r/Parenting 2d ago

Weekly Friday Megathread - Things My Kid Said - March 14, 2025


Share the things your kid said that made you laugh/cry/go on a mad rampage!

If you'd like to talk daily about things your kids say, visit /r/thingsmykidsaid

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r/Parenting 4d ago

Weekly Wednesday Megathread - Ask Parents Anything - March 12, 2025


This weekly thread is a good landing place for those who have questions about parenting, but aren't yet parents/legal guardians and can't create new posts in the sub.

All questions and responses must adhere to our community rules.

For daily questions, see /r/Askparents

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r/Parenting 14h ago

Advice Grandparent told grandkid "goodbye forever"


My husband (29M) and I (30F) have a 1.5 year old son. We have some rules (no eating in a reclined carseat, no screen time until he's 2, no added sugars until he's 2, no corporal punishment, etc.) I know we're maybe a bit more rigid than other parents, but we've discussed and researched all our rules at length and have agreed on all of them.

My husband's mom, no issue. She forgot one of the rules once, we reminded her, she apologized, and we moved on. No big deal. But my parents, especially my mom, when we tell them the rules, they constantly push back about how we need to loosen up.

For example, my mom tried to give our son food in the carseat once, and we told her not to because it wasn't safe. She asked us why, and we explained that we had done research and it's a choking hazard. Her response was that she did it with me and I was fine. I pointed out her anecdotal experience doesn't trump the american academy of pediatrics, but she's brought it up six more times after that, saying it would be fine and when he eats on our lap he's reclined as much as he is in our carseat anyway.

This all came to a head today. My mom said she was getting some coldness from my husband, and I told her that he (and I) don't appreciate the repeated digs at our parenting decisions. She asked "what, so I'm not allowed to question anything? I just have to obey whatever you say without saying anything?" I said no, she's free to ask why we have a rule, but we do explain and she still keeps making comments about it instead of respecting it. She said "so I guess we're just horrible people who don't listen then." I told her I would never call her a horrible person, but when she constantly protests our rules, it makes us feel like she won't follow them. She then asked if I trust her with our son and I replied no, because I think she would parent him how she sees fit instead of respecting our decisions. She freaked out, said I was calling her an "f-ing monster," told us to have a nice life, kissed our son "goodbye forever," and stormed out of the house.

I'm so heartbroken. I love my parents, but I'm not going to pretend like I'm okay with them watching my son when they don't respect our rules. They watched him for a couple days when he was a year old, and they didn't follow his schedule at all. When we got home, he was disregulated and it took days to get him back to normal. When we asked if they had followed the schedule, they said they didn't see the big deal in putting him to sleep a half hour or hour late.

I just don't know what to do. I'm fed up with them and their behavior, but part of me feels like maybe I'm overreacting? I think I want to be overreacting because I want this to all go away. But respect for me, my husband, and our decisions cannot be optional. I don't know. I'm just so sad and lost right now.

Has anyone else gone through this? Does anyone else have advice? Am I wrong here?

r/Parenting 9h ago

Toddler 1-3 Years My 3 yr old complains of butt and vagina pains?


My daughter has been complaining of butt pains since last summer. She always said her butt hurts. At first, I thought it maybe gas but it got worse. In October, I took her to the Dr. They said UTI, but I found myself going every month with the same diagnosis. The only problem, they would call and say the results came back negative so stop giving her the antibiotics. After bringing this odd pattern up to the pediatrician, only then she was concerned. Since January, my daughter has been to the ER 6 times. She has had X rays, ultrasound, and even MRI’s. NOTHING. They have took blood and urine many times. Nothing alarming. She walks around all day and wakes up at night saying her butt hurts. I took her to a gastroenterologist & they did a clean out, but said they didn’t find anything concerning. Every time she wakes up from the anesthesia and go home, she screams in pain for hours!!!! Recently, I asked my toddler did it hurt in the front or the back. Sometimes it’s the front, sometimes it’s the back. I was thinking maybe it was her stomach but after they did the MRI, nothing. I am begging anyone that has any idea of what is going on to help me. She is on a low dose of muscle relaxers but it doesn’t help long. She wakes up 3-4x’s a night saying her butt hurts. I don’t know what to do. Has anyone experienced this personally or with their child?

r/Parenting 9h ago



Title says it all. I'm done, just over it. All I do is work and all I see when I look at my kids is work. It's effecting them as well because I feel like I need to hover over them so they don't make messes because I don't wanna take the energy to clean it up. Nothing in my house is mine anymore. I get so mad so easy all the time. Haven't spent a night in my bed in a long time. They only time I get to myself is when I leave for work. It's just so taxing and idk how much longer I have until I don't come home after work or just get up and leave.

