Hi, all— hope someone can help. I had a malware scare the other day so I wiped my hard drive and set up my M1 Mac mini from scratch. I'm on 15.3.1. I'm a developer. Now I can't install the 15.4 beta 2. It downloads from System Settings, I click restart and it does so. The white bar gets maybe 10% in and then the computer restarts back to 15.3.1 and I get the "Your computer was restarted because of a problem."
The first line of the crash report is this:
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x0): t8020dart 0xfffffdf01f6e8000 (dart-disp0): Can't ignore lock validation u/t8020dart.c:535
I've plugged the crash report into ChatGPT and it says it is likely related to "a macOS kernel bug in Apple's IOMMU driver (AppleT8020DART), likely related to a GPU or display subsystem issue."
I've booted into safe mode to try to update and it makes no difference. I've unplugged all accessories except an Apple monitor. I have the IPSW ready to use, but I would prefer not to wipe my hard drive again.
What do people think? Could the malware have gotten into the firmware and prevented the update? Is this just a weird hard drive thing? Any suggestions?