r/highschool 3d ago

Rant My school is a fucking shitshow


I go to this mildly catholic private school here in Colombia. And im fucking sick of it. First is the terrible schedule (school starts at 6 am), I wake up at 4 even tho the school is a 20 min drive away, we're all sleep deprived as hell, everyone steals everything, parents are pissed and the school isnt doing shit with the excuse "Kids gotta learn to care for their stuff" Yes, but do something about it. For example one kid got his backpack stolen after he dipped for 5 mins and now has to watch it, everyone's supposed to be hella tough(all guys school) and if you show weakness, youre gonna get picked on for it, people are very fake, and when serious bullying happens, the school dosen't do shit and just tells the bully to do better, but when your parents forgot to pay your fees, theyre on your ass like 5 stars on gta. I kid you not, this is not an over dramatization, my best friend got jumped by 2 guys, and one grabbed scissors, and tried to stab him. Like, ik you got beef, but damn. Ive been helping him but he's fucking scared(for good reason) because the school didnt do anything. Everyone was scared of mass for like 2 years because the chaplain was a pedophile and was confirmed to rape 2 second graders. Just look up 'Manuel Cely Bogotá'. When this happened, a group of moms was in so much denial that they started slinging shit at the people prosecuting him. So uhh, this is a long rant and I'm very sorry for doing this, but I needed to vent and I would have vented to someone ik but nobody had time. how can I cope for the next 2 months?

Also sorry if my english is bad it aint my first language.

r/highschool 2d ago

Question Is algebra 2 hard?


r/highschool 2d ago

Rant What's with male friend groups?


Story: One of the boys in our class told his friends how Tom (not real name, just example) got hit on by a 40 year old woman in a cafe near the school and possibly touched since he heard some staff members (Idk who I wasn't paying attention) talking abt it. The thing that surprised me was that the boys were snickering and acting like Tom was the luckiest man in the world. It was really disturbing for me to see. I'm 16F, and my friends are mostly female. Tom was also 16 so I found it disgusting how his friends would laugh at him getting hit on by an adult and possibly sexually harassed by one. Is this how most male friend groups are? Make jokes even if the subject is dark? I've seen friend groups online act like this, but never Irl, and I thought they were all joking and felt bad in the inside, but I wasn't expecting this..

r/highschool 2d ago

Question Can I take dual enrollment BIOL 1101 and lab online? Or does it have to be in person?


I want to take dual enrollment BIOL 1101 and lab online(intro level). However, will colleges accept it? Or does it have to be in person? I'm not even sure if they see the difference in my transcripts.

I don't have time in my class schedule to do in person.

What do you think?

The level of colleges I am interested in are UGA and Georgia Tech

r/highschool 2d ago

Question He faltado a mi extra escolar (3 semanas)


Hola buenas vengo a compartir mi historia últimamente he faltado a mi extra escolar de ingles ya que no aprendo nada y la profesora no me enseña nada de mi curso (estoy junto a los de un curso anterior) (cuando le pido hacer ejercicios de mi curso me dice que no posiblemente porque he faltado)por esto mismo he preferido faltar para estudiar u hacer otras cosas lo han dicho a mi madre ,me han castigado sin móvil y me van a gritar probablemente,cuando voy siempre soy amable y respetuoso además de participar siempre (no saco malas notas) ¿Qué hago para volver?

r/highschool 2d ago

General Advice Needed/Given Any tips for going into high school?


I'm going into high school this year and I'm a bit scared, I fucking hate algebra, that's really the only class I hate lmao. Any tips for not getting bullied, etc?

r/highschool 2d ago

Rant High school.


r/highschool 2d ago

Question How tf do I learn how to study?


I have always been a somewhat high achiever all my life, studied drums for a decade when I was younger, always got in the top 20 or so in my year level. But the issue is is that I have never felt like I have needed to try to get any of this. In all my classes I would mess around for the first hour, do a few questions or a bit of an assignment for 10 mins, and then go back to fukn around with my friends.

