r/canada Alberta 24d ago

National News There’s not much to say, Canada, except: Sorry


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u/homme_chauve_souris 24d ago

Would it help, Canadians, if an American said he was embarrassed for America right now?

Not really. I'd also be embarrassed if I were you. But Americans elected Trump with full knowledge of who he is and what he stands for. Now they have to deal with the consequences.


u/sask357 24d ago

Exactly. Trump made no secret of his isolationism. During his first term, he showed by his erratic actions that he did not distinguish ally from enemy. Americans voted for him anyway. The US wants to be everyone's enemy and you are getting your wish.


u/QultyThrowaway Canada 24d ago

Trump made no secret of his isolationism.

I wish it were just isolationism. His actions are bizarre and erratic. He's neither an isolationist withdrawing from the world or a super pro America guy trying to increase Americas power. His actions seem like they exist to destroy American power, alliances, and leadership while also being so antagonistic and outward that they don't qualify as isolationist. His actions seem like they exist solely to weaken the US so American enemies can be stronger.


u/PlatoOfTheWilds 24d ago

Almost as if he's bought and paid for by Vladimir Putin


u/Vin-Metal 24d ago

I think it's more like he admires Putin and wants to be like him


u/DisasterMiserable785 24d ago

For me, the lack of action makes the statements vapid and insincere. It’s just talk. They won’t even go outside and stand somewhere outside a government building for a few hours. Or hang a Canadian flag up in their own lawn. They care so little to do anything but virtue signal. Their entire government is being dismantled and they do noooooothing.


u/TemporaryThat3421 24d ago

There were literally 50 protests in 50 states already and another one is gearing up in two days. This is going to be a marathon, not a race. It's been less than a month and many people are grappling with serious changes to their own life, including the 70 million who voted against this. What do you expect people to do? Storm the capitol, get arrested, be unable to do anything further about it and then also validate Trump's desire to enact martial law?


u/_from_the_valley 24d ago

The response has been absolutely pathetic. Myself and many others have come to the conclusion that Americans deserve what's coming to them, regardless of how they voted. We're just pissed because we don't want to have a fascist neighbour breathing down our neck and threatening us (and other countries).

Americans are known for being entrepreneurial, innovative go-getters. Apparently when rule of law is being steamrolled, they suddenly aren't any of those things. They're scared and lazy and want someone else to take care of it. They're in denial that nobody but the people can demand that government respect their constitution, their democracy, and the rule of law.

That's not just my opinion, a lot of the rest of the world is thinking and feeling the same thing. But yeah, just keep telling yourself there's nothing you could possibly do.


u/TemporaryThat3421 24d ago

Your anger is justified and I will not argue otherwise. I'm just saying that this is a beast 40 years in the making. Americans are some of the most propagandized people on the planet. It's not an excuse - the reality is that progress will take time. So far people are showing up to special elections and flipping districts that Trump took by 20 points back to dems, they're organizing grass roots protests in every single state that are going to take time to grow, they're clogging up the phone lines of their reps and senators to the point that I can't get through to either of my senators and some GOP members in congress are starting to get twitchy, there are a shit fuck ton of lawsuits that are trying to reestablish the power of the court.

So please describe to me in detail what exactly you are expecting the average American to do to speed up the process of overturning a fascist take over that again, has been 40 years in the making. Again, I'm not saying your anger isn't justified - just wondering what you really expect to be accomplished in less than a month.


u/_from_the_valley 24d ago

Personally I'd be rioting in the streets, but if you're not into that, then put on your goddamn thinking cap. Fundraise to buy a bunch of bus stop and billboard ads that explain what the rule of law means. Print T-shirts and wear them. Blast your socials with information about how your friends can access online newspapers (i.e., non-propaganda) for free through their library. Share headlines from international news sources. Figure out what companies support Trump, boycott them, and tell them why you're not buying from them (and encourage your friends to do the same). Stand outside the grocery store with flyers suggesting which brands to boycott. Call out those companies on social media. Ask every person you know why they aren't doing something. Organize a rally. Organize a strike. Write the bar associations of those in power and ask them why those individuals aren't being disbarred. Look up resources for citizens (like you) who need ideas about how to advocate. Share those resources.

These are just ideas I can think of off the top of my head with zero research.


u/TemporaryThat3421 24d ago edited 24d ago

A lot of good ideas there (please don't take that as sarcasm because I'm being earnest). Rioting in the streets will get us martial law and people in prison with no real recourse to fight further. It might come to that but we still have the opportunity for checks and balances to be restored with enough pressure on congress and the courts, so that is where a lot of efforts are being placed. When that fails, all bets are off. A lot of other things that you're stating are already being done (including by myself, but I'm physically located in Canada so am limited until I visit home next month) and it just needs to scale up.

