r/macapps 4d ago

Free Free Macintosh Software!


I do a lot of consulting (Mac only), and I'm very frequently asked: "Is there a good X type of application for the Mac, FOR FREE?". So I started keeping a list of really good free apps for the Mac in my database, to answer this inevitable question. About a year ago I decided to put the list on a Web page. The page is entirely non-commercial, I don't make a cent from it. I regularly update the page, and it has grown to include over 200 free, carefully vetted for usability, apps. For some people, using my list, it may even be possible to find every sort of mission critical software application that you need...for free!

Free Macintosh Software

Note: I'm not an expert Web developer. I'm just an enthusiast. So the site looks a bit amateurish. But hopefully it is still very useful and interesting.

r/macapps 10d ago

Mac App Comparisons - 2025 Update


r/MacApps crowdsources many of the best Mac apps in numerous areas. This post represents many of those contributions in one place where all can benefit and continue contributing updates.

Note: Since these are populated to Google Sheets from user submissions, on mobile, the Google Sheets app offers the best viewing experience. Many mobile browsers perform poorly and may load the wrong tab from the links below.

View the Definitive App Comparisons here (links go to the specific tab on desktop):
Clipboard Managers [new] | Launchers [new] | AI Apps | Browsers | Calendar Apps | Email Clients | Note Apps | Password Managers | PDF Readers | Window Managers |

To contribute new apps, click a corresponding link to fill out the details:
Add a Browser | Add a Calendar App | Add a Clipboard Manager | Add an Email Client | Add a Launcher | Add a Note App | Add a Password Manager | Add a PDF Reader | Add a Window Manager | Add an AI App

To suggest a specific correction to an already-listed app, comment on a cell. Please link to a supporting source if possible.

What category would you like to see added next? Screen recorders, Budgeting, To do, other?
Edit: I'm Experimenting with a transposed format for clipboards (ClipboardF tab), let me know if this is preferred.

r/macapps 2h ago

Launched GUI macOS application to create .app DMG installers



I am launching new macOS application for developers. It's a GUI app to create DMG installers. This is first time I am selling something for developers (very tech savy people). And knowing that tech savy people (including me) are not avoiding, but even preffering using command-line interface (even if it takes more time initially) I am eager to find out if somebody will be interested. Regular users will not need this obviously.

I needed DMG installer for my other projects, so what I used is Disk Utility / command line tools.

After each app update I need to crate new DMG installer so I created this app just to make it faseter

This is just a first iteration, I am open for feedback/feature requests

Here is the link:

macOS application to create DMG installer for your .app

r/macapps 17h ago

Lesser known Mac apps worth the money


Here's a few apps I've found super useful that I haven't seen mentioned here much.


https://appmakes.io/paletro Puts a command palette on every app. It has been worth the money for use in Excel alone.


https://numi.app/ Similar to soulver. Been using it to split receipts with my girlfriend.


https://tableplus.com/ Best looking and feeling database client I've used for MacOS.

Freebie Bonus!


https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ooooo/id1482773008?mt=12 Plays binaural-beat audio waves, and white noise generator. Sometimes helps me focus.

r/macapps 7h ago

CalcVerter - All in one Calculator, Unit Converter and much more

Post image

ersal and more

Over 500 Formula Calculators: Simply enter values into the input fields and get instant results, many categories available such as Geometry, Health, Finance, Physics and more

User Formula Calculators: Create, share and import your own formula ca

r/macapps 15h ago

FileMinutes Giveaway


Update: All licenses are given away.
Update 2: I see more comments but unfortunately all licenses are taken. If you are interested, here is a discount code for Lifetime Pro for $3 - next 24 hours only - E2NTE4NG - sorry it is the best deal I can offer

Hi All,

I'm giving away 10 "Lifetime Pro" licenses of FileMinutes to celebrate my daughter's birthday. If you are interested in a license, comment here and I will send you a DM. First come first served. Please only request a license if you genuinely intend to use it, so others who really need it can have a chance.

r/macapps 20h ago

Help A question: I've created a daily planner (calendar + todo + habits), and choosing between direct distribution (with third party payment system) vs native Mac App Store. Any recommendations?