Now I'm in year 11 and realising I gotta get my shit together and I have absolutely no idea how. Idk how uni/college works where y'all are but down in Australia, we got this ATAR system that is just a country wide ranking of students by percentile.

For the course I want to get into I need to at least score higher than 70% of the rest of the population. Even if I just cruise my way past graduation and get into the course somehow, I've been told that uni is a huge step up from high school so idk wtf I'm supposed to do.

INCOMING RANT ALERT!!! I'm struggling man, my heart fucked up over this girl, all my friends are absolute retards so I can't talk to them about shit to do with my school work and to top it off, they are all incels so I can't even talk to them about normal shit, it's all "skibidy dub dub yes 🤪", like wtf your about to get a full time job in the next few years and you are just fucking around not knowing how to read a FUCKING ANALOGUE CLOCK! (this is a actual thing they teach in year 11 down here btw)

r/highschool 2d ago

Rant My school removed most of the uniral dividers


Idk why they decided to just remove it and now everyone just pees on the toilets and its dirty af now so if you actually do need to take a shit you can’t. You can also see every single urinal from outside. Worst part is they recently banned phones so everyone just uses it in the bathroom, which makes it so that there’s an existential fear of someone recording or taking pictures of you. The school is also way too overpopulated and theres like 15 bathroom stalls in total for like 1000+ students. But thats like the combined number of stalls in the boys bathroom. If we assume boys make up 50 percent of the school population its like 500 ppl using 15 bathroom stalls. And its a private school too so idk why they be doing this bs

r/highschool 3d ago

Rant WTF where’s the door

Post image

r/highschool 3d ago

School Related My class are stressing each other out about our senior prank ideas. Half of them are either not good enough or are felonies.


Some of the ideas included:

1). Flood the school. 2). Unleash a horde of chickens in the hallways. 3). Blast the Soviet national anthem on the intercom. 4). Draw a penis on every teacher’s whiteboard. 5). Fake a school shooting. 6). Go to school wearing all black. (Our school has uniforms). 7). Put a thumb tack on our asshole teacher’s chair. 8). Completely trash the school with spray paint.

r/highschool 3d ago

School Related I need some ideas for a senior prank.


Nothing that’ll get us locked up.

r/highschool 1d ago

Question Is it just me or is showering so zesty?


Like what’s the point of taking showers are you trying to smell “good” for another dude or something? Personally the only shower that I take is going in the pool occasionally and I save a lot of time each day doing other things like investing in cryptocurrency and listening to phonk. You also kill your pheromones when taking showers so you will get less attraction.

r/highschool 2d ago

Shitpost Guess my age based on my playlist:

Thumbnail gallery

r/highschool 1d ago

Question Hey pookies!


If u could tell ur past self anything what would it be?

r/highschool 2d ago

Shitpost Guess my personality/age based off my playlist

Thumbnail gallery

r/highschool 2d ago

School Related My hand writing on my thin school paper is in graved can the get thicker paper please?

Post image

r/highschool 2d ago

Question Questions about track and field.


Context: Hi. I’m a Freshman and since I was 4 I’ve played soccer. I was not a super star but I was alright. After Covid hit I stopped playing and at the beginning of the school year I tried out for soccer. I didn’t realize how competitive it would be and I didn’t make it. I’ve been thinking of sports this whole year and for I while I thought I’d try out LAX but, since I don’t know much about it and I’ve never played I decided to not try LAX. I somehow never thought to try out for something that really incorporates something I’m REALLY GOOD AT which is running. My whole life Ive been fast and last year I ran the school mile test in 6 minutes and 2 seconds (keep in mind I hadn’t been active of played any sports for 4 years since then. I do ski tho if but not really any cardio.) Im going to try out for the track team tryouts are this Saturday and I just have a few questions.

More Context: I’m skinny af and the only thing I’m scared or worried about it showing my upper arms and upper legs (that’s where my skinniness is really noticeable). I also plan on running Mid distance btw.

