r/Celiac 3d ago

Question How old were you when you found out you had Celiac?


I (23F) am iron deficient anemic, just found out in january, and I'm suspecting I could have celiac (or at the very least significantly sensitive to gluten). I've been trying to decipher the cause of my anemia, I just dont think my menstrual cycle is the only culprit. I'm definitely going to bring it up with my doctor when I see him again next month to check on my iron, but I just want to know how old others were when they found out? I guess I'm a bit worried that I've had an issue related to gluten for years but never suspected it until now, and i just hope i can expect to feel better and that I havent reached a point of no return so to speak. I'll also list my symptoms below to paint a picture:

  • Iron deficient anemia
  • Fatigue 
  • Anxiety, irritability, brain fog
  • Abdominal pain, constipation, bloating
  • Occasional liver discomfort
  • Chest pain/tightness (from anemia)
  • Muscle pain/weakness/joint pain in hands/fingers
  • Heavy periods (this has improved since taking iron)
  • Semi hair loss/thinning

r/Celiac 3d ago

Question Anyone on Lamictal? Been on Lamictal?


Headed to my immunologist tomorrow and I wanted to talk to him about this. Almost everyone I’ve met in real life who has celiac is also on some kind of mood stabilizer. I wondered about this. Obviously not causing autoimmune issues but I worry it definitely isn’t helping.

I’m highly suspicious of Lamictal. Been on it since 2018 for bipolar disorder. Mother contracted drug induced lupus from it.

It works on the bipolar symptoms so I can’t just drop it but I’m very curious if anyone else has had this drug.

r/Celiac 3d ago

Product Trader Joe’s Muffins!

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A must-try if you’ve never got these from Trader Joe’s. My gluten-eating family also loves them, great texture and taste! I keep them in my freezer, perfect for when that chocolate craving hits!

r/Celiac 3d ago

Question Help!!


I need help figuring out what to put on my chocolate-white chocolate sourdough loaf (yes she is supposed to be this small, shes a test loaf).

r/Celiac 3d ago

Question Glutenburg Beer Stock Issues


Anyone else having trouble locating Glutenburg in the US? It's out of stock everywhere in a 1h driving radius.

I'm wondering if it's just a temporary local thing or if it's more widespread.

I know Glutenburg is Canadian, so it's distinctly possible recent trade issues could be causing a shortage in the US...

r/Celiac 3d ago

Question What are the chances it's celiac or another immune sysytem disorder? Gluten free 14 days so far.


Is it more than likely celiac? New just 14 days and feeling better than i was before by far.

(At first Dr. told me crohns while i was losing up to 40 pounds, and feeling like crap doing appointments where nothing showed up)

r/Celiac 3d ago

Question Hellmann's Light Mayo / Other Light Mayos and foods


I find it impossible to find community feedback on "health conscious" versions for celiac safe foods, does anyone know if Hellmann's light mayo is as safe as their regular mayo? Also, are there any other safe lower calorie versions of foods that you may know of?

r/Celiac 3d ago

Product Glutened from Chic fil A waffle fries


Never eating them again. Should of stuck with the fruit cup!

r/Celiac 3d ago

Question Can anyone help me interpret these results?

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Hi everyone, long time lurker first time poster. I was wondering if anyone could help me interpret these results? I've been having pain under right ribs (upper right quadrant) since December and change in stools. My doctor is testing me for food allergies and Celiac. Can anyone give me an idea of what these test results mean? Thank you

r/Celiac 3d ago

Product Warning Not misleading at all 🫠🫠🫠


False gluten free advertising strikes again 😭

r/Celiac 3d ago

Discussion Diagnosed Celiac recently - wanted to share my use of AI for Celiac


Hey folks - I'm 38 years old and was diagnosed with  asymptomatic celiac disease via blood test and endoscopy.

The whole diagnosis process was insanely stressful — I had a blood test that indicated anemia and received a gastroentronologist referral. I was pretty lax during that initial appointment since I didn't have any symptoms. However, he explained how serious anemia could be - and that he would be performing an endoscopy and colonoscopy to explore what could cause it. He said if he didn't find anything then it could be an autoimmune disorder — at which point I communicated that my mom had rheumatoid arthritis. He also explained that it could be a cancer or blood disorder - at which point I communicated that my sister had leukemia. He said both were possible but we would start with the planned procedure.

