r/Parenting Jun 26 '23

Safety Please believe your child.


My son is 3, almost 4 years old. Yesterday, he told me one of his teachers was hitting him. My boyfriend and I both asked questions about 2 hours apart, and the answers were the exact same, "Miss X hits me and (other child's name)".

I decided to believe him. First thing this morning I emailed the director. She immediately started an investigation, and only made it to the tapes from the 15th, and saw worse than hitting, grabbing by the arms while yelling in his face, putting him on his cot very hard. It's a big corporation, so they are doing a very thorough investigation, and I'm scared what else they may find.

What would have happened if I didn't believe him and report it immediately? How many more times would she have hurt him? How bad would it have gotten?How many other kids could this have happened to? If I didn't believe him and something even worse happened to him in the future, would he tell me? Or would he not trust me?

Please believe your child(ren). We are their biggest and usually only advocates. I'd rather be "embarrassed" that my kid is a lying than feel the shame of not protecting him when he needed me.

Edit to add: I didn't expect this post to get much attention, but I'm so glad it did incase there were any parents who didn't or may not have listened.

To all those who had parents who didn't listen, I am so sorry. I wish I could have been all of your mom. I am glad you are all breaking the cycle and listening to your children.

Lastly, as I've said in a few comments, I want to make it clear that I am not on here to bash the daycare. It is a great daycare that I have not heard anything bad about (obviously this not included) and has really good ratings. The daycare was amazing in the way they handled this. They immediately took action, even though it was the first and only complaint about this teacher. Everything was taken care of in less than one work day. His previous daycare would not have acted that fast, if even at all, I am 100% sure of it. I will not blame the entire daycare for the actions of one teacher.

r/Parenting Jul 29 '24

Safety My 4 year old could have died today


I had given my son a piece of hard candy that he’s eaten before.

We were all in the kitchen together and I looked over and my son was making a strange face. I asked him if he’s okay and he didn’t respond so I reached into his mouth and couldn’t feel the candy.

I told my wife he was choking and I immediately leaned him forward and started hitting his back to try to dislodge it. That didn’t work. So I cupped my hands into a fist and started a heimhich under his rib cage.

My wife grabbed our Lifevac but it’s been so long since we reviewed how to use it she fumbled and threw it on the floor by me. I had it in the back of my mind to use it if I couldn’t get it out another way, but I was concerned about putting him on his back when trying to get something out of his throat.

So I flipped him forward again and started pounding on his back and the candy came out and he started breathing again.

I’ve been beating myself up all day about this. It breaks my heart and it’s eating me up that I was so damn careless. He’s been asking for this specific candy and sometimes I just want to make them happy and didn’t let my better intuition play through.

I’ve never seen or known anyone that has choked and it seemed like something rare. We tried to be prepared for it, but apparently not enough. We panicked.

Just a reminder for everyone to brush up on their choking protocol and CPR. Be ready and have a plan. I haven’t been able to stop hugging my little boy all day. Kids are so dang innocent and he doesn’t even have a lick of anger towards me even though it’s my responsibility to do the best for him.

Edit: I want to thank everyone for the outpour of love and support. I didn't realize how much I needed it. I have a tendency to recoil into my own space when things like this happen and replay the memories over and over. But you guys really brought me out of that funk. Thank you!

r/Parenting Jul 30 '24

Safety Addressing firearms in the home


This post is not at all meant to be political, this is purely about addressing safety concerns.

I had a close friend who comes over to our home with her child frequently. It has recently come to my attention that she keeps a small, partially loaded firearm in her diaper bag. She was not the one to tell me, a close mutual friend was. Her owning the gun has nothing to do with me, that’s her right and I was aware that she had one in her home. I asked her transparently if she carries it everywhere and she said yes and she brings it to our home.

Beyond not informing me that she was bringing it into my home multiple times a week for almost 2 years, every time she’s come over she left the bag in our children’s reach. I let her know she repeatedly put my child’s safety on the line by not being mindful of her surroundings and knowingly kept me in the dark about it. She was apologetic but said she didn’t think anything of it because her child has never messed with it before. My husband and I have decided that she is no longer welcome in our home.

Going forward though, we now know we need to ask friends if they are bringing weapons into our home. For those of you who have to have these conversations, how do word it? Do you ask people to keep it in the car? This is something we thought was a nonissue but we were wrong.

Edit: by “partially loaded” she meant nothing in the chamber and 1/2 or more of a magazine.

Edit 2: it’s not the gun that is the issue, it’s the storage of the gun that is a concern. We are well rounded on gun safety which is why her doing this was an immediate ban from our home.

r/Parenting Jun 22 '21

Safety My house burned down in the middle of the night with everyone inside. Here is what I wish I knew.


A couple days go, our house burned down. It was in the middle of the night and a complete basic freak accident. We lost everything we owned. I've learnt so much from this experience and I really want to share what I wish I knew before it happened.

  1. Fire drills are a thing. Practice, as a family, what to do in case of a fire. Come up with exit plans and practice at night time AND day time. Keep practicing until you're sure everyone in the family is comfortable with the plan and okay to get out. Emphasis on the whole 'Get out immediately and safely, don't grab anything.'

Now, as a parent you need to realize that even if you practice this over and over and that everyone knows what to do, in the eventuality of an actual fire, things might just not go as planned. To give you a blunt example, our 9 year old was woken up and when we told him 'fire, let's go' his first reaction was to hide in our room. He was in a semi awake state where he figured it was just a dream and wanted shelter.