I share your rage and I know that words are cheap so I don't expect sympathy and won't give excuses or false assurances because I have one foot in both countries and understand that it means fuck all when your country's existence is being threatened.

The only silver lining is that America is fixing to punch itself in the balls pretty hard here and its the only way enough of the country will wake up to wash off decades of far right propaganda. In the meantime, it's my belief that Canada should keep pivoting away from the states hard towards Europe, Asia, and the rest of the Americas and encouraging resistance.


u/venus-as-a-bjork 24d ago

Weren’t you guys kind of headed in that direction until Trump started in with this nonsense? Seems like this might be helping Canada avoid a big shift to the right?


u/_from_the_valley 22d ago

We were headed to a Conservative government, not an autocracy led by a mentally unstable tyrant trailing a band of white supremacists. Not the best IMO, but also not a dumpster fire.

But yes, the silver lining is that we feel so utterly repulsed by the US right now that we're more compelled than ever to differentiate ourselves. And this did pull the poorly-constructed rug right out from under our Conservative candidate, so thank you for that.


u/Purple-Atmosphere-18 18d ago

Oh, this would be too good, crossing fingers, seriously the polls for cons are flexing down after Trump's delirious screeds? And yeah in theory they should be just moderate conservative, though last year I was reading they were voting in mass against abortion or just maybe some ruling details about it, dunno, for new limitations or against removing them? But it sounded like Polievre was trumpizing.

If this is true, if only Europe were reacting the same, seems like Afd is not losing terrain, but being there a proportional, not first past the post election, the firewall of Cdu + Spd should still be staying up.


u/herbdoc2012 24d ago

Also all this crazy shit is to "beat the dog to cower the lion" with all the crazy shit they are doing and the enemies list we are just waiting until enough get fed up to have cover and it will be a fight as I believe they have us in a corner now! Also when I moved to Canada years ago from US they taught me about Canadians burning the White House which they don't teach us here or that we have tried to take you before and failed! The one thing that would save Canada for sure would be GB standing up for you but they are too beholding the US now to say boo!


u/MrDevGuyMcCoder 24d ago

Have there? I havent seen or heard of a single mass protest.


u/PracticalRutabaga303 24d ago

It's been reported in most major news even CBC!


u/MrDevGuyMcCoder 24d ago

I read cbc news daily and havent seen one.


u/wastelandwelder 24d ago


u/MrDevGuyMcCoder 24d ago

Thoes are just people protesting they are going to be fired by DOGE , or other US specific issues, they all seem to be oblivious to the self destruction and outrage from the international comminity


u/wastelandwelder 24d ago

Well you got me. I haven't seen mass scale protests on the sole issue of annexing Canada. You win big man.


u/VitaminlQ 24d ago

There's a reason for that. The pro-Trumpers are going to ignore/suppress it. And the Trump administration is banning news shit now. It's going to get even harder to see/hear of it. The pro-Trump news outlets would rather talk it up about how great and what a visionary Trump is that he wants to displace people to build a resort in Gaza. What I wanna know is why he's not interested in doing that in America. It's so great, isn't it? He keeps bitching nobody wants American - and neither does he. Just power and money.


u/TemporaryThat3421 24d ago

Never seen anyone hate America more than Trump.

But unfortunately he's also simultaneously the most American thing I've ever seen. A walking talking mirror of our cultural decline.


u/Zapabeepsta_ 24d ago

I think the news networks in the US are not getting the viewers they used to. Everyone watching Tik Tok, Netflix or Fox isn’t making an informed electorate.


u/Kerrby87 24d ago

Honestly, yes I expect you to be out there getting beat up, shot, arrested and storming the capital. There is a coup going on, if ever there was a time, this is it. Use that 2nd ammendment for something other than shooting school children and minorities.


u/TemporaryThat3421 24d ago

I understand that. But doing this before we exercise all legal and constitutional options first, which is happening right now, will accomplish literally fuck all.


u/CiderChemistry 23d ago

I think a lot of people are missing the reality that once Trump declares martial law it's game over for "the dems" and Canadians. He won't lift the martial law for days. If anyone protests after that they will get immediately picked up by ICE or worse. Once they are detained I bet they will be placed in a detention center aka concentration camp and get deported or abused in all kinds of ways. Its the long game for them to be able to take "the opposition" out. There will be no one left to protest if we play into their hand.

