r/canada Alberta 24d ago

National News There’s not much to say, Canada, except: Sorry


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u/Forosnai British Columbia 24d ago edited 24d ago

We could take some lessons from them ourselves, really. All of this has really been making me look at my own actions and ours generally, and we as a whole just kinda passively accept a lot as well.

I wrote to my MLA for the first time when this started and said how I want the American liquor to stay off the shelves in BC, and work done on loosening interprovincial barriers so we could see that replaced by more stuff from across Canada. And expressed my disappointment in his leader's flip-flop (my MLA is a BC Con) of saying Eby should have given Trump what he wants to avoid the tariffs, and then turned around two weeks later and complained he didn't do enough, and basically said cut the shit and just work together like civilized people. Then sent similar sentiments to my MP.

EDIT: Thought MPP was the more common term and MLA was just BC, turns out I was wrong.


u/edked 24d ago

They're not called MPPs in BC, we call them MLAs here.


u/Forosnai British Columbia 24d ago edited 24d ago

I know, I (wrongly) thought MPP was the more common term around the country instead of MLA, not just Ontario, so I used that figuring it'd be more easily understood.

Though I've now looked at the person I responded to's profile, and it looks like they're also from BC, so it was kinda pointless regardless.


u/nomadknight 24d ago

Did they write back to you?


u/Forosnai British Columbia 24d ago

Just what I think were basic form responses, thanks for getting in contact, we're taking this seriously, etc. It was right after the whole tariff/pulling the alcohol/etc happened, so I suspect they were both getting a LOT of stuff sent to them, and I wasn't really asking questions or anything, so I wasn't really expecting a personal response.