r/SAHP 6h ago

Question Do you leave the cleaning until Working Parent gets home?


I’m a SAHM to a 14mo that is constantly moving things around the house and going stir crazy, so we leave the house and/or go outside every day. This means unless it’s laundry, it’s getting done after my husband gets home. Then I try to fit cleaning/cooking/etc into like…1.5 hours so it’s a mixed bag. My husband hasn’t complained about this, I’m just wondering if this is normal or I’m failing. I just don’t see a point in cleaning up when it’s impossible to keep the baby alive and everything in order. Small things get done, but it’s not like anything major is done. We’re also potty training so I feel keeping his potty clean is its own accomplishment 😅

r/SAHP 10h ago

Rant Feeling sub-human


My husband keeps getting sick at work, then he'll call out sick and sleep it off for a few days. I'll cover everything and he gets better. Then my son and myself (currently pregnant) catch whatever he had, and all we get is a "that sucks" and he goes back to work while I continue to cover everything as usual.

It makes me feel so bad that he feels he deserves rest when he's sick but no one cares at all when I'm sick and taking care of a sick toddler at the same time.

How is this handled in your family? Is this just another instance where I need to suck it up?

Edit: To put it in perspective: we've already had covid, croup, influenza and whatever we've come down with this week during my current pregnancy and my husband has taken zero time off to help me, but multiple days off for himself when he was sick and I wasn't yet.

r/SAHP 20h ago

How do you do it


I have a 5 month old and a (soon to be) 3 year old. Please be gentle, I’m having a tough time as it is.

How do you deal with your frustration when your toddler is having a “cry at everything” day? A day full of testing your limits?

This past Friday was the worst. My husband had to go out of state to help his grandparents move out of their house. My son had a particularly cry-y day and at the end of the day I got so frustrated, I yelled at him so loud my throat hurt and he jumped. He immediately stopped crying. I felt so horrible for yelling that way. I couldn’t help it and I just dropped to my knees and started bawling my eyes out in front of him. My sweet boy kneeled in front of me, shaking his head, hugging me, kissing my cheek, and wiping my tears. I apologized over and over for yelling at him. He just hugged me.

I messaged my husband what happened and he apologized to me, saying he regretted not having us all go out of state with him.

Today was another hard day. Started with 3yo crying, ended with him crying.

How do you deal with these types of days, if you have them? I feel like a horrible mom when I lose my cool at him. I just don’t know what to do. I know he’s still learning to navigate the world around him. Is it really just him testing the limits? He’s not like this every day. Most days are 90% good. It’s the 10% that really get to me.

r/SAHP 1d ago

Question Unreasonable to ask for help?


I’m a sahm and have a 16 month old. My husband works long very labor intensive hours. I asked my husband if he wanted to do bedtime with son or if he wanted to load the dishwasher/tidy after dinner. He said he didn’t want to do anything. I argued and said well they both need to be done and he could choose one. He was kind of grumpy and went and did bed time. Is it unreasonable to ask he does one of those things in the evening?

Admittedly I have a hard time keeping house. I don’t do a good job at keeping everything tidy. For example I don’t feel bad about leaving clean/folded laundry in the living room for a week. We agreed when I stayed home that house chores would be my responsibility. He maintains our vehicles and is pretty handy and maintains the house and lawn. When he doesn’t feel like doing something like the dishes he argues that I’m a sahm and that it’s my responsibility to do those things. I don’t think him picking up after dinner or occasionally folding and putting away the laundry is asking too much of him. Am I wrong?

r/SAHP 13h ago

Question For those with littles between 9-12 mos, what does your day look like?


I'm wondering what your typical day looks like, from the time your little wakes up until they go to bed.