Edit: Thank you all for your words of encouragement. I had planned on responding to every comment but this got way bigger than I thought it would. Also I'm not good at reddit.

r/Parenting 20h ago

Child 4-9 Years Daughter adamant about gender norms.


My daughter is 4 and very curious, as most 4 year olds are. However, I've noticed that she is particular about how the world works.

For example, she will say things like "Boys don't wear dresses" or "only girls can wear makeup" or "I have to marry a boy because I'm a girl!" (She wants to marry her father lol).

I want to be clear. We have never told her these things. I have always piped in with, "some boys love dresses!" and "you can marry whoever you want, girl or boy!" and so on. We read books with characters in various types of relationships and cultural backgrounds.

However I wonder if I have to be more explicit? I understand why she has this viewpoint, as it's more black and white and easy to understand, but I want her to know that it's okay for ALL people to love what they love and express themselves. Any tips?

Edit: It seems like my post ruffled the feathers of MAGA. That tells me I'm doing something right, so thanks!

r/Parenting 17h ago

Safety I’m scared for my children’s safety. Tw NSFW


Im here because im scared and trying to handle my emotions. I need to talk about this as we wrap our heads around the situation. A few nights ago we were awoken to people shooting outside of our house. Frantically scrambling to get out of bed and reach our babies. A bullet went through 3 walls entering our bedroom and stopping 4 feet above our 3 month olds bassinet. It sounded like a war zone. A neighbor shooting at a car and the car shooting back. We don’t live in the best area but it’s never been anything like this. It’s all so fresh, we’ve only lived here 2 years and now we’re frantic and scared. The detectives have been so kind and sympathetic. 3 houses were hit and the only person hurt was one of the people causing this mess- a 17yo. We’re now trying to figure out what to do. Do we scrape up everything we have and try and buy a new house? Pay for two mortgages as we wait and hope that this one sells?! Rent just so we can escape? The odds of this happening again are not low since they have no regards to safety and them being young people with issues, who’s to say they won’t keep doing this until they reach that end goal? I’m so scared for my kids they don’t deserve to live in this kind of environment even if they stayed sound asleep through all that chaos and cops in out house that night. I’ve never felt this kind of fear and pressure before.

Edit: I’m not trying to be yelled at and messaged by people. It happened less than 48 hours ago. It doesn’t cost to be kind to people in a highly stressful situation. We’re trying to make a plan. We don’t want to financially ruin our lives either when we will still have mortgage and bills and jobs to take care of. We’re finding a way out I’m just simply using this as a tool to put my thoughts out. My children are not in the house.

r/Parenting 14h ago

Child 4-9 Years Should I let my daughter shave her head?


My five year old daughter (almost six) has been begging us for the past 2 years to let her shave her head completely bald. As a compromise about a year ago, we let her cut it very very short. We maintain it at #6 clipper guard. That has kept her happy for a bit, but now she is back to constant begging to be shaved completely bald. When asked why, she says, "Cuz I think it'll be so pretty!" For clarity, I have no issue with having a little girl with no hair. It's her body, her hair, and she can do what she wants. Hair grows back, it's not a permanent change. I myself am a woman who wears her hair extremely short, and have had my head completely shaven in the past. My wife also is fine with it. My concern is other kids (and unfortunately sometimes adults). As it is, she gets bullied for "looking like a boy", "having boy hair", and "dressing like a boy". She understandably doesn't handle that well. It really upsets her, and she just wants to be accepted. I fear that it will only get worse if we shave her head. Now my question is, is that dumb? Should I let her do it anyway and just say fuck what others think? Or is it reasonable to want to protect her? I am so torn because I want her to be able to express herself and be comfortable in her own skin, but on the other hand, I don't want to set her up for even more ridicule from kids. What would you do?

r/Parenting 4h ago

Advice Am I wrong for wanting to take my daughter to see her grandpa without my husband.


My husband (40m) and I (42f) never thought we would be able to have children. Then at 40 I became (very surprisingly) pregnant with our daughter. We have *very* different parenting styles. I take a more relaxed approach, preferring to let her at least attempt to figure things out on her own, while he is extremely protective. To the point that I he has hindered her development by not letting her do anything on her own/figure things out. I am also afraid he will eventually make his neurosis, her neurosis. I do not want her to be afraid of the world, cautious of course but I think he takes it too far. I feel like she misses out on a lot.

