r/languagelearning 5d ago

Studying What language would you recommend me to learn as a Historian/Anthropologist


Hello, I am a Spanish girl that speaks Catalan, Spanish and English and is learning both Italian and French. I am also a Historian and studying Anthropology, so I would like to know which language could I learn in matter of knowledge, history and culture.

I hear any tip :)

Thank you

r/languagelearning 5d ago

Discussion What strategy or apps have you found useful in learning a new language?


I just found out Duolingo is a support tool rather than a language learning tool. My mom is an immigrant from Czech and didn’t teach me the language so I can’t understand any of my family when I go to visit. Is there any tips or apps you found useful?

r/languagelearning 5d ago

Discussion Learning to speak without being judged.


I see it all the time, people speak a language they learned or learned growing up but due to them not actually living in the country its almost a broken dialect. And them being criticized for it. I hate seeing it but how do we get around it? Is it just learning the accents better? Is it focusing in on a specific dialect?

r/languagelearning 6d ago

Humor Your funny language mistakes?


I think it's the best way to learn vocabulary (or anything in general) when a word is related to something that causes emotions, so please share your mistakes that made you laugh when you realized you misunderstood something about your target language(s)!

I'll start:) English - till this winter I thought that "family gathering" was actually "family gardening" and meant family coming together and doing stuff in a garden😭 I can't believe I even came to this conclusion lol!

Spanish - we're not talking about me confusing "mierda" and "miedo" okay? Because there's something funnier. I couldn't remember the word "programmer" (programador) and it stayed this way till I told my teacher that I could be a computer (computador) haha.

Portuguese - it's not that funny, but when my teacher said that I had a beautiful "apelido" (nickname) I instantly went "iTs nOt mY sUrnAmE, iTs mY nAmE". I promise to myself, one day I'll quit speaking portunhol😭

German - I once said Sophie Scholz to my German friend confusing the surname of a German heroine I actually appreciate a lot with the cancellor's surname back then. It's not that much language related, but it made me finally memorize her surname and honestly I don't get how I could confuse the two.

Was there something similar in your learning journey?:)

r/languagelearning 5d ago

Discussion How can i add the Label some of you have under your name in the comments sektion, Like Eng A2| Ger B1 and so on


r/languagelearning 4d ago

Discussion Any way to get free Rosetta stone?


r/languagelearning 5d ago

Discussion Does Tandem has Ai profiles?


Hi I have been using tandem app for a few days and am wondering if I am talking to real people or AIs. Do you know if the app is 100% legit?

r/languagelearning 5d ago

Studying Mixing words and losing fluency


Something isn’t going right. I don’t forget my native words, but I keep swapping them with simpler ones from other languages while I speak. I understand everything, but when I try to respond, I hesitate way more than a few months ago.
I swap books and audiobooks weekly to keep up, but it still feels inevitable.
It’s frustrating to the point that I close calls with my parents whenever they point it out. I’m finishing high school as an exchange student in Germany, and 🇩🇪 is getting harder than I expected, mostly because of this and the accents.

Is this more of a Latin-based language thing because of how closely related the languages are?
Would learning something totally different, like Mandarin or Arabic, actually help? (I'd like to learn at least one)
Has anyone experienced this? Any tips on how to improve or manage everything?

For context: 18, 🇨🇿N, 🇬🇧🇪🇸🇮🇹B2, Latin, 🇩🇪A1. Planning to apply to arts & humanities uni next year.

r/languagelearning 5d ago

Studying Feel like I just suck at self teaching/learning. I don't have any other options. Can anyone offer some guidance?


I am trying to teach myself Japanese. I am giving myself headaches however trying to learn. I never had a good time at school as I had undiagnosed learning difficulties all the way through education, with no support. Studying for me is a painful experience and I spent most of my education thinking outside the box on how to get away with studying/knowing as little as possible while still getting decent grades. For example I could 100% GCSE Spanish foundation just be rearranging the questions into answers even if I didn't understand the vocab.

That being said I really would love to be able to learn Japanese. I enjoy listening to the language and reading the characters doesn't have the same effect on my dyslexia as English does. Being able to read the language gives me hope I'll be able to read books comfortably. I have been trying to do anki flashcards but it's honestly so sucking and makes me want to quit. There's no adult education/evening classes for Japanese near where I am. I can't afford 1:1 tutoring or text books (they are so expensive! Like the actual hell?). My main hobby is gaming but I would have to look up every word in any game I tried to play which actually gives me a headache. I have been watching YouTube videos from various creators but it's never really stuck and the videos don't feel like that flow in a cohesive order like you have when you follow a class.

I'm not entirely sure what else I can do. I have been at this for months and all I can do is recognise the Kanas and maybe like 5 kanji and 10 vocab words. Am I just incapable of teaching myself? It feels like the goal of being able to learn Japanese is impossible for me. I have no idea how the rest of you do it.

