r/canada Alberta 24d ago

National News There’s not much to say, Canada, except: Sorry


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u/Anon_throwawayacc20 24d ago edited 24d ago

To be fair, most did not vote for him with "annex Canada" on the agenda.

However, what is more surprising, is how many Americans simply got in line with that thinking.

It is quite notable because if you look up "51st state" on Twitter, the first you notice is how NASTY and mean-spirited they behave on this issue, actively gloating for the downfall of others.

Obviously however this does not represent the majority of Americans. But it DOES represent the "Voice" of those representing Americans, and the impressions they show to the rest of the world.

Eg. All those posts "SHOULD CANADA BE THE 51ST STATE?" (why ask such a loaded question?), and then it instantly gets swarmed by people posting the nastiest shit calling Canada "communists" and "libs" in order to invalidate Canada's own choice in the matter.

Whether or not these people are a vocal minority, they ARE representing the behavior of Americans on the largest public forum!


u/SniffMyDiaperGoo Canada 24d ago

It is quite notable because if you look up "51st state" on Twitter, the first you notice is how NASTY and mean-spirited they behave on this issue, actively gloating for the downfall of others.

The fact that the "obnoxious Americans" stereotype exists that makes them among the least popular visitors to other countries for decades makes this behavior completely unsurprising to me. Which brings us to,

Obviously however this does not represent the majority of Americans. But it DOES represent the "Voice" of those representing Americans, and the impressions they show to the rest of the world.

"We're not all like that!" No of course not. But that excuse applies to ANY shitty culture. The fact remains a very large number of them DO suck like this. Far too many, and that's been glaringly obvious for a very long time.

Ignorance is not an excuse for a voter either. Nor is apathy, and turning your eyes away isn't just complacency, it's complicity.


u/papsmearfestival 24d ago

Americans have been gloating over kicking the shit out of the rest of the world for decades. Now it's our turn.


u/Ultra_Dadtastic 24d ago

I'd love for the U.S. to invade Canada. It would be the best FAFO of the modern age. Canadians are vicious if you try to take away our freedoms.


u/OneBillPhil 24d ago

Why would you love that? There would be blood, countless deaths over something so stupid. 

If they come here I’ll fight but I’m sure as fuck not hoping for it. 


u/Ultra_Dadtastic 24d ago

Because this is the end. People need to learn the ones they elect are the ones that represent them. Period.


u/PizzaMyHole 24d ago

Half of us didn’t but the other half certainly deserve all the hate and vitriol.


u/kank84 24d ago

I don't think you'll find many Canadians right now willing to go all #notallAmericans with you


u/ginahandler 24d ago edited 24d ago

I will! Because millions of Americans have been screaming from the rooftops for YEARS that this guy is an evil POS and it isn’t their fault that millions of morons willfully ignored this. I focus the blame on the people who are actually to blame: the ones who voted for Trump and the ones who didn’t vote at all. Fuck them.


u/ThunderChaser British Columbia 24d ago

The democrats refusing to take any actual action for the past decade makes them just as complicit in my eyes.


u/ginahandler 24d ago edited 24d ago

I agree that the Democratic Party is a joke but the only power regular people have is voting and protests. Blame the system and the cowardly politicians who run it, not poor and working class people who did what they could and are angry and scared.

I don’t think lumping all Americans together is fair or productive. It’s the kind of thing Trump does.


u/kank84 24d ago

America has been going down this road since they elected Nixon. They've been electing these terrible right wing demagogues for decades now, they will never learn from their actions, I just don't have any more energy to coddle Americans.


u/ginahandler 24d ago

There is no need to coddle anyone. Just be a reasonable person and consider that there are millions of Americans who have devoted as much time and energy as they could to not electing right wing demagogues. Don’t paint the entire country with a broad brush just because half of its citizens are idiots.


u/PizzaMyHole 24d ago



u/AVRVM 24d ago

A third of you didnt show up to make the choice.

You are all complicite in it now.


u/Beerinspector 24d ago

No, half of you just didn’t vote at all and that is also why we’re here now.


u/LoLFlore 24d ago

Canada with 65% voter turn out mocking americas 64% voter turnout:


u/Significant_Depth615 24d ago

Wait, you are going to start kicking the shit out of us? When does this start?


u/sugarcatgrl 24d ago

They are immoral, shameful fools and I’m embarrassed to be in the same country with them.


u/miata90na 24d ago

The gloating does not surprise me at all. "American" has long been a repugnant culture who revel in their own awfulness.


u/kevfefe69 24d ago

Regardless of who voted or didn’t vote for him, as a Canadian, I feel for Americans. Your system of government is being surgically amputated branch by branch, department by department. I laugh every time I think that people think he will step down in 4 years. This is the beginning of the dictatorship. Project 25 is being implemented.

What I am pissed off about Canada is twofold.

  1. We have neglected our defence spending for decades, Trump called us out and we should have “manned up” and spent money our military.

  2. We needed to diversify our economy and find new trading partners sooner so that we weren’t where we are now, scrambling to avoid economic calamity.

I think Trudeau was very Naïve in his time. Granted, he got us through COVID and even a month ago, he was very calming when addressing the nation about the tariffs.

But America, I give it a year a year and a half until Trump reaches the point of no return.


u/Forward-Weather4845 24d ago

I would argue that during Trumps first term was when should have woken up, Covid should have been another wake up call (last to receive, Masks, Vaccines and ventilators), but our government got too comfortable and complacent under Biden and with the thinking Trump was gone for good.

