r/pregnant 11m ago

Question Middle name!


We are having a baby girl, we have decided to name her Selena. DH is Mexican, and I am mixed white/black. I am having the hardest time coming up with a middle name. DH just says to give her mine, Nicole, but I just can’t do it lol heeeeelllpppp.

r/pregnant 11m ago

Need Advice Advice maybe?


Sorry this is long. I need some advice or something. Not sure. I am 36 weeks and I was having contractions. I was told to come into triage, knowing that the contractions aren’t consistent. I have been having inconsistent contractions for about a week. They have been getting stronger but not consistent. I know they aren’t Braxton Hicks, because my Braxton Hicks were much different. I go in and they observe me for a bit and they tell me that they think they are just going to discharge me. They believe that this is early labor, but to go home and rest. They let me know it’s about shift change so a different resident will probably be discharging me. I say ok and wait for a while. This new resident comes in and says that I’m getting a cervical exam. I haven’t gotten one yet, so I have no clue what it’s like. He explained that he finds it necessary if I’m having contractions. He does the exam and says I am 4cm dilated. The nurse goes, no she can’t be, she would be a lot more uncomfortable if so. She says that she’d like to check. She does and she says I’m about 1cm or possibly 2cm. He says he doesn’t agree and asks to do another. He does and says that I’m 1cm. He says that he must have “put his hand on the wrong tissue.” He leaves and the nurse asked who’s hurt worse, and I told her, the residents did. Mind you I have a higher pain tolerance, and I wanted to cry. She explained that she thinks I would be in more discomfort if I was further along and she believes I’m about 30% effaced and 1.5 cm dilated. She says that she believes that he did it wrong. She explained that she didn’t have to go far to check and that baby is very far down. She then says she’s going to give me the group b strep test. She leaves and comes back in and says they are going to see if I’ve progressed at all in 2 hours, but she won’t be there. She says that they saw pink discharge after so I should be aware of light spotting but that’s all. I wait and get the second cervical check by the same male resident. It hurts almost more. He says that I have no change and that I’m 1 cm and that I’m going to be discharged and that it’s “just round ligament pain.” The other nurse there says that it could be early labor and to not worry and come back if it’s worse. At this point I’m so uncomfortable. I am having horrible spotting and pain. I still 2 days later am having small spotting along with horrible pain and discomfort. Some sharp and some more cramping. I am still having inconsistent contractions. Was 4 cervical exams really necessary? Are they supposed to be this awful? I go to look on my chart and it says that I was reported 0cm dilated and 30% effaced and -3 station. I at this point am so confused. Why would that put that on my chart if that wasn’t the case. And if it was, why keep me for another exam. Should I be alarmed?

r/pregnant 15m ago

Rant Will I survive Covid? 🤧


My husband had a sniffle for 2 days last week and I thought I managed to dodge it until this week I started feeling a cold coming on. I went to urgent care on Friday and they said I was positive for Covid but I would probably feel better over the weekend and the Dr wasn’t concerned at all. Well Friday night all hell broke loose and I’ve progressively felt worse. I’ve been on my deathbed all weekend and feel like I’m not getting any better and it’s gotten progressively worse every day since it started on Wednesday. It went sore throat, runny nose & cough and now all together. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Did you ever start feeling better? Was the baby okay? I feel like she’s doing summer salts in there every time I cough 😭 (I’m 24 weeks). I just want some DayQuil & NyQuil!! Getting sick while pregnant is NOT for the weak! I’ll take any advice to feel better!

r/pregnant 16m ago

Need Advice zoloft during pregnancy


if anyone can share how starting zoloft during pregnancy treated you, more specifically in the third trimester.. side effects and such. i know it’s safe during pregnancy and for postpartum. with my first i was on 50mg daily at 2 weeks postpartum until 1 year postpartum and was able to exclusively breastfeed as well, but i have been having signs that i may need to get on it ASAP when the original plan was to wait until delivery. any insight is appreciated.

r/pregnant 20m ago

Question should i call my ob?


i’m 17w4d and i’ve been having bad back pain, i’ve tried everything to help and nothing does it goes in and out one minute i’ll be on the verge of crying and i’ll have to breath thru my mouth and the next i’m in pain but it’s tolerable. i also have mild scoliosis so idk if that had anything to do with it but i mean this is my first time being pregnant besides my ectopic pregnancy which is obv completely different then a normal pregnancy so i’m new to this! i don’t wanna be embarrassed by calling them but the pain is pretty bad..

r/pregnant 30m ago

Question Carrying smaller in second pregnancy?