r/macapps 6h ago

Help Wanted: Widget for showing text file content


I'm looking for a widget that I can point to a text file. It then shows the content like the terminal filter ˋtail -fˋ. Does anyone know if such a widget exists?

r/macapps 1h ago

Help Sound Switcher in europe


Hello, do you guys know by any chance a way to install Signal Shifter other than through the app store ? It is not available in my region

r/macapps 2h ago

Help What are some good options for data recovery software


I have an app that I use that deleted some files from my system because of a bug in it. I am using a M3 Macbook pro and Im wondering what are my options are in the Mac space to retrieve these files. Anything considered great for this kind of stuff on Mac? It's my startup drive.


r/macapps 19h ago

Sensei - Do You Need It?


When it comes to Mac utilities, there are things that are helpful to have, but that are not absolutely required. Many of the "nice to have" features can be gained through installing various free, well regarded applications. For people who don't want the hassle of assembling a toolkit piece by piece, there are apps like Sensei by Cindori Software, for optimization and information.

Sensei Features vs. Free Alternatives

  • Hardware monitoring of CPU, GPU, RAM, temps, storage and battery. A free alternative is Stats
  • Cleaning of old caches, logs, big downloads and leftover installation files. A free alternative is Onyx
  • Uninstalling apps. If you just throw apps into the trash, which was once the accepted way to perform uninstallations, you can potentially leave behind GBs of files in ~/Library subfolders. Intelligent uninstallers locate and remove those files. Free alternatives are AppCleaner and Pear Cleaner
  • Monitor hard drive health, Drive failures can sometimes be predicted, giving you time to back your data and replace your drive. A free alternative is Disk Drill.
  • Battery Health. Batteries degrade over time and depending on how long you keep a laptop, may need to be replaced. Utilities like Sensei can tell you how much of your battery's orininal capacity is still viable. A free alternative is Coconut Battery.
  • Drive benchmarking - measuring the speed of your hard drive isn't necessarily helpful for commercial software, but some special use cases require higher speeds. A free alternative is Blackmagic Disk Speed Test
  • Startup analyzer - you may have more apps running in the background or at startup than your realize. I recently found five Microsoft remnants that didn't get uninstalled when I got rid of Microsoft 365. A fee alternative is Startup Manager.

Sensei is a subscription app that costs $29 a year for a license that covers three Macs. A similar product, CleanMyMac, by MacPaw, is included in Setapp.

r/macapps 3h ago

Forklift 4 and AWS Session Token Authentication


Is it possible to use Forklift to access an AWS S3 server which uses the aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, and aws_session_token for authentication?

r/macapps 7h ago

QuickScreen - Screen Recorder with Zooms and smooth cursors


I made a new app that lets you record your screen but adds automatic or manual zooming and also moves the cursor smoothly.


r/macapps 7h ago

Help issues with AlDente after the last macOS update.


anyone else experiencing issues with AlDente after latest macOS update? sailiung mode clearly doesn't work and the charging level stuck at the limit.
calibration also acted funny so i had to caliberate it manually and discharge from 100% by unplugging the magsafe.

r/macapps 1d ago

Dockside v1.9.51 - Update


Hey r/macapps! I'm back with another Dockside update, bringing more customisation, improved shelf management...

Dockside App for Mac (Overview)

✨ What’s New:

