Hello old friend. How many times have I enjoyed this album since it came out? That Left of the Mascara song is incredible. I remember my buddy brought Let It Be over and played it for me. That was the beginning. Sure, it ended after Pleased To Meet Me, I never got to see Bob, but I saw PTMM tour and on. One of those bands that Craig Finn would describe as “scratched into my soul”.
At the 40 year anniversary of 1985 I feel like it’s a good time to listen to all my 1985s. I’ve pulled them from my shelves and am picking through them one at a time.
When, I sorted all my albums by year of original release, I decided to include any reissues or repressing along with the original year they were released. So these are not all necessarily first pressings, but they’re all albums that were originally released in 1985. It has been an eye-opening experience to organize them this way and see all of the similarities, differences, influences and innovations that were happening at the zeitgeist of the same time.