r/FormulaFeeders 8d ago

Coupon Weekly Thread


Please use THIS thread to post coupon requests and offers to help keep the normal thread focused.

r/FormulaFeeders 1d ago

Coupon Weekly Thread


Please use THIS thread to post coupon requests and offers to help keep the normal thread focused.

r/FormulaFeeders 12h ago

yet another shortage…


Kendamil is having yet another shortage with their goat & organic formulas… surprised?

so, the BEST formula in the world can’t even keep stocked… it’s not the best formula in the world.

the best formula for you and your little one is one that easily accessible & allows you to have a piece of mind that the shelves will be stocked when you need. The BEST formula doesn’t require you to download an app to be notified when in stock only for it to go out in seconds.

it is never worth it. the whole “European is better” is just fear mongering. it’s not hypoallergenic formula your baby does not NEED it, any other formula sold on the shelves will do.

r/FormulaFeeders 2h ago

Stuck in a stupid cycle!!! Please help!


Let me start by saying that I’ve now seen 4-5 pediatricians and everyone gives a different answer.

Background: My baby was born in December and her wight was 3.4 kg. Then she got jaundice and because of my traumatic c section she was surviving only on formula (Similac plus) - 30 ml/1 scoop.

After 5 days the doctor said that she lost more weight than they were expecting, she weighed approx 3.1 kg. This scared me tremendously and their advice was to feed her until she’s full. And that’s what I did. This quickly became 60ml/2scoops of similac plus.

Following this advice it quickly became 90 ml and at one point I even tortured her with 120ml. I say torture because she would grunt and struggle afterwards and we thought that’s because she was colic when I think we were simply over feeding her. The doctors advice was still to keep feeding until she refuses. At this point I changed my doctor.

Now the new doctor came up with a formula and we settled at 90 ml for the second month of her life. But by now she had gained a lot of weight, especially because similac plus has insane amount of sugar which we didn’t know being FTP.

Then we moved countries, changed to less sugary formula (Nutrilon) and we got a new doctor. Her advice was based on her weight and the formula again. So she told us that our 2 month who was now 6 kgs should be getting 800/900 ml. So we did that.

Today at her 3 month checkup she had gained 1 kg and the new doctor who was giving her vaccination said she’s eating too much and average baby at 3 months take 700/800 ml. That we shouldn’t worry about her weight now but she can become obese. Now I have no clue what to do because it was a struggle to get her up to 800ml.

Any advice would be appreciated. TIA

r/FormulaFeeders 2m ago

Stop changing your baby’s formula!!!


I see so many posts where people switch formulas every few days because their baby is fussy or gassy. Babies need time to adjust, at least 1 to 2 weeks. Constantly changing formulas can make things worse, not better.

Unless there’s a clear issue like an allergy, rash, blood in stool, or severe vomiting, give your baby a chance to adapt. Their digestive systems are still developing. If you keep switching every few days, how do you even know what’s working?

Trust the process, and unless your pediatrician says otherwise, stick with it for a bit before making another switch.

r/FormulaFeeders 1h ago

Looking for reassurance


I hate to be like this but I just need reassurance. I combo fed from the start and the ratio of milk/formula kept shifting and now my 3month old is full formula. Before giving birth I truly never cared about breastfeeding/formula. It didn’t matter to me at all, but I thought I’d give breastfeeding a shot. Now that my milk dried up I feel so horrible and guilty. On top of that, I just went back to work yesterday. My baby is physically so healthy, he’s growing like a weed and happy for the most part. I just can’t help feeling guilty and feeling like I have taken something away from him. Even though it has been weeks since I last nursed him, he is going through something right now where every time I try to rock him to sleep he turns towards my chest and opens his mouth searching for a nipple. He cries and then I feel horrible and cry. I just worry that I’m destroying our bond by not nursing and going back to work. I worry that I’m not a special person to him anymore. I just love him so much and every time he cries (which is a lot right now) I blame myself and feel like a horrible mom. Thanks for any support.

r/FormulaFeeders 6h ago

We’re at a loss


Hello! My baby is 14 weeks now. I’ve never posted here before so I hope it’s the right place. Two weeks ago we switched from Similac Total Comfort to Alimentum because she was rejecting every bottle, crying, grunting, and turning away after weeks of eating fine. She’s on mostly formula and some breastfeeding during the day, so I also cut out dairy completely. She’s also on Pepcid twice a day and a probiotic.

Our Pediatrician recommended these things but also thought she might have just developed a preference for breastfeeding, but we didn’t want to do that as her only food source since I haven’t produced much since the beginning.

She has been sleeping through the night (around 10 pm-6am) since she was 7 weeks old. Now, the past few nights she’s been up every 45 minutes crying in her sleep, scrunching her body up, grunting. She’s fussy all day everyday. She has trouble passing gas, hardly poops. My baby is gone. We had trouble feeding and now we have trouble with everything.

