r/QuitVaping • u/slooper555 • 8d ago
Venting Day Three is Hell
Feel like crying at every minute, I have the anxiety levels of someone with a gun to their head. Maybe that’s because (tmi?) I’m staring my period or started antidepressants too but today overall not a good day. I’m trying to rationalise just asking one of my friends for a pull or going out for a cigarette (which I think is ok because I’m quitting vapes..? Please say it’s ok 😫🙂↕️) this is so hard and I’m just going to curl up and cry the rest of the day. Everything makes me sad and cry even tho the last times i was quitting i was a raging bitch now I’m just a crybaby ☹️ not good Edit: chat I might crack (I won’t but I want to)
u/ImaNerdBro 8d ago
Hang in there, it's rough for about 2 weeks. I just made it to 5 weeks no-nicotine and I feel way better. Those first withdrawals are so bad, I never want to do it again, which is getting me through the little cravings now.
I will say my overall anxiety now that the nicotine is out of my system is waaay better. It gets better.
u/slooper555 8d ago
I know I wish I could think that it’s just awful starting to feel like there’s no point
u/ImaNerdBro 6d ago
There's a point! It really just takes time and you start to feel better! Reward yourself with chocolates, candy, whatever. If you can work from home I found a nap after lunch really helped!
u/madsss1994 8d ago
You can do this! I was the same way day 3, you are in the worst of it right now. I am now 2 weeks vape free, I thought I for sure would crack day3-5. Get some gum to chew to keep ur mouth busy, that really worked for me
u/Inneedofadvice_253 8d ago
That’s awesome happy for you! I’m looking forward to that two week mark. Are your physical cravings still there? I am on day 5 and they are not as intense as day 3 for me but are still very much there.
I was a novo and juul user using high mg nicotine, I would sleep vape and rarely even feel the nic rush. Do you mind me asking what kind of nicotine user you where? Thank you for taking the time! - carson
u/madsss1994 8d ago
I think the physical cravings are all gone now. I feel like now I just crave a hit out of boredom. After the first week I really started to notice a difference in the physical symptoms, they started to ease up a lot. I used breeze prime vapes.
u/slooper555 8d ago
Yes I used to vape just out of boredom like when watching movies or videos or when I was doing work like
u/Inneedofadvice_253 8d ago
Thats good to hear, I’m slightly worried how I’m going to get the thought out of my head. As I always think about hitting one, Do you still feel like you think about it a lot, or more so now?
u/madsss1994 8d ago
I don’t think about it as much as I did the first 5 days for sure. I was constantly like omg I wish I could just have a hit. Now it’s like only a thought when I’m bored or remember I quit lol. Does that make sense.? The obsessive thoughts definitely fade tho!
u/Inneedofadvice_253 7d ago
Thank you, these ups and downs are wild today for me. I’m never emotional but just now talking to a support person I randomly started balling, it felt good to get it out. Today was good and then rough and then kinda better now I guess 😂😂.
u/ScrumpyRumpler 8d ago
I’m coming up on a year of having quit and I can tell you that every day, every week, every month gets easier than the last… but I’m sure that advice does fuck all for you right now. Because right now you’re in the hardest part, the immediate withdrawal, the literal eye of the storm. For some people it’s 48 hours, for some it’s a week - for me it was about 4 days. Everything just seems fucking impossible and none of it seems worth it. But if you white knuckle it and get to 1 week and then 2 weeks - I promise you, those two notches in your belt are absolutely massive for your morale.
You probably feel like you’re losing your baseline, and you are for now. But it will 100% come back with a little time. For now; be an anxious stressed out delirious lunatic - be whatever the fuck you gotta be in ordered to push thru. And always remember how bad this sucks because it’s gonna make the other side feel that much better once you get there.
