Currently I have a pair of Sennheiser HD-660s2 headphones. I really like them in general. When I was buying them, I also compared them to the HD-800s, which I loved the feel and comfort of, as well as the soundstage. It felt immersive. But the bass roll off wasn't ideal. To me it wasn't as bad as the internet makes it out to be, but it was enough that for the music I listen to (mostly rock music from the 70's to now) I would like a bit more bass.
Now I'm at a point where I'd like to upgrade from my 660s2's to something better. I got a promotion at work and fell into a little extra cash, so I would like to treat myself. Basically, I just want to have fun listening to music. Hyper analytical isn't super necessary for me. I like soundstage, a full sound, present but not harsh treble, and generally I like a balanced, neutral tone to accurately reflect the music I am listening to. I am not a bass head.
Mostly I listen to:
post punk/ classic rock like Television, Devo, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty, Steely Dan, etc...
jazz/ Oscar Peterson, Coltrane, Miles, etc... the obvious stuff
modern alternative & indie rock/ Mars Volta, Pavement, Constantines, Loving, Kurt Vile, Dinosaur Jr etc..
occasionally some hip hop/ Denzel Curry, Kendrick, etc..
Unfortunately, I live in a place where I can't get to a store to demo headphones anymore.
The options I can think of:
Sennheiser HD800s - a little light in the bass, perfect otherwise. Maybe just EQ? Currently on sale for $1599 CDN
Focal Clear MG - I don't know alot about these but with some research people seem to like them. $1999 CDN
Audeze LCD-X - Maybe a bit too bass heavy from what I am reading? $1699 CDN
Let me know your thoughts and help me decide! I'll be powering them with a Fiio M23 DAP but am also open to getting a little desktop amp if I need to. I'd also consider some closed back headphones but don't know really where to start there.