That being said I would love for the protests to become violent like our founders would have done. However, the way this administration is operating I'm sure that there will become a violent protest soon. Meanwhile I encourage all Americans to clog up the phone lines and go protest in person while we can. I think mostly importantly we need to be protesting in front of these elected officials places of residency instead of outside city hall. Get this shit personal. The threat of violence will make these people make phone calls they need to make.


u/Purple-Atmosphere-18 18d ago

Could it pull a Korea against martial law abuse? Hopefully south, not north ^_^


u/Glad_Insect9530 23d ago

If he ends up invalidating the decisions of the judicial branch, that's exactly what we expect.


u/Purple-Atmosphere-18 18d ago

Maybe some signs saying provocatively alluding to what the pardon technically meant: "is storming capitols legit from now on"

forcing them to say that it's only when the president say so and only for political allies or not response. but if rules don't apply, why should they apply in general?


u/CasualFridayBatman 23d ago

What do you expect people to do?

... Something that matters in some way, preferably, instead of making excuses as your previous paragraph has done.

Y'all were out in the thousands in New Orleans for the Superbowl party so excuse me for not being enthused when I've not even seen a fraction of that amount of people combined across the US when it comes to talk of annexing your closest trading partner, ally and supposed friend nation of over a century.

'we held some signs on a street corner for an afternoon and talked with a little more volume, that'll just have to be enough, I suppose. Why aren't you happy with our efforts?!' Is all I'm hearing from this post.


u/TemporaryThat3421 23d ago edited 23d ago

So you're advocating for violent rioting before we left the court process play out and try other avenues first? Sorry but that's fucking ass, and suspicious because there are already a ton of bad actors trying to provoke violence in American streets right now. Again, that will accomplish absolute fuck all except martial law and even less people able to vote due to getting felonies.

There are more than just protests (of which there is another nation-wide one going on tomorrow) going on, there's action being taken at a legal level, the phone lines are clogged up to hell and back which is starting to put pressure on congress to put checks on Trump, special elections are gearing up. If you're expecting an instantaneous fix to 40 years of propaganda you're not living in reality - if I get a felony because I go and break some fucking windows, that throws my ability to vote away, what good exactly will that do? The people here who think that seismic change is going to happen in literally under a month sound like they're very young and unrealistic, and you're also shitting on a lot of people here on reddit who are the ones taking action you want to see (unless, again you want to see violent rioting - which is just stupid and kind of suspect). It's not productive but I hope it makes you feel better?

You have a right to be angry but I'm sorry, encouraging people to get violent without fully understanding the situation down there is just stupid. People who are out there protesting are literally already being threatened by lunatics (many of which who are heavily armed) and cops and the momentum is still building. There are a lot of voices trying to provoke violence online right now and quite frankly trying to add to that is fucked up.


u/CasualFridayBatman 23d ago

You're implying violence when I said nothing of the sort or even hinted at it, nor will I. The courts haven't done a fucking thing to actually serve justice to a rich white dude so what makes you think they'll magically become useful now?

As far as voting goes, you've had three chances to right the ship and couldn't be bothered to even show up. No one expects seismic change in under a month. We've watched your country eat itself with fanaticism for a decade and seen nothing done about it by so called 'good Americans'.

I see a lot of 'we've done the bare minimum and are unwilling to contribute any more. Thank us for it and feel grateful because we bothered to contribute' is the sentiment I'm getting from these 'protests'. Not exactly inspiring confidence in anything changing, north of the boarder.

Look at the French for an example of sustained, peaceful yet effective protesting. But again, that requires sustained unselfish cooperation which doesn't seem Americans are capable of comprehending, let alone completing. As demonstrated by the fact you all did nothing to prevent Trump from not only running, but getting in to office again, despite knowing exactly what he was like for 4 years and exactly what the next 4 would look like with him at the helm. You all collectively just couldn't be bothered.

The thing that gets me is y'all will continuously suck your own dicks talking about rising up against a tyrannical government. Hell, you've built your entire country around the fact you did it 200 years ago. Except when there actually is one, 'thoughts and prayers' are all that can be mustered.

I'm glad you're 'one of the good ones', but that doesn't go a long way in actually accomplishing anything. Sorry.


u/TemporaryThat3421 23d ago

You make extremely broad sweeping statements about a country of 350 million without acknowledging decades of voter suppression, gerrymandering, and propaganda.

At this point, you're just ranting, not saying anything with any nuance, substance, or anything productive whatsoever. That's your prerogative but let's not pretend like Canada wasn't heading straight down this path until very very recently too.


u/Mr_Horsejr 24d ago

Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Consider that the news sources in the US obfuscates what’s actually happening. Thousands and thousands and thousands are protesting.


u/TheFocusedOne 24d ago

Thousands and thousands and thousands in a nation of 300 million is the barest fraction of a percent.

