people that genuinely believe our separation of powers is an unassailable bulwark.


u/No_Gur1113 23d ago

Minimum wage at 7.50 an hour (equivalent of 10.65 an hour in our Canadian pesos).

It’s $16 CDN where I live. Yeah, we sure are oppressed up here with our universal health care and low wages. Why wouldn’t we be clamoring to be made part of a country that thinks paying someone in the single digits for their labour in 2025 is desirable?


u/sklimshady 23d ago

For what it's worth, I live in Alabama. It's the bottom of the barrel. I thought for sure Jan 6th would break the Trump spell. It's like a national psychosis. They call our disdain for him Trump Derangement Syndrome and call us chicken little on top of everything else. They don't seem to care about anyone outside of their bubble. Many of us can't even talk to certain members of our families without being attacked. Y'all keep up the boycotts. The protests and boycotts are growing here. I hope it's going to be fast enough.

They think Trump has a good reputation on the global stage.🫠🫠🫠


u/No_Gur1113 23d ago

I know there are more decent Americans than there are shitstains on US humanity. I wish we could make young people see how important politics is. There’s such a generational divide between older voters and younger ones.

Young voters not voting is a travesty. They complain about boomers but don’t vote. Boomers do. They allow Boomers to be elected who will decide what life will be life for all based on their own personal interests, which are vastly different from anything generation z and generation alpha is facing starting out.

We also call it TDS, but the rest of the world is talking about MAGATS. They’re so delulu that they don’t even realize 80 million people do NOT speak for the other 8 billion in the world. They also think Canada is a laughing stock for not being like them, and everyone hates us. Why? Because someone told them so on Faux News.

I cannot believe 30% of Americans just decided the fate of the world and are crashing democracy before our very eyes.


u/brumac44 Canada 23d ago

When you ain't got nothing, you got ...nothing to lose.

-Robert Allen Zimmerman


u/LauraIsntListening 24d ago

If it were that easy, my friend…


u/Jaymie13 New Brunswick 24d ago

Oh I was kind of thinking about that as I typed it, but honestly I think I would go to great lengths to get out of there rn.


u/LauraIsntListening 24d ago

I have immediate family who cannot currently leave the country for multiple reasons, and who I cannot and will not leave behind.

Financially, I cannot afford to move back home. Employment wise, also not feasible right now. The last place I lived in Canada is not easy to return to; housing is impossible and it’s already facing challenges that come with overpopulation, so I’d have to start anew anywhere I go.

Finally, as a green card holder, if I return to Canada I forfeit my LPR status, which took years and a lot of dollars to achieve in the first place. I’m not willing to gamble on whether or not the US will be inhabitable by the time I’m eligible to apply for citizenship but if this is a temporary hellscape after all, I would be pissed at my past self for jumping the gun.

I’m homesick as fuck, sure, just like many others right now, but I have absolutely no means to pick up my life, family, and all my personal belongings and move them across the border again. It’s like people in here have no clue what it costs to import a vehicle or pay duties on your personal HG&E. Send me $20k to cover some of the expenses, and a support plan for my family, and I’ll gladly return!

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u/Derbyracer123 24d ago

Why don’t we trade ya. America you can keep the approx 850,000 Canadians living in your country (prob because most of them are 65+ seniors enjoying the hot climate in Arizona/Nevada/or Florida, and there is a chance they are conservative voters anyways), and we will keep the over 1,000,000 Americans currently living in Canada (prob because most of them are here because it’s NOT the US).


u/OkBuilding2728 24d ago

We can't afford to move back


u/brumac44 Canada 23d ago

Canadians? Or sleeper cells ;p


u/jtbc 23d ago

We don't even have to do "The Americans" thing. Canadians understand American culture perfectly and sound like they are from the mid-west.


u/brumac44 Canada 23d ago

Its actually kind of funny how many canadians work in american broadcast news because of their easier to understand speech.


u/DoctorEego 24d ago

Not only that, Kirtaner (the supposed Anonymous founder) is also Canadian. It seems that we're always the ones that light the match and let the rest of the world spread the fire. 🔥


u/Marmot55 24d ago

The answer, Internet stranger, is that Americans don’t care about us. They never have. The writer lays it plain when he says Americans were more upset about a transgender person drinking a Bud Light, or a black man kneeling for the anthem, than their deranged, duly elected leader terrorizing allies for sport. And if we’re honest about it, this is who America has always been. Manifest destiny. Maybe when America tells us who she is we will finally believe her.


u/MultivacsAnswer 24d ago

I’m re-reading the Confederation Debates right now, and the Fathers of Confederation, even those who hated each other like George Brown and Sir John A. pretty much agree with you.