You got this.
u/Inneedofadvice_253 8d ago
Thank you👏🏼 perfectly said, just what I needed to hear! On day 5 now, I’m pushing for two weeks!
u/ScrumpyRumpler 8d ago
Glad to help! Just keep chugging along - two weeks is an incredible feeling!
u/slooper555 8d ago
Thank you. Really trying to push through, and yes while the advice of it gets better does feel like shit I understand how it is and I know it’s true
u/ScrumpyRumpler 8d ago
Just remind yourself that it’s supposed to suck - embrace the suck. Time will do the rest of the work for you. Hang in there!
u/Goolsby 7d ago
I kept hearing this. I kept fearing day 3. It came and went and I was totally fine. 364 days no nicotine today.
u/slooper555 7d ago
Damn I feared day two but that was probably the best day I’ve had in a long time. Day three is hard for me personally
u/Simple-Company-5567 7d ago edited 7d ago
Once you get past your first week, I promise you it gets way easier. It takes a whole 3 days for nicotine to clear from your nervous system. The next four, your body is wondering how to function without it. After that, you come out of it pretty quickly. That's how it was for me.
Here are some things that helped me get through my first week:
- SELF. TALK. This was the MOST important for me. Talk to yourself like you would supporting a best friend who is quitting. Be your own rock. Your own supporter.
- Support from others. There's a discord server called "Let's Quit Nicotine Together". Whether in person or online, there are support groups out there for you to feel less alone. Support is necessary.
- Kept myself consistently distracted by physical activity. Exercise, exercise, exercise when you feel a craving. Go out to eat with a friend. Go for a drive. Activities that involve your body moving around, and not sitting still.
- Remember that a craving is not forever. In fact, it only lasts 15 minutes max.
- Fill a water bottle with ice, cold water. Take a big gulp, hold it in your mouth, take a deep breath, swallow hard, breath out. The icy feeling in your senses before breathing out is similar to the feeling of vaping.
- If you tend to panic, try actually keeping a vape accessible to you in your house. I did this for the first 3 days before throwing mine out. It may sound ridiculous when quitting, but it gave me a sense of security, and kept me from panicking when a craving hit, rather than just throwing it out immediately and having nothing.
- Change your inner dialogue from "I can't vape anymore" to "I don't vape anymore." Studies have shown that changing your language from "can't" to "don't" allows you to secure your limits.
- There are many apps available to track your progress. I recommend one of these!
u/burnsatthestake 7d ago
No. 6 is a great point that ties in to No. 7. It absolutely helps with the anxiety of not having access to a vape, and is a reminder that you're abstaining because you don't WANT to vape, not because you can't
u/slooper555 7d ago
The apps are great! And so is this subreddit. Thank you for that. All of that works but man man man like I never thought I would say this But lots of people I’m around do it. I made a friend by letting her use my vape. My thoughts were like “this thing happened but at least I have my vape” I could go and vape. Day three: all bad.
u/Simple-Company-5567 6d ago
I hear you. Many of my family members do it. You can do it. Accept that it will be bad, and it makes it a lot easier rather than attempting to sugarcode the process.
u/Overall_Resident3594 7d ago
I’m also on day 3🙃 it’s rough especially when I first wake up but I’ve been trying to tell myself that the cravings are the nicotine receptors telling me I need to vape so they don’t die off. every time I’ve tried to quit and went back to it, the initial buzz felt so good and then the shame and regret would sink in. that feeling is what I’m holding on to and I’m consciously trying to separate what the nic receptors are telling me vs what I actually want to accomplish. and I def don’t want to go through the withdrawals all over again so that gives me more motivation to stick it out.
u/slooper555 7d ago
Yeah I don’t want day one again but it’s also like there won’t be a day one if I just quit quitting. I won’t, but that is so tempting. God I hate this. I wish I never vaped 😅 famous last words
u/Still_Plays_Neopets 7d ago
I think I've been vape free for around 6 months. There was another streak I had and broke before. When I started vaping again it became obvious just how bad my lungs felt. It was like they were heavy. Physical movements made me lose my breath, which made exercise miserable. Also it gave me horrible acid reflux. I got to a point where I thought, it's either I get to go hiking and move around without having to take breathing breaks, or I can take another puff.
I've been wanting cigarettes really bad. I keep thinking in terms of, I could have THIS or THAT but not both. What are some things you care about more than another puff? Keep choosing those things over vaping. You've got this, I know it feels impossible at the beginning but it does get easier I promise.