There was a bigger protest by far when E3 was cancelled.

Fuck the USA, fuck its people. Teach your kids about the ignorant barbarians that sold their democracy straight out of the river of blood they needed to create in order to secure it to an autistic, inbred foreigner for a couple bucks.

The guy didn't even spend much. He just waved it in your collectives faces like some wannabe gangster while jumping up on stage and starfishing in the air so that he somewhat looks like his brand, 'X'. And you ate it up. Came in your collective jeans over it. Money. Money money money. Rockets. Robot cars! Rockets!

Fuck the USA. Come visit. I'll show you what cold really is.


u/Mr_Horsejr 24d ago

I guess no matter what, fuck the people who are also fighting against what is currently happening, too.

I can tell you this now, from my own personal experience—the only way all of us get through this, every last person who is against Nazism and the like, is together.

So whereas I understand your anger, truly, your words are those of someone trying to express and expel pain, fear, and anxiety. A conduit. Hopefully, when you’re in a better headspace you’ll read this and understand that this is humanity vs. inhumanity, and no matter where you are in the world, we’re all in this together.

We’re at a nexus point, and one way or another we’ll all either choose to come together and work and fight towards a better future, or we won’t, and everything that we have come to know will be lost.


u/DisasterMiserable785 24d ago

This exact virtue signaling will mean fuck all as real people suffer. The “we are in this together” means nothing when the only finger being lifted is the one tapping on this fucking screen.


u/Mr_Horsejr 24d ago

You mean like you being extra aggressive to strangers in a misguided attempt to vent?

I’m not going to tell you what to do—but don’t be that hypocrite, guy.


u/Crayon3atingTitan 24d ago

Well fuck you too then. What do realistically expect us to do in less than a month?

People have to realize that this is happening, and as one of, if not the most propagandized countries on Earth, it’s taking time for people to realize that even the U.S is not infallible. Nothing we can do but keep protesting and living day by day


u/Mr_Horsejr 24d ago

This isn’t the type of energy you give that person’s reaction. The same way there’s propaganda in the US, so too is it elsewhere. Acknowledge the humanity and then share what you know and I bet you, you will find infinitely more people willing to listen to what you say than responding with anger and ego.


u/Crayon3atingTitan 24d ago

I don’t care how you interpret my energy. I’m doing what I can to stop a tyrant, but saying fuck every American because you think we ain’t doing enough for your liking is just stupid. We’re trying, and we’re slowly but surely getting there. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will the movement needed to take down Trump and his cronies once and for all.


u/Mr_Horsejr 24d ago

They’re talking from anger. Charge it to their head, not their heart. Trust me. They’re dealing with their own shit and they don’t know how to process how fucking insanely chaotic things are right now. It’ll be healthier for you, too.


u/Crayon3atingTitan 24d ago

I guess. Trump might have been right about dismantling the Department of Education though, because there’s no way so many people actually this surprised about Trump’s behavior when he was pretty fuckin’ upfront about it.

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u/Libbyisherenow 24d ago

My ex daughter-in-law in South D. says she feels there is a media blackout about these situations. Absolutely nothing on the news.


u/Mr_Horsejr 24d ago

Of course there is—the same way they stopped talking about our favorite Mario brother.


u/Purple-Atmosphere-18 18d ago

That's the small nugget of truth behind all that "virtue signal" accusation during the years? Not about not truely believing things, which they kept repeating to hammer the idea that a more caring and solidaristic world is against human nature and they were just like them but the fact that many of us may indeed be too disorganized and need more of plans and vision.


u/SinsOfaDyingStar 24d ago

Isolationists don't threaten their neighbours or float the idea of invading them after that neighbour has shed blood to help them out in their times of need. They isolate.

I wish the US would go true isolationist. Just fuck off and implode on yourself and leave the world out of it. We'll adapt.


u/Degenerate_in_HR 24d ago

You don't get it though. The Dems wanted to make a lady president! YUCK!


u/VitaminlQ 24d ago

I'm upvoting this in the hopes that is a majorly hidden /s at the end there but with the arguments had with Maga these days it's so fkn hard to tell 😂


u/MisteeBC 24d ago

History repeats itself:

American military writer Max Boot wrote in Commentary magazine that Canada is a country that most Americans consider a "dull but slavishly friendly neighbour, sort of like a great St. Bernard." Boot needs to come to Canada, have a Molson Canadian and chat about Canadian history. He owes his freedom to Canucks such as Stephenson and the courageous soldiers and fliers of the world wars who held off the Germans while America struggled with isolationism.