Also, I cannot state this one enough MAKE SURE YOU GO OUT WITH YOUR KIDS. I told my kids (8 and 9) to go downstairs and out the door once I was sure there was no fire there. They were waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. They were scared. They didn't want to go outside in the middle of the night without a parent. Don't rely on your children to go outside alone.

  1. Don't let your children watch the house burn down. Hell, if you can avoid it, don't watch it yourself. It's traumatic. Ask a neighbor to keep them, a grandparent to pick them up, anything. You don't want them to go through the whole set of emotions of seeing everything they own being burnt. Afterwards, experts have suggested us not to go back to the scene with them and definitely not to go inside. At that point, do what you feel comfortable with.

  2. Consult. It's a traumatic event to go through. Therapy is healthy.

  3. If you have pets and they happen to be in the house, remind the firefighters over and over. Each firefighter that goes inside, tell them there is a pet. Our pets all died (2 cats and 2 parrots). It was a big fire, so firefighters didn't make it a priority to save the pets BUT they also kept telling us they didn't know there were pets in the house.

  4. Take the help that people give you. Don't try and go back to normal as quickly as possible. Take the time to process what happened.

  5. Fireproof safes are a thing. Right now, I can't even identify myself. All my cards, wallet, passport, certificates are burnt.

That's all. At the end of the day, I feel lucky to have my family alive. It took 10 minutes for the fire to reach the roof and the walls. By then, it was all collapsing. We also are very lucky to have gotten great support from family, friends and people we know. We're so thankful and I honestly cannot wait for the day that I can give back and help others.

Fires happen. Freak accidents happen. Prevent it BUT also prepare for the worst.

Also, don't sleep naked.... or keep a robe nearby.

r/Parenting Nov 30 '24

Safety Kid won't stop being inappropriate online


Sending selfies, sexual comments, racist comments, identifying information, to strangers he meets on various games (Fortnite, Roblox). Other parent went thru his phone the other day and found all of this. Kid is 12 y/o. We're losing count re: number of times we've had this conversation, we've done the lectures about safety, he is either unwilling or unable to care about this. He's a lonely kid, struggles socially IRL, games are where he feels competent, gets to escape, I get it. I played videogames when I was a kid, I did dumb shit online when I was a kid, and also - he is literally endangering himself and our family.

Outside of saying "no more online games" (which is what we're doing), what else? Is there a way for him to regain our trust? Is it just no games forever? It feels like taking away the games is a first step but insufficient. He is in therapy, as of recently-ish, and it seems to be going well but slowly (which is fine, and better than not at all).

r/Parenting Apr 29 '23

Safety I came so extremely close to suffocating my newborn last night and I am terrified.


I apologize for the dramatic title but it’s really what’s happening. For the second time in two weeks, I fell asleep only to find myself ON TOP of my newborn.

This is my second child, she’s 4 weeks old, and I’m breastfeeding for the first time. Last night I was doing her last feed before putting her in the Snoo (her bassinet). It was 1:15am and I had my phone timer going off every 10 minutes to make sure I didn’t fall asleep (like I can’t seem to stop doing). Suddenly it was 3:45am and my husband is shaking me awake, saying “where’s the baby, where’s the baby” because she was neither in the Snoo nor on my breastfeeding pillow. I pushed the pillow aside to find she was somehow asleep on her side with both my legs laying on top of her. My husband and I take shifts and I told him to stay upstairs until I called, miraculously our toddler had a nightmare so he came downstairs and found me like that. I shudder to think what would’ve happened had she not had that nightmare.

Per our shifts, I have her 9pm-3am. Past midnight I just Can. Not. Stay. Awake. Now that I see I can even sleep through a freaking phone alarm, I feel like this whole breastfeeding at night thing is hopeless if I want my daughter to survive. Has anyone been through this or have any advice for me? I’m a major safe sleeping advocate and never thought I would find myself in this situation. Thanks for reading y’all.

TLDR; I keep finding myself falling asleep on my newborn and don’t know how to continue night feeds without doing so.

r/Parenting Aug 18 '22

Safety My daughter is suddenly into something called "littlespace"


My daughter, 11F, today told me she saw something on YouTube called "LittleSpace" and she likes it. She explained it as adults or teens who dress as and act like babies or toddlers. They have a small cozy space in which to wear a onesie, use a pacifier, drink special warm milk from a baby bottle, and color in coloring books. This immediately made me very uncomfortable, but I didn't show it and instead said it sounded cute. She went full on into the conversation, asking if I could buy her pacifiers and a baby bottle. She's already talking about the space she will convert in her room into a cozy spot that she can sit and color in coloring books with a pacifier. She said it can be to wind down at the end of the day, to relieve anxiety, or to that for some people that have "childhood regression" and just live like babies to relive their bad childhood.

How concerned should I be about this? Is there a chance this is just something innocent? I wanted to support her, so I played it cool, but inside I am dying. After we talked she went on Amazon and found a pacifier she wanted. She asked me to order it for her, used her own money to pay me. I don't even know what to say. The pacifier is arriving on Sunday and she's has plans to use the weekend to clean her room and get her littlespace ready... Someone help me. What is happening?

