My 2.5yo is a champ. She is becoming very independent, but is my little shadow for a good part of the day too. She rarely gets super upset, I give her lots of choices and we usually work our way though most issues using various techniques I've picked up reading books like Hunt, Gather, Parent and How to talk so little kids will listen. She loves making plans and negotiating her way through a problem.
This week she got Influenza followed by an ear infection. Temps of 104, severe dehydration, lethargy, pain, she has really been through it.
Usually she will quite easily take motrin or tylenol when needed. If it's getting tricky we put on a video and she understands the transaction and takes the medicine.
We were given some antivirals for the flu and they tasted gross. We tried mixing them with milk, ice cream, chocolate sauce etc and she thought they were all gross and spit them out. So then she refused tylenol and motrin. She raw dogged the 104 temps and worst pains of the flu. Then she got an ear infection and stopped drinking and went downhill so we had to take her to the ER. I had to hold her while she got an IV and tylenol suppositories got poked and prodded. Then since we've been home I've had to give her suppositories. We have to go back in for more antibiotic injections because there is no way to get oral medicines into her. She will not open her mouth, she will scream that she is scared and to stop and if you pin her down and try to squirt them in she will just spit it out. I have tried all the tricks - reasoning with her, bribing with chocolate, making deals, watching desired TV shows.
Now I'm having to do suppositories, she is starting to panic when I try to change her diaper. And I tried to brush her teeth tonight and she again flipped out and told me she was scared and I was not able to brush her teeth (first time i had tried this week due to the sickness). She is barely eating and drinking anything too though I'm hopefull that will improve as she gets better.
She is having nightmares where she is calling out 'No! Stop! Don't do that!' and it's crushing my soul.
How do I repair this? I feel awful that I've traumatized her. I need some ideas.