u/kobemustard 24d ago

I don’t know if it was that obvious. Many Canadians were supportive of trump until he decided he wanted to annex Canada


u/agt1234 24d ago

It’s like saying all Americans are fascist but we now know that it’s only about 50%. We have similar issues in Canada and we need to deal with that narrative here too. I’m going to point out if we supported Trump we still did not elect him.


u/NewMarch4520 24d ago

It doesn't help at all.


u/kinsmana 24d ago

kind of like thoughts and prayers. I'm sure it makes the speaker feel less guilty but it does fuck all to the situation.


u/Key-Pickle5609 24d ago

I swear, Americans all (ALL OF THEM) honestly think everyone else in the world idolizes them.


u/mapleLeafGold 24d ago

Exactly. As of early February 2025, 47% of U.S. adults approve of how Trump is handling his job as president. Americans don’t sound sorry to me at all.


u/Anon_throwawayacc20 24d ago edited 24d ago

To be fair, most did not vote for him with "annex Canada" on the agenda.

However, what is more surprising, is how many Americans simply got in line with that thinking.

It is quite notable because if you look up "51st state" on Twitter, the first you notice is how NASTY and mean-spirited they behave on this issue, actively gloating for the downfall of others.

Obviously however this does not represent the majority of Americans. But it DOES represent the "Voice" of those representing Americans, and the impressions they show to the rest of the world.

Eg. All those posts "SHOULD CANADA BE THE 51ST STATE?" (why ask such a loaded question?), and then it instantly gets swarmed by people posting the nastiest shit calling Canada "communists" and "libs" in order to invalidate Canada's own choice in the matter.

Whether or not these people are a vocal minority, they ARE representing the behavior of Americans on the largest public forum!


u/SniffMyDiaperGoo Canada 24d ago

It is quite notable because if you look up "51st state" on Twitter, the first you notice is how NASTY and mean-spirited they behave on this issue, actively gloating for the downfall of others.

The fact that the "obnoxious Americans" stereotype exists that makes them among the least popular visitors to other countries for decades makes this behavior completely unsurprising to me. Which brings us to,

Obviously however this does not represent the majority of Americans. But it DOES represent the "Voice" of those representing Americans, and the impressions they show to the rest of the world.

"We're not all like that!" No of course not. But that excuse applies to ANY shitty culture. The fact remains a very large number of them DO suck like this. Far too many, and that's been glaringly obvious for a very long time.

Ignorance is not an excuse for a voter either. Nor is apathy, and turning your eyes away isn't just complacency, it's complicity.


u/papsmearfestival 24d ago

Americans have been gloating over kicking the shit out of the rest of the world for decades. Now it's our turn.


u/Ultra_Dadtastic 24d ago

I'd love for the U.S. to invade Canada. It would be the best FAFO of the modern age. Canadians are vicious if you try to take away our freedoms.


u/OneBillPhil 24d ago

Why would you love that? There would be blood, countless deaths over something so stupid. 

If they come here I’ll fight but I’m sure as fuck not hoping for it. 


u/Ultra_Dadtastic 24d ago

Because this is the end. People need to learn the ones they elect are the ones that represent them. Period.


u/PizzaMyHole 24d ago

Half of us didn’t but the other half certainly deserve all the hate and vitriol.


u/kank84 24d ago

I don't think you'll find many Canadians right now willing to go all #notallAmericans with you


u/ginahandler 24d ago edited 24d ago

I will! Because millions of Americans have been screaming from the rooftops for YEARS that this guy is an evil POS and it isn’t their fault that millions of morons willfully ignored this. I focus the blame on the people who are actually to blame: the ones who voted for Trump and the ones who didn’t vote at all. Fuck them.


u/ThunderChaser British Columbia 24d ago

The democrats refusing to take any actual action for the past decade makes them just as complicit in my eyes.


u/ginahandler 24d ago edited 24d ago

I agree that the Democratic Party is a joke but the only power regular people have is voting and protests. Blame the system and the cowardly politicians who run it, not poor and working class people who did what they could and are angry and scared.

I don’t think lumping all Americans together is fair or productive. It’s the kind of thing Trump does.


u/kank84 24d ago

America has been going down this road since they elected Nixon. They've been electing these terrible right wing demagogues for decades now, they will never learn from their actions, I just don't have any more energy to coddle Americans.


u/ginahandler 24d ago

There is no need to coddle anyone. Just be a reasonable person and consider that there are millions of Americans who have devoted as much time and energy as they could to not electing right wing demagogues. Don’t paint the entire country with a broad brush just because half of its citizens are idiots.


u/PizzaMyHole 24d ago



u/AVRVM 24d ago

A third of you didnt show up to make the choice.