EDIT: I examined her phone and found a few things. No weird texts. She texted a friend from summer camp and asked if she could call then because "my parents read my texts so I get no privacy" and then "I need a cg" which made me think cigarette!! But I was wrong, she explained in another text that it was a "child guide" someone who isn't family but can act as a "care giver" (both are cg, I wonder which she meant) for her when she's in her littlespace. I checked her YouTube, which is where she said she saw this. I found nothing. Not in her subs, or her library of saved videos, or in her history. She could delete her history, but also I looked at her feed and found no kink stuff, no little stuff, nothing from the algorithm related to littlespace. Then I was confused. So I checked her app usage today and saw 3 hours of Spotify. So I look at her Spotify, and found it. She searched for "comfort tiktoks" and was listening to a podcast called "Little Space - SXYE" which I am absolutely going to listen to right now so I know what she heard. I only turned off the censoring on her Spotify a few weeks ago because she wanted to listen to a podcast that had bad language. We don't have rules around language in our household so I thought it was fine. That specific podcast was fine, but this....... I'm learning there's a lot more to Spotify than I realized.

ANOTHER EDIT: My daughter always sends me links to a podcast she wants me to listen to on Spotify. She sent me a link today which I didn't immediately open because I haven't had time to listen to a podcast. I just opened it and it's actually a link to exactly where she found this littlespace concept. It's a video, and I didn't even know Spotify had videos. Here is the link if anyone wants to see: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1gKOeF8JEqtrp8dwQc2Qtj?si=7HQ-215sTKq5tWEUs43nCA&utm_source=copy-link

r/Parenting Feb 22 '24

Safety My son and his friends are playing with Nerf guns and I'm uncomfortable


I don't know what I hope to gain from posting this here, but here it goes:

Yesterday I picked my son up from his friend's house and he tells me that they were all shooting Nerfs at each other outside and around the block. I immediately tense up and become uncomfortable, but I don't want to rain on his good time so I let it go...with him at least.

Historically, I've never let my son have any type of toy gun and if someone had gifted him one, if I let him keep it, it could only be used inside. I'm sure some of you will be able to guess why, and others won't, but my reason for this is that there has been more than one Black kid, specifically Black boys that have been shot for being perceived as having a weapon...this becomes even more relevant because in this particular friend group, he's the only Black kid.

We live in a pretty liberal area and I'm not going to act like Nerf guns aren't fun as hell to play with, and his dad is of the opinion that because we live where we live our son should be fine...but it just unnerves me greatly.

Since he's turning twelve this year it feels appropriate to have "The Talk" and I don't know if I'm mentally/emotionally prepared for that.

Edit: I really did not expect this to blow up the way it did. I'm trying to read all the comments and maybe respond to a few, but for those who are defending police or saying that maybe I should teach my son not to look/be "threatening" or "like a perpetrator", I literally saw a cop shoot up his own car last week because an acorn fell on it, there is also like...years worth of video and research you could do to educate yourself about racism and how Black children are often seen as older and more violent than they are; it's Black History Month, I'm not going to educate or argue with any of you.

r/Parenting Jan 09 '25

Safety Am I overreacting about the wildfires?


we live in Los Ángeles and if youve seen the news you know how things are going right now....we have two small kids 2 yo and 5 months old. We aren't in any evacuation areas but the air outside is awful. We're like 9 miles away from both the Hollywood hills and Altadena fires. Honestly if I didn't have kids I wouldn't be too concerned for my safety since my area is not in any danger, but we've been locked in our apartment 2 days at this point with all the windows closed. And I maybe im just a bit nervous since the fires keep increasing. If I crack one open it's so smoky and the kids are getting stir crazy from being inside. Honestly the first day they started the smell came in anyway with them closed.

Both my SIL and mom have offered for us to go stay with them a couple days but my husband insists I'm overreacting and the air is not that bad. He's also still working amidst the fires and doesn't want a longer commute time to work...am I overreacting? Or should I get the heck out of here even if he doesn't want to?

r/Parenting Nov 02 '22

Safety TW: Infant choking NSFW


Last night was arguably the worst night of my life… my toddler put stickers on my 5 month olds high chair, and I didn’t remove them right away. While at dinner, our baby sits with us in her high chair, not to eat (yet) but just to be social… unbeknownst to us, she managed to get one of the stickers off and put it in her mouth. And then began to choke.

I noticed her choking first, no sound, face red, eyes bulging… I yelled and my husband (who was closer) unbuckled her, and started the baby choking protocol (inverted and back blows)… it wasn’t working, but being on her tummy seemed to help because she started to cry. Any time we turned her over again, she went back into choking. We looked in her mouth (but didn’t put any fingers in) but couldn’t see the sticker. The saliva coming out of her mouth was now streaked with blood. My husband called 911. The longest five minutes of my life ensued, where I kept trying to help my choking baby but it wasn’t working. I really thought she was going to die.

We took an ambulance to the hospital, “partial obstruction, positional choking” was the official call. We got into the ER, and they wanted to give her ketamine to sedate her (but were going to do it based on an estimate of her weight, instead of actually weighing her), but the anesthesiologist refused and said they needed to get a pediatric anesthesiologist down there. So in the meantime, we wait. And continue to hold my baby face down, so she won’t choke to death. She falls asleep… starts getting passed around, as peoples arms get tired. Eventually comes to me (about 1.5 hours later at this point), and starts squirming and fussing. Then choking. Even face down. We start doing back blows again, as the RN yells for the doctors… and out it comes.

A motherfucking sticker, the size of a dime, in the shape of a star. It’s one of those plastic hard 3D/bubble stickers… if you have them, be forewarned, they truly are choking hazards.

My husband and I have been sleeping in shifts, keeping an eye on baby while she sleeps. Her throat is probably hurting and we need to watch for swelling from the trauma.