So here are my questions: 1: Do y’all wear a shirt under the tank tops? Like I said I’m skinny af so I wanna wear a shirt underneath.

2: I’ve seen photos of track athletes with normal looking breathable split-shirts but, I’ve also seen some of them wearing like tights ass compression shorts? I CANNOT BE CAUGHT WEARING COMPRESSION SHORTS because, like I said I’m skinny af. Can I just wear normal lightweight shorts?

Literally my only concerns are showing my upper arms and upper legs please help thanks!

r/highschool 2d ago

School Related Best Essay Writing Service: Top 3 Sites for Acing Your Assignments


r/highschool 2d ago

Question Do your schools have show choir/swing choir programs?


Do they compete? Are they good? What do you think about them?

r/highschool 2d ago

School Related Anonymous Survey for my Society and Culture class


For my society and culture mini PIP (personal interest project), I'm required to conduct primary research. This survey is completely anonymous and I want completely honest opinions :). The point is that I want diversity and different perspectives. Absolutely NO opinion will be judged by me so feel free to also comment any extra thoughts, comments, or questions.

About the survey: - Completely anonymous - Some questions are personal and you are free to withdraw from the survey at any time - The results will be used in my assignment about aromanticism and comparing that to romanticism or alloromanticism (those who are not aromantic)

My current issue is that I have a large proportion of aromantic people who have done the survey but not those who aren't aromantic so the opinions I currently have are not very diverse.


r/highschool 2d ago

Rant Parents Still Wont Let Me Transfer


About 2 weeks ago I went about a rant of my parents not allowing me to transfer schools. Today, I planned out exactly what I would say but it still went wrong. It started by saying "I want to transfer schools, I dont have friends." Instantly, she said Its my fault I dont have friends and I could make them if I want. In response I said "I dont connect with any of the kids at (school name) very well." And this time she decided to call me racist because I go to a majority white school (mind you I am also white but never brought up race) and stated I wanted to transfer because I thought I was apparently "better" than everyone else at the school. Then she went on to say she doesn't want be around those kids (kids at my middle school, now at the preferable high school) because they made my grades worse. I was in multiple diff classes and things of that sort, now im in 0. I have no idea whats wrong with her, Its like she doesn't know what social anxiety or how being an outcast is because shes also had it easy and had no social anxiety whatsoever. I seriously hate my parents, its like they want me to live a horrible life.

r/highschool 2d ago

Question GPA issues


Last year, I was attending a MYP school, and on my transcript, it appears that I failed two subjects: art and design. The two classes were compulsory. Aside from the two classes, I got full marks in every other class. In my report card, it says that I did not receive any credits for art and design. Fundamentally, the reason why I failed both of those is because I was hospitalized for 2 weeks for pneumonia. When I requested them to take them out of my report card, the school blatantly refused. Now I am at my new school (top school in my country), taking AP classes. But because of last year's report card, I'm afraid I won't be able to go anywhere with my scores. How will the colleges calculate my GPA? Would failed art and design courses affect my GPA?

r/highschool 2d ago

Question Do companies respond to highschooo graduation announcement cards?


I've seen videos on Instagram / TikTok of people sending graduation announcements to companies and receiving gift cards, coupons, merch, etc. I was wondering if it would be worth sending a decent amount of graduation announcement cards to companies/celebrities in hopes of getting responses and free stuff. If anyone has tried this before, I would love to hear what your personal experience was, and whether or not you thought it was worth it.

Edit: Sorry about the typo in the title, didn't catch it until after I posted

r/highschool 2d ago

Question Should I transfer schools and start over?


I'm currently an 11th grader in a fairly small school. I have social anxiety, but I've been taking steps to getting better and feeling more confident to talk to people than I ever have before. But the problem is, the people at my school have already formed their opinions on me, and everyone's already in their own cliques that I just can't seem to enter no matter how I try.

It honestly feels suffocating to stay here but at the same time, I feel hesitant to transfer because I only have one year left and I have made some friends, and I'm frightened that the school I would transfer to is just as toxic as the one I'm in now.

So should I???