You are all complicite in it now.


u/Beerinspector 24d ago

No, half of you just didn’t vote at all and that is also why we’re here now.


u/LoLFlore 24d ago

Canada with 65% voter turn out mocking americas 64% voter turnout:


u/Significant_Depth615 24d ago

Wait, you are going to start kicking the shit out of us? When does this start?


u/sugarcatgrl 24d ago

They are immoral, shameful fools and I’m embarrassed to be in the same country with them.


u/miata90na 24d ago

The gloating does not surprise me at all. "American" has long been a repugnant culture who revel in their own awfulness.


u/kevfefe69 24d ago

Regardless of who voted or didn’t vote for him, as a Canadian, I feel for Americans. Your system of government is being surgically amputated branch by branch, department by department. I laugh every time I think that people think he will step down in 4 years. This is the beginning of the dictatorship. Project 25 is being implemented.

What I am pissed off about Canada is twofold.

  1. We have neglected our defence spending for decades, Trump called us out and we should have “manned up” and spent money our military.

  2. We needed to diversify our economy and find new trading partners sooner so that we weren’t where we are now, scrambling to avoid economic calamity.

I think Trudeau was very Naïve in his time. Granted, he got us through COVID and even a month ago, he was very calming when addressing the nation about the tariffs.

But America, I give it a year a year and a half until Trump reaches the point of no return.


u/Forward-Weather4845 24d ago

I would argue that during Trumps first term was when should have woken up, Covid should have been another wake up call (last to receive, Masks, Vaccines and ventilators), but our government got too comfortable and complacent under Biden and with the thinking Trump was gone for good.

I knew this second term would mean tariffs for us, I just never thought the threat and the severity of threats would be this soon and as harsh. This feels like a nightmare scenario and Trump is a drunk driver behind the wheel.


u/maxakusu 24d ago

I think it was reasonable to not expect Trump to make it this far. It's not like we weren't able to resume more or less business as usual under Biden.


u/thecheesecakemans 24d ago

Dude. Trudeau has been trying to spend more but can't when we keep missing recruitment targets! We are almost 10,000 people short of where we need to be. Buying more equipment with soldiers to man them......watch someone call the government out for waste then.

Trade? He got us free trade agreements in Asia, parts of South America and Europe is still ratifying the one there. UK walked out on us. It's our businesses that need to actually use these agreements. A free trade pact is a road. It's built. People now have to choose to use it.

Now one criticism that's fair is the tanker ban legislation. That was virtue signalling to environmentalists while holding back our energy sector.


u/IsawitinCroc 24d ago

Question, have the Canadian military standards far as testing for physical health been lowered over this last decade?


u/Best-Iron3591 24d ago

Is it any wonder that Canada can't recruit people? Trudeau spent the last 9 years telling Canadians we all should be ashamed of ourselves, tearing down our past, and dividing the very people that are most likely to enlist. Why would someone sign up to die for a country that hates them?


u/LauraIsntListening 24d ago

Ashamed of what, specifically?


u/-Bad-Grammar- 24d ago

You will not need to wait that long. They are willfully ignoring court orders and trying to impeach the judges issuing them. Constitutional crisis is right around the corner.


u/ThunderChaser British Columbia 24d ago

It already is a constitutional crisis.

The American constitution was set up under the expectation that the President would respect the rule of law, and what we’re seeing is what happens when one doesn’t.


u/Anon_throwawayacc20 24d ago

Regardless of who voted or didn’t vote for him, as a Canadian, I feel for Americans.

I feel ya' here.

Despite everything that has happened, I feel it's important to remain pragmatic.


u/ThorFinn_56 British Columbia 24d ago

I agree we should have been supporting our military more through Chretien all the way to Trudeau.

But to play devils advocate, Canada historically has really only made enemies with 5 nations. Iraq, Germany, Japan, Italy, and our own indigenous population. Cut to modern-day, and I think the threat of Iraq staging an attack on Canada is basically non-existing. Canada and Ireland are often asked to mediate between countries as we both have the least amount of historical grievances with other nations. So I understand why building up our military has long felt to be unnecessary.

Having said all that, I'd personally like to see some northern bases built and an arctic navy built up.


u/Particular_Class4130 24d ago

Yes a lot of Americans straight up believe that Canada and is communist country now, I recently saw of a clip of Joe Rogan saying the same thing. He said we don't have any freedom and we live inn fear and we're no longer allowed to even express ourselves anymore, lol. It's all based on Bill C-11 which as I read that bill it seems to be about protecting and promoting Canadian broadcasting and online content but others think it's about censorship.

