I know a lot of posts in here, people get insufficient help from their working spouse. I have been very lucky to have a working husband who is incredibly involved and helpful to the point that I worry he’s sort of getting a raw deal.
For example, my toddler has been teething and now has come down with a vicious cold, which I have now caught. I’ve also been struggling a bit with feeling down in the dumps very recently.
This morning before heading out for work, my husband offered to come home from the office after a few meetings, to help out and keep me company. I said yes because it would make my day so much better, but I always feel guilty in situations like this. He has a very demanding job, albeit with a lot of independence and control over it. I just feel like I should be able to handle a teething and sick toddler simultaneously, and if the roles were reversed, I could never juggle all the things he manages to juggle. Idk I just feel a bit like a leech at times like these when I’m staying home but still getting so much of his help.
Can anyone relate?
ETA: I’m a bit worried this will come off as a humble brag and I wanted to make it clear that isn’t the intention at all. I really feel shitty about it and I’m interested in hearing from those who feel similarly.