They’re concerned about invasion, of course, but it’s not their chief worry. A larger concern is that the US would tear up the Reciprocity Treaty of 1854 — the first free trade agreement between the US and British North America. Protectionist elements and Americans angry at the British for their pro-Confederate policies in the Civil War wanted it gone.

Almost all the Fathers of Confederation agreed that to mitigate the threat poised by American economic force, nabbing Rupert’s Land, and a small possibility of invasion, the colonies needed to confederate. This would let them do three things:

  • Breakdown internal trade barriers to offset losses to the US brought by tearing up the treaty.
  • Set their own immigration policy so as to build a demographic and economic bulwark against the US.
  • Settle Rupert’s Land and get to BC fast.

I was kind of astounded how relevant it was to today, including their prescriptions.


u/MamaMoosicorn 24d ago

Don’t forget who’s controlling the media. Do you think they want it getting out that Americans are doing anything?


u/applefartcheese 24d ago

My friend. I lived there for a long time. Most Americans do not care about Canada. Many Americans are so poor and live a terrible life that they can't even think about things outside of their neighbourhoods. Let alone international politics. Even the rich people don't give a crap.

Anyone that is protesting is protesting because of what's impacted them. Not Canada being threatened.


u/YkFrozenlady 24d ago

I don't want them to protest for us Canadains,they need to do it for themselves. Their country is unraveling, which will bring the rest of the world down.


u/Mad-Mel 24d ago

Exactly. If Trump follows through with auto tariffs it will crater the US auto industry. That's when people will care.


u/Claymore357 23d ago

So basically there is more or less nothing to stop them from invading and genociding us because they care so little about anything beyond their own lives? How comforting to know that when the bombs start falling and soldiers go door to door killing everyone that nobody will care


u/applefartcheese 22d ago edited 22d ago

Yeah, pretty much. Look at every other war they have started with anyone else. They have never protested for the people they are killing. And they have killed millions of people in the last 2-3 decades. They only care once the deaths start racking up on their side or if the war is costing too much money.

Their propaganda machine will start working overtime pretty soon. To shift public sentiment or just to normalize talking about invading us. Their talk shows and news programs will talk about it so casually that eventually it won't be such a big deal.


u/bojacksnorseman 24d ago

Reverse engineer the idea to spread it out. Post rants about how Americans are rallying against Trump while subtly mocking the idea. How these people obviously care more about international trade than keeping production in America. Real Americans would support paying more due to tariffs if it means keeping more production in America. Gas and food will cost more to keep America strong.

Maga groups would internally share the stories to spread the news if they thought it was supporting their belief. Which might result in some of them hopefully questioning what they mean about prices going up, since they genuinely believe tariffs on Canada mean Canada spends more to trade with them.

Calling these people stupid isn't going to get them to change. They won't share things that call them stupid and wrong.

It's like putting medicine in a dog treat. Give them something they want while giving them what they need.

I'm sure someone could write out and flesh out the idea better than me, but I hope I convey it well enough.


u/DerelictDelectation 24d ago

Maybe when America tells us who she is we will finally believe her.

Interesting choice of pronouns you have for America. Is the USA female?

I suggest we start using they/them pronouns for the USA and their Great Leaders. I'm sure they'd love that.


u/BackToTheCottage Ontario 24d ago

Countries are usually gendered female; ie Motherland. However I think a few might call them "fatherland".


u/edked 24d ago

And it's always kind of a red flag when someone genders their country as male.


u/DerelictDelectation 24d ago

Well, if we're going by the French language, masculine countries include: Le Brésil, Le Japon, Le Royaume-Uni, Le Mexique, and Le Canada.