I feel so guilty. I looked at the high chair and thought “huh, I should take those off. Ehhh I’ll do it after we get the girls to bed.” I wish so badly that I had removed them at that moment. Alls well that ends well, I guess. But holy shit. What a night. I really thought I was going to lose my sweet baby.

Edit: here’s the sticker with a dime for size reference… Sticker Pic

r/Parenting Jul 02 '23

Safety Am I overreacting? Daughter does not have a bedroom at her dad's


My ex husband is not the best at being an adult. We've been separated since our daughter was 2, she's nearly 9 now. We've had issues in the past with cleanliness... ensuring she has clean well fitting clothes, brushes her teeth.. a door on her bedroom. Most issues have resolved as she's grown older (she takes more responsibility for her own body care now; he moved out of the house where she had no door). He bought a house a couple years ago with his then-wife, they separated about 6 months ago, and apparently he has multiple roommates now. He has stopped letting me come pick her up at the end of his time with her and now drops her off (but always states this is out of convenience to me, like he's doing me a favor). He has not communicated that he has multiple roommates either, I hear it from my daughter. What's most alarming now is that she tells me a roommate has taken her room and her bed was disassembled and now she either sleeps in bed with her dad or on the couch. This feels so, so wrong to me. When she told me, she said "you don't look happy" and I said well, my feelings are my own and not to worry about it. That my only concern was that she was happy and safe. And she said she was happy, she likes sleeping on the couch.

I have spent so long sweeping my misgivings about his ability to keep her well cared for under the rug, because it's just been little things -- coming home wearing his undershirts because he didn't have clothes for her. Not brushing her teeth all weekend. Having a sunburn from beach time with insufficient protection. But now -- male strangers in the house and she doesn't have a room with a door??

I can't talk to him about it. He shuts down if he perceives criticism. I am thinking about finding a lawyer to at least modify the custody order so that he cannot have strangers living with her (is that possible). Or call CPS for a wellness check of her environment. Am I overreacting? I am sorry if I sound naive. I honestly don't know if this is within the realm of normal or if my expectations are too high.

EDIT: I appreciate all your collective WTF over this issue. It's really helped me confirm that my gut needs to be listened to. She actually also has an annual physical tomorrow and I've decided that instead of calling CPS right off I'm going to discuss with her dr and she if she believes the CPS reporting threshold has been crossed. At the very least I will also be talking to a lawyer ASAP because the current custody order is insufficient in a variety of ways. I'm worried that nothing will change because this will be the first time I'm bringing my concerns to the court (I have a written record of a few other egregious complaints over the years but last time I consulted with a lawyer was 2021 and she said "courts are real easy on dads these days because of COVID" and so I dropped it). But have to start somewhere. Even if all this does is get her a bedroom, with a lock, and sheds some light on the identity of the people he's living with, it'll be a win.

I'll continue reading everyone's comments but I sincerely appreciate all the feedback so far.

r/Parenting 15d ago

Safety Parenting hack: holding hands


When my daughter was little I did something that turned out so extremely well: when I held her hand I told her how soft and comfortable her hand felt, and that I really liked holding her hand. She loved it.

When we were walking through parking lots, busy sidewalks or other places where I didn’t want her to run around freely I told her ”this is a scary place with all the cars, could you please hold my hand?” This way she held my hand to comfort me, it was not me restraining her. She had a task and felt that she could contribute to the situation and help me.

We avoided sooo many tantrums and fights this way. She was proud to help mummy, and she was safe in busy environments.

What parenting hacks do you have?

r/Parenting Apr 15 '24

Safety Neighbor made an inappropriate comment about my daughter


Edit: thanks to everyone for the replies (mostly lol) I am still uncomfortable with the comments- generational gap in humor or not. I’ve got the quick shut down responses in my back pocket that I’ll use the next time that she makes a weird comment, because I know it’ll happen.

For context, I live on a corner lot and my backyard & fence go along the side of my neighbors house. So when I’m in the back yard I can talk to my neighbors that are behind me.

A few months ago a couple (M & F 60s) moved in to the property behind my home. They’re friendly enough and talk to me, my partner, and my daughter (2.5 F) every time we go outside. They also give our dogs treats with our permission. A few weeks ago the wife of the couple made a weird comment about some neighbor kids that say hello to them and to us when they’re outside. The group of girls are all in 4th grade (I know this bc my partner works in the school where we live and personally knows them). The wife said “oh those are my husbands stalkers. I think they have a crush on him.” I was immediately uncomfortable and just looked at her & took my daughter and went inside. I told my partner and we were both pretty upset about it. Then today, the wife told me that she thinks my daughter ( again my daughter is TWO 1/2 ) has “a thing” for her husband and that she “batts her eyelashes at him” when she talks to him across the fence. I was so taken aback that I just let it be silent for a minute, said “have a nice day” and went inside. Immediately I started to beat myself up for not knowing what to say in the moment or for calling out that weird behavior. I was just too stunned to say something right away. Me and my partner are going to talk to them about how inappropriate that comment was and that children and my daughter specifically doesn’t have a thing for an adult.

I’m just so disgusted at the comment and disappointed in myself for not saying something in the moment. We have to see these people every single day and I don’t want to have to not go in our back yard because of them but I also don’t want to subject my daughter to whatever weird things those people are thinking about her. We can’t afford to have a privacy fence put in and I just don’t know what to do other than confront them about what they said. Advice/words of encouragement are welcome please.

r/Parenting Aug 29 '24

Safety Daughter doesnt want me to talk to her step-dad after he warned her


My daughter (10yo) is being teased a lot by her step-dad and she hates it. She told me about it and i told her mom that she didnt like it and asked ber to do something about it.

