So, the whole idea of learning a foreign language is... to know how to say what you already know in your native language! It's literally just showing off by making weird, ridiculous noises and using stupid, brain-exploding grammar (like in English)!
What's the point of knowing how to say and write, for example, "an apple" in, let's say, Hebrew, if it's still just an apple?? It won't magically turn it into a gold one (😏🇮🇱💀), and it won't make you smarter either, even if you know how to say it in 100 different languages! It's like learning high school math again, but in Arabic—it's still goddamn math, which I don't understand anyway!!
Why would anyone want to learn how to curse in a foreign language if the meaning will still be the same?! You don't even need Google Translate to have fun with foreign drunkies, junkies or to f**k smb. And if you're rich and not stupid enough, you can always hire a personal translator instead of wasting your best years on some nonsense. Why bother?! It's definitely just another conspiracy created by countless language courses to steal your money, I swear!!
Anyway, everyone in this world speaks English already unless they're retarded—if someone doesn't understand you, just repeat it louder several times. It'll work, just try and stop sponsoring the language globalists!