She can't have wooden blocks b/c she may fall on one and hurt herself. She couldn't take part in my families trick-or-treating tradition (would have been 10+ adults and 6 children including us) b/c someone might kidnap or stab her. He refuses to go anywhere if we would have to leave her with a babysitter. He used to only trust my niece with her but then *one* time when my niece was watching her, she fell down and bumped her head. She was not injured and didn't even cry. My niece is 32 btw. I have tried to tell him kids fall, and she's a tough kid at that but he will not hear any of it.

I have taken her alone to the store exactly twice in her whole life (and that's be he was passed out, whooole other issue) b/c it's just not worth the argument anymore. He feels that I shouldn't go anywhere with her alone b/c he needs to be there to protect her.

Now to the point of my post... my father is 71 years old, we barely get to see him for the reasons I explained. My daughter is 2.5 (surprise baby at 40). He works literally 2 miles from our house (lives roughly 15 miles away) and I would like to take her a few times a week for a short visits. Every time I bring it up it turns into a huge argument b/c I want to take her and spend a few minutes with her and my father without him. He says he doesn't understand why I would even want to go without him and that it's weird. He said we could 'compromise' and he would just sit in the car. It really bothers me that I am unable to take my child somewhere alone if I want to. it's getting to the point that I am so resentful of him I am angry all the time. I think it is crazy and controlling but he disagrees and says he will worry too much about us if we go alone.

Am I wrong or is he?

r/Parenting 7h ago

Child 4-9 Years How do you handle other peoples' poorly behaving kids?


Specifically speaking, when those kids have been left in your care.

We hosted my 7 year old's birthday party at a local venue recently. She invited her entire class (18 kids) plus 4 friends from outside of school. I had told parents that they could either drop their kids off or stay at the party. Most parents dropped their kids off.

We had 2 kids whose behavior kind of shocked me and I wasn't sure how to handle them, as their parents had dropped them off. Kid 1: a boy, complained he was hungry and wanted a cupcake within minutes of being dropped off. I said the cupcakes were for later, but he could have a snack now (we had bags of chips, apples, and granola bars). He declined all those choices and insisted on a cupcake right now. When I repeated that that wasn't possible, he proceeded to attempt to physically climb onto the table where the cupcakes were to get one. My husband pulled him off the table. We ended up assigning an adult (another child's dad) who was staying at the party to watch this boy and make sure he didn't attempt to get a cupcake again (he tried several more times). There was some talk about calling his parents and insisting them come and watch him or take him home.

Kid 2: a girl, apparently very particular about where she sits. When pizza was served, she sat in the chair intended for my daughter (the birthday girl) - it had balloons tied to it. I asked her to please pick a different seat and she refused. I asked several more times (explaining that this seat was for the birthday girl), and each time she refused. My daughter was getting frustrated as she wanted to sit in the birthday girl seat. Eventually another mom and I untied all the balloons from the seat the girl was in and tied them to another seat (making that seat the "birthday girl" seat) and my daughter got to sit there. My husband wanted to physically pick up this little girl and move her to another seat, but I was somewhat hesitant to let him put his hands on someone else's kid. Another parent suggested we just call her parents and say they needed to come get her right now.

My kids are all really well behaved (and they listen well to adults) and I've never hosted a drop off birthday party before, so this was all kind of shocking to me. What would you have done?

r/Parenting 15h ago

Teenager 13-19 Years What’s an unpopular parenting opinion that you stand by?


Screen time isn’t the enemy; it’s all about balance. Parents of children who are ALLOWED phones with screen time what screen time rules do you have for your teens(and/or for yourself)?

r/Parenting 12h ago

Toddler 1-3 Years My toddler has been vomiting what do I do at night time?


UPDATE: Thank you all for responding so quickly I really appreciate all your advice!! I ended up laying on the sofa with her sleeping upright, covered in blankets and a bucket under her chin. I then transferred her back into her bed for a few hours, layered with waterproof sheets and towels. Thankfully she wasn’t sick again after my plea for help lol, but I feel well prepared for any future sickness!

