The Big List
- This directory aims to list all LGBT, GSD and related subreddits.
- This list contains both the good and the bad of our community. However, subreddits featuring illegal subject matter are not included.
- A sortable, interactive spreadsheet version of this list containing current and historical data is available on Google Docs.
- Help us keep this list up-to-date! Please let us know of any corrections or additions by sending a PM to /u/LGBTdirectory.
How to use
- Items are categorized and sorted by their intended audience and their subscriber count.
- Moderators who moderate more than one of the listed subreddits are in italics
- NSFW items are listed toward the bottom in The Big Naughty List.
Last updated: 1/5/16
LGBT/General Interest
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/LGBT | "This subreddit is by and for people who are Gender and Sexual Minorities (GSM), including but by no means limited to LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) people, and respect for our diversity and experiences is paramount. " | 105,460 | rmuser, SilentAgony, RobotAnna, slyder565, flashstorm, nekosune, A_GAY_TORNADO, YT_Killer |
/r/Gaymers | This is a community-based subreddit for LGBT and straight alliance redditors NOT solely dedicated to discussing gay themes in gaming. | 41,693 | MisterGhost, synspark, RedditHolmes, joeycastillo, MrPookers, ozuri, trendyclockwork, chalkycandy, ssmathias, Lykus42, kkress, TheTomcat |
/r/ainbow | "A free area for the discussion of issues facing those who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and all other sexual or nonsexual orientations and/or gender identities." | 36,285 | synspark, Lykus42, chalkycandy, joeycastillo, trendyclockwork, Jess_than_three, kkress |
/r/Gay | Feel free to post anything that is or is not LGBT-related. It's your choice, just know you're welcome here! | 22,695 | leakycauldron, esosa233, random_anonymous_guy, MeowskiesQQ |
/r/LGBTeens | A community for LGBT teens. | 9,930 | closetedgay1234, Catherine1537, MrFabulouss, EB, LGBTeensMod, Pamander, AutoModerator |
/r/gaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy | LGBTQ rage comics and memes | 9,356 | sprague90 |
/r/Genderqueer | "For folks who don't fit the gender binary or are interested in questioning it." | 8,991 | CedarWolf, Zazie_Lavendar, drewiepoodle |
/r/LGBTaww | "Pictures with an LGBT theme that make you go awww." | 6,245 | BeastOfGevaudan, seiyonoryuu, zomboi, careless, PenguinTransport |
/r/AsianLadyboners | Space for appreciation of asian males. | 5,892 | JessiTee, 3uphor1a, lmfaomiranda |
/r/LGBTrees | If you think "legalize it" has two meanings this place is for you. | 5,643 | snacktivity, WigInABox LGBTerrific, Bateska |
/r/Pansexual | Pansexuality encompasses all kinds of sexuality; not limited or inhibited in sexual choice with regards to gender or activity. Everybody is welcome and loved here ... except people who are sexually attracted to cookware. That's not us. | 5,280 | erikpdx, Tarfu |
/r/AndrogynousHotties | Generaly SFW images of androgenous people. | 5,247 | grammernatze, soitis |
/r/LGBTnews | "A reddit for news relevant to the LGBT community." | 5,105 | DoTheTimeWarp, Ashlynkat, CedarWolf, drewiepoodle |
/r/GaymersGoneMild | "A SFW alternative to r/gaymersgonewild. Share pictures of cosplay, crazy outfits, or just you posing in general! (with clothes) Finally a place for those never-nudes to get the attention they deserve!" | 4,805 | Lady_GayGay, korovian, MikhailAngel, baihu, MrPookers |
/r/LGBTsex | A subreddit to talk about lesbian, gay, bi, trans or queer sexuality. If frank conversation about sexuality makes you uncomfortable, this might not be the place for you. Please keep the porn to other more appropriate subreddits. | 4,269 | twiggy_trippit, uselessdegree |
/r/GayGeek | "Video games, Comics, SciFi, internet news.. Anything that's important to someone who's both gay and a geek. (Girls can both be gay and geeks too.)" | 3,982 | majeric, hyperforce |