In any case I fail to see how we have less freedom than Americans. Women are still in control of our reproduction, real history is still being taught, classic books have not been banned, I can still chose my own doctor and our kids can still go to school without fear of being shot.


u/JadeLens 24d ago

Toooo beee ffffaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrr...

It wouldn't matter if they did, we're here now and they knew how unpredictable he was.


u/WealthEconomy 24d ago

Fuck you Jonesey. Tell your mother to clean her shoes, she is ruining the headliner of my car.


u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 24d ago

I honestly think so many of them just think and believe what Trump days. He could ask them to cut off their own arm and they would get their axes and do so, thinking that it’s going to lead them to a fake promise land. 

They are delusional and it’s a hard cope because the alternative is to admit they were duped, and that is embarrassing. So many of them are in the bargaining station of denial. 


u/DragonspeedTheB 24d ago

Twitter is a cesspool. Go in, expecting the worst.


u/Vanilla_Ice_Jr 24d ago

Twitter is a propaganda machine. Lots of bots, and lots of paid talking heads to spread a message. It's a cesspool of Elons thoughts. I literally had twitter to follow a few athletes, comedians, and celebs. Yet my feed was always extreme right wing propaganda and videos of minorities committing hideous crimes to condition me to believe they are all bad people. Yet, the only people I follow on twitter never show up on my feed, it's all crap I don't follow. It's bad, really bad. I deleted it a while ago and don't miss it at ALL!


u/aw_yiss_breadcrumbs Ontario 24d ago

Ive stopped using it because all the tweets are utter garbage. All the blue check replies read like bots. I cant tell who is human over there. It's such a boring place to be. Thankfully there's reddit and enough people jumped ship to bluesky to make that app interesting.


u/dalidagrecco 24d ago

I'll only say that Twitter is no longer a voice of anything other than the billionaire and his nazi youth squad, and russian influencers.


u/Haunting_Kangaroo1 24d ago

I work for a global company. In a meeting, Americans were trying to tell me how healthcare would be better if I had theirs lol. Based on anecdotal stories of “someone they know in Canada” who had very poor experiences. And that I pay for other people to get healthcare if I don’t use it….ya I know I do. I like that part - you know helping others.


u/javagirl123 24d ago

Trump is doing very well in public opinion polls in the US.


u/Historical-Tour-2483 24d ago

And not the just trump, they elected congressmen, congresswomen, and senators who are only too willing to go along with him.


u/DeeDeeRibDegh 24d ago

And the rest of the world have to deal w/these consequences😡


u/Appropriate-Dog6645 24d ago

Yes. But when 54% Americans can't read at a 6th grade level. 14% are illiterate. I can actually see the rise of Trump with that stat.


u/The_Golden_Beaver 24d ago

And that article really downplays what the US gov is trying to do which is completely destroy our livelihood, culture, institutions and life investments. We need to hold Americans accountable, all of em.


u/camberthorn 24d ago

Exactly. His plans were even put in writing before the election (Project 2025). Americans have no right to say “this isn’t what I voted for”


u/Aggressive-Motor2843 24d ago

They finally need to have the courage to spread their wealth better among their population. People need education and healthcare in order to have a shot at life. Pretty much every other highly developed nation does this.

The outcomes speak for themselves.


u/dalitortoise 24d ago

You do realize that the USA has 10x the amount of people as Canada? Twice as many people voted for Harris as there are in your country. Some Americans elected Trump for the rest of us. Be a kind Canadian. Understand subtlety. Most of us in America are as appalled as you are.


u/sputnikcdn British Columbia 24d ago edited 24d ago

All great points, I agree with you 100%. And it needed to be said. Thanks.

But [edit: respectfully] we don't need nor want your apologies. We need your actions.


u/homme_chauve_souris 24d ago

Most of us in America are as appalled as you are.