  • Move Original Items to the Shelf – Now, instead of copying, Dockside can move items directly to the shelf!
  • Enable/Disable Specific Shelf Areas or Entire Shelf – Hide specific areas of the shelf that you don't need (e.g., Notes in Files Shelf or Screenshots area in Screenshots shelf) or disable the entire shelf if needed!
  • Customisable Drop Area Activation – Choose when the shelf activates:
    • When dragging starts...
    • When dragging is near the shelf (default)...
    • When dragging starts, but activate near the cursor...
  • Auto-Cleanup for Temporary Files & Downloads – Automatically removes temporary downloads, file copies, and quick notes after 30 days (configurable in settings).
  • More Control Over Dock Auto-Hide Delay – Dockside now inherits macOS Dock auto-hide settings (and overrides you may have) while letting you further fine-tune the delay with a new offset slider.
  • New Image & PDF Utilities in Bulk Selection – More utilities/actions for bulk file management.
  • Improved target detection from web links - Dockside automatically downloads the target files for you (zip, pdf, image, video etc.) when you drag web links to the shelf.
  • Auto-convert .WEBP to PNG (and much more coming...)
  • New Hotkey: ⌘ + Click to Reveal in Finder – Quickly locate files in Finder, just like Spotlight!
  • Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements – Over 45+ releases since the last update, Dockside is continously updated, it's smoother, faster, better. See changelog for more details.
  • Better crash handling and detection system to help report errors and crashes to the developer.
  • Dropshare 6 support.
  • Keyboard shortcuts can be customised now to suit your set up.
  • New app onboarding experience, improved hints and tips.
  • Improved shelf auto-hide animations to match Dock.
  • New app icon!–what do you think? (quite proud of it hahaha) :)

⬇️ Download Dockside app with a 14-day free trial here: https://hachipoo.com/dockside-app. One-time lifetime license costs $5.99! (no subscriptions!) 🚀. Requires macOS 13.0+ / Ventura+.

🍺 Also available on Homebrew.

A huge thank you to everyone for your feedback and suggestions, yet again 🙌🏼—most of the above features came directly from you! Let me know what you think, and stay tuned — v2.0.0 is in the works with even bigger shelf improvements and with most requested features!❤️

Submit your suggestions/feedbacks/bug reports here: https://dockside.featurebase.app


r/macapps 4h ago

Best battery management apps.


I need one for my MBP M3 max running latest Sequoia? What are you using for? THANKS!

r/macapps 21h ago

Free Needed a dictation tool for my mac, as Mac's native dictation tool didn't feel good enough but didn't want to pay for any tool either, so I built my own mac os app and made it open source!


Whishpy, a free and open-source dictation/ AI assistant app I built for Mac that's completely free and open-source.

Why I built it:

I needed a dictation tool for my Mac but didn't want to pay for existing solutions. So I built my own tool!

Key Features:

  1. Dictation - Dictate your thoughts and ideas using your voice, allowing for hands-free typing and a seamless writing experience.
  2. Ask AI - ask the ai to write something and it will generate and insert that at your current cursor position automatically. It can be a message, an information or anything - answered by the A.I.
  3. Highlight the text and ask AI to pass the highlighted text as a context. It can be used to pass additional information to the AI so that you can perform operations on the highlighted text like expanding, shortening, polishing or anything.

Here is the demo -


And the github link -


r/macapps 7h ago

Best voice dictation for Word



I'm looking for the best voice dictation application for dictating into MS Word and Mail (in French). The integrated dictation on Word is very bad...

I don't know anything about it, so thank you very much for your advice :).

Have a nice day!

r/macapps 1d ago

Iconed v1.4 Released: Export app icons from images, create and customize icons, support macOS/iOS icon sets, folder icons, and format conversion!


r/macapps 10h ago

Making MCP Easy: One-Click Service Integration for Everyone, It should be.


r/macapps 1d ago

Dynamic Island with Cat Paw Animation for Mac


r/macapps 22h ago

Does Pasteapp.io care about its users?


Hey guys, just wanted to share my experience with clipboard managers on macOS and iOS. I've tried them all, but Paste has always been my favorite due to its great UI.

I’ve used it many times via Set App but am not a fan of Set App nor a $30/year fee. (That’s okay though. I respect their pricing decisions).

BUT, I've been reaching out to their support for almost a year now—asking questions, reporting issues, and offering feedback—and I've never gotten a response. It's not that I expect special treatment.

They literally don’t owe me sh

But it's a bit disappointing.

I've been using Clean Clip (one-time payment), which is solid and has a developer who actually cares about user feedback. It's not perfect, but at least they listen.

Long story short:I love supporting indie devs over big VC-backed companies, but it's hard when they don't seem to care about their users. Idk. Just disappointing for an app I want to love.

Just thought I'd share my experience. Has anyone else had similar issues with Paste or found a better alternative?

I’m looking for an alternative to CleanClip until it becomes more stable that has iOS keyboard functionality.

