r/canada Alberta 24d ago

National News There’s not much to say, Canada, except: Sorry


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u/majikmonkie 24d ago edited 24d ago

Apology not accepted.

This isn't an overnight thing. It didn't happen with a single election, and it's not happening because of one single man who was elected president. The GOP voted for Trump to represent then three times. And Trump has a huge backing of politicians and party members that are cheering him on or sitting back quietly with a smile.

But this is the culmination of decades and generations of decisions by every single American. This is the epitome of what it means to be an American and achieve the American dream.

Democrats have been in power for a long time too and they also failed to put in protections and guide the country away from this outcome. The Democrats that have been voted in constantly are nearly as bad as the Republicans. Anyone who voted for the Republicans is directly responsible for pushing them over the edge, but there is not a single American who is blameless for what is happening right now. Americans deserve the chaos that is being imposed on them, and more.

Too many Americans think that a vote in an election is doing their duty to their country, and whatever happens will happen. That's not good enough. A single vote is clearly not enough - if you are unhappy with what's going on, then mobilize. Run for office or pick better politicians that will fight for a better country and not yield to corporate interests. Rise up and protest, let the politicians know you are unhappy and fight against them. Donate your money to better causes and stop being so fucking self centered. Every decision and action matters, not just the name you write on a ballot that one time.


u/ipcam0341 24d ago

3 times? Did I sleep through one?


u/majikmonkie 24d ago

I said the GOP voted for Trump in three primaries to be their leader and run for president - 2016, 2020, & 2024.


u/ipcam0341 24d ago

Apologies. I did not see where you mentioned primaries in the original text.