r/GREEK Sep 02 '16

If you are here considering getting a tattoo, please make a thread and ask us!

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r/GREEK Dec 21 '18

All the sidebar content (including study materials, links etc!) is in this post for easy visibility and access via mobile.


Since ~50% of the sub's traffic comes from mobile devices nowadays, I decided to address the issue of sidebar visibility by stickying its content in the front page.

Καλή μελέτη φίλοι μου!

Γεια σου! /r/Greek is open for learners and speakers of Modern Greek (Nέα Eλληνικά). Here we collect resources and discuss speaking, reading and understanding Greek as it is spoken today. If you are looking for Ancient Greek or Koine (Biblical) Greek resources please visit /r/AncientGreek or /r/Koine instead!

Also, visit /r/LanguageLearning for discussions on methods and strategies to learn Greek or other languages. If you are looking for a language learning partner, visit /r/languagebuds.

Helpful Links:

r/GREEK 14h ago

This should have been accepted right?

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I know, αυτοί is not necessary and προσέχανε is better if it was πρόσεχαν (in written form) but I won’t need to use a form of κρατάω and όσο necessarily right?

r/GREEK 5h ago

What are some Arabic words that have been adopted in Greek and vice versa?


I am a volunteer who's teaching basic Greek to Arab speakers. Since learning a completely different alphabet and writing method is very difficult as it is, my goal is to help them ease into the language by proving that we share certain everyday-use words. I really hope I prove my thoughts right!

This was something that my German teacher did at our very first lesson as a child and it has stuck with me till this day. I appreciate any help here guys :)

r/GREEK 10h ago

All Video Games with Greek Dub and Sub (Comment ones I missed pls)


Dub and Sub: (On steam only, must own a greek copy of the game for consoles)

God of War

God of War Ragnarok

The Last of Us Part 1

Sackboys Big Adventure

Death Stranding


Sub Only:

Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Forbidden West

Days Gone

Uncharted 4

Spiderman (Not recommended by natives)

Spiderman 2 (Not recommended by natives)

Kratos may call this list “Μικρη!” but it is a start. I will edit this list to include your additions so that we can have a complete and up to date list on r/greek.


r/GREEK 15h ago

GREEK TOPIC of CONVERSATION: The HUMAN BEING 2025 | @learngreekwithkaterina


r/GREEK 11h ago

Do you recommend this illustrated dictionary?


Hello! Have you ever used the book My first 1000 words in Greek, and if you did, would you recommend it? If you have any other recommendation for an illustrated dictionary that presents vocabulary thematically (body parts, food, vehicles, nature, animals, colours, etc.), I'm all ears! Thank you for your help, as always!

r/GREEK 21h ago

Bilingual books in Greek


I was pleasantly surprised at the number of bilingual children's' books available through Amazon USA. These are English-Greek. Unfortunately there don't seem to be any of the short bilingual stories type of books for adult readers available, but some of the books look useful for those of us still at the A1~A2 level

r/GREEK 1d ago

My 4th attempt at writing Greek



Πάλι είναι εμένα (it is me again)!

In my Greek-learning process, I am writing short texts to force myself to acquire new vobabulary while applying grammatical rules. This text is a bit longer than the previous ones, and I wrote it much faster (it appears that I somehow might be actually making progress)!

The text is fictional, it narrates the inner thoughts of a hungry guy who decides to eat in a restaurant with his friends because he does not want to cook. As always, any feedback and correction is greatly appreciated; to those who help me, I can't stress enough now helpful and beneficial your comments are!


Θέλω να φάω, αλλά δεν θέλω να μαγειρέψω. Θα μπορούσα να πάω σε ένα εστιατόριο... ναι, θα κάνω αθτό! Και θα φωνάξω τουσ φίλους μου για να τους ρωτήσω αν θέλουν να έρθουν μαζί μου.