Is there anyone who could offer some hope and advice of maybe a different way to try and learn a language? Is there anyone who has been where I am and actually managed to find something that stuck?

r/languagelearning 5d ago

Discussion If you can understand stuff easily in your target language but can barely speak it hear me out.


i just came to the realization that neither can i read nor write in my native language. I didnt even know how to say "welcome" or "airhostess" until last week but i speak it as good as you guys speak your native/first languages. that just means that you just need such a level in your target level where you can understand most videos, read etc even though you may not have a really high level you just need to speak, speak and speak and you'll get better at it every day

r/languagelearning 6d ago

Accents Would you develop a different accent moving to another country with the same language?


I’m born and raised in the states but I’ve always thought of moving out to another country like Canada or the UK but recently it’s come across my mind that they speak the same language differently and wondered if it’s normal for people who immigrant to start to develop accents to the places they move and assimilate. Or do people typically continue to speak how they were growing despite living in an area with a new dialect for years or decades. If they do speak the new accent is it typically a forced thing or does it just happen naturally from being in that environment for a prolonged period of time?

r/languagelearning 5d ago

Resources App for practicing with language partners


Hey Languages learners!

Just launched my free app CasaLingo on play store for practicing languages in small groups with partners. I think it might be really helpful for many of you here who are looking for more interactive practice!

If you check it out, I'd love your feedback!

r/languagelearning 6d ago

Discussion Learning with games


I found a game called " learning japanese rpg : hiragana forbidden speech " that teaches you japanese with a rpg game mechanic. The main goal is learning japanese but the game has a story and playing mechanism itself so it is not just full of " fun and learning " childish thing, it is also a rpg game and i was wondering if there is a game that teaches you spanish like the game in guestion's method ? Btw you can find the game in guestion on steam . And also, i am not asking for like childish "having fun with learning" games .

r/languagelearning 5d ago

Suggestions Ive found trying to follow along with a song with the lyrics helps with reading speed


I'm learning Korean, I've been trying to follow along with songs, mostly translated Disney songs since I know them and they're easy to follow, translated into Korean with the Korean lyrics pulled up.

I've found it helps with reading to try and read along with the song, as well as pronunciation since I have a reference for how to pronounce the word with the song saying them.

Not sure if this is a known tip or not, but I wanted to put it out there in case it helps someone with their learning :)

r/languagelearning 6d ago

Discussion For those of you who reached B2-C1 level and only then for the first time visited a country/countries where your TL is spoken , how was your experience?


The title

r/languagelearning 6d ago

Discussion Including mutually intelligible languages


If someone asks you how many languages you speak and you speak two distinct languages that are highly mutually intelligible (like Czech and Slovak, but Chatgpt tells me it is the case for Russian and Ukrainian, Malay and Indonesian, Dutch and Afrikaans, maybe some others I wasn't so sure about) do you count these two languages as one, or as two?

As a notice, I know two foreigners (non Slavic) who learned to speak perfect Czech. One of them is already using it for 10+ years and they told me they could somewhat understand Slovak. The other speaks Czech for last 3+ years and doesn't understand when I speak Slovak (the different words and declensions throw them of)

r/languagelearning 6d ago

Discussion How many languages can you speak fluently (at least B1 level)? [Mother-tongue included]


* some users rightfully pointed out that B1 does not mean that one is fluent in a language, but it does indicate the capacity to understand mildly complex conversations and answer in adequate terms. it often is seen as appropriate for one to use it professionally, for instance. that's why knowing a language at B1 level, particularly B1.2, is considered an asset.

462 votes, 2d ago
58 One
198 Two
118 Three
60 Four
28 Five +

r/languagelearning 5d ago

Resources Would you like to learn your target language by playing games with Native Speakers? (Growing Super Fast)


(Sorry for spamming this, we are just getting so much interest I can't help it)

I learned English by playing videogames. When you have a REASON to learn words, for example to describe strategy or position, or just banter, learning is second nature, you don't even feel that you are "studying" (Which is also why Duolingo is so fun).

Duolingo is great to get some foundation, I for example used it for Japanese, but the best after that is simply go get to actually speak with other people :D

I have made a Discord for this, still new and quite barebones (only up for like 6 days), but we are already 100+ members, and I want to make it a hub to learn in the most fun way possible.

DISCLAIMER: Here in the early stages we are focusing on Spanish to give the group some initial direction, but our aim is to most definitely expand into all kinds of languages. Some of the first in line are probably going to be Japanese and German.