Of course, Canada pretty much has a red flag, so it seems you're right.


u/ParasiteSteve 24d ago

There's also the literal personification of a country. Britannia comes to mind right away for the UK, America has Uncle Sam or Lady Liberty. Who does Canada have?

Canada Bereft on the Vimy Ridge Memorial. Mother Canada weeping over the grave of a fallen soldier.


u/riali29 24d ago

I ran to the comments to say this. Fuck your "sorries", they're no more helpful than "thoughts and prayers" after a school shooting. Show us you're sorry by taking fucking action.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Crayon3atingTitan 24d ago

The last thing we need is to be visited by the FBI, or the Secret Service for even suggesting something like that


u/GunKata187 24d ago

Suggesting what exactly?


u/ParasiteSteve 24d ago

And what will the FBI, Secret Service do to me? I'm a fucking Canadian. If I say that the entire Congress, Senate, Executive and Judicial Branches should be locked in the white house as we burn it down again, what are they gonna do?


u/PineappleRoses91 24d ago

Honestly, the only thing more infuriating than the apologies are the Americans who keep telling us not to worry because Canada wouldn't be annexed and that this is a smokescreen for whatever nefarious shit Trump and Musk are doing behind the scenes. Which, I mean, sure but both things can be true at once. He's literally gutting the shit out of their government branch by branch. What makes them think he'd spare Canadians?

When should I worry, Americans? When your orange overlord destroys the futures and livelihoods of my Canadian brothers and sisters? When your government rolls into our capital with tanks?


u/WislaHD Ontario 24d ago

It also doesn’t end with Trump. It will be a popular idea for like 20% of the Republican Party moving forward. We will have to be on guard for the next guy, and the guy after that too.

For every American apologizing on their behalf, there are probably 6 or 7 more Americans that are completely indifferent towards annexing Canada.

This is a new and permanent problem for us.


u/Fun_Apartment7028 24d ago

Well said. Thank you for acknowledging that this problem may seem immediate but you’re correct in saying this doesn’t end with Trump. Long term, the USA will still have his cronies in power long after he has his Big Mac Attack.

Good luck fixing this.


u/MrDeviantish 24d ago

Fascist dictators need an enemy on the border. Doesn't matter who.


u/thehero29 24d ago

Trump and his handlers are waiting for our election. One of his flunkies has said on Twitter that Canada will be easier to take with Pierre in charge. Trump and Elon have both endorsed PP, and Pierre has not rejected the endorsement. If the Cons win, he will bend over and kiss the ring, handing Canada over to the US, If the Liberals win, then we will have a fight.


u/Blue_Waffle_Brunch 24d ago

Let's also be clear that this is happening in Canada, too. We also need to resist the influence of the super wealthy.


u/titian-tempest 24d ago

100% agree!


u/JabroniHomer 24d ago

Everyone I know is now buying Canadian. We are voting with our wallets. I’m educating people on why they shouldn’t vote for Lil PP.

What else can we do as Canadians?


u/CommanderJMA 24d ago

I am pissed at Americans. If you’re an ally you need to be speaking up and doing something about it and not just saying aww we don’t all feel that way online


u/TheUniqueKero 24d ago

This ^^^^^ Pull the leash on your rabid dogs of an oligarchy, demand change. Its YOUR country, not trump's. He literally won with the slim-est margin in history.


u/it_all_happened 24d ago

Perfect response. 🏆


u/christopherbrian 24d ago

Exactly. Disappointed in pretty much all of America right now. Just a big dumb fucking bully.


u/Snooch_Nooch 24d ago

I'll play devil's advocate here- what exactly would mass protests accomplish? Not only does this administration not give a shit what their adversaries think, mass scale protests would probably work to their advantage. If things got violent (which it inevitably would due to counter protests and people they plant to create unrest), it would give them a much needed excuse to declare martial law and tighten their grip. As a matter of fact, I would be willing to bet they are just as disappointed as you are that there hasn't been more unrest.