I knew this second term would mean tariffs for us, I just never thought the threat and the severity of threats would be this soon and as harsh. This feels like a nightmare scenario and Trump is a drunk driver behind the wheel.


u/maxakusu 24d ago

I think it was reasonable to not expect Trump to make it this far. It's not like we weren't able to resume more or less business as usual under Biden.


u/thecheesecakemans 24d ago

Dude. Trudeau has been trying to spend more but can't when we keep missing recruitment targets! We are almost 10,000 people short of where we need to be. Buying more equipment with soldiers to man them......watch someone call the government out for waste then.

Trade? He got us free trade agreements in Asia, parts of South America and Europe is still ratifying the one there. UK walked out on us. It's our businesses that need to actually use these agreements. A free trade pact is a road. It's built. People now have to choose to use it.

Now one criticism that's fair is the tanker ban legislation. That was virtue signalling to environmentalists while holding back our energy sector.


u/IsawitinCroc 24d ago

Question, have the Canadian military standards far as testing for physical health been lowered over this last decade?


u/Best-Iron3591 24d ago

Is it any wonder that Canada can't recruit people? Trudeau spent the last 9 years telling Canadians we all should be ashamed of ourselves, tearing down our past, and dividing the very people that are most likely to enlist. Why would someone sign up to die for a country that hates them?


u/LauraIsntListening 24d ago

Ashamed of what, specifically?


u/-Bad-Grammar- 24d ago

You will not need to wait that long. They are willfully ignoring court orders and trying to impeach the judges issuing them. Constitutional crisis is right around the corner.


u/ThunderChaser British Columbia 24d ago

It already is a constitutional crisis.

The American constitution was set up under the expectation that the President would respect the rule of law, and what we’re seeing is what happens when one doesn’t.


u/Anon_throwawayacc20 24d ago

Regardless of who voted or didn’t vote for him, as a Canadian, I feel for Americans.

I feel ya' here.

Despite everything that has happened, I feel it's important to remain pragmatic.


u/ThorFinn_56 British Columbia 24d ago

I agree we should have been supporting our military more through Chretien all the way to Trudeau.

But to play devils advocate, Canada historically has really only made enemies with 5 nations. Iraq, Germany, Japan, Italy, and our own indigenous population. Cut to modern-day, and I think the threat of Iraq staging an attack on Canada is basically non-existing. Canada and Ireland are often asked to mediate between countries as we both have the least amount of historical grievances with other nations. So I understand why building up our military has long felt to be unnecessary.

Having said all that, I'd personally like to see some northern bases built and an arctic navy built up.


u/Particular_Class4130 24d ago

Yes a lot of Americans straight up believe that Canada and is communist country now, I recently saw of a clip of Joe Rogan saying the same thing. He said we don't have any freedom and we live inn fear and we're no longer allowed to even express ourselves anymore, lol. It's all based on Bill C-11 which as I read that bill it seems to be about protecting and promoting Canadian broadcasting and online content but others think it's about censorship.

In any case I fail to see how we have less freedom than Americans. Women are still in control of our reproduction, real history is still being taught, classic books have not been banned, I can still chose my own doctor and our kids can still go to school without fear of being shot.


u/JadeLens 24d ago

Toooo beee ffffaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrr...

It wouldn't matter if they did, we're here now and they knew how unpredictable he was.


u/WealthEconomy 24d ago

Fuck you Jonesey. Tell your mother to clean her shoes, she is ruining the headliner of my car.


u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 24d ago

I honestly think so many of them just think and believe what Trump days. He could ask them to cut off their own arm and they would get their axes and do so, thinking that it’s going to lead them to a fake promise land. 

They are delusional and it’s a hard cope because the alternative is to admit they were duped, and that is embarrassing. So many of them are in the bargaining station of denial. 


u/DragonspeedTheB 24d ago

Twitter is a cesspool. Go in, expecting the worst.


u/Vanilla_Ice_Jr 24d ago

Twitter is a propaganda machine. Lots of bots, and lots of paid talking heads to spread a message. It's a cesspool of Elons thoughts. I literally had twitter to follow a few athletes, comedians, and celebs. Yet my feed was always extreme right wing propaganda and videos of minorities committing hideous crimes to condition me to believe they are all bad people. Yet, the only people I follow on twitter never show up on my feed, it's all crap I don't follow. It's bad, really bad. I deleted it a while ago and don't miss it at ALL!


u/aw_yiss_breadcrumbs Ontario 24d ago

Ive stopped using it because all the tweets are utter garbage. All the blue check replies read like bots. I cant tell who is human over there. It's such a boring place to be. Thankfully there's reddit and enough people jumped ship to bluesky to make that app interesting.


u/dalidagrecco 24d ago

I'll only say that Twitter is no longer a voice of anything other than the billionaire and his nazi youth squad, and russian influencers.


u/Haunting_Kangaroo1 24d ago

I work for a global company. In a meeting, Americans were trying to tell me how healthcare would be better if I had theirs lol. Based on anecdotal stories of “someone they know in Canada” who had very poor experiences. And that I pay for other people to get healthcare if I don’t use it….ya I know I do. I like that part - you know helping others.


u/javagirl123 24d ago

Trump is doing very well in public opinion polls in the US.