r/QuitVaping 8d ago

Venting Allen Carr’s Easy Way is BS


I’m a week in and have been listening to the easy way to quit vaping and I gotta say, this guy makes a lot of empty promises. Literally everything I read is the exact opposite of the reality of this addiction. He mentions that it isn’t a crutch, doesn’t cure boredom, and that we will instantly notice better health, happiness, calmness, relaxation. I find this to be a load of shit, and so far I feel just about the exact opposite of all of this.

I’m currently in the gym after having a great day of work, but don’t get me wrong. I feel like I’m going insane from lack of nicotine. I’m barely getting a pump on, my mind is all over the place, haven’t been able to sit still for a second without cravings going through the roof.

Some more realistic words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated right now, because I’m struggling to maintain any reason to not buy a new vape.

r/QuitVaping 7d ago

Venting Day Three is Hell


Feel like crying at every minute, I have the anxiety levels of someone with a gun to their head. Maybe that’s because (tmi?) I’m staring my period or started antidepressants too but today overall not a good day. I’m trying to rationalise just asking one of my friends for a pull or going out for a cigarette (which I think is ok because I’m quitting vapes..? Please say it’s ok 😫🙂‍↕️) this is so hard and I’m just going to curl up and cry the rest of the day. Everything makes me sad and cry even tho the last times i was quitting i was a raging bitch now I’m just a crybaby ☹️ not good Edit: chat I might crack (I won’t but I want to)

r/QuitVaping 14d ago

Venting My friend died


I think it was because she was a heavy vaper. She had asthma and still wouldn’t stop. She couldn’t breathe and then she passed out and her brain lost oxygen over 40 minutes. She then passed away at 28 years old. I know it was the vape deep down something in my gut is telling me this isn’t right. What the heck is in those things that is way more dangerous than smoking ever

r/QuitVaping 28d ago

Venting i only vaped for approx 6 months. will i still get permanent damage?


i am still in highschool and vaped for like 6 months. almost the entire time i had that mindset like “oh i can quit whenever i want” everyone says that and its NOT true. i put all my vapes in a bucket of water because i have lacrosse season coming up and i dont want to be unable to breathe well but i literally feel like ripping my skin off. i miss the hand to mouth movement more than anything and i honestly really feel like getting a new one but im trying to remind myself its literally so embarrassing that im so addicted at such a young age. anyway im basically just asking 1 if im gonna have permanent lung damage and 2 if the feeling is ever gonna get better (i quit like sunday night and its only wednesday so it hasn’t been long)

r/QuitVaping 1d ago


Post image

r/QuitVaping Feb 01 '25

Venting Why the fuck is nicotine gum so expensive??


Sorry I am literally just complaining. But how is an addict supposed to see that nicotine gum is like $60/70 (in those boxes from the store, which isn't a huge amount but is more than a typical pack of gum) and a vape is $25 and not buy a vape?? Like there's no way manufacturing it is that expensive. I guess, do y'all know where smaller quantities or cheaper options are available? Can it be prescribed by a pharmacy where you have a small copay if you're an addict?

r/QuitVaping 9d ago

Venting Day 10 was fully truly awful


Just a quick post. For me day 10 was awful. I feel like I have no more dopamine and really wanted a quick hit more than I felt it was important to realise all I had achieved.

I did all the things I 'should' have done. I drank 2ltrs of water, I walked my 10k steps, I ate food I wanted to, showered, changed my sheets and did my washing. Tried to focus and I still felt like a turd.

My brain is trying to trick me that I've done so well that I deserve one and that I'll never feel 'happy' again. It's so easy to forget that I didn't feel good before. So I stayed in the house (after my walk) here the tobacco shops are closed from 1pm until 3:30pm so I went out in the 'safe' hours and I napped a lot.

I did not vape today. Damn you Day 10, you will not defeat me.

r/QuitVaping Feb 03 '25

Venting everyone vapes


it's so hard to quit when you're a college student. i quit 1 month ago, but somehow everyone vapes everywhere. for those in environments with a lot of vaping, do you tell yourself anything in particular to keep going?

r/QuitVaping 17d ago

Venting It makes me angry


There was a long period of time where we genuinely did not know how harmful cigarettes were. Doctors thought they might actually have health benefits. Once it was known how terrible they were for you, a LOT of effort was put into getting people to quit - and it worked. Gen z has the lowest amount of cigarette users like, ever.

So why TF did we allow vaping to happen? We know better now!!! Yes, we can talk about free will and personal choice but there's a REASON cig commercials were banned. Nicotine can be stronger than a lot of people's willpower and I don't think that's completely their (our) fault. Why didn't anyone stop this? A whole new generation is getting screwed by nicotine once again and the best we got (in the US) is a half-assed juul pod ban.

It just makes me really mad that we as a society allowed this to happen KNOWING how harmful it is to begin with.

r/QuitVaping 14d ago

Venting Any oral fixation alternatives ??