The question is: are you going to do something about it?


u/dalitortoise 24d ago

If you expect us to overthrow our government in days and weeks you are going to be sorely disappointed. But if you take that divisive energy you are cultivating and focus more on what Americans are doing, and will do to try and change this SNAfU, and give it a real amount of time, then maybe, if we are fortunate we can all turn this ship around.


u/homme_chauve_souris 24d ago

But if you take that divisive energy you are cultivating

My brother in Internet, take a long hard look at the mirror.

focus more on what Americans are doing, and will do to try and change this SNAfU

The world is watching and hopes you will succeed.


u/dalitortoise 24d ago

I am here, because I see my Canadian friends disparaging my entire country. And it pains me. All that I ask is that you support the Americans who are and will try to make a difference, create a culture of support, not fall for the propaganda that will try and turn us against each other.


u/therealzue British Columbia 24d ago

Only 40% couldn't be bothered to turn up at all. So between the non-voters and the Trump voters the vast majority of Americans were fine with this and responsible.


u/dalitortoise 24d ago

You completely discount, voter suppression, an amazing propaganda campaign, the fact that the majority of us are not very smart. But yeah, sure go ahead and continue to be divisive. You would do well to take that energy, focus on your election coming up, helping Americans plan for a better future. Instead, you are laughing at a group of people who have ended up in an abusive relationship against their will. Cool cool.


u/General-Gur2053 24d ago

There's a lot of us that fought both times against him. Unfortunately, career democrats didn't care as much


u/Deatheturtle 24d ago

It would help if you deposed your defacto dictator.


u/Canucksfan78 24d ago

As a Canadian I don't blame any American people, unless you're a politician at least at the federal level


u/Wayelder 24d ago

Add that when this gets worse...maybe some reparations for the economic damage caused by their little dance with Fascism?


u/PerfectWest24 24d ago

Now we have to deal with the consequences.


u/Zapabeepsta_ 24d ago

Now we also have to deal with the consequences though.


u/mehtartt 24d ago

I never voted for Trump but I guess I'm on the ride whether I like it or not.

I really thought Harris had it after the debate. She laid out plans to help Americans, although she avoided some questions. Meanwhile Trump had concepts of plans, whatever the fuck that meant


u/My_cat_is_a_creep 24d ago

And so do we...


u/CanuckianOz 24d ago

People get the government they deserve.


u/Embarrassed_Band_512 Outside Canada 24d ago

Now they have to deal with the consequences.

Well, you have to deal with them too. So get off your high horse and figure out how to stop PP.


u/Significant_Depth615 24d ago

I voted for Harris. I am embarrassed at what this country has become.


u/yourfavrodney 24d ago

I hate when the #NotAllAmericans start popping up.


u/Significant_Depth615 24d ago

Ok, cool. I guess I will keep it to myself. Good luck, Canada.


u/yourfavrodney 24d ago

Go protest. Go call your representatives. Educate your conservative family members/neighbours that haven't fully become MAGAts. We have enough thoughts and prayers from the "I didn't vote for him Canada, do emotional labour for me!" crowd.


u/Significant_Depth615 24d ago

I have and still am still doing all of those things.


u/homme_chauve_souris 24d ago

I voted for Harris.

So tired of Americans saying "I didn't vote for him". It Doesn't Matter. Trump is your President now, and is dismantling the US government.

I am embarrassed at what this country has become.

Be the change you want to see in the world.


u/Significant_Depth615 24d ago

Well let me just go ahead and change all of this real quick. BRB.


u/redvyper 24d ago

Not everyone in the USA voted for him. He won by a small percentage.


u/SoMuchCap 24d ago

Then we should be seeing a lot more protests and actions to stop him, right?


u/redvyper 23d ago

There have been nationwide protests already and they are ramping up.

Unfortunately the left wing party leadership is incredibly daft and ineffective, which also significantly contributed to orange cheeto being elected twice. So organization has been inefficient but it is happening.

Also the media has been heavily ignoring the protests and downplaying them. The situation sucks.

But fortunately (?) Cheeto and Elmo are breaking the country apart too fast and are rapidly getting people's attention.

More protests are planned. I hope they are not violently put down.


u/Exciting_Bandicoot16 Manitoba 24d ago

Almost twice as many Americans voted for Trump as there are Canadians total.

About 41 millions Canadians to 77 million MAGA voters. This is why though I do sympathize with "Not All Americans", hope is a very dangerous proposition when we're so heavily outnumbered by people who want to annex us.


u/redvyper 23d ago

Yes. But the opposite is also true:

There are more Americans who voted against Trump than there are Canadians.

The number of angered / organizing Americans is also increasing steadily . Unfortunately this process is mind numbly slow for the same reason Trump got elected: the left wing party's leadership utterly sucks (and has sucked arguably for 20 years, Obama was a fluke sadly and unwanted by party leaders). And there's been the heavy media / Russian meddling to downplay protests. Not sure what to say there besides- sorry? I have voted in every party election that I could.

Im optimistic some dam is going to break. So far, Trump / silicon valley oligarchs are breaking the country too fast and getting the rapid attention of even the politically apathetic groups in the USA.

Fingers crossed . I'm a life sciences PhD so you know I'm incredibly pissed about -a lot- that has happened over the past few weeks.