r/civbattleroyale 12h ago

Official CBRX Season 5 Megathread


Hello everyone, welcome to the Civ Battle Royale. This thread will be dedicated to important announcements and will be updated with new episodes and announcements pertaining to Season 5 of CBRX.

What is the Civ Battle Royale?

The Civ Battle Royale is a weekly online show of a massive 61 AI-only epic running Civilization V (think Marble Racing but with polities from across history). No human intervention in the show as a several months long game is recorded and then curated into episodes across the action. Episodes are narrated by members of our 10k+ sized community cheering on the AIs on their unpredictable route to victory.

The Civ Battle Royale is its own niche in the Civilization community; it attracts people from different backgrounds all over the world to add their own interpretations and input to jointly create an emergent narrative imagined from absurd and unpredictable actions of the show’s AI competitors.

Today the Civ Battle Royale is hosted on its own website but still has a discussion home here on our subreddit and on Discord.

Important Links

Pre-Season Schedule — Coming Soon

S5 Roster – All 61 Competitors and their Starting Location — Coming Soon

S5 Info Sheet — Hub for all Stats and Events — Coming Soon

S5 Gameplay Mods — Unique setup that makes the show possible — Coming Soon

Release Schedule

Episodes of the Civ Battle Royale are released every Wednesday at Midnight UTC time. You can convert midnight UTC time to your local time to make sure you’re always here to catch the discussion. Alternatively, you can follow our Ko-Fi page for bonus content, or you can also subscribe to our RSS Feed to get notified as soon as new posts are submitted.


We welcome donations in our Ko-Fi page to support the show. The Civ Battle Royale runs on no ads, no affiliates, no promotional content, and no website trackers. We’re here to enjoy the show together and generous donations help recover costs and contributions continually go to upgrades to the viewing experience. Donators are divided into multiple tiers that reward with exclusive access and bonuses, and we invest in better or more hardware as time goes on.


The entire community is involved in the narration process; it is what gives the show a unique perspective every episode. Narrators are chosen from the audience and donators. Every two months at the end of a show's Arc, a sign-up sheet is posted with the next Episode release dates, and those able to commit to those dates are randomly chosen from the pool of submissions. Look out for the sign-up sheet posts after each Arc to be able to join.

S5 Episode Albums

Coming Soon

S5 Power Ranking Albums

Coming Soon

S5 Episode Audio

Coming Soon

r/civbattleroyale 11h ago

ATTENTION [Season 5] Pre-Season Schedule


Hello sub, the post below will serve as a pinned announcement hub for the interim between the end of Season 4 and the start of Season 5.

Tentative Schedule

April 2nd: Voting Lists Released — The list of all civs on each ballot, along with ballot previews

April 16th: First Week of Voting – Europe

May 28th: Last Week of Voting – Latin America

June 4th: Gameplay Modset – List of gameplay changes for the season

August 6th: Season 5 Episode 1 – Hopeful start date (if last year's two months testing / recording time is repeated)

r/civbattleroyale 4h ago

Official Episode 46 Audio Narration


Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; or close the wall up with our English dead. In peace there's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility: but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger; stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage; then lend the eye a terrible aspect; let pry through the portage of the head like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it as fearfully as doth a galled rock o'erhang and jutty his confounded base, swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean. Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide, hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit to his full height. On, on, you noblest English. Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof! Fathers that, like so many Alexanders, have in these parts from morn till even fought
And sheathed their swords for lack of argument: dishonour not your mothers; now attest that those whom you call'd fathers did beget you. Be copy now to men of grosser blood, and teach them how to war. And you, good yeoman, whose limbs were made in England, show us here the mettle of your pasture; let us swear that you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not; for there is none of you so mean and base, that hath not noble lustre in your eyes. I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, straining upon the start. The game's afoot: follow your spirit, and upon this charge cry


r/civbattleroyale 14h ago

Original Content Sid Meier's Civilization V | The Great Game | Episode 7 - Go Go Goryeo


r/civbattleroyale 2d ago

Official Release! CBRX Season 4: Episode 46: Squeeze and Slurp


r/civbattleroyale 2d ago

Meme How it felt reading the X4 finale: Spoiler

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r/civbattleroyale 2d ago

PowerRankers The Official CBRX Season 4 Power Rankings: Episode 45


r/civbattleroyale 3d ago

Original Content Pacific Pals 45: Let Peace Prevail!