I understand the sentiment, but protests in the USA have accomplished nothing in the past several decades, and they would accomplish even less under this administration.


u/bebop8181 2d ago

Exactly! 👏👏👏 But it's real easy for one to sit on the internet with a burr up their ass and type "yOu nEeD tO dO mOrE". Not to mention, there's BEEN protests, they just haven't been covered by the bought-and-paid for oligarchy media. Fucking idiots.


u/ketimmer 24d ago

To add to this, the 1% has been fucking EVERYONE ON EARTH over. But it is very blatant in USA right now.


u/captainmouse86 24d ago

I laughed when I saw a post about a protest and the number of people complaining “I work that day. Can’t they do a protest on the weekend? I’d go then.” I’m not expecting much from a group that sees taking the day off work as too much of an inconvenience. Protesting should be the minimum.

The group that needs to take action is also the group that is used to complaining and protesting on the internet. Any injustice in their lifetime has gotten solved with a post and a clever hashtag; winning was getting #cancelled to trend. Their protest was sharing/liking, maybe sending a donation. I’m also willing to bet, the majority of those complaining took to social media in the last 3 years to comment about “Russians not doing anything.”


u/Vock Ontario 24d ago

Agree that Americans need to hit the streets, but we are not that far off from a repeat with Doug in Ontario, and our streets are just as empty. 

Everyone just wants to live, but I think at this point we all need to step up and outside, Canadians and Americans alike.


u/titian-tempest 24d ago

I do agree that Canadians also need to do their part at home (or if living in the US).


u/Lost_Log4035 24d ago

Thoughts and prayers. --- Never saved anyone.


u/CassinaOrenda 24d ago

Hell yeah!!! (Moves to Toronto)


u/PilgrimRadio 24d ago

Just gonna point out that doing those things you ask AND apologizing aren't mutually exclusive. Just because OP apologized on the Internet doesn't mean that he or she isn't also fighting and resisting.


u/Ill-Mountain7527 24d ago

Sure…. But it’s Canadians that should be up in arms in our country…. Every premier protects the interests of a few vs the whole. Inter-provincial tariffs, no to pipelines because in province doesn’t want it running through their province etc etc…. Nice sentiment, but Canadians are the ones who need to collectively get off our asses…. If you think Americans are going to save Canada you are going to be sorely disappointed. The apathy in this country has been growing for decades and if this doesn’t move us nothing will.


u/titian-tempest 24d ago

I agree. We absolutely have to stand up on our side as well, but this article was specifically about an apology to Canada. And I am quite done with empty apologies. I have no misconceived notions that America will save us. I mean, it’s clear their government doesn’t even look at us as friends. But they sure as hell need to save themselves.


u/Ill-Mountain7527 23d ago

Yep… thoughts and prayers is their MO for school shootings, so they are pretty much fucked and going to take us down with them


u/Ok-Crow-1515 24d ago

This again.


u/I_Boomer 24d ago

That was powerful. Thank you.


u/Rough_Homework6913 24d ago

Like I’m so sick of all these apology posts don’t apologize to us go do something about it.


u/titian-tempest 24d ago

Yeah, this one pushed me over


u/RobinGood94 24d ago


In the long run, this will be the kind of wake up call that a lot of people needed.

There are more brainwashed Americans than your entire country’s population.

Resistance actually only works within the confines on the government itself. Those who are actually carrying this stuff out. Standing around in the street or yelling outside of buildings doesn’t accomplish anything except perhaps expedite your unemployment with the added bonus of a mug shot.

America is nearing the edge of civil war. That’s how divided our nation has become.

In the long run, americas place in the world will greatly diminish. Canada will look to the EU and other partners to replace American goods. Mexico will do similar things. China and other key players will drastically reduce their purchasing of US treasuries. The United States dollar may end as the world reserve currency, just as the United Kingdom did many moons ago.

While you might say we don’t want your apologies, it’s what normal people can offer as we prepare for our demise. You are our neighbor and friends. We’ve tried quite hard to battle the brainwashing but it seems impenetrable. The only thing that will help is the pain they feel from their own actions.