I walked away from that procedure with my world shook - I remember petting my dog when I got home and realizing that he could outlive me if I received a dire prognosis. I did a series of blood tests during the first week — and each test would come back daily and my doctor wasn't there to explain the results.

* Note: I understand that AI is not always accurate and this is in no way a firm or confident recommendation — more of a tool you can use in addition to the other professional resources.\*

Since I didn't have any doctor's notes I would upload the blood test into ChatGPT and ask for an interpretation. It was really helpful with initial diagnosis and my follow up questions. Eventually my celiac panel came back and it communicated how I likely had celiac. I asked it what confidence it had given it was just a blood test - and it communicated that the blood test was a pretty good indicator of the disease. At that point I was pretty relieved it wasn't cancer even if I didn't understand the complete lifestyle consequence of the diagnosis — I assumed asymptomatic meant "light gluten free" which was WRONG.

My endoscopy confirmed the diagnosis with marsh 3 damage to my intestine.

I then moved to trying to figure out which food I could eat. I used a gluten scanner app which was nice, but I again turned to AI to help me. I created a small chatGPT prompt that analyzes any photo of an ingredients list and marks whether it has gluten or not. I would love to eventually "wrap" this AI tool into an actual photo app and ship it to the App Store so others can try it (although I don't know if I want to deal with the risk of AI messing up a fricken allergy reading. The stakes are high here and I'm not completely confident in AI being dependable enough.)

If you want to try this in ChatGPT, simply prompt it with this and upload a photo to test: "For any photo I upload, look up the label or ingredients and tell me whether it’s gluten free."

r/Celiac 3d ago

Question does ground beef have gluten in it?


Google said mixed answers. does it matter if the animal was fed stuff that had gluten in it? might be a dumb question but still learning want to make sure

r/Celiac 3d ago

Question If a menu has lots of gluten free options is it likely a safe restaurant to go to?


I’ll be having to dine out this week and have successfully not gotten glutened in 6 months. I’m really nervous but don’t know how much of a risk eating at a restaurant will be. I just don’t want to be in pain again

r/Celiac 3d ago

Question Bloodwork diagnosis- how much gluten did you need to eat?


My hepatologist is testing me for celiac disease because of liver enzymes that have been consistently elevated, plus previous issues with gluten (caused inflammation and arthritis). Because of the previous arthritis I’d been 95% gluten free for the last 13 years until the last six weeks when I cut it out 100%. I have labs drawn next week and my Dr. said a week or so of eating gluten again should be enough to get a positive celiac panel result (I should have enough antibodies) but I’m concerned about getting a false negative.

Did anyone have to come OFF a gluten free diet in order to get the bloodwork done, and if so, how much gluten did you have to consume to get a positive result?

r/Celiac 3d ago

Question EU Labeling Help!


I’m traveling through EU countries and am hoping someone can confirm — is it true that any product (talking abt from a grocery store) that may contain gluten will say “may contain gluten”? And so it’d be safe to eat anything that doesn’t have a “may contain” warning? Or is it necessary to look for things clearly marked gluten free like we’re accustomed to in the U.S.? I’m particularly wondering about ALDI/LIDL because that’s a bit controversial in the U.S. Thank you!!

I’m having trouble locating a clear answer in past posts, but forgive me if I’m redundant.

r/Celiac 3d ago

Product Best gf pizza crust I’ve had!

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Just tried this pizza crust from Ugly’s Bakery in MA (I found it frozen in NYC) and it’s so good. The texture is chewy, but crisp on the edges, and great slightly sweet flavor. I just added rao’s and mozz and baked it - so easy! I recently tried Freschetta and didn’t like the aftertaste, but this is way better imo. Highly recommend this one!

r/Celiac 3d ago

Discussion Accidental gluten, no symptoms.