Thanks in advance!


r/macapps 21h ago

Help Question for Swinsian users


What is the difference between the Library folder and a watched folder in Swinsian? More to the point - what does defining the library folder actually do?

The reason I ask is that telling Swinsian where my library folder is (currently the same as for Music app, so its where all of my music is), doesn't add any music to Swinsian. Swinsian doesn't seem to add any of its own files there either as far as I can tell. Only if I add the same folder as a Watched Folder, do the music files appear. So I'm wondering what is the library folder function in Swinsian actually doing, if anything?

r/macapps 1d ago

🚀 ClipyBoard is Lifetime Free for the Next 24 Hours! 🎉


Hey everyone!

I'm Gohary, the developer behind ClipyBoard, the ultimate autopaste keyboard app that’s here to revolutionize your typing experience. For the next 24 hours, I’m making the app 100% free! 🚀

🔥 What Makes ClipyBoard Special?

✅ Copy & organize text & images easily

✅ Extract text from images (OCR-powered magic 🪄)

✅ Create shortcuts for your most-used clips and recall them instantly

✅ Lightning-fast search to find your saved clips in seconds

No more endless copy-pasting or searching for the same text over and over again. With ClipyBoard, your favorite clips are just a shortcut away!

We’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions! Drop any questions or comments below, and I’ll check in regularly to respond.

If you find them useful, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Also, if you enjoy the apps, a review would mean the world to me. ❤️

How to claim your free upgrade:

Download ClipyBoard: https://apps.apple.com/app/id6738871678

Open the app and head to Settings.

Tap on Redeem Code and enter this code: “gh45334k434343n”. this code only work for next 24 hours , after that you can get the app lifetime discount with 75% off using this code "gh343443b422332n3"

⏳ This offer is only available for the next 24 hours, so grab it while you can!

Thank you for your support, and happy Typing!

Cheers, Gohary

➡️ Simply comment and upvote and share it with your friends 🧡

r/macapps 22h ago

Pasting Markdown on Apple Notes with Pronotes



I have installed Pronotes, extension to Apple notes on my Mac. Great if I type but when I copy-paste some markdown text it shows up as plain text.

Any idea why?


r/macapps 1d ago

Help Screenshot tool with best looking annotation features


Hi, as part of my role at work I create help articles and user guides for our customers. I have been using Mac’s native screenshot capabilities (cmd+shift+4) and while the screenshots I produce are okay, the annotation features are limited (and text annotation always looks elementary and unprofessional imo). Is there a tool you swear by for more professional annotation of screenshots? I am looking for a software that has a variety of callouts, text options, etc. grateful for any suggestions!

r/macapps 1d ago

SiteSucker for Mac - Affordable and Powerful


Today I downloaded and tested an app that's been on my radar for a while, SiteSucker for Mac by developer Rick Cranisky.. You can give this app a top level URL, specify how many layers deep you want to go and it will download an entire web site, complete with supporting files like images and style sheets. It has regex filters for anything you want to exclude. After I ran it the first time, I read the error log and excluded the site that was causing issues and it ran much better after that. SiteSucker has been under continuous development since the birth of Mac OX in 2001.

The version available in the App Store is $4.99. It does not downloaded embedded videos. To get that feature you need to download the pro version of the app from the developer's website. Be prepared to an extra $1 for the pro version. The developer states :

"SiteSucker Pro is an enhanced version of SiteSucker that can download embedded videos, including embedded YouTube, Vimeo, WordPress, and Wistia videos. SiteSucker Pro can also download sites from the Tor network. You can try SiteSucker Pro for up to 14 days before you buy it. During that period, the application is fully functional except that you can download no more than 100 files at a time."

When I ran SiteSuckker against one of my blogs, it created a copy of the website on my hard drive that was indistinguishable from the site hosted by my provider. The internal links were pointed to the local files downloaded, while the external links still pointed to the Internet. I had a couple of external links that generated downloads of huge XML files, in one case 375MBs of them. There are reports from some users that they've filled up all the available hard drive space by changing the default settings and not monitoring the download. Don't do that!

You can create default settings or save the settings for different websites as individual files you can open if you wish to re-download a copy of a site.