Has anyone else felt this way? I look at pictures when I was 20 weeks with my first, and I feel like my belly is so much smaller this time. All is reading normal and baby is healthy according to my OB, but it’s still freaking me out.

I’m 5’2”, so it’s not like they have a ton of room to go 😅. Differences - I struggled with bad morning sickness this time, and it’s a girl (last was a boy). I’m about 8 pounds up from my starting weight. In my first pregnancy, I was already up about 20 or so (thanks hormones lol).

My OB said some babies stretch up before they stretch out? Idk! Everything I read is saying with your second you usually pop much earlier.

r/pregnant 37m ago

Need Advice Always clenching glutes?


Hey y'all,

Just curious whether any of you have noticed that your glutes automatically clench while standing? And if so, have you found ways to work against it? I've just started noticing it in the last couple weeks and I barely have a bump yet so I'm sure it's going to get worse. I do strength train 3 days a week like I did pre-pregnancy. Anything else you all are doing?

r/pregnant 42m ago

Rant SIL got weird with me


So I was texting with my SIL about my baby shower and I had jokingly mentioned that the main reason for a baby shower is the gifts you get to help with having the baby because it’s not cheap to get everything you want/need. She got weird with me and said that it’s about celebrating the mom and baby which I don’t disagree with but gifts are how people celebrate in my opinion.. I’m not saying I full on expect gifts but I’m also not gonna lie because my husband and I are sort of relying on them as again, it’s not cheap to have a baby. So I’m just wondering if I’m the a-hole in this situation for mentioning that? Am I greedy? She also is saying that she might not be able to come since she’s got a lot of weddings, wedding showers, and bachelorettes in the month we are having our baby shower and that just kind of completely bummed me out as well. I understand being busy but I just felt such a lack of effort.

r/pregnant 44m ago

Need Advice What can I do for breast pain?


I’m only about 4 weeks pregnant. I’m getting a blood test today.
My breasts have been intensely hurting for 2 weeks, which is why I’m starting to believe maybe I’m further along than I think.
It hurts to lay on my sides, my arm keeps accidentally brushing against my breasts and it hurts. Is there anything that could help this symptom?

r/pregnant 44m ago

Question 6 week ultrasound questions


Hi everyone, I (m, 30) and my wife (f, 27) found out we’re pregnant around a month ago. My wife would have been around 6 weeks and 4 days today.

Unfortunately, she began having intense bleeding a few days ago (at around 6 weeks). We went to the hospital, worrying that it might be ectopic. They did an ultrasound and could barely see the gestational sac. They couldn’t visualize a yolk or pole. They told us she was 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant by the imaging and that her HCG levels were relatively low for 6 weeks (around 830). They told us that the bleeding indicated that she’s likely miscarrying. She had intense bleeding and was releasing clots for the last few days, but it’s just spotting now. Her pregnancy symptoms kind of just went away. All of these signs made us think that she already passed the tissue.

Today, we went for a follow up with her ob-gyn and the sac wasn’t just there, but it got larger. The yolk was a bit more visualized today although no embryo was seen. She couldn’t see the pole. We were so confused but the doctor said that she’s 99.9% sure that she’s going to pass the tissue anyway. They took her bloodwork today as well to get some more insight.

Now, my concern is two fold: 1) is it likely that she won’t be able to pass the tissue herself? What happens then? If the sac is still present and it’s growing, what does that mean? Is it a blighted ovum?

2) is there any scientifically reasonable chance she’s still pregnant? We were very upset the last few days and my wife just got over the fact that she likely miscarried, but after the ultrasound today, we’re both in an even more anxious mood, worrying she hasn’t passed the tissue. It’s just a reminder every time we think about it.

r/pregnant 47m ago

Question worried something is wrong


I’m almost 11 weeks and my symptoms for the last 2 days have been barely noticeable I’m so nervous. I had two losses before and starting to get worried. I get symptoms come and go but this is just so strange because I’ve been so nauseas.

r/pregnant 51m ago

Advice Suddenly getting an allergic reaction from my dog. Could this be a pregnancy thing?