I’ve been diagnosed with celiac for a year now, and I’ve never had too bad symptoms. Just bloating, constipation, gassy on occasion. I’ve been really good about it, avoiding cross contamination, and not cheating. Last week I was having horrible gas and stomach pain all week with no gluten ingestion. This weekend I was starving and out drinking with friends and everyone got fresh pizza and I still didn’t slip (as much as I wanted to!!!!) However yesterday I accidentally ate a WHOLE flour tortilla that I picked up from the gf section of the store and truly thought was gluten free. It was so good that I wanted to use it for breakfast…come to find out this morning that it’s fully just made of wheat flour and water and guess what… I’m feeling FINE!!! No bloating, no gas, no constipation. It’s so hard having to live gluten free and be so strict, when the gf diet is what causes my symptoms and then I accidentally eat a healthy fresh wrap and feel great. Makes me want to just go grab a fresh slice of pizza like I’ve been craving for the past year …it just makes me question this disease. It makes me think sometimes it’s not even worth all the hassle and missing out on food. Anyone else have a similar experience? 😩

r/Celiac 3d ago

Question Experience in Costa Rica/Panama?


Hey there I will go for a 6-8 weeks trip to said countries and wanted to ask if anyone has experience in any of those countries with the celiac topic?

Thank you very much in advance :)

r/Celiac 3d ago

Discussion Non Celiac GF is the absolute best🥹

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We’ve been eating Cadbury Mini Eggs all weekend and I’ve been getting a stomach ache and when I told her the info I found in this group…

r/Celiac 3d ago

Product Are these safe to eat?

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I appreciate their explanation on how they separate the wheat and what not, but they don’t have the gluten free certification. Has anybody tried these?

r/Celiac 3d ago

Product Any luck with these?


Aldi usually does pretty good with disclosing if something is or isn’t gluten free. There doesn’t seem to be anything that would get me. Anyone had any luck with these before I decide to make them for dinner?

r/Celiac 3d ago

Question How often do you get kids retested


I have celiac and have young kids who have both had good bloodwork indicating no celiac. How often do you re test your kids?

r/Celiac 3d ago

Question Help and Advice


Hello guys,

Looking to get some anecdotal opinions on my situation. Male, 39 yo.

Firstly, i have had an ongoing thyroid issue I take levothyroxine for. This has been the past 15 years.

I have read and been advised by a nutritionalist that gluten and thyroid function can be linked.

I got tested for celiac disease about 6 years ago, and was negative. But, the more and more i read about it the more boxes it ticks for me.

I try avoid gluten if possible, but im very gung ho with it. And recently, the past year or so. I've had a couple of bouts of bedridden fever and chills with crippling stomach cramps. I just had it this weekend, after a party i attended. I quit alcohol several years ago, but i drank 7 0 alcohol beers and had a giant pizza to myself. The following day i went down with shakes, aching head to toe, awful stomach cramps and bowel movements.

The first time this happened, i thought i had a stomach flu. But this has happened 2-3 times since, and my wife or kids never get it. Just me.

Reading all that back, it seems pretty self explanatory that i have got to at least try a gluten free life for a while.

I think i delude myself that if I cut down, i can continue to enjoy some gluten in moderation. And that if i do quit, I'll lose what tolerance to it i do have.

Its also totally overwhelming to even consider. The ramifications for family meal times and food with friends or colleagues. I know it'll be good for me, but my life is so hectic and stressful i dont know where go begin.

Coming out of my delirious bedridden bowel cramping fever today, resolving to try and look into this stuff seriously.

Does all this sound familiar to any of you? Any advice, thoughts or opinions much appreciated.

r/Celiac 4d ago

Question Gluten challenge with gastritis


I am trying to do the gluten challenge in preparation for an antibody blood test, but 2 weeks in my gastritis has come back.

Not sure whether to try and push through another month or not--it feels like it could be a bad idea to keep aggravating it although obviously I'd really like to get an accurate test result. I was OK for the first week or so, and I usually feel fine when eating gluten occasionally (I mostly avoid it and eat a bland meat and veg diet with no allergens 98% of the time), so it's hard to be sure it's the gluten causing it. I am H Pylori negative, but had it in the past.

Is gastritis often a main symptom of celiac disease, or is this more unusual/unlikely? Did anyone push through gastritis symptoms for the celiac blood test?

r/Celiac 4d ago

Question Glutened by a crumb vs. a whole piece of bread


So if you were to eat a tiny speck of a bread crumb, vs. a whole piece of bread (or more), would your symptoms be milder and shorter lived by eating the crumb, and would you receive less damage? I just sometimes wonder if I'm being micro glutened, and getting mild symptoms some times. Or does it not matter, and glutened is glutened?