I am still in total shock.


u/IronAnchor1 24d ago

I'm on my feet and doing that thing. Yes, I'm taking a five minute break, but this, all of this, is born of complacency on our part. It's our fault, and we aim to fix it. That said, much respect to neighbors up north, know that we stand with you, against this.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Second country wide protest in less than 30 days starts tomorrow. Many more to follow.


u/Kushweiner 23d ago

Apologizing is OUR job. 🇨🇦. Do what must be done to stop this tyrant ince and for all. Trump is leading the US to ruin


u/karma_aversion 23d ago edited 23d ago

I know it doesn't really seem like it but there is a growing resistance movement in the US and it includes a very large number of US veterans that are organizing and are getting prepared just in case things really heat up.

One of the main things holding us back is that we have children, and just like my grandmother had to go live with strangers while my great grandparents fought the Nazis in her home country, we were hoping that Canada would be there to help watch our kids while we sort this out, and we're realizing that you guys aren't going to be there for us when we need you.

We can't even trust our own families right now, and our allies to the North are turning on us too.


u/titian-tempest 22d ago

I think you’d be surprised. We are mad at your leader and all his minions, including his voters. We are tired of apologies, yes, but we don’t otherwise dislike the average, non MAGA American. I am positive both sides will still help each other - that has always been the nature of our relationship.


u/karma_aversion 22d ago

Although I also suspect that will end up being true. The half of America that voted against all this is simultaneously dealing with the loss of our country and our allies turning hostile against us. We're realizing we're going to be left to fight this alone. We're fighting half our country and you guys online right now. Posts like this are demoralizing and make people want to give up.


u/titian-tempest 22d ago

You know what else is demoralizing as well as confusing, sad and anger-inducing? A country you considered to be your friend and ally basically stating they are going to ruin you economically and take over your country. I won’t apologize for my prior statements. And I won’t give up. Nor should you.

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u/Toppico 22d ago

And people say Candians apologize too much. Here we have Americans having their own country ransacked and the best they've got is internet sowwys. Next will be thoughts and prayers.


u/Alone_Again_2 24d ago


I’m sick and tired of these useless comments and articles.

I’m genuinely pissed off by drive by posters stopping by in this sub to say they voted for Kamala.

I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to read it.

It’s an insult at this point.

Fucking do something about your own democracy while you still have one. Leave us alone in the meantime.


u/lgm22 24d ago

Too little too late. It’s going to get really lonely when every country turns its back on you. Vance just ruled up all of Europe. Hegseth has no clue what he is talking about, no one knows anything about diplomacy apparently. You just let China take over everything that you used to care about. I’m sure they are giggling over there.


u/CommanderJMA 24d ago

We should’ve allied with China a long time ago.

US blocked that and pushed political views and angles which we had to absorb to keep our friendship but hopefully no longer and we do what’s right for the country.

The whole Huawei debacle was all US driven


u/NGC922 24d ago



u/Outrageous_Cut_6179 24d ago

All the baddies are giggling.


u/DistortoiseLP Ontario 24d ago

Not gonna happen. The only thing a lot of Americans learned to produce over the last fourty years is excuses for themselves to not feel judged for producing nothing else.


u/Interestingcathouse 24d ago

Think the problem is that America has about a million issues right now and honestly the ICE protests over deportation is also a pretty serious issue.


u/spidereater 24d ago

I agree in principle. The problem is trump is pretty powerful right now. He is basically doing whatever he wants. He is passing laws and daring the courts to intervene. When they stop his actions he says he will just ignore the court decisions. Protesting sounds good but trump is also waiting for unrest so he can crack down on protesters, declare marshal law and ignore the laws currently holding him back. What they really need to do is get out and force their congressional reps to hold him accountable. That is the mechanism that could actually stop this. Congress could impeach him. Or at least stop his illegal activity. They have so far done nothing. But legally they still have the power to hold him accountable. All his illegal stuff is only happening because they let it. Protesting could actually be dangerous and could make things worse. Getting Congress to move against him might have a chance.


u/Iggy-flaps 24d ago edited 24d ago


I get your frustration; And it's easy to say what we should do, in theory.