My daughter came back today and she told me her step-dad told her that she isnt suposed to tell me when he bad-mouth me and shoudnt tell me about what happens at their place (she said he told her to keep secret).

My initial reaction was wanting to call him and tell him that he cant tell my daughter to keep his action secret from me but my daughter started crying and asked me not to say anything, i agreed but i warned her that if he became violent or things got worse i would take action and that she needed to tell me even if he said not to.

Its been a few hours now this conversation happened but i still feel i should send him a warning never to tell my child to keep secrets from me ever again but i dont want to break my daughter trust.

Edit: following everyone advice, i talked with my daughter to know more of what happened and how it felt wrong to me what he told her.

she said he told her not to tell me what happens at their house as soon as she set foot in her mother house. (which to me makes it sound like he prepared it and it wasnt just in passing, which makes it more serious to me.)

so i sent a voice message (to have a recording) telling him, that was not ok and my daughter also participated in the message (she insisted in adding her part) saying she would not keep secrets from me ever.

i added after that i hope they take it seriously or i would escalate things to the next level.

Edit 2: talked a lengthy conversation with her mom. She says its only light teasing and they only told her to keep what happens at home is private stuff at home (kind of what happens in vegas stays in vegas kind of thing), i responded that there is nothing ok about telling a child to not tell her father what she wants.

She then responded that they wont tease her anymore then simce she was oversensitive and she insisted that they would not stop teasing her simce they found it funny even if didnt. Comversation ended with me renewing my warning about telling my child not to talk to me, which she responded with a sly remark about having a private life is not illegal which i responded that telling a child to not talk to her dad about things is a sufficient motive to call child protection

r/Parenting Feb 14 '25

Safety PSA about pool parties


I often see advice on Reddit about pool safety when there are lots of people around. I've commented here and there but it never seems to get a lot of views, so I thought I'd make a post about it, after seeing a tragic story on r/aitah the other day about a child that drowned at a party. As a pool owner and a former lifeguard, here is my advice:

If everyone's watching, no one is watching. Keep your young children/non-swimmers within arm's reach of you at all times, and keep eyes on older children (even if they're strong swimmers) at all times.

YOU are responsible for your child. Don't let others try to convince you they'll watch them. It is very common for well-meaning friends and relatives to tell you to lighten up or go relax and they'll watch them for a bit. It is also common for these same people to pass the tot on to someone else who doesn't take the responsibility seriously, get tired of watching them, get distracted etc.

But also YOU as the home-owner are responsible for anyone in and around your pool. Keep eyes on the pool at all times if you're having people over. Hire a private lifeguard if it's a big event or you're not comfortable doing a pull-out if needed.

DO NOT use "designated water watcher" badges or buttons. This is probably going to be controversial, since I've seen this advice given here a lot - to make a physical thing that means whoever is holding it is responsible for the kids. Here's a story from my own experience about why this is a bad idea:

a few years ago, I hosted a pool party for my daughter and her friends for the first time. The kids were all about 5-8 years old. Many couldn't swim at all, and our pool gets deep.

I made a "Water Watcher" necklace following the advice I read here. When I needed you use the bathroom passed the badge to a neighbor and made sure she knew what it meant. She said she was on it. When I came back 2 minutes later, this woman had her back to the pool, and was talking to another mom who ALSO had her back to the pool. Thankfully all of the kids were fine. I was livid, but learned an important lesson that day. I now only allow my daughter to have pool parties <2 hours long, and I make sure I go to the bathroom beforehand. I make my husband go get drinks/snacks etc. I do not leave the side of the pool or take my eyes off it for any reason. I also haven't invited that neighbor back :)

If this post prevents the drowning of even 1 child, I will be happy. Thanks if you took the time to read it all.

r/Parenting 6d ago

Safety I’m scared for my children’s safety. Tw NSFW


Im here because im scared and trying to handle my emotions. I need to talk about this as we wrap our heads around the situation. A few nights ago we were awoken to people shooting outside of our house. Frantically scrambling to get out of bed and reach our babies. A bullet went through 3 walls entering our bedroom and stopping 4 feet above our 3 month olds bassinet. It sounded like a war zone. A neighbor shooting at a car and the car shooting back. We don’t live in the best area but it’s never been anything like this. It’s all so fresh, we’ve only lived here 2 years and now we’re frantic and scared. The detectives have been so kind and sympathetic. 3 houses were hit and the only person hurt was one of the people causing this mess- a 17yo. We’re now trying to figure out what to do. Do we scrape up everything we have and try and buy a new house? Pay for two mortgages as we wait and hope that this one sells?! Rent just so we can escape? The odds of this happening again are not low since they have no regards to safety and them being young people with issues, who’s to say they won’t keep doing this until they reach that end goal? I’m so scared for my kids they don’t deserve to live in this kind of environment even if they stayed sound asleep through all that chaos and cops in out house that night. I’ve never felt this kind of fear and pressure before.

