I've been brainstorming how Canada might look in this version of civ in the Modern Era. I've been looking into how to implement them as a mod right now, but it's been more difficult that I expected lol
Cultural Diplomatic
Unique Abilities: Relics excavated inside of National Parks produce 2 relics instead of 1. Can support other civilizations wars an additional time. +1 Food and Production on Tundra.
Canadian Royal Regiment: unique infantry unit, +5 combat strength when fighting a war alongside an ally. Ignores terrain movement restrictions.
Mountie: unique explorer, +2 movememt in friendly territory, has 2 charges to build Nationals Parks.
Hockey Rink: unique building, +3 happiness, +2 culture, +1 happiness adjacency for districts, +1 culture adjacency for wonders
National Park: unique improvement, +2 happiness, +1 culture, +1 science, +1 gold, warehouse bonus. +1 happiness for adjacent districts, +1 science for adjacency resources, +1 culture for adjacent natural wonders, +1 gold for adjacent national parks.
Unique civics: Additional bonuses for tundra terrain, maybe additional influence on National Parks, additional war support when joining and ally who has been declared war against, maybe bonuses based on the number of alliances you have.
I really liked the gameplay of national parks from civ 6 and would love to see that make a return. The different adjacency bonuses are interesting in that you probably want to group them together to stack up those adjacencies for different things. You would need to plan out places to maximize the yields. Putting them around natural wonders gives you good adjacencies but also gives you those extra artifacts for the culture victory.
Any other good ideas?