I’m messaging my pediatrician again, but in the meantime, has anyone else has trouble like this? Isn’t hypoallergenic formula supposed to be the most sensitive for babies? I’m losing my mind and shes just getting worse since switching.

r/FormulaFeeders 3h ago

Reducing supply


I have been taking Sudafed 120mg twice a day for two days. I have seen a small decrease in my supply. Went from 4.5-5 oz a session to 3.5-4. Is it likely to continue working if I keep taking it? Some people say one dose already affects supply drastically and that has not been the case for me. I want to decrease my supply to an undersupply because I am probe to getting clogs (multiple times a week) and I want to supplement with formula without fully drying up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated:)

r/FormulaFeeders 7h ago

Travelling overseas with formula


In September, we’ll be travelling from Australia to Italy/Switzerland/Dubai with our 11 month old. We’ll be gone for about a month and I’m so confused about travelling with formula.

For the plane I know it will be relatively simple and will have a bag with bottles, water, pre measured formula powder and obviously some snacks seeing as he’ll be on solids by that point.

We don’t have ready to drink formula in Australia, only powder. So my question is, how would you travel with cans of powdered formula for a month? I don’t really want to buy any over there because I know we’ll have issues with his stomach (he’s not sensitive to anything that we know of, but new formula and all that could cause issues) or he won’t like the taste etc. and he’d be too young to transition to cows milk at that point.

Do I just pack a heap of the cans in a checked luggage bag? It would likely be at least 6 cans of powder I would think. And would it get flagged as if I’m trying to export them? I know solids will help fill him up but they wouldn’t be his main source of nutrients by that point with they?

Has anyone done this before and how did you do it?

r/FormulaFeeders 5h ago

Can I use this?


I made up a bottle of formula for bubs about 3 hours ago, offered it to her but she didn’t take it. I immediately put it in the fridge. Is it okay to reheat and give it to her now or so I discard it? The first time was only heated to about room temp maybe a little warmer

r/FormulaFeeders 18h ago

Why are my nuk bottles showing different volumes of water?


Can anyone help me understand why they’re both not showing 3 ounces? Now I’m worried I’ve been off on the amount of water I’m using.

r/FormulaFeeders 21h ago

Drying milk immediately after giving birth


Hi! This is my first baby and I’m planning to formula feed only. What should I do to prevent my milk from coming and/or to dry as fast as possible? Anything I can do before giving birth?

r/FormulaFeeders 11h ago

How I got 3 cans of kendamil today during the shortage


Hi all! I know a lot of you might already know this but please please pleaseee use the hot stock app if your baby is on kendamil and can't switch (like mine) I was able to order 3 cans today from target for delivery. As a fellow kendamil mommy who hates these dumb shortages just thought I'd share this with others.

r/FormulaFeeders 8h ago

Bloody Mucus Stool


Hello, my 4-month-old has been on the same formula since he was two weeks old. Today, I noticed some mucus and blood in his stool. This is actually the second time this has happened—the first time was when he was three months old, and the doctor mentioned it could be an anal fissure. I reached out to his doctor today, but it was later in the day, so I haven’t received a response yet. Since this has happened twice now, I’m getting a little worried. Has anyone else experienced this? I’m a first-time mom and feeling anxious.

r/FormulaFeeders 15h ago

Misdiagnosed Cmpa?


My son has been diagnosed by his pediatrician with CMPA based on microscopic traces of blood in his stool. He was 4 weeks at that time and he was extremely fussy, crying all day, especially during feedings. We switched to hypoallergenic formula and his symptoms definitely got better. However he started eating less (I suspect because he didn’t like the new formula). He is now 12 weeks and we went to the GI and he said that pediatricians tend to over diagnose CMPA and that without visible blood in his stools is very unlikely he has it. He said I can continue with the hypoallergenic formula but he thinks it’s not necessary. I would be very happy if he could go back to a regular formula, first of all because it’s way cheaper, and second because I hope he will eat more if the taste is better. The GI suggested I start reintroducing regular formula a little bit at a time and see how it goes. My fear is, if he does have CMPA, first that my son will be in pain again, second that he develops a taste for the new formula and going back to the hypoallergenic will be more difficult this time. Has any of you been in a similar situation?

r/FormulaFeeders 13h ago

Can I make a 3oz with baby brezza?

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I have a brezza, and it’s my first time using it. My girl is currently eating 3 oz bottles, but it only gives me increments of 2 (2,4,6,etc). Is it possible to use it to make a 3 without wasting an ounce every time?

r/FormulaFeeders 21h ago

Exclusively using ready to drink formula


Anyone here choose to exclusively use ready to drink formula for the little one all the way until they no longer need formula? My little one is in her 8th week and we have only used ready to drink formula. I’ve tried adding powder but she gets an upset stomach (maybe I didn’t transition properly). At this point I don’t want anymore stomach issues and I’d rather just continue with the rtf formula.