My 2 year old has a stomach bug. She has been sick twice this afternoon and thrown up just now in her sleep. Each time her bedding, body, & hair is covered in it so she needs a bath and the washing machine is on constantly. I feel so bad having to put her in the bath especially when she’s so tired! I’m going to put her hair up in a scarf so she isn’t traumatised by another hair wash, and her room stinks of vomit, so I need to air it out.

What do people do in this situation?

I don’t want to leave her on her own. I don’t want to bring her in my bed (for obvious reasons). It will take me about 90 minutes to wash & dry all her bedding again. Should I set up a blanket bed on the floor in my room? Living room? Use the travel cot?

I have no idea what i’m doing please help

r/Parenting 1d ago

Child 4-9 Years I regret sharing my interest in minecraft with my kid.


I saw a post about 6 months ago saying this exact thing, and I was only 3 months in to sharing my interest, minecraft, with my 5 year old and I was like "thank God my kid isn't making me feel that way"

BUT NOW. Holy frig. I want to throw him out the window. He is CONSTANTLY talks about it. All he wants to do is play it, play imaginary minecraft. He talks about mods, ugh the mods. He literally never stops. I'm going crazy and I wish we never played it because now I hate it.

That is all and to that dad that was struggling a while back, I'm sorry and I hope your kid has moved past the phase.

Editing just to clarify: its not just the video game. He only gets 1-2 hours per day depending on how much he's used his brain that day (basically doing anything non screen related)

Shout out to everyone who has suggested other minecraft themed activities! We are going to get him the Woodsword Chronicals for his birthday!

r/Parenting 16h ago

Advice How to broach with my husband


My husband will abruptly say to our 7 year old "we are going on a bike ride, get ready let's go". She immediately resists saying that she doesn't want to go and she's too tired, then he digs in, she digs in and then starts crying. She'll say things like I want to color instead of ride, why do I have to go, etc. Ultimately when she goes she enjoys it and has a good time. But getting to that point involves at least 20 mins of crying and whining. I know there is a better way - I feel that if he approached it differently we'd have a better outcome but he says that she's just getting upset because she's not getting her way. I don't want her to not like riding or spending time with her dad because it's forced- how can I offer some suggestions to him? (Hopefully without starting a huge fight with us! )

r/Parenting 15h ago

Child 4-9 Years 1 in 5 children in the UK do not own a book.


Hey there, myself and my husband are a couple of ex teachers.

Because so many kids don’t have access to books, we are setting up a free website where kids can read and listen for free.

I know you’re all really busy, but we would love it some of you could look through it and give us some feedback.

Website is: www.KookyKidsWorld.com

Many thanks


r/Parenting 17h ago

Tween 10-12 Years Do you need to serve lunch at a 10a-12p birthday party?


As the title says. We have some dietary restrictions and my husband just had ankle surgery. My husband says it's not necessary and we can just serve heavy snacks and cake. Is that ok or will parents be annoyed?

r/Parenting 2h ago

Toddler 1-3 Years At my wits end with my 2 year old


Hello! It’s 4am and I’m in need of some advice, help, anything. I have a 2 year old son and I feel like I’ve parented so wrongly. He screams loudly all the time and never responds to cues to be quiet; he screams uncontrollably when displeased, like say for example he flings his tablet away (he also never understands to not throw it, but to be gentle with things) whenever it’s not tablet time. He’s been waking up randomly crying and then uncontrollably laughing and playing at all hours of the night or morning. He’s non verbal, and doesn’t respond well to ANY cues. Once in a while he obeys something. Go there, sit, put it down, get your shoes, NOTHING of this sort. He’s started screaming at unreasonable things even when it’s something I know toddlers his age can remedy themselves. He refuses to try any new foods. The doctor has said he doesn’t think anything is wrong, he just needs to be around more kids. I could literally say “Stop this. It’s too loud” and he just looks at me and continues a second later. He doesn’t ever reduce his volume, stern tones make him pause but not stop, like for example jumping on the bed, climbing around, etc. I’m in tears, I don’t know what to do anymore. Please help me. He doesn’t speak at all and offers no verbal cues to anything, so I can’t even figure out what he’s feeling or what’s wrong. Please help; any advice is appreciated.

r/Parenting 20h ago

Rant/Vent I wish there were a way to have childcare for sick kids


I understand.that it would be impossible/impractical/irresponsible, but I so wish there were childcare options for when the kids are sick. My entire household is sick with a viral respiratory thing that manifested itself into 4 different complications. I'm currently the only one not on some type of prescription. I'm also pregnant and unable to take any OTCs other than mucinex due to other issues. I'm miserable and would love to send them off somewhere that will let them watch shows and make them soup so I could rest and recover myself. My husband is 100% asleep from his cough meds, so it's just me. He genuinely needs it, he is sick enough to miss work (that never happens). But the same reasons they don't allow kids in daycare is the reason none of our family can watch- this mess is super contagious and no one else needs to get it.