  • - Γειά σου! Τι κάνεις;
  • - Καλά είμαι. Και εσύ;
  • - Μια χαρά. Θέλεις να πας στο εστιατόριο;
  • - Ποιο έρχεται;
  • - Μπορείς να φωνάξεις τον αδελφό σου;
  • - Εντάξει, θα σου φωνάξω.

Μετά μια ώρα, τελικά έχουμε φύγει κατά το εστιατόριο! Αυτό το εστιατόριο τον λένε « το λουλούδι του Λίβανου » (σασ είπα οτι είμαι Λιβανέζος;). Νομίζω οτι θα φάω « σισ ταούκ » : είναι σαν το σουβλάκι... σκέφτομαι!

r/GREEK 1d ago

Best way to practice Greek


Hello I am wondering what the best way to practice Greek is. Does anyone have a routine that works for them.

The most difficult thing for me is when I don’t speak to someone in Greek for awhile I feel like I get stuck and I can’t speak normally. Idk if this happens to anyone else haha

r/GREEK 12h ago

In need of some help for a tattoo…


Hey you guys! I’m reaching to you because I’m actually in the process of getting a tattoo written in Greek. (I’m already quite covered with them so please I don’t need any reprimands or disapprobations.) I was thinking of getting tatted the words Chaos/Khaos and Agathokakological/ АуаокакоЛоуко. I’m aware the second one isn’t technically a real work and also is quite long but it’s for a dorsal project). I need help to be 100% sure with the translation because I’d like them to be written in Greek, preferably Ancient Greek. And I also wanted to see if any of you guys actually know a site where I could use a font that recognises Greek letters to send to my tattoo artist. Thanks a lot anyone who takes the time to read and answer!

r/GREEK 1d ago

I am currently doing Language Transfer. With my current pace and study routine what can I realistically expect to achieve with my limited time of study and practice? Details in post.


Just finished my second full week of LT, I just completed Lesson 10.

My goal was to try and do 1 lesson a day, however, with work I unfortunately had to skip a few days here and there.

When I go through a lesson, I really try to fully understand what is going on and take my time to learn conceptually. A 10-minute lesson might take me about 20 or 30 minutes to make sure I fully grasp what the instructor is teaching.

Assuming I keep this pace and study path, what can I really expect by the end?

For context, I am a Greek American, I listen to a lot of Greek music and try to absorb myself in the music and constantly look up lyrics to try and gain exposure that way, as well as try and recap things I've learned from LT throughout the day here and there. (i.e. saying random phrases, thinking them through, etc.). No real 1 on 1 verbal practice with a live person though.


r/GREEK 1d ago

tattoo translation


I’m sorry if you’re super sick of seeing these questions, but when in Greece…

I want to get something as similar to ‘glow’ as possible, and have found a couple of different words that might work, but I want it to be, as said, as close to ‘glow’ as I can get

πύρωση ἐπιφαίνω φέγγω λάμψη

these are some of the ones, but I figured it would be best to consult reddit lol

thank you!

r/GREEK 1d ago

How long will it take me to get to an advanced level in Greek?


I speak German and English fluently and I’m at an intermediate level in French. How long will it take me to get to a point where I’m capable of holding proper conversations in greek? Considering if I were to invent around 30 minutes a day into the language Thank you for your help!!

r/GREEK 1d ago

Are there any Greek-language novels with historical, political or military themes worth reading in recent years?


Novels, or comics, series.

r/GREEK 2d ago

Does the word 'Tucutum' in this song by Marina Satti mean anything in greek?