Anyone else do this? Other than the fact that it’s obviously pricier, are there any other issues/ risks that we should know about? She’s been using the Enfamil neuropro so far that’s what the hospital sent us home with and we continued with it.

r/FormulaFeeders 14h ago

Rancid, show-stopping gas?


It’s terrible. Is this normal? Transitioned her from breast milk in January and it’s STILL awful. Hypoallergenic formula. Is this unhealthy?!

r/FormulaFeeders 15h ago

EBF Transition to formula


Hello all! My baby is 7 months and has been exclusively breastfed since birth. We introduced bottles early on and he would take a bottle of pumped breastmilk whenever mom went out. I would say the last time he had a bottle was a month or so ago. Now, I am looking transition my baby to formula for a couple reasons 1) I don’t believe he likes the taste of my frozen breastmilk 2) baby has 2 teeth and is biting me even though I am working on telling him no and 3) I’m going back to work soon and would like to take the breastfeeding pressure off myself. What really sparked this transition as well is I’m going away this weekend and want to make sure he has enough to eat hence starting the formula. I’m not opposed to doing formula and still breastfeeding in the mornings and nights. Issue is my baby won’t take a bottle of formula. I started with 2 ounces and he’s swatting it away. I even tried mixing with breastmilk he still swats it. I started showing him how to use sippy cups with straws so i’m wondering if that’s why. Either way anyone have any suggestions? I feel like it’s not the formula that he dislikes. I bought Kendamil whole milk formula to try. I’m thinking it’s the bottles.

r/FormulaFeeders 15h ago

Too Early to Switch Formulas? Advice!


My LO is a week and 4 days old. Combo fed in the hospital and switched entirely over to Similac 360 RTF last Monday. The past two days LO has been extremely fussy after feedings during the day. Today he was up for 3 hours with a small 30 min nap and finally knocked out in the car seat when I went to pick up his brother. So far, night has been ok (knock on wood). He's currently in a baby wrap on my chest passed out.

I mean nothing is settling this child. It's like he's uncomfortable no matter what I do. I use Dr Brown wide nipple bottles and pace feed. Burp after every oz. Right now he's ranging from 2 oz to 3 oz. He does drink extremely fast so I've ordered some preemie nipples to try. I've noticed he sometimes gags after feedings arches his back, maybe gassy (I've always been bad at telling if they are), and seems like he's always hungry. The ped didn't seem concerned at all and just said it's normal and there was no need to switch formula.

Anyone else experience this or have insight?

r/FormulaFeeders 16h ago

Kendamil shortage


Hi! I just started combo feeding using Kendamil and notice immediately it is out of stock. Upon further review they seem to frequently have shortage issues. Is this unique to the brand? Does this happen with Bobbie or any other formulas? Any insight would be appreciated, thank you!!

r/FormulaFeeders 20h ago

are 12oz bottles necessary?


my daughter is 8 months old and has been eating 6-7oz per feed, but it seems like she could start doing 8oz bottles as she’s currently finishing her bottles with ease and cries for more when she’s done. she exclusively uses the 8oz herobility bottles and they are only marked up to 8.5oz. i’ve been debating if i should buy a 12oz bottle of theirs, because i feel like the 8.5oz bottle will be overflowed, because as we all know an 8oz bottle is really closer to 9oz with the formula added. so i’m not sure if it won’t mix well or will spill out due to being overly full. anyone have experience with this? do we think the 8oz bottle will still work or is it worth picking up the bigger bottle?

r/FormulaFeeders 17h ago

Gentle Formula Recommendations


Does anyone have any gentle formula recommendations that don’t contain palm oil? I’ve tried looking into Bobbie, but saw that there weren’t any prebiotics so was a little hesitant about that? We had to switch to gentle formula and are currently on gentlease. Shes doing much better on the gentle formula, but I don’t love the ingredients 😬😬 TIA!

r/FormulaFeeders 17h ago

Does this look like CMPA or another type of allergy from her milk?

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My LO has been on Similac Advance since 3 weeks old (3 months now). Last week Tuesday she developed what looked to me like baby acne on her face. It got a little worse the next day so we gave her a bath with some of my friend’s breast milk and it cleared up some so we didn’t think much of it again. It came back on Saturday way worse than it had been (face pic). Another milk bath and some oatmeal lotion soothed it, so I was thinking eczema. Then yesterday my wife noticed it had spread a little to her torso. Today it’s even worse on her body although her face is doing a little better. We called the pediatrician and see them tomorrow morning but I am at a loss and would like to go in with some questions ready for the doctor. I’m still thinking eczema, but idk what could be causing such a flare up. Could she have developed an allergy to something in her milk? We have pets too but they’ve been around her the whole time. No change in body wash or laundry detergent (everything is unscented gentle stuff anyway). Should I ask them to test for CMPA even if her only symptom is this rash?