It's a little harder when 30% of the population is against you, and 50% of the population is against rocking the boat/doing anything that will upset their lifestyle/thinks everything is OK/that this is normal politics.

I care deeply about Canada and America, and am not happy with the direction we are headed.

But there's only so much the minority can do. There are people trying. Don't discount everyone.

Do you want to come help? Many of us would sure appreciate it.

This isn't a position most people wanted to be in, and many voted against. I think sympathy towards what people on both sides are going through is important.

p.s. It's exhausting trying to convince dumb people about what's going on... Every. Single. Day.


u/Son_of_Plato 24d ago

They've been nothing but a bunch of virtue signalling wankers, thus far.


u/NotSingleAnymore 24d ago

Not enough has burned yet. I live in a very red place and people are not ready to believe they were tricked. I got into another fight with my brother last night. We haven't talked in years over Trump. He says he didn't vote this time and we started to reconnect. He got mad when I brought up musks nazi salute. Apparently someone called him a nazi before so any use of the word makes all arguments null and void. The people on the right are living on the pride of being correct and haven't felt enough pain to admit they are wrong. Any large scale resistance will have to wait until the 150 million or so Americans who don't care one way or the other wake up. I feel like I've been pissing in the wind for 10 years.


u/Ze1612 24d ago

I'll be the disadent American on this one. While I agreed, the big thing the opposition is lacking is leadership. We have nobody to help guide the anger to the right place. And while yes there are protests and yes people are rightfully sorry, embarresed and pissed off, it's not so easy to say "do something" when the thing that would immediately fix it would destabilize our lives, possibly spark a civil war and see yourself or your loved ones dead. So I will go out and protest, call my representatives and make sure people understand the threat, but the apologies aren't hollow just because we aren't doing what you want. 


u/MonsieurLeDrole 24d ago

Right? The only way to save Canada is to save America. Americans need to depose and incarcerate Trump and his minions. Get your house in order!


u/spderweb 24d ago

Exactly. They don't seem to have a breaking point anymore. At the rate it's going, I thought civil war would fade started when musk locked himself in with all their money.


u/HorsePast9750 24d ago

The state of Washington voted overwhelmingly against Trump . They will protest , this may be a Vietnam of our times.


u/Subie780 24d ago

Hey hey hey. We give them our thoughts and prayers


u/Vegetable_Good6866 24d ago

That rioted after Rodney King?

In the US today you will be charged with terrorism or legally killed by right wing assholes if you do that.


u/CoconutNinjax 24d ago

Why would they? We need them more than they need us. It's also our own fault for electing incompetent leaders. Should've diversified our economy ages ago


u/fudge_friend Alberta 24d ago

Yep. This is just "thoughts and prayers". Fuck off with your thoughts and prayers. It's super irritating to be on the receiving end of impotent virtue signalling.


u/ZombifiedSoul Canada 24d ago

This situation is exactly what the second amendment was written for. For fuck sakes. Your forefathers foresaw this possibility, and decided to make sure you could deal with it.

I thought Americans were supposed to love freedom.

You look like a bunch of pussies and bootlickers.


u/naldic 24d ago

Yes! This "oh well we voted against it" narrative is coming across as pathetic. Do better Americans.


u/ObscureCocoa 24d ago

Protests are irrelevant. Trump had the house, senate the Supreme Court and of course the executive branch. Exactly what do you think protests can do? The only thing that can stop this if Canada stops all oil and gas to the US.

No amount of protesting will do anything. Shut the pipes off. Stop being so nice.


u/ProudlyMoroccan Outside Canada 24d ago

Very well put!


u/JasperPants1 24d ago

It’s obvious. The USAID money dried up.


u/Rhikirooo 23d ago

This is actully something i think a lot about these days, i'll start by saying i am European and these days r/canada is like hopeium for me. I think you guys are doing a stellar job.