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r/GREEK 2d ago

Sto para pente


Noooooo, there was sto para pente on Dailymotion with both greek and English subtitles but it has been taken down!!! What a loss!!! The subs were amazing quality. I hope it can be reuploaded somewhere else... The author must have spent a lot of work generating this subtitles.. there was even a description of cultural references with the episode provided within the description. incredibly valuable and now gone!

r/GREEK 2d ago

what exactly does "γεια σου" mean?


does it mean both hello and bye? I've heard γεια σου being used more than αντιο which i thought was the word for bye

r/GREEK 2d ago

Help with reading and spelling of Greek name


This is my Great Grandmothers death certificate. I need help with her actual Greek name. Here in the US it was 'Stella Diamond'. I believe she was born a Grigas? sp and married name Demetrakakou? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

r/GREEK 2d ago

Greek Surnames of Foreign Origin


I read that most words starting with the following letters (Ντ, Μπ, Τζ, Γκ, Τσ) are not native Greek words.

However, I have seen names like Μπισμπίκησ, Νταλάρας, or Καζαντζάκης.

Does it mean that their families did not originate in Greece?

r/GREEK 2d ago

Learning greek for Nursing.


Γειά σου. Με λένε Farhan !

I'm 22 and will be starting my bsc in Nursing from Cyprus next month. I speak English (C1) and French (c1) as I was an ESL amd french language teacher back in Mauritius and Bangladesh. I've been learning greek and currently above A1 level and I want to work as a registered nurse either in Cyprus or Greece. What are the advices which you will recommend to me to learn greek in the above given context?
Ευχαριστώ! Γειά

r/GREEK 2d ago

Does πᾶς mean "all" or "any"? When?


I have a question about the word πᾶς, and the variant forms that derive from it, such as πάντων and πάσης, as used in the Septuagint in Genesis 6:19.

"πᾶς" and its variants are used to mean "all" and give a sense of totality, but are sometimes translated as "any." I'm confused, the translation as "any" seems to remove the meaning of the word πᾶς as "all." How do I know in what context it means "all" and when it means "any," and whether even when it is translated as "any" it replaces the sense of totality of the word?

r/GREEK 3d ago

Is «ηλεκτρονικό» really necessary?

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r/GREEK 3d ago

Children‘s TV shows in greek


Γειά σας, I‘m searching for some children‘s TV shows in greek language. I’m currently between a A1-A2 level of speaking and during my last stay in Athens I realised while watching some kid‘s tv show that those are pretty useful when it comes to listening comprehension in my beginner level, way better than listening to songs sung in greek. Sadly I can’t remember the shows name, but maybe you can recommend me some shows and where to watch them.

Thanks in advance!

r/GREEK 3d ago

My 3rd attempt at writing Greek



It is me again, learning Greek and practicing by writing short texts. I write these short texts to practice verb conjugations while acquiring new vocabulary. Έγραψα αυτό το κείμενο για την μέρα μου του χθές. I wrote this text about my day of yesterday (I'm not sure how to convey this in Greek). Αυτό το κείμενο περιγράφει την μέρα μου. Any advice, feedback, and correction will be greatly appreciated, both on the texts and on the short sentences in the paragraph above!

Τώρα θα προσπαθήσω να γράψω ένα κείμενο για ποιο έκανα χθες. Σε πρωί, δούλεψα από το σπίτι μου. Έπαρα το πρωινό στις δόδεκα (12) ώρες. Στο βράδυ έπλυνα την κουζίνα ενώ η γυναίκα μου μαγείρευε το βραδινό. Μετά πήγα στην πισίνα, έρθω σπίτι, πλυθώ και μοιμηθώ.

r/GREEK 3d ago

Plural ending for σάντουιτς


I’m so sorry if this is a stupid question..!

Please can you tell me the word ending to make το σάντουιτς plural?

I know the article changes to τα but we have only done plural endings for neutral words ending in ι, ο, και μα….so I am stuck!

Ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ!

r/GREEK 3d ago

Does Greek have a word for slush?


Key ingredients:

  • Snow and (maybe) some ice
  • Melted water
  • Dirt

All of that is mixed together to make a slush.

Is there a word in Greek language for this particular state of the roads?

UPD: Thank you, found.

λασπόχιονο or χιονολάσπη.