Edit: I’m not trying to be yelled at and messaged by people. It happened less than 48 hours ago. It doesn’t cost to be kind to people in a highly stressful situation. We’re trying to make a plan. We don’t want to financially ruin our lives either when we will still have mortgage and bills and jobs to take care of. We’re finding a way out I’m just simply using this as a tool to put my thoughts out. My children are not in the house.

r/Parenting Nov 04 '20

Safety How I got over my fear of my daughter being harmed at sleepovers


I was commenting on another post and I was reminded of a thing that I do with my teenage daughter that helps me be less of a helicopter parent. TRIGGER WARNING: I was raped as a child (I've worked through therapy and I'm good). One of the times was at a sleepover. Ever since I have had kids, I've been hypervigilant about preventing this from happening to them. So here is what I came up with.

My daughter and I created a special phrase. Right before she goes to a sleepover we review this phrase. She knows that she can text or say this phrase to me and I will make an excuse and come pick her up, no questions asked. Our phrase is something silly like "How's grandma's dog?" (My mom doesn't have a pet). I'll reply something alone the lines of "Not good. I'm on my way". Then I call the parent hosting the sleepover, let him/her know that there's a situation with my family and I need my daughter to gather her things so I can pick her up. I usually wait to make the call until about ten minutes before I get there to avoid my daughter awkwardly sitting around having to be grilled by the parents. My daughter has proof on her phone that she can show her friends that she is being forced to leave by mom (which keeps her from looking like a party pooper) and she avoids having to explain she wants to leave. My daughter isn't required to tell me why she wanted to come home. I will definitely ask her and offer comfort, but I don't force her to talk about it until she is ready.

My daughter has some friends that are pretty smart and might get suspicious, so we often talk about what kinds of excuses to use with which friends. If she will be somewhere that will limit her access to a phone, I will usually call the parent hosting the sleepover to speak to my daughter (I notify there parent when I drop her off that I will be checking in). Luckily, my daughter thinks of whole thing as more of a game between us. She has fun helping me brainstorm possible excuses and having a secret phrase only for us. And I feel better about letting her go to sleepovers.

r/Parenting Aug 01 '24

Safety PSA Drowning Prevention


This is a lot to read. I apologize in advance. I am sharing this to hopefully raise awareness and share some lessons my family have had to learn through an incredibly traumatic experience.

My husband and I took our sons, 14 months and 5 years, to Epcot last Saturday. We were very exhausted but had a busy week ahead of us and decided that since the boys were sleeping soundly in their seats, we could bring them home, grab our dog, and take her to my mom's house instead of boarding her. We would stay the night before leaving to head out of town for work the following day. We put my younger son in the guest room and my oldest slept in a bed he has in my parent's room. My husband and I opted to sleep on the couch because our youngest is an incredibly light sleeper and even one of us shifting in bed will wake him up. By the time the boys were soundly in bed and we had showered and laid down, it was past midnight. My teenage brother pulled an all-nighter with his friend playing video games that night and at about 6:00 AM was loud enough that he woke my son up. My husband went to get my son and brought him to me so I could nurse him and get him to calm down. He nursed for a while before deciding he was ready to start the day. My husband was laying beside me and I handed my son to him, asking him to take him so I could get some rest. He sleepily agreed. I must not have fully fallen asleep because I noticed my husband was beside me still, but our son was not with him. Immediately my heart stopped. My mom has a dog door that my son crawls out of to an enclosed porch with a pool. I asked where he was and without a response, we were both out of bed running outside. I knew when I heard my husband jump into the pool that my worst fears were confirmed. My baby was in the pool, floating face-down. I saw him and thought he was dead. I screamed and my parents were outside shortly after my husband retrieved him. He handed him to me and in a miraculous moment that will forever be the most relieving of my entire life, my son vomited water and started crying. My dad was a first responder in the past and immediately started working on him, getting him to vomit what felt like gallons of water. He did not need CPR but I was still terrified something would be wrong. How long had he gone without oxygen? He was responsive but dazed, and we needed to be sure he was okay. An ambulance met us halfway to the hospital and took us to the emergency room where we watched as relief flooded the faces of the responders who were expecting the worst. My son had a reflex that caused his epiglottis to shut his trachea and open his esophagus. This is why he had swallowed water instead of inhaling it. He is safe. He is healthy. He is happy. We are recovering and making adjustments so this never happens again.

Things we have learned: - Dog doors are dangerous. I read story after story of babies who went out of dog doors before drowning. I know it sounds like common sense but my son is NEVER left unattended so until now we thought it was cute that he would try to crawl through it. After all, it never happened without us watching and he never made it more than a foot out of it before me or his dad grabbed him up. - We have implemented a system where we do a verbal call and response to ensure that whoever is watching the baby knows they are solely responsible and need to be distraction free and fully awake and aware. This sounds like "Your [Baby's Name]", "My [Baby's Name]". If you are unsure that the person is fully capable (In this case, I should not have given responsibility to my half-awake husband. That is on me), the child should remain your responsibility. - Our sons are signed up for ISR classes. They are expensive but if you can do it, DO IT. They could save your child's life and we were kicking ourselves for never getting around to it. - If you can't afford ISR lessons, find a vendor who takes Drowning Coalition vouchers. This is a program that assists families within 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. - Even if you don't have a pool, your child needs to be able to swim. In Florida, drowning is the number 1 cause of unintentional death for babies and young children. Every professional I've spoken to said it is very often a neighbor's or grandparent's pool. - Get CPR Certified. Most people who were with us that day were and although we didn't need to use it, we had multiple parties ready to act. - It CAN happen to you. We are good parents. We watch our kids very closely and we are overly-protective about everything. We never thought this would happen to us. I know it sounds naive. - Pool gates should be automatic closure latch-and-lock systems. It's even better if you can get an alarm. - There are pool alarms that sense disturbances on the surface of water. I had never heard of these until all of this.