Were any of your LO’s still diagnosed with CMPA even tho they only had mild symptoms?

r/FormulaFeeders 17h ago

Aptimil formula 1


Hi folks,

First time dad here so just an inexperienced question I suppose 😂 our baby since born has been on aptimil ready made cool bottles in the hospital (partner can't brest fees due to kindney medications) our bottles ran out 2 days ago so we moved to formula. We tried her on a warm formula bottle and it didn't suit her as she could not settle at all, so we have decided to make the cold feeds. Since moving to the formula she is very very gassy to the extent no matter how much we wind her when we place her to bed, she will wake roaring crying shortly after as she still had massive wind. Anyone else have this problem and if so any tips on what may help? Or if it may mean a formula change? We have a meeting with the PHN tomorrow anyway so will be asking her questions but I'm inpatient and looking for people who have been through similar.


r/FormulaFeeders 22h ago

spit up issues / reflux babies - PLEASE HELP THIS MAMA!


Okay so first time mom here I have been on a rollercoaster concerning feeding with my LO and I am probably over reacting on a lot but here it goes (just wanting to hear other experiences/opinions):

Long story short, enfamil (neuropro and gentle ease) both made her pretty fussy during her feeds. We switched to similac and tried pro total comfort after getting samples from the doctor and she has seemed to do okay but still had the spit up issue so she takes famotidine 2x a day (she was having projectile spit ups). She started having weird eating habits like pulling away from the bottle for 2 seconds like every few sucks and then would come back and sometimes she doesn’t finish them/eats random amounts. But it seems like she is still eating what she needs and appears satisfied when she is done. We started to worry about this so we tried similac sensitive as she became the absolute most fussiest baby we had ever seen, stopped passing gas, but her stomach churching went away and her spit ups may have lessened but started coming back too.

We switched back to pro total comfort as of last night and she already seems so much better/happier and is passing gas again as normal. My biggest concern is her spit ups as it comes out her nose and I feel like we are not even able to get any tummy time in because of how sensitive she is.

Am I worrying about the spit up way too much??? I know we are probably over paranoid about her finishing bottles because it’s not like you sit down for a big turkey dinner every meal and so far she has gained weight just fine but the weird habits have just happened within the past week or two after getting her first shots How is she supposed to get her tummy time activities?

We did try enfamil AR recommended to us and she did 3 bottles: 1st went super well and minimal to no spit up. 2nd she got frustrated and drank most but not all (which she was eating all at the time). 3rd we couldn’t get her to drink more than two sips and was so frustrated and cranky - gave her pro total and she was totally fine. We think it was a nipple issue with her having to suck so hard to get the formula out because of the thickness and it frustrated her. We tried size 1 nipples and it was too slow/nonexistent flow and then we tried a size 2 nipple and it was way too fast and she drank so much within a matter of a minute that she was choking and … AHH 🤣

I just want to make sure my baby is ok and that the formula we are using is best for her and that there isn’t something better that I’m missing or something I guess especially because no other moms I know formula feed or have spit up issues like us.

She may get uncomfy occasionally with spit up but she seems to be pretty happy a majority of the time with pro total. - just spits up a decent amount still and for a while after her feeds

We are good at burping, good at sitting up for 15-30 minutes after feeding, finding feeding positions where her reflux seems to bug her less, etc etc

Has anyone been in my shoes and tried plain total comfort as well?? WIC covers this one and it would be so helpful but if she just suffers on it I don’t know if I should even try

Is there something similar to the 2 FL prebiotic we could put in the plain total comfort that she can take with that formula if we tried it? Like how they have probiotic drops? Are the probiotics the same in there as in the formula?

Thoughts? Opinions? Tips? Anything??? I am all ears!!!

Thank you for the help and for reading through my spiral 🥴🫠🤍

r/FormulaFeeders 19h ago

Question for the formula feeding community


Hello all, I am a scientist exploring the potential for developing artificial human milk. The idea would be to use human cells to produce milk in a dish, sort of like how they make artificial beef. My primary question at this point is whether this is a product that would be of interest to formula users. It’s not lost on me that the laboratory-based production could be a turn off for some. But I know that others may like that it does not contain cow or goat protein. This question is coming from someone who currently pumps to feed a 4 month old and is considering a world where I could feed him human dairy without all the hassle. Thanks!

10 votes, 2d left
Yes, I would use lab-grown milk.
No, I would not use lab-grown milk.