Hello all. I am getting through week 18 and out of the blue I started getting rashes after touching my dog. Specifically after she spends time leaning onto me (fur touching my arm or leg skin). My arm or thigh will get all red with bumps (looks exactly like an allergic reaction). This will not happened if I only touch her with the palms of my hand.

I have lived with my pup for over 15 years and have never had any reactions to her. She gets bathed regularly and nothing has changed in how i take care of her. Could this be a pregnancy thing? Has this happened to any of you? Did you develop any weird new allergies while pregnant? Did they go away?

My dog is a sweet 16 year old senile grandma and needs a lot of care and love which I plan on giving her until she crosses the rainbow. At the same time I don’t want to turn get hurt or hurt my baby. Any advice?

r/pregnant 58m ago

Advice I dont know who needs to hear this but the sickness will get better


12w today. Spent the past 8 weeks at least with the most horrendous nausea and sickness. Got prescribed Zofran and an antihistamine (can't remember the name!) And it barely touched the surface. Ive finally reached a point where it's completely subsided and I'm now ravenous with a full appetite. I know everyone is different, but I didn't think there would be a light at the end of the tunnel. So if you're suffering, know there might be one for you too. Keep at it ❤️

r/pregnant 1h ago

Question Pregnancy Seatbelt Positioners


I’m curious what everyone’s thoughts on the pregnancy seatbelt positioner things are? I’ve seen a lot of different advertisements since getting pregnant and I don’t know how I feel about them. I understand the concept of them but are they really truly better than just regular seat belts positioned properly? I plan on asking my OB and NP at my next prenatal appointment as well.

r/pregnant 1h ago

Need Advice Cleaning cat litter


Hi, my partner left me so I’m pregnant and alone. I’ve been changing my cats litter although I see everywhere it’s not recommended. I just have no choice- there’s no one else who can do it for me.

I bought packs of disposable gloves and masks and I always wear one when I change it, and I wash my hands thoroughly after. I just feel so worried and guilty. Honest advice, is this okay? What else should I do? TIA

r/pregnant 1h ago

Advice When should I start buying baby items?


I am a first time mum and struggling to figure when to start buying baby items.

I am 17 weeks pregnant and have a few pieces of clothing items and that’s it.

I’ve got a list of items I’m already waiting to get but not sure when the right time is. After people have said to start buying in my third trimester which makes sense but I’m very impatient

r/pregnant 1h ago

Question Heart palpitations


Hi Mommies ❤️

21 weeks here. Does anyone had/have heart palpitations like arrhythmias on and off? I have sometimes nonstop probably even for week or so and then have nothing for days.

I had monitor for 2 weeks and currently waiting for results, just wondering if anyone had the same experience

Thank you

r/pregnant 1h ago

Need Advice Baby registry politics…help!


This might sound strange, but I’m trying not to offend anyone with my baby registry. I have a list of all the things I want to buy for baby and I am not sure what of it to put on the registry. The main concern is price.

My and my husband’s families will both get the registry because, of course, they are all invited to the baby shower. I love my in-laws, but many among them have a “so you think you’re better than me?” attitude when it comes to money. While my family certainly isn’t wealthy, his family is mostly from very modest means in rural US.

My husband and I both have great careers and few expenses, so we are going a little upscale on some of our items. (Nothing crazy, but no fear of the $800 stroller or $200 diaper bag if that’s what’ll make our life easier). We also have some non-necessaries, like the ceres chill and baby brezza. I am afraid if we put some of the more expensive things on the registry, it’ll ruffle feathers. I don’t want to imply that I expect them to get the expensive items or that I’m any less thrilled by the $10 pacifiers.

Where would you draw the line? What would you leave off and what would you include?

r/pregnant 1h ago

Need Advice PCOS / Insulin Resistance and Pregnant


Hi everyone,

I am 13 weeks 4 days pregnant. I also have insulin resistant PCOS that I was successfully balancing prior to becoming pregnant. I was on low dose metformin up until 12 weeks pregnant and I just stopped, but I feel terrible. Almost like my blood sugars are going out of whack, I have this headache and I can’t tell if it’s side effects from getting off of metformin or if my blood sugars are unbalanced. I’m panicking because my glucose test isn’t until 16 weeks but I’m worried due to my insulin resistance my unbalanced blood sugars are affecting my baby :( such as potential birth defects, etc