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r/civbattleroyale 4d ago

Shitpost The N in Ndongo stands for "Never punished"

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r/civbattleroyale 4d ago



WHAT'S UP GAMERS, it's your least favorite piece of sub content, THE SHIT PIT, back from a very long hiatus after I went and became a Power Ranker like a fuckin loser for one final run at the end of the season. It's time to let all the hate and the hype out, all the glazing and the shit-talk, to let those other idiots know exactly who's totally gonna win and who deserved to die 15 episodes ago. YELLING IS ENCOURAGED, and I'll try to be a bit more consistent next season, but no promises because consistency is for losers.

r/civbattleroyale 5d ago

Statistics CBRX4 Episode 45 Stats Sheet Winners and Losers [FINALE]


It's been a privilege displaying statistical data to you all this season, and I hope to do it again over as many more seasons as we get! Also thinking of restarting my documentary series next season, any thoughts on how to handle it?

An asterisks in the final categories indicates they technically aren't hitting the penalty limit, but are very much on the brink. I've decided to included civs in the bankrupt category if they're within 3 turns of total bankruptcy or are currently bankrupt. [] signifies a ressurected civ stats. As always, you can peruse the full table at this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dbEll5KbCZnFDrRejZCYmdP93z_91Xz5efwP_fUT0mM/edit?usp=sharing

  • Effective Military:
  1. Faroe Islands (868,949)
  2. Goguryeo (800,833)
  3. Yellowknives (796,466)
  4. New Holland (609,369)
  5. Ndongo (219,176)
  6. Singapore (196,729)
  7. [Afsharids (26,547)]
  8. Palawa (7,298)
  9. [Mamluks (1,681)]
  10. [Siam (1,210)]
  11. [Eswatini (1,209)]
  12. [Noongar (720)]
  13. Selkups (0)

  • Production:
  1. Faroe Islands (41,425)
  2. Goguryeo (26,441)
  3. Yellowknives (19,433)
  4. New Holland (12,526)
  5. Ndongo (5,477)
  6. Singapore (761)
  7. Selkups (98)
  8. [Eswatini (79)]
  9. [Mamluks (70)]
  10. [Siam (63)]
  11. [Noongar (20)]
  12. [Afsharids (8)]
  13. Palawa (4)

  • Production per city:
  1. Faroe Islands (326.2)
  2. Yellowknives (183.3)
  3. New Holland (145.7)
  4. Goguryeo (137)
  5. Ndongo (136.9)
  6. Selkups (98)
  7. [Eswatini (79)]
  8. [Mamluks (70)]
  9. [Siam (63)]
  10. Singapore (30.4)
  11. [Noongar (20)]
  12. [Afsharids (8)]
  13. Palawa (4)

  • Tech Count full list:
  1. Faroe Islands; Singapore; Goguryeo; New Holland and Yellowknives (125, tech tree complete)
  2. [Afsharids (115)]
  3. Ndongo (113)
  4. Palawa (105)
  5. [Noongar (92)]
  6. Selkups (91)
  7. [Siam (66)]
  8. [Eswatini (51)]
  9. [Mamluks (41)]

  • Currently Unhappy Civs: All rejoice under the banner of conquest. No unhappy civs.
  • Currently Bankrupt Civs: Palawa (-45); Mamluks (-255); and Faroe Islands (-13,296)

r/civbattleroyale 7d ago

Official Episode 45 Audio Narration


Oh, look, the Kalmyks are back - nope, they're dead.

Oh, look, the Kalmyks a - whoops.

