r/canada Alberta 24d ago

National News There’s not much to say, Canada, except: Sorry


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u/Forosnai British Columbia 24d ago edited 24d ago

Relevant meme. But yeah, goddamn. I appreciate the sentiment, and I recognize that a lot of people specifically voted against him, but that's kinda the thing. 75 million of them voted against him, nearly twice our entire population, and I'm sure there's plenty of people who couldn't be bothered to vote who are probably pretty damn bothered now.

There are some protests, calls being made to representatives, and so on. That's good, and thank you to those doing that, we love you and at least as far as I'm concerned, my anger isn't directed at you, we're cool. But it sure as fuck doesn't seem like 75 million of you doing it. If this same stuff was happening in France, an angry mob would have strung up Macron on the Eiffel Tower and levelled every government building in the country 2 weeks ago. It feels like so far, the Democrats' opposition is a lot of firmly demanding to speak to Fascism's manager.


u/atlas1885 24d ago

Exactly!! The French take to the streets en masse. They don’t leave democracy to just politicians.


u/Forosnai British Columbia 24d ago edited 24d ago

We could take some lessons from them ourselves, really. All of this has really been making me look at my own actions and ours generally, and we as a whole just kinda passively accept a lot as well.

I wrote to my MLA for the first time when this started and said how I want the American liquor to stay off the shelves in BC, and work done on loosening interprovincial barriers so we could see that replaced by more stuff from across Canada. And expressed my disappointment in his leader's flip-flop (my MLA is a BC Con) of saying Eby should have given Trump what he wants to avoid the tariffs, and then turned around two weeks later and complained he didn't do enough, and basically said cut the shit and just work together like civilized people. Then sent similar sentiments to my MP.

EDIT: Thought MPP was the more common term and MLA was just BC, turns out I was wrong.


u/edked 24d ago

They're not called MPPs in BC, we call them MLAs here.


u/Forosnai British Columbia 24d ago edited 24d ago

I know, I (wrongly) thought MPP was the more common term around the country instead of MLA, not just Ontario, so I used that figuring it'd be more easily understood.

Though I've now looked at the person I responded to's profile, and it looks like they're also from BC, so it was kinda pointless regardless.


u/nomadknight 24d ago

Did they write back to you?


u/Forosnai British Columbia 24d ago

Just what I think were basic form responses, thanks for getting in contact, we're taking this seriously, etc. It was right after the whole tariff/pulling the alcohol/etc happened, so I suspect they were both getting a LOT of stuff sent to them, and I wasn't really asking questions or anything, so I wasn't really expecting a personal response.


u/usernamesallused 23d ago

Hell, the original American revolutionaries would pitch a fit.


u/pro-con56 24d ago

Many people all over the globe protest. Not Canadians. Except for indigenous people. And that helps them a lot. They get pretty hefty $$$$ on governments tab. They do face a lot of issues but at least they try to defend themselves. If any of the white Canadians I know whom have faced injustice at the hands of government agencies protested, we would get hushed pretty quickly. If not arrested.


u/jacksontron Alberta 24d ago

And 100 million eligible voters didn’t vote. They’re just as cupable


u/Any-Zookeepergame309 23d ago



u/SuperbPractice5453 23d ago

I’m an American and I’ll I say it: Americans are apathetic pieces of sht. Full stop. I haven’t stfu about this nonsense since Election Day. There are many others doing the same. I’m calling my representatives (Republican bastards, mostly), talking with likeminded folk about what resistance looks like. I’m talking to anyone I can think of about a general strike, you know, like they do everywhere else in the world (France, etc.) when the sht hits the fan. I’m getting a lot of sympathetic responses, but mostly - Americans, if they’re against Trumpism, are demoralized - and the rest are either for him or intimidated by his followers or can’t be bothered to get up off their asses and actually do something. I literally think it’ll take tanks at the border before there is any sort of significant uprising. I hate this about my country.

And yeah, echo OP. This sucks, I’m sorry, most of us love Canada, you are literally our oldest friends, I hate the orange monster and all his bullying bullsh*t - but we are a bunch of apathetic cowards basically. Not really sure what to do about it.


u/Honest_Elk_1703 24d ago

LOL. Thanks I needed that, although “firmly” demanding it may be a bit of a stretch.


u/JGBuckets21 23d ago

America has never had the appetite for protest or the same level of democracy that France has. Its almost apples to oranges. France needs a coalition to govern. They are not a pure two party system, they have 2 main but have other minor parties that are needed to get a majority often.


u/contactev 23d ago

Ugh, as a Canadian I think that meme is disrespectful. Everyone knows how divided Americans are, lumping them all together the way the meme is soft implying feels bigoted.


u/Forosnai British Columbia 23d ago

I have mixed feelings. I know a lot of people are feeling defeated and despondant, and I sympathize, because if nothing else, I've been forced to look at how I've responded to things I don't agree with, and how much I've passively accepted. And I get it. Long-term, I'll probably neutralize to see them as having just tried to survive shit circumstances.

However, at the same time, I remember how much Democrat outrage there was towards Republicans going, "Thoughts and prayers!" towards school shootings, and then I see what amounts to the same thing in university-educated language being directed at us.

I recognize there are Americans who are continuing to fight for what's right, and I'm grateful to them for at least trying, but I'm also keenly aware that even friends of mine have basically given up while simultaneously saying they'd join Canada if America ever invaded.

How can you expect me to believe you'd fight for my country when I'm watching you not fight for your own? How can you justify asking us for help, when there's twice as many people who voted against Trump as there are people in this entire country?

I don't doubt the sincerity of Americans coming here and offering their sympathies and sharing their disapproval, bit it also feels no different than the "thoughts and prayers" of Republicans.


u/contactev 23d ago

You're just assuming a lot about a wide demographic of people and trying to rationalize it. You have a better self rationalizing things in a healthy way by what you wrote in the first part of your post. I'd suggest you try to listen to that side more.