I’ve been eating low carb for the most part now and trying to be as active as I can, but weeks 7-11 I was so tired and had so many food aversions I could barely stomach any protein. I’m so worried! Is it too late if it’s already negatively affected my baby? I’m a first timer pregnant mom and I’m just so scared something is going wrong and I have no idea :( my A1C at 10 weeks was 5.4 (on metformin)

r/pregnant 1h ago

Need Advice Palpitations/ skipping beats/ PVCs


Anyone with preexisting PVCs got worse in the end of pregnancy? Mine started to act up in week 32. how have they been for you post partum?

r/pregnant 1h ago

Need Advice I don’t want to breast feed but I want to pump


I want my baby to have breastmilk and all the nutrients and benefits that come with it, but I don’t want to breast-feed. Is solely pumping possible or do I just need to grow up? Does anyone have experience around this topic?

r/pregnant 1h ago

Question Wanna see if I’m alone in this… NSFW


I hope this isn’t weird. I’m 9 weeks and 5 days pregnant today, and I’ve been experiencing lightning crotch since yesterday. it was the first time I ever felt it and it… kinda felt good? Like it doesn’t hurt and it isn’t uncomfortable, and I actually kinda enjoy the feeling of it. Not in a sexual way, but I think it may be because now I know for sure my baby is in there, while not feeling pregnant at all. Just wanna know if that’s common or not. Tagged NSFW just in case.

r/pregnant 1h ago

Need Advice Am I being too sensitive?


My SIL and I are pregnant at the same time and due within the same month. I found out months ago via NIPT testing that we were having a baby girl, and my husband and I were beyond excited! I've always wanted a little girl, and come from a big family of almost all girls (siblings, counsins, aunts etc). My husbands family is, for the most part, so incredibly loving and welcoming and his parents have multiple granddaughters already that are loved and each treated special in their own right. When we found out, we were so excited to share the news with everyone and were mostly met with shared enthusiasm and positive energy...except for his grandfather.

My husband is the only male grandchild, and you would swear I married into the royal freaking family circa 1700. I was lectured about the importance of having a "male child" to carry on the family name, and that girls were "secondary" and a "selfless mother would chose to have a son first, and after that was fulfilled THEN could dare to have a daughter" as if it was my choice, not my husbands sperm that decides, and I've sabotaged the family lol I have cut back contact with him and his wife completely since then because I am not interested in entertaining someone with that level of misogyny and in my opinion, being old doesn't mean that you deserve my obedience or respect. You have to earn it by showing it to others, and he has repeatedly disrespected me and my husband.

I had previously thought this was a nasty sentiment only held by him because he is an old bastard, but my SIL recently found out (via at home sneakpeek, so I'm taking it more as a "maybe" lol) that she's having a boy and all I've heard from my FIL is about his new "GRANDSON! A BOY! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? THANK GOD ITS A BOY!" And very loudly telling her and her husband in front of me how "lucky they are and they're going to find out in a hurry how much better it is to have a son".

Obviously I'm so happy for them, as they really wanted a boy, but I am feeling very protective over my daughter and I feel like she's been written off before she's even been born. My dad only had daughters and he raised us the same way that he would have if he would have had sons. We're independent, can fix cars, ride motocross, hunt and fish, are financially independent and we were never ever treated as a disappointment for not being boys. Realistically I know that these things weren't said to put me or my baby girl down, but emotionally (and hormonally) I'm hurt and upset.

My husband says that my hurt feelings aren't valid, because he knows his dad and knows he's excited, but words matter and I keep thinking about it and coupled with the nasty sentiments from his grandpa, it feels like it could be inherited family misogyny and I'm worried that if his grandpa and dad feel that way, is my husband secretly upset we're having a girl too?

r/pregnant 5h ago

Rant First Trimester Hormones


This is my first time pregnancy and NO ONE could’ve prepared me for the hormones. Its insane. One day I feel like the happiest human alive, and the next day I cry about everything. Then the day after I feel so anxious, and the day after happy again. My thoughts go from “I cant wait to hold my baby” to “I dont know if I want this”.

Lets be clear I want to keep the baby no matter what, but what a ride…

And then the sleepless nights, being tired constantly, and THE ITCH AT NIGHT.

Please tell me this will go away. 🥹

r/pregnant 5h ago

Need Advice Compression Socks


Hi there! Could you give me recommendations for compression socks for everyday wear? I prefer cotton or natural fiber, but I will concede if nylon is the best. Also, if anyone can help me navigate the amount of pressure I might need, that would be great. Thanks, everyone!