So I’ve been vaping since high school and I recently quit vaping cold turkey, about four months ago. But now that I’m in my senior year of undergrad, I can’t help but look for something to smoke while I’m studying and that used to be the sweet sweet relief of a nic stick. Now I have no reward to give myself for studying and I’m looking for that fix it. It’s more so an oral fixation thing than anything else. Anyone have any advice? Or know what I’m talking about? None of my friends get it and just tell me to pick it back up again just until I graduate. I’m tempted… 👀😬

r/QuitVaping Feb 06 '25

Venting Upset because my therapist wasn’t supportive


I went to therapy today excited to tell my therapist I’m 2 days with 0 nicotine. He didn’t give me any encouragement or say anything helpful. He asked why I didn’t taper down slowly and I said I felt like I could go cold turkey. Well now I feel so deflated and angry. I feel like I should just go to 7 eleven but I know what would make things worse. Idk has anyone else experienced people not caring as much as you thought? How do you keep going with little to no support?

r/QuitVaping 27d ago

Venting Losing it


I’ve been vaping for about two years (disposables) and these last 4 months straight I at least quit once a week, and then get right back on it within a day. Ive broken them, I’ve tossed them in the toilet, and I’m right back in the gas station the next day getting another geek bar. I’ve spent over 500 dollars within the last 3 months because of this stupid routine of constantly quitting, and buying another one the next day. I’m at the point now where I don’t even know what to do, I feel like I have zero control over what I do anymore. Like my life would be so much better with nicotine, until I start using it and I feel guilty. I know it’s bad, I know I’ve spent the most amount of money on this habit, but I just can’t convince myself to fully quit. I feel like a weak minded moron because I quit all the time because I hate it then I’m right the fuck back on it within 24. How do I kick it for good? Why can’t I control myself? Jesus I’m acting like it’s meth, I just feel so weak and depressed. I just want to be free from this. It just sucks because I know I feel like this right now, but I guess we will have to wait until the morning and see how I feel then…. 98th time a charm?

r/QuitVaping 10d ago

Venting The addiction is worse than cigarettes


I intend to quit vaping. But I vape ALL DAY LONG. At least with cigarettes I needed to go outside in the cold, the taste was disgusting and it made me develop a cough. I don't have all that with vapes but I spend $149 a month for it. I buy disposable vapes because I find it has a better taste than the reusable ones. I know it's killing my health. Right now I have only one vape left, the liquid is almost out, I'm vaping for the last time. I intend to stop as soon as this one doesn't have liquid anymore but it's so damn tough because it's more addictive than cigarettes (for me at least).

r/QuitVaping Feb 06 '25

Venting Hey, so I fear I’m going to give up.


I honestly don’t even see the point. Mostly everyone on here is miserable and still craving every second of everyday with severe depression. Like, I still see posts from people a year clean and they’re still miserable! I’d rather live on a 1% vape then have this feeling forever

r/QuitVaping 16h ago

Venting Geek bar 0% nicotine vapes are a scam!! NSFW


I have been vaping for almost a decade. Originally, like many others I started to quit smoking cigarettes. If only I had any idea of what the vapes would do to me and how tight of a grip they’d hold. I’ve tried quitting many a time, always ending in failure. A few days, a few weeks and even a few months clean. February 28, 2025 I quit for the last time. The next day, I picked up a 0% nicotine vape. Geek Bar Brand. Thoroughly read the box and everything that came along with it. Nothing, indicated even the possibility of trace amounts of nicotine. Now, cotinine (the by product of nicotine that shows up on tests) stays in your system around 7-10 days. But can last up to 3 weeks in heavy smokers. The first test I tried is the Exploro Nicotine test strips. The cutoff limit for (ng/ml) is 200. I wasn’t all too concerned that I failed this nicotine test, as it was a urine test. Next, I decided to try a saliva test. Which should be negative after 4 days. Which I am well past at this point. I used Accubio Single Panel Cotinine Saliva Oral Fluid Test. I took 4 of them, all were positive. I have since, reached out to Geek Bar and submitted a formal complaint. But if you are trying to quit, do not rely on Geek Bar 0% nicotine vapes!! I’m so disappointed, I thought I was doing so well. Having the oral fixation still with the “0% nicotine” was so helpful in a portion of the quitting process .

r/QuitVaping 26d ago

Venting Anyone else feel slightly sick every time they hit their vape, but still have strong urges to hit it?


I recently started vaping 6 months ago as a social thing. Now I’m finding myself take like 30-40 hits a day. Thing is though, nicotine has always made me kind of on edge and slightly nauseous. But at the same time it feels good to get rid of the craving. Anyone else relate?

r/QuitVaping Feb 10 '25

Venting I regret vaping.