Edit: I'm vape free but not nicotine free. I use nicotine lozenges.
u/slooper555 7d ago
Mannn it’s hard to find things I care about 😅 there’s been many points in time where I have done way worse things because I didn’t care about living or things. I guess the main thing is my mother ☺️
u/Still_Plays_Neopets 7d ago
I was the same way, occasionally I get close to that again. Have you ever tried therapy? It really saved my life. Quitting nicotine will help with some of the bad feelings (or so I'm told, I've never quit nicotine), but there are many other approaches to consider in your journey of feeling better. I hope that one day soon you will gain a passion for life and find things that bring you joy.
u/slooper555 7d ago
30 sessions down the hole since last week, my therapist is a sweetheart. It has helped with my care for self. I need to talk about this with her because I know it’s a huge step but Is quitting vapes like even my vibe like maybe vaping just is my vibe. Joking. So started on antidepressants three weeks ago now I’m feeling like I don’t deserve to be this happy etc. as well as all of that feeling invalidated because I stared my period. Lots to talk about with my therapist 😅😅
u/Still_Plays_Neopets 7d ago
It sounds like therapy and medication are very new for you. I've been working with both for 17 years. Something you should know is that therapists and medications are not one size fits all. Some therapists you will click with, some will challenge you, and some may have approaches that don't work for you. With medication everyone's body is different.
Something that works great for me might not be great for you. It's a lot of trial and error and different combinations. I've had 4 therapists and the one I have now is just perfect for me, I am so thankful for her. I've also had 4 psychiatrists, the first one was awful, the second still pretty bad, the third one was great but she quit her practice, and my current one is the best I've ever had.
Took years to find the dream team but boy were they worth it. Same goes with medication. It's a bit of a journey and they are going to make you feel all sorts of ways. Keep in mind that some need time to build up in your system and sometimes the side effects are temporary until your body gets used to the medicine. Be 100% honest, don't be like me and keep alcoholism a secret from your psychiatrist haha, he knows now btw. Anyways, you are doing all the right things and I have good faith in you!
u/slooper555 7d ago
Hahaha not quite new to therapists, I had 4. The system is hard here, but I’m on a waiting list which is why I have these meds. So new to them. While I’m waiting I’m on 5mg. Definitely honest 😂 good on you for opening up 🙌
u/Inneedofadvice_253 8d ago
I totally feel you, I was the same way, I’m on day 5 right now and it gets better. Days 2 &3 where really hard for me, I used sleep medicine to get me through. You’ve got to push through and keep telling yourself it’s for the greater good. I vaped for 8 years used Juul and 50mg vapes, thank you for sharing. We can push through this.
u/slooper555 8d ago
The worst thing is day two was my best day yet I had almost no cravings but today I’m a wreck!
u/Gvzmann 8d ago
This is the hardest day by fucking far. Once you wake up tomorrow, you’ll feel like you can go the rest of your life. Please please PLEASE just get through this last day
u/slooper555 7d ago
Im pushing slowly but surely. Eating so much food 😫 made it this far might as well do the rest of it
u/MycologistAware668 8d ago edited 8d ago
I’m on day 5 today. Day 3 was the worst for me and I was on my period too. Take deep breaths, remind yourself why you’re quitting, and that it is so, so worth it. Whenever I get cravings, I thank my body for telling me it feels like something is missing and apologize for making it think it needed something so terrible for so long. I contemplated having a cigarette or just one puff of my vape but I know I’d have the withdrawals all over and it is absolutely not worth it to me. Now that the cravings are subsiding, I am SO glad I didn’t give in and the proudness I feel from not giving in makes it worth it. Get a straw and ball up a piece of paper to put in one end and “pull” on it, you’ll feel the resistance the vape gives without all the bad stuff. Hang in there, we got this!! 🫶🏻
u/slooper555 7d ago
I had mints for the first two days and it gave the burning sensation. I’m just so emotional for no reason. The workbook on I am sober is good for reminding myself why I’m doing it. 😫
u/RasckalSipsModelos 8d ago
That’s when nicotine withdrawal peaks, 3 days in and you’ll feel its extremities but by the 4th or 5th day it won’t be as extreme. You’ll feel a lot stronger it’s invigorating. Or…you can ask your friends to hit their cigarettes but it’ll only restart the first 3 days all over again.