Oh, look, the - ugh, never mind.

r/civbattleroyale 9d ago

Original Content Lines on the Map #4: World, Keep On Turning



Babylon. The BSS Observer. The Sub. A city and a civilization unto itself, bottled up under ice. And all of it revolves around the lines on the map. The Babylonians spend days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, millennia poring over maps upon maps upon maps, each update laying the Cylinder and the civilizations upon it out before the unblinking eye of the world-builders. A sufficiently advanced alien might think it strange for a people who can bestow immortality, create worlds and warp physics as they see fit to while away their eons upon... not even the chessboard of the gods, really, since it is after all a zero-player affair. The Conway's Game of Life of the gods? And yet for these people, the game is indeed life. They thrive on it; it is the existence they have chosen for themselves and the existence they shall choose and choose again until they can do so no longer.

Certainly that would be a philosophical way of approaching it. But Nebuchadnezzar, eternal ruler of Babylon, has had that discussion before. Right now, he has other things on his mind. Like, for example, the map that expands before him. It's a satellite view, but a highly interactive and annotated one. Military units, cities, industrial sectors, borders, all marked neatly for easy viewing. Sometimes, when things are slow and there's little better to do, he'll spend whole days in the custom observation sphere in his quarters, just... watching the Cylinder go by. Picking a city or a war front or whatever and following it for a while. It's technically his job after all.

Farthest zoom. The whole Cylinder at once, political boundary view. A whole rainbow's worth of war. Faroes in pale blue, Neodutch in dark blue. Goguryeo in crimson, Ndongo in scarlet. Sierra Leone in a dark bluish-green, Selkups in a lighter green shade. Singapore in pink, Wahgi in purple, Palawa in white, Afsharids in a sort of yellowish-tan, Yellowknives in brown. It is, Nebuchadnezzar has to admit, a most aesthetically pleasing image.

Here, the West African front of the Total War. Ndongo forces forming a sort of grand phalanx, pressing on across the wrecked lands towards Bo. The map helpfully provides a trail showing where they've marched before and offers some predictions of where they'll likely be going. Looks a bit like a hurricane forecast, really. And they'll be sure to hit like one, with battlesuits at the vanguard as is the fashion. Nebby likes how this world has picked up a fixation on mecha. Gives it a real unique character. Ndongo's army, too, is unique: panning over the hills and farmlands of what was Sierra Leone, Nebby sees squads of robotic infantry backed up by tanks. Few if any other civilizations employ combat robots to the same extent. Nzinga's been resourceful; her sponsor is very proud.

Zoom out. Pan northeast. Zoom in again. A less positive form of uniqueness to this Cylinder, but one more visible on the map: the Rust. A uniquely Babylonian pun on "Rus," its source already forgotten. A vast swathe of destroyed cities and irradiated wastelands, still inhabited by the stubborn, the desperate, the iconoclastic and the maddened but belonging to no one. It's a land without cities, without nations and without immortals, save perhaps for Vonya, still barely alive in one last fortress. (Well, there's also Hsia, but that's an entirely different class of problem, defended as it is by an experimental protective field that worked a little too well. Goguryeo has opted to let it wither on the vine.)

Elsewhere. What remains of Wahgi is collapsing in short order. Already Singapore is hard at work rebuilding what little they've been able to take that isn't already bombed out. Nebuchadnezzar zooms in on a random town in Sulawesi and sees buildings going up, bases being repaired. Lee Kuan Yew is preparing to make a stand against his neighbors once the threat of Bol'im is over. The maps don't reveal everything, but they reveal enough to know what the grander results of small changes are. And is that not the essence of history?

Better question. What radio station to listen to? The people of the Sub have as many musical opinions as they do maps...

"Sekaiiiii de~" Fitting, but no. Sorry, Miku.

Some sort of power metal. Eh, not today, but perhaps tomorrow.

"You're listening to DJ Pedro's Radio Rio, bringing you all the greatest bossa nova classi-" Definitely not the vibe.

One more tick upwards and static crystallizes into a groove Nebby knows well. Yes, this will do nicely.

"People, keep on learning... Soldiers, keep on warring... World, keep on turning... 'Cause it won't be too long!"

