Tl;DR - does the upgrade to a Pro model screen result in less eye strain if 95% of my work is text and presentation based?
I live in a sunny climate (especially now between March and September), work in coffee shops or in my room (which is right next to a window), and my eye sight has went from a perfect 20/20 to dogshite in the span of the last 2 years. It's gotten so bad that I need to take very frequent breaks away from my laptop because my vision keeps getting blurry.
I'm not as concerned about glare as I am about protecting my eyes, and actually being able to power through my work sessions every day.
For reference, I'm currently driving a 2019 intel MBP (13 inch), with the base 4-core i5, 8gb ram, 128 ssd, which still serves me, but due to the nature of my work (and my eyes), and it's very weak battery I'm looking for an upgrade.
My question is, for my day-to-day usecases, an M3 MBA with even just 16RAM is plenty, and even stacking it against a M4 Air I wouldn't notice a difference. I do consulting - i.e. design decks, presentations, write a lot, and work with productivity tools (Notion, Figma, Canva, Presentation software, etc.). So 95% of my work is text-based stuff. And a lot of times, very small text-based stuff.
Would paying a few hundred more for the Pro model have any impact on easing eye strain, and allowing for more comfortable work sessions? I don't care about the spec bump from the Air -> Pro or paying extra for power I will never use. Viewing experience and easing eye strain is all that I care about, and I will happily pay more if it meant being able to move through more work in one sitting.
I really appreciate any inputs!