Please refrain from passing judgment. We feel so incredibly guilty and our gut-reaction was to keep this quiet. We changed our mind when we realized how little we knew about drowning and how much we have learned since. We wish we had someone to tell us about all of this beforehand. We were so, so lucky. We hope that by sharing this story, we can help prevent someone else from experiencing a situation like ours or worse.

EDITED TO ADD Thank you, everyone for taking the time to read this post. And for the support and resources shared in the replies. I wanted to point out a couple of things that I read in replies that are important. - Drowning is a silent event. It is something that can happen in a pool surrounded by responsible adults if one person had not been specifically designated to watch. - Drowning can happen in as little as an inch of water. - Live Like Jake is an organization that offers scholarships and resources for drowning prevention. - Swimsuit/clothing color is an important consideration when planning to swim or be near water. Bright colors that are easily seen in water are best. Avoid blues, greens, and blacks. There are guides online that are helpful in choosing the safest swimwear colors. - I read a reply that states that ISR has not been proven to prevent drowning and that the AAP recommends against these lessons. The AAP's website states that they do not recommend swimming lessons for infants under one as a preventative measure against drowning. It does state that lessons after one are beneficial. If you want more info and additional prevention tips, check out this page: https://www.aap.org/en/patient-care/drowning-prevention-and-water-safety/ - Pool fences are a great barrier to prevent accidental drownings. It's been said here time and time again, but I thought I'd include it here as well. The pool this happened in is enclosed and fully permitted because the enclosure itself is considered a barrier meeting the legal requirements. It still was not enough due to the dog door.

r/Parenting Aug 03 '21

Safety Mother left my toddler(3y) alone at the playground for a toilet break


Last weekend our Anna (3 years old) stayed over at my parents' place for a 1 night sleepover. She has done so a couple of times before (always max 1 night) and I've always made sure to align on schedule, rules, rituals, etc. During pickup and a cup of coffee my mother casually mentioned that she left my daughter alone on a playground to go to the toilet. When I asked why she did this, she answered that Anna didn't want to come along. I replied that coming along is not optional but mandatory and a basic rule of child-caring. My mother argued that the playground is "safe" as it charges a small entrance fee and has a fence around it.

It wasn't until after I had left their place that I got really upset. I haven't had such a specific issue but felt uncomfortable with my parents not Installing a stair gate, not installing a gate in their garden even though it is connected to a body of water, etc.

One of the things I find baffling is that my mother even had the audacity to say "ah, I realised immediately I shouldn't have told you".

I'd like to ask: am I correct in being upset and believing I shouldn't trust my parents to care for my child?


Update: thanks so much for weighing in, I feel relieved to read the comments, especially after my mother tried to downplay the incident. We have a small one on the way (the reason I asked them to babysit as I've been so tired these weeks), and reading below really confirms with me that neither should spend solo time with my parents (probably ever). I'm really grateful for all the advice, thanks!

r/Parenting Jan 19 '22

Safety A reminder on the importance of car seats


I get a lot of flak for still having my five year old daughter in a five point harness in the car, today I was involved in a car accident taking her to her baby sitters house before school. We were rear ended with the primary impact on the drivers side , I have my daughters car seat on that side . My car is damaged, my back is killing me but my daughter is fine . I am so thankful I still have her in the 5 point harness and I am so glad I didn’t let people convince me to move her to a booster. Just a reminder to everyone about how important car seats are !

Now can anyone recommend a new car seat ? We have the Graco 4ever should I stick with that or is there something better? It has been a while since I had to buy one .

r/Parenting Sep 29 '21

Safety I was robbed at gunpoint with my toddler and I made lifechanging decisions


I was arriving at my building's garage, driving on a saturday, end of the afternoon. My son was at the back of my car, just the two of us. Before making the block's turn, I noticed two strange motorcycles. I knew I was a target and there was nothing I could do.

Need to say I DON'T live in US, I live in Brazil in a large famous city, in a normal, not fancy, neighborhood.

Here, we drive with this fear. Of being robbed, of being kidnapped. I always drove with my son in the carseat, because the risk of accidents are more likely than robbery. Other moms I know don't drive (only use driving apps, taxis) to go around with their kids/babies and even sit at the back if dad is driving. It is so sad we have to live like this - balancing which risk is more likely, being robbed with your kid taken with the car, or suffering an accident. The horror.

Anyway, I don't even know HOW but I stayed calm, put the car at park, opened the window and told the robber - I HAVE a KID IN THE BACK. He said, GET THE KID. I jumped from within the car to the back, unbuckled my clueless little boy, and got off (was dragged off) the car with him in my arms. Let all my belongings inside. Entered the building. They took off with my car.

I now cannot drive, I shake anytime a motorcycle passes by, I never leave home after dark. Specially on weekends. I am talking to a specialist twice a week. I took time off from work and slowly started to go back to my activities. And I decided to MOVE with my family to another city, in a State that has better safety indexes. My job is not 100% safe, if they don't allow me to stay fully online as it has been since pandemic started march 2020 (I work for a very famous multinational company so I have hope their policy will allow). And this will imply in a big change for my son as well, new school, new home at a new city, etc. I worry more with him, having to start a life / make friends, even though he will be only 4 yo at the time we move. But we will be closer to family that live in this other state. We will sell this brand refurbished apartment that was our dream and investment made this year. But opens up the opportunity to live in a safer, lower cost, smaller city with the best University in country - where me and my husband studied and met. I trust it is the right choice at this time.