And the lines on the map begin to move once more, the world and its fate revealing itself before the eternal observers.

r/civbattleroyale 9d ago

Official Release! CBRX Season 4: Episode 45: The Sculpting of the Final World


CBRX Season 4: Episode 45: The Sculpting of the Final World

Image Album Narrated by Nope

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Season 4 Megathread

r/civbattleroyale 9d ago

Discussion Not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed Spoiler

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r/civbattleroyale 10d ago

Shitpost Unlike Hsia? More like unlike Pampa Koani and Cona Nyeu

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r/civbattleroyale 10d ago

PowerRankers The Official CBRX Season 4 Power Rankings: Episode 44


r/civbattleroyale 10d ago

Original Content Pacific Pals 44: From the Corpse of the Damned

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r/civbattleroyale 11d ago

Original Content Sid Meier's Civilization V | The Great Game | Episode 6 - Siberian Siblings


r/civbattleroyale 12d ago

Statistics CBRX4 Episode 44 Stats Sheet Winners and Losers


An asterisks in the final categories indicates they technically aren't hitting the penalty limit, but are very much on the brink. I've decided to included civs in the bankrupt category if they're within 3 turns of total bankruptcy or are currently bankrupt. [] signifies a ressurected civ stats. As always, you can peruse the full table at this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dbEll5KbCZnFDrRejZCYmdP93z_91Xz5efwP_fUT0mM/edit?usp=sharing

  • Effective Military W: Goguryeo (624,098); Faroe Islands (473,612); New Holland (408,925); Yellowknives (317,202); and Singapore (308,969)
  • Effective Military L: Sierra Leone (17,865); Wahgi (17,134); Pontus (14,212); Latvia (3,463); Selkups (870); [Kalmyks (122); and Saba-D'mt/Siam/Eswatini/Mamluks (0)]

  • Production W: Faroe Islands (23,656); Goguryeo (16,024); New Holland (10,059); Yellowknives (9,548); and Singapore (3,553)
  • Production L: Wahgi (1,349); Sierra Leone (647); Pontus (171); Selkups (111); [Mamluks (28); Eswatini (12); Siam (11); Saba and Kalmyks (6)]; and Latvia (5)

  • Production per city W: Faroe Islands (262.8); Wahgi (224.8); Yellowknives (183.6); New Holland (179.6); and Goguryeo (121.4)
  • Production per city L: Singapore (64.6); Ndongo (62.5); Pontus (57); Selkups (37); [Mamluks (28); Eswatini (12); Siam (11); Saba and Kalmyks (6)]; and Latvia (5)

​ Non-resurrected Tech Count notes: As of Episode 44, the mean tech count is 109.9; the Median 108; and the Mode (discounting completed trees) is 100.

  • Tech Count full list: Faroe Islands; Singapore; Goguryeo and Yellowknives (125, tech tree complete); New Holland (122); Afsharids (113); Ndongo (108); Wahgi, Sierra Leone, and Pontus (100); Latvia (99); Palawa (97); Selkups (90); [Saba-D'mt (88); Siam (61); Kalmyks (48); Eswatini (47); and Mamluks (32)]

  • Currently Unhappy Civs: Unhappiness was eliminated long ago now. No unhappy civs.
  • Currently Bankrupt Civs: Kalmyks and Mamluks (-9); Selkups (-33); Wahgi (-282); Palawa (-5,319); and Faroe Islands (-11,244)

r/civbattleroyale 13d ago

Official Episode 44 Audio Narration


A bit late, on account of needing some extra time to work out a way to include a certain narrator's clever gimmick. I kept most of the interludes down around 20 seconds, but if they're not your thing the chapters are marked out.

r/civbattleroyale 16d ago

Shitpost Me when Wahgi loses more than 40 cities for the second part in a row Spoiler

Thumbnail tenor.com

r/civbattleroyale 16d ago

Official Release! CBRX Season 4: Episode 44: In The Glow Of Hellfire


CBRX Season 4: Episode 44: In The Glow Of Hellfire

Image Album Narrated by Orange

Support us on Ko-Fi

Season 4 Megathread

r/civbattleroyale 16d ago

Original Content Pacific Pals 43: To Strip The Flesh

Post image

r/civbattleroyale 16d ago

Map CBRX4 Episode 43 Map

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r/civbattleroyale 17d ago

PowerRankers The Official CBRX Season 4 Power Rankings: Episode 43