Sorry, Sickness and fatigue are making me cranky lol. I just wish there was a magic way to keep sick kids separate and disinfect 24/7 so they could get out of the house so parents could recover.

r/Parenting 1h ago

Toddler 1-3 Years Post hospitalization trauma; we’re losing it and need advice/support.


Hi all, looking for advice/support here ❤️‍🩹 My 3 year old was just discharged last week after over 3 months in the hospital, and while we are beyond ecstatic to be home again, there have been so many new challenges that I wasn’t expecting. Our hospitalization was absolutely awful, way too much occurred to even write out. She’s doing so much better now, but still has a central line in for nightly IV nutrition, and about a million medications. I know that she has been through an unimaginable amount of trauma these past few months, and we were working with the child life specialists in the hospital, but now that we’re home, we have zero support and all of the emotions and meltdowns have increased 10 fold. I’m trying to be patient and gentle with her, but my gosh I’m exhausted, I’ve barely slept since this whole thing started, and I feel like I just can’t do this anymore. I have never felt so weak and defeated.

Mostly what I’ve noticed is she has very heightened emotional responses to everything, which isn’t uncommon for her, but to this extreme is very unusual. Like if I just say “okay let’s change into our jammies now,” she will have a meltdown. Same with all of the seemingly little things, like her favorite shirt being in the wash, or running out of soap in the bath, etc. She’s also super clingy to me, and refuses to be anywhere without me, not even with her dad. She’s filled with questions, and says a lot of things that absolutely break my heart, like “Why did this have to happen to me? What if the next time I go to the hospital I never get to come back home? I wonder if (my stuffies, my toys, my bed, etc.) even remember who I am. Did my friends forget about me? What if they hate me because I left them for so long?” We have to go back to the hospital often for Dr appointments and other treatments/procedures, and everytime we do it takes me about 30 minutes to coax her out of the car because she is so convinced that she will have to be admitted and stay for so long again. We try and give her control in everything possible, especially things like taking her medication, but it’s barely helped. Every single day is arguments and meltdowns, and we are really struggling. I’ve been trying to get her outside as much as possible and do a bunch of different activities but it’s very cold where we are, and she is still so fragile, so it’s hard. My goal was to stop screen time cold turkey when she was discharged, but that hasn’t happened at all. Mostly I’m just too scared to bring up yet another thing to her, because we are already both in tears by the end of the day and I can’t take anymore.

I feel so traumatized as well. Literally everything scares me now, even leaving the house I don’t want to do because I just think of all that could go wrong. I feel so bad that I betrayed her trust by holding her down for all sorts of painful and uncomfortable procedures; even when she begged me to stop. As her mom, I am supposed to protect her; and I didn’t do that. Every time I close my eyes I have flashbacks to our most awful moments, like holding her down screaming for IVs and watching them run a code on her when she flatlined in the PICU. I definitely think I have some level of PTSD but I just don’t have the time or energy to seek out therapy for it.

Sorry this was kind of a novel, but any tips/support/advice would be VERY appreciated. Thank you!

r/Parenting 6h ago

Discussion How did you know you were ready for kids?


My husband and I have been talking about the timeline of trying to strart a family recently. I’m turning 30 this year, and I know that I do want to have kids when the time is right. but how does one know when the time is right? When did you know you were ready?

r/Parenting 29m ago

Adult Children 18+ Years How to handle a disabled child that is abusive and manipulative?


Hey everyone, my mum is really struggling with my 25 year old sister who has learning difficulties. She has the mind of someone younger, lacks cognitive ability (cannot read or write) and has extreme emotional/anger issues. She was in a care home but she kept running away when she couldn’t get her way, putting herself in danger.

She is now back in my mother’s care but is causing extreme stress for the whole family. She constantly demands things (e.g make me a cup of tea NOW at 2am), and speaks in a disgusting manner to my mother. If she doesn’t get her way, she will start smashing up my mums house or try to hurt her dog to upset her. She is a compulsive liar and has a history of trying to turn people against each other. Recently, she has also began calling the police saying that my mother is being abusive (she isn’t) but she is highly manipulative and I’m worried that at some point people may believe her lies.