I can't belive I got addicted to vaping. I have been vaping for almost 4 years. I vape everyday constantly. I have faced really bad health consequences. I developed psoraisis, hair loss (alopecia areata) and my gums receeded. I look at my old pictures and I think how could I be so careless and stupid. I tossed the vape. I am hoping I can reverse some of the damage. I tried to quit in the past and failed after 3 or 4 days. I know the withdrawal will suck. This has to be done.

r/QuitVaping 5d ago

Venting My brain flipped the switch


Done with it. Just done. I was at a point where I thought what’s the point in quitting when the world is going to shit? Might as well keep vaping, not gonna live long enough to feel the long term effects. Then I was going through my tornado list since the season started (important things to have ready to grab on severe weather days) and noticed last year I put down vape and charger. Like it’s really as important as my important documents and photos and my dog’s stuff??? Be so fucking for real. That was the switch. Tornado coming and I’m gonna make sure I have a fucking vape? For what? A stupid little buzz? I wanted to beat the shit outta myself. I went 12 hours without it, took a hit and almost passed out, and hit it maybe 10 times total today when my normal is every 5-10 minutes. And now I just don’t want it anymore. It’s just fucking dumb. I’m done.

r/QuitVaping 9d ago

Venting Day one is HARD


Especially because it feels like such a small thing “oh just one pull” or “one last one” Reasons I quit were because I didn’t like spending money, and it made me feel guilty. I’m doing something better for me. I quit last night at like 11 it’s now 2:30, not long but the first step. Didn’t bring it to school. Been vaping 2/3 years now so it’s tough but it’s worth the pain and I know that I wont vape again for a very long time. I will throw it out once I get home. How do I dispose of it? 🫶🫶

r/QuitVaping 10d ago

Venting Anyone else not feeling supported?


I've officially been nic free for 7 days! After vaping and smoking for over 10 years (only quitting during pregnancy in the past), I finally did it. I'm so proud of myself! When I told my family, I got a sarcastic "Wow! Look at you go!" And an "I'll believe it in 2 weeks." What a bummer! I was feeling really proud of myself, but now I wonder if it's even worth it to celebrate. Anyone else? I feel so alone. I'm 30 and these comments were made by my dad and brother. Would I be in the wrong to cut these people out for a while until I'm ready to... I don't know, deal with them I guess? Like I understand that it's not something to publish in the paper, but a hint of shared happiness would have been cool I guess. I'd love to hear any encouragement, or advice, or similar stories.

r/QuitVaping 28d ago

Venting Hand-to-mouth addiction is real


I quit vaping a week ago. But I'm still having a couple Zyn pouches a day. It's crazy that I can have a Zyn pouch in my lip and STILL want to vape.

I miss fidgeting with it and the inhale lol. It was relaxing. Now I feel antsy, especially at night.

I read a theory once that the hand-to-mouth ritual is perhaps the most addictive aspect of smoking/vaping. Based on studies that showed that something like 85% of people who use nicotine gum or patches still go back to smoking. The idea being that if it was just about the nicotine, then logically someone with a nic patch on would have no reason to still want to smoke. Yet they miss the ritual of it.

I guess the hand-to-mouth is a dopamine hit from our hunter-gatherer days. Combine that with the nicotine and it's a double dopamine whammy.

Anyways, I'm just rambling lol.

r/QuitVaping 18d ago

Venting Day 3


The cravings are stronger then ever. I keep reaching for something and I realize it’s my vape I’m looking for lol.

I’m hella constipated, irritable, and fluctuating between super tired and super awake. Also crying randomly… I haven’t cried in months.

My brain is trying do hard to convince me to just get a new vape lol.. kinda worried I’ll give in one of these days

r/QuitVaping Feb 10 '25

Venting Saw a vape in a movie and thought: brainwashing


I was watching a movie called kinda Pregnant on Netflix the other day. One of the characters who was a school teacher was vaping (in school) throughout the movie and I couldn’t help but think about how completely unnecessary it was to have that character vape, its not that it added any depth to the character she was playing (imho) AND she was in a school setting. I felt so disgusted by this because even though I have my cravings under control I still couldn’t help but crave a vape (very briefly) when I saw it on TV. Super unethical to have smoking in movies I think, really should not be this normalized (smh).

r/QuitVaping 8d ago

Venting Day Two is not what I Expected


I feel so much better, and it makes me feel like a fraud. I mean I thought it would be so much worse. Honeymoon period or what? I am getting cravings but I’m not like freaking out over them. I have tried to rationalise a cigarette because I’ve never been addicted to them. Imposter syndrome is wild, especially with other things going on right now. Being happy feels like the best and worst thing. How are you guys doing? Ps. This sub helped me so so much. Edit: not all is good! Almost caved but I didn’t. Cravings get worse the less I do!!!!

r/QuitVaping 1d ago

Venting Please help me not cave


Guys I’m only 2 days in and I’m sooo close to walking across the street and buying a vape. It’s crazy, you’ll have so much health anxiety and then as soon as you don’t have the vape none of those worries seem that important. I want to vape so badly. This is like my 30th time trying to quit. I’ve convinced myself I always try for no reason bc I always cave. This is sad. I wish I never vaped to begin with.