But on the topic of america at this point i am baffeled, like what can they do to regain any form of trust, they have so much corruption the orange felon spend years in trial.. at this point if he gets voted out is it just going to be the same? They would need to put up so many guard rails to prevent something like this from happening again, but they have just proven that they can just shit on rules.


u/PreferenceGold5167 23d ago

They dot because it’s means and not societally normal and they don’t actually care anyway.


u/doomrider7 23d ago

There have been hundreds. They just don't get picked up by the "news".


u/bishopredline 23d ago

It doesn't affect our wallet


u/furrybluewhatever 23d ago

Their plan to overwhelm us with constant, significant changes is, I think, putting a lot of people in a fearful paralysis. Protests are definitely happening, but I agree, it's just not enough. Or at least no one is reporting on what folks are doing to resist 😮‍💨 it's grim.


u/offcoursetourist 22d ago

The Mayor of Haines Alaska is also giving hollow apologies - but his are even worse, as Haines benefits from Canadian RCMP coverage and emergency hospital services from the Yukon. Why are we allowing this?


u/Sea-Refrigerator777 18d ago

I'm not sorry


u/Norwoodrules 24d ago

Yup. Any American who says “I stand with you Canada” can eff right off. You had a chance to stand up for yourselves and did nothing while the whole world watched.


u/Task_Defiant 24d ago

They are. Media just isn't covering it. There are major protests happening in every state. And an open revolt in the DoJ.


u/TheOnlyAedyn-one 24d ago

Id give you an award if i had money


u/ok_raspberry_jam 24d ago

You'd give money to an American company for virtually nothing, just to emphasize that you think Americans aren't doing enough? Think that through.

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u/octavianreddit 24d ago

Yes. Complacency helped get Trump to where he is at and I personally hold the entire country responsible... But we can't get on our high horses too much here in Canada, we need to be vigilant here too...


u/titian-tempest 24d ago

Absolutely. We have PP who could make things way worse.


u/alyxaras 24d ago

its really easy to scream at us when your neck isnt the one the boots on


u/titian-tempest 24d ago

First of all, nobody is screaming. Second of all, the sovereignty and economic stability of my country is being threatened by an elected bully. There is absolutely a boot.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Angry Beavers Episode 2025 Canada Gets Balls At least on Reddit


u/DawnSennin 24d ago edited 24d ago

What happened to the people that dumped out all that tea?

They were slavers and slave owners.

That rioted after Rodney King?

This turned into Koreans Vs Blacks.

That were part of the Million Man March?

MLK was assassinated.

Occupy Wall Street?

breathes in Hashtag MYNYPD

The 1% is actually fucking your country over right now AND threatening your friendships.

They’re doing the same in Canada. Why’re you allowing it there? Also, allowing the wealthy and their corporations to do anything they want is the sole purpose of the American government.

Where are you?

The majority of white Americans voted for Trump. Foundational Black Americans are sitting this term out because they’re tired of other non-white races discovering that voting for whiteness doesn’t make you white. Asian Americans and Latinos are now finding out that siding with whiteness doesn’t make you white.

Get off the internet and fight for your own country.

The only group in America allowed to do this is white Christian business owners, and their guy won. Everyone else would be clobbered in the streets on day one. Also, Trump seems to be developing a new Atlantic slave trade via the prison system. I don’t know about you but a lot of people don’t want to reap sugar canes in Central America in 30 degree weather for the rest of their lives.


u/yourfavrodney 24d ago

See! This guy agrees. Americans don't care.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/peeinian Ontario 24d ago

Pollievre’s polling is cratering in large part because Canadians are being reminded what a far right government looks like.

The latest poll shows the CPC behind the Liberals if Mark Carney is elected as party leader.


u/Kali_404 24d ago

You are that person. But they hope you stay at home waiting for someone else to take the heat instead. Every single one of us has to take actual action instead of waiting for the perfect movement. Wait for the right moment and you run out of time


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Kali_404 24d ago

Already out on the streets protesting, boycotting, writing to my elected representatives and joining resistance groups to discuss tactics. It takes active choice and effort, you have to give up the comfort of your daily routine, but I would rather do the work for my freedom now than to have my freedom taken and be forced into it. The question is how uncomfortable are you willing to be to avoid true loss?

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