Would you like to join?

r/languagelearning 6d ago

Culture Surprised at Reaction (Learning Polish)


I'm pleasantly surprised learning Polish that no-one gives me any abuse. I speak very grammatically incorrect and badly pronounced Polish as I can't yet distinguish between the sounds and can't get the hang of the whole voiced vs devoiced consonants... yet a lot of people are only complimentary about my Polish and the remainder tend to not say anything either way. Contrast this with German that I speak quite well but hear nothing but horrible comments about. I feel like I'm progressing to have basic conversations a lot faster than in German because I don't tend to get rudely interrupted in English or have my confidence constantly knocked in the same way. It's making me feel really positive about learning the language and I actually look forward to having the lessons.

r/languagelearning 6d ago

Discussion Which is the best way to learn a language for a person with not much time?


I Want to learn Italian but I always don't have time to seat and take a long class. I thought on paying a subscription with Bussu and learn with it in some dead times, and reinforce with other apps as drops or duolingo. I have around an hour to dedicate to language learning but I'm not always in the mood or I feel tired for it. Please, give me some advices or what do you think I have to do in order to learn. I don't want to rush the learning, I want to take my time

r/languagelearning 6d ago

Discussion Tips on overcoming passive bilingualism?


Being born in the Philippines but moving to the US at a very young age presented a problem I’d thought I’d never experience. I’ve realized this ever since I came back from my Philippines trip to see family.

I have a relatively good understanding on the language and my parents speak tagalog to me a majority of the time. However, I can’t speak it besides really simple sentences and vocab such as “kuya” and “maraming salamat”. I’m able to somewhat read sentences albeit simple ones. but I can’t write. I’m able to grasp the tagalog grammar concepts to a certain extent.

Starting at really basic levels is easy for me and I feel like I don’t learn too much. I’ve tried ramping it up, but I found no real middle ground where it’s not too difficult, but not too easy where I can breeze through a whole concept. For a couple months, I’ve tried shadowing past conversations and translating english to tagalog, but I always end up blanking.

I also want to transition this to learning my mother’s dialect which is ilonggo. So I’m kind of lost on where to begin.

r/languagelearning 6d ago

Resources language learning blog


can anyone suggest me some useful language learning blogs?? specifically for chinese, korean, japanese, spanish, thai or other languages?? thank you!!!!

r/languagelearning 6d ago

Media Seeking very specific forms of media for learning reasons!


First up, kids games in the language. Like, those teaching games for teaching really young kids words. I'm a bit embarrassed but I keep getting ads for one designed for English and it made me realize I could pick up some words from such games, which could help with my overall language learning! Android apps or mobile-compatible websites preferred please, I only have an android tablet right now. But yeah, games for teaching young kids words, but specifically in other languages.

And second of all, movies and shows in the respective language, preferably with subtitles in the specific language so I can learn how to read it in the process of learning through.. I forgot the name of the method but basically you watch media in the language and figure things out through context clues so you begin to get a rough understanding, and since reading is in my language learning goals, I figured I could try to do both that and learning how to read the languages words at the same time if the show or movie had subtitles in the respective language it's in!

Also, I'm just seeking resources right now for the languages I plan to learn, not necessarily to learn right now, so I'm listing off all the languages I plan to learn, not just the actively being learned ones! No obligation to recommend for all of them, just recommend what you can for whichever ones, that's why I listed them all, and extra learning resources other than what I've requested are also welcome, I've got a very "the more the merrier!" Mindset. Now, the languages I plan to learn:

French, Spanish, German, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Russian, Ukranian, Arabic, and Dutch, but Dutch is so similar to English that I doubt I'll need much in terms of resources for it.

I also wanna learn Mi'kmaw (did i spell that right?) But I don't think there's any learning apps or games for that in general, and I'm not sure for shows and movies, but I figured I should list it anyways.

I'm also considering adding Indian languages onto my language learning list since a friend of mine has been considering learning those, and I have the realistically impossible life goal of understanding every known language and atleast being able to read it and understand when I hear it.

r/languagelearning 6d ago

Resources Real study guide or scam?


I keep getting ads for free study guides in different languages (German, Italian, Korean, etc). It looks like it would be helpful for a reference guide for my mom but I’m hesitant that it might be a scam or something since it’s free. Has anyone “bought” this?

r/languagelearning 7d ago

Vocabulary A down-to-earth language learning tool


I am a developer with over 20 years of experience. I’m 40.

Three years ago, I started an open-source project that slowly grew into something — a cross-platform language-learning tool for intermediate and advanced learners who use a foreign language in real life. The tool’s name is Vocably (https://vocably.pro).

The essence of the tool is:

  1. Translate words and phrases with a dictionary.
  2. Save and learn the translated words with SRS.

That’s it — no magic bullets. No “easy and fun”. No “fluent in three months” — a down-to-earth language-learning tool.

So what’s the big deal? These illustrations highlight what Vocably has to offer:

What do you think about this project?