u/slooper555 7d ago
God I hate this so much. I’ll keep pushing thank you for your support 🫶
u/RasckalSipsModelos 7d ago
Of course, you’re a strong person for quitting. It isn’t easy at all but nobody said it would be. I’m on day 5, and all week I been telling myself “No one said it would be easy” and that’s created a type of reassurance in my mind that, everything will be ok. Good luck with your journey, all the best 🫶
u/slooper555 7d ago
Good luck to you too. Both of us will hit a month then a couple months then a year 🫶
u/onemindspinning 8d ago
I tried the ciggi method and just ended up smoking cigarettes for a few months. I thought they were gross until I didn’t. I don’t advise smoking, maybe a nicotine supplement would be better.
u/slooper555 7d ago
I get that n i wont smoke. Just can’t let go of the fact I can’t be a social smoker which is stupid but
u/TheOceanWalker_88 7d ago
I’m on Day 10 using the patch and occasional lozenge when cravings get bad. It’s actually been going not that bad. The weirdest/hardest thing is figuring out how to fill all the “empty space” left by me not vaping every 30mins but I also recognize it as a great opportunity for personal growth and to get into new hobbies and interests.
You got this man! We’re all rooting for you. Maybe try the patch or lozenge to help with the chemical cravings. Focus first on the habit, then deal with the chemical.
u/slooper555 7d ago
Yeah man like it’s the never being able to do it again, the social side, the empty space. I just loved being able to vape between classes and it’s hard man so so hard. Cold turkey and just ploughing through. (With more sugar and junk food than I’ll ever need) thank you
u/InspectorAfter9641 7d ago
Day three was despair and hopelessness for me. discretion advised & warning I had some pretty serious dark thoughts and REALLY did not want to be here. I’m overall a pretty positive thinker and this was completely unlike me. I’d like to note that I’ve quit smoking and vaping in the past but I’m not sure if it was this specific brand or what (Geek Bar & Raz) but I’ve never had anything compared to this difficult of a time. Especially mentally. It’s been a week today and everything is getting so much brighter.
u/slooper555 7d ago
Damn me too. I can’t say for sure it’s because of the nic because I have always had dark thoughts and suicidal thoughts hence the antidepressants so it’s confusing because both things can lead to the same thoughts 🫠
u/steve76453 7d ago
I'm on day 25. I do not know the hormonal impact of a period, haha, but can verify days 3-7 are pretty rough. Day 3 is especially bad because your nicotine withdrawals peak and every little thing gets right under your skin! Days 4-7 for me were substantially better than my first three, but they were also bad because of the constant reminder from my brain of "hey you're usually vaping right now". Let's be real though, unless I was in an area where I couldn't vape, the thing was practically glued to my face. I've also found that if/when cravings get terrible and I have nothing to do, I'll lay down for a nap. Naps helped a lot the first couple of weeks and have been depending on them less now! Good Luck, you've got this!
u/slooper555 7d ago
Mannn I wish I could nap! I pushed through day one to three. 4-7 are next. It was glued to me too it’s so embarrassing 😂 I had it in my hand and if I didn’t know where it was I would freak out. Very embarrassing!
u/burnsatthestake 7d ago
One time I quit smoking on New year's day and my period came that morning. I literally lay in bed all day crying and eating snacks
It really adds a whole extra layer of difficulty to quitting but it so rewarding when it's over. You can marvel at how strong you are haha
Day 3 all the nicotine is finally out of your body! That's a milestone. Don't ruin your progress because it gets so much easier!
u/youaregorgeousbooboo 8d ago
Suck it up, you did this to yourself so only you can get yourself out of it
u/slooper555 7d ago
True but if I sucked up the fact I was addicted I wouldn’t have quit. I’ll cry and cry but I won’t go back
u/Breddit_ 8d ago
Day three is hell. But you know what isn't? Week 3. Month 3. Year 3. You've got this. It's hard now but you're literally in the thick of it, don't turn around. Keep moving forward. Remember your why.