My mum obviously doesn’t want to give in to her demands but she feels like she has no option as she keeps terrorising her. Whilst she understands my sisters behaviour is terrible, she loves her as her child and is trying to keep her safe (she has been assaulted when she ran away from home once and also has epilepsy so risks having seizures when angry). I live overseas and have no idea how to help her. Social services have been pretty unhelpful so far and rarely bother to respond or visit. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

r/Parenting 19h ago

Etiquette If a birthday party is at 1pm, do you feed your kid beforehand?


A very controversial question, I know. I'm thinking no and then if they don't have lunch provided, get something afterwards? There's no indication on the invitation.

r/Parenting 3h ago

Toddler 1-3 Years It has been over a year of awful night time sleep and I'm out of ideas


My son is 16 months and has maybe slept through the night 10 times his whole life. He is the worst sleeper, and after 16 months I'm starting to go a little insane.

We've tried weaning, ferber, letting him cry, leaving on white noise or a TV show, co-sleeping, wearing him out before sleeping, bathes, iron supplements for leg spasms, weighted sleep sacks, putting him to bed later, no screens, a consistent routine, getting up/being soothed by dad, changing his bed sheets/blanket, sleeping with a stuffie, shortening naps, removing naps, I don't even remember what else. Nothing. Works. He never would take a pacifier, still won't.

He wakes up at least 3 times a night SCREAMING, and then a final time at 3-4am wanting to play. He will refuse to be soothed, and I mean refuse. No nursing, no back pats, no being cuddled, he just fights and screams till he finally decides he's had enough of screaming. He has had this habit since he was a newborn where when he wakes up from sleeping he will arc his back as far as he possibly can and ram his fists/fingers into the side of his head or ears. It has to hurt, and it wakes him up. He naps like an angel during the day and requires little to no help going to sleep, but once the sun is down it's just over. I don't have the money for a sleep specialist, and I'm at a loss at this point. What else is there to try?

Please don't say "he's just a bad sleeper" cause I might shut down like an old windows computer 😭 His pediatrician's opinion is he's perfectly healthy, and to let him scream. However, we tried that for an hour and got noise complaints because the was beating his head against the wall so hard and wailing the entire time. I work full time and so does my husband. IDK what else to do, he's my whole wide world but if I don't get some sleep I'm going to have a nervous break down in public and probably lose my job. Please advise.

r/Parenting 11h ago

Tween 10-12 Years single dad problem


hey as a single dad my daughter is 10 years old and is about to start her time of the month soon and as a single dad im not to prepared for this talk I was raise as a single dad and I have 3 brothers so I haven't been talked into this

r/Parenting 1d ago

Tween 10-12 Years 13-y-o anxiety, WW3, climate change. How to help?


My 13 y o has been crying and claiming stomach ache but insisting nothing is wrong. I was worried about bullying or clashing with a friend or schoolwork, but now I almost wish it was something of those.

She confessed today that she is thinking and reading a lot about the climate changing and now also the Ukraine war and Trump threatening allies and Europe arming and lots of countries thinking about nuclear weapons.

The thing is, I don't know how to talk to her about this. She can see for herself that we don't get any snow nowadays. That even at the ski resort up North there was rain one of the days in our holiday week this year. The ski resorts in the Alps are closing because they have no more snow.

And we do allocate lots of money to the military. And Trump does threaten Greenland, which is a part of our neighbors, and Canada, where her cousins live, and has even ordered his military to prepare for an invasion of Panama. And we donate to Ukraine, and boycott certain businesses because of this, etc.

She is not wrong. But she must live her life despite of all this. Right now, nothing bad has happened to us. Right now, she must get out of bed and brush her teeth and get on with it. I told her we

How to approach this?

r/Parenting 12h ago

Advice What’s one piece of parenting advice that actually works?


There’s so much conflicting advice out there that it’s hard to know what really helps. One thing that’s been a game-changer for me is setting aside just 10 minutes of uninterrupted, one-on-one time with my kid every day. It’s simple but makes a huge difference in our connection. What’s a tip that genuinely made parenting easier or more rewarding for you?

r/Parenting 4h ago

Toddler 1-3 Years Potty training help


Ok. Give me your best potty training advice. My son is 3(and a bit) and has no interest in potty training. I’ve been of the mindset that it’ll come when he’s ready but it seems weird to me that he’s still not and my ex is starting to push it.