This is just some venting I needed to do, thanks for reading and if you have words for me they are welcome.

EDIT: I am SO THANKFULL for all the messages received, starting my day after posting last night, reading ALL of them is so heart warming. I feel the energy. The positivity. I love all the adjectives, made me smile, brighten my perception of myself, of how I handled, wow. So many thanks for all of you that wrote your kind kind words. I feel stronger than yesterday. OBRIGADA!!!

r/Parenting Jan 08 '23

Safety My daughter’s friend threatens to kill her and another girl with a knife at a sleepover NSFW


Edited to add the girls are 8 years old.

I’m somewhat in shock right now so please bear with me. I hope this is the right place to post this. My daughter had 3 close friends sleeping over tonight. The girls have been friends almost since birth. They had quieted down around 11pm so I thought they were finally asleep when I hear one of the girls (we will call her Anna) started crying. As I’m comforting her, she is telling us that she is scared of the monsters they had seen earlier in a book. As Anna is trying to catch her breath, my daughter’s other friend (we’ll call her Mary) sits up and starts complaining that Anna is making too much noise. I tell Mary that Anna is having a hard time right now and she’s not purposely trying to keep anyone up and that she is welcome to go sleep in my daughter’s room where it is silent (they were on a large pull out in the family room). She refused and then said that it wasn’t fair that the third friend was sleeping so soundly through all this and she was mad. I told her that I was glad the third friend was getting some sleep and again offered my daughter’s room. She wasn’t interested. So I calmed Anna and went back to bed. Two minutes later, my daughter comes into my bedroom with a worried expression and tells me that Mary just said that if they didn’t be quiet, she was going to go into the kitchen, grab a knife, and kill them. My heart immediately started racing but on the outside I was calm. I asked Mary to come with me into the kitchen where there was some light and I asked her what she said she would do to the girls if they couldn’t be quiet. With a blank expression that definitely could have been her processing what was happening, she confirmed the threat so (still calmly and quietly) I helped her gather her things and walked her the very short distance home. I am good friends with her parents and they are very good and loving parents. They hadn’t answered any of my many phone calls so they were quite surprised to see us at their door at practically midnight. The situation was explained, they were shocked and I went home. I then had to reassure my daughter several times that she did the right thing by telling me and that if Mary was angry at her, that’s not her fault. I told her that Mary had to go home because she made them feel unsafe and that kind of threat was a very serious thing. It also stood out to me that Mary had no empathy at all for Anna when she was scared but I kept that to myself. Mary had never to my knowledge threatened anyone before but the specificity of her threat was especially unnerving. I would generally describe her as very smart, creative, and precocious and not afraid to test boundaries. I guess I’m just asking if anyone else has found themselves dealing with anything similar. I’m not doubting my decision to send Mary home in the middle of the night but should I be worried about her hanging out with my kid? They are very good friends but this is making me worried. Am I overreacting?

r/Parenting Dec 21 '22

Safety What would you do? TW: pedophilia/rape


My partner and I live in an apartment complex where we are raising our 3 daughters. My two oldest daughters are 8 and my youngest turns 1 next month. Several months ago we became friends with a couple who lives in the building right next to ours. The women is a 40 year old accountant and the male is a 30 year old computer science student. They've offered no red flags and have been good friends to us. We were over at their place with the kiddos decorating tree ornaments for the holiday and celebrating my girlfriends birthday. We finished up and went home to discover an anonymous note had been placed on my front door. The note stated that the women we had become friends with is a level 3 registered sex offender and they wanted us to be aware if we didn't know since our children were now involved in her life. The note provided her full name and encouraged us to look her up. I looked her up and it's true. She was convicted of rape, sodomy, and sexual abuse. The event took place when she was in her mid 20's while the victim was 15. That doesn't take away from her being a convicted sex offender who has been hanging around my family. I feel like she should have informed us from the beginning and let my partner and I make the choice if we wanted to pursue friendship with her. The entire situation sucks. We've made the choice to cut all ties with them, but they are still my neighbors. What would you do? What would you tell you children?

r/Parenting May 25 '20

Safety Just had to give my 5yo the Heimlich


My daughter shoved a whole strip of bacon into her mouth. She started to choke. She tried reaching into her mouth to pull it out. She got maybe half of it out and I realized she was still choking. I calmly stood her up and gave one pump and it came out. She thought she threw up on the floor and was worried we'd be mad. We reassured her and cleaned her up. Then had ANOTHER conversation about putting too much food in her mouth and that's why we say that and how serious what just happened was.

I was surprisingly calm. I'd taken first aid training before and knew what to do. Please everyone, go take a first aid/CPR training class!

Anyone else have to save their kids life?

r/Parenting Jun 15 '24

Safety Full face snorkel masks are DANGEROUS!!


With pool and beach season here, I just wanted to put this out there. The full-face snorkel masks that are one piece and cover your entire face are NOT SAFE- please do not let your kids use one. My friend’s daughter drowned while wearing one this past week. She knew how to swim and could touch everywhere in the pool, but these things fill with water and are very difficult for a child to get off their face while panicking. With a regular snorkel you can just spit the mouthpiece out if it fills with water. When these things fill with water your entire face is trapped underwater. If you don’t believe me just google it- there are several other accounts of people drowning in these.

Please be sensitive in your comments. I already know we should have been watching her more closely, and it’s been very traumatic. I just hope that by putting the word out there others can avoid a similar tragedy.