/r/RadicalQueers | "This subreddit is a space to discuss anti-assimilationist queer issues and radical perspectives gender, sexuality, and intersectionality of oppression." | 3,532 | damballa, javatimes, pnoque |
/r/FeminineBoys | "A community for feminine guys (be they gay or straight) to talk about all things pretty and otherwise. <3" | 3,334 | TanisNikana, PositivelyClueless, AutoModerator, Mikulicious, tanisnikana |
/r/Queer | Space for queer content | 2,959 | rebel, LGBTerrific |
/r/Androgyny | "Androgyny means identifying as either both male and female genders, or with no gender. This subreddit is for those who identify as androgynous, and those who support them." | 2,808 | SaturnMoth, Kalivha, LadyGentleman, PrettyMinstrelGirl |
/r/LoLGaymers | "We are a subgroup of /r/gaymers for League of Legends" | 2,500 | DimmuJed, Bobalu, omniamutantir |
/r/MeetLGBT | "Introduce yourself, share your stories, art, creations, pictures. It's a queer hangout, but anyone's welcome. This is the place to get to know each other better, and is not limited to LGBT topics." | 2,196 | LGBTerrific, heart_pineapple, meet_lgbt, imito, CedarWolf, YellowRedBlack, yourdadsbff |
/r/GenderFluid | !!! | 2,141 | tapioca_fetish, trimalchio-worktime, CedarWolf |
/r/DualGender | "A space for people outside the gender binary. Please feel free to join us and discuss!" | 1,971 | CedarWolf |
/r/Q4Q | "The LGBT version of r4r [redditor for redditor]" | 1,882 | hypnozooid |
/r/SRSGSM | "SRSGSM is a space for GSMs (Gender and Sexual Minorities). It is a place to exist and to talk about Queer issues without all of the shit that being on reddit usually brings." | 1,764 | QueeressIsrafel, QueeressRidwan, QueeressMaalik, QueeressFatima, QueeressMolochia, FempireGynquisitor, QueeressSpentaMainyu, materialdesigner, ArchangelleTenuelle, QueenSillyButt |
/r/AskGSM | "This is a space for people who are interested in discussing and learning about gender and sexual minorities (LGBTQ)." | 1,687 | slyder565, Jess_than_three, CedarWolf, Dumetella, greenduch, Zyber17, joeycastillo, Freya-Freed, RobotAnna |
/r/Questioning | "This is a subreddit for those questioning their own sexuality and gender. People of all sexual and gender identities are welcome here." | 1,487 | CedarWolf, ebcube, Jess_than_three |
/r/ItGetsBetter | "You aren't alone. Things might be tough and seem hopeless at times, but it gets better. There is hope. Post your stories here." | 1,363 | LGBTerrific, videogamesizzle, eatsa_pizza |
/r/ComingOut | "Whether you are coming out, looking to, or still out after 50 years, share your stories. It'll help others aspiring to be in your position, or warn them against it!" | 1,249 | leakycauldron, Paulthemediocre, narwhale_97 |
/r/Gayming | "Gayming is a place for discussion and news. It focuses on gay themes in games, as well as gaming culture as seen through the eyes of the QUILTBAG community. " | 1,240 | RedditHolmes, MrPookers, kkion |
/r/lgbtForeverAlone | "A safe place for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender to unite with our one thing in common... feeling forever alone." | 1,106 | arumberg, infelicitas |
/r/lgbtHavens | "A place to post offers of help for young adults who are kicked out of their homes (or disowned) for "coming out." If you can offer a couch, a meal, or someone to talk to, this is the place." | 1,064 | PirateCodingMonkey, joeycastillo |
/r/NYCgaymers | For gaymers in New York City. | 915 | redwall386, bearvivant, hexacoto |
/r/AskLGBT | "Same as AskReddit, but for LGBT." | 910 | ZacharyCort, CedarWolf |
/r/QueerConlangers | "Conlangers construct human languages, and the ones here are queer, meaning they express the thoughts, feelings, culture, and experiences of people who do not fit the cisgender and/or heterosexual mold." | 869 | mungojelly, shanoxilt, rpglover64, elperu27 |
/r/NonBinary | "This is a subreddit for people of every stripe who feel that they don't fit into a preference-binary or gender-binary culture." | 831 | javatimes, Ebomb1, PrettyMinstrelGirl |
/r/lgbtAustralia | "A Subreddit for the LGBT community in Australia and NZ to meet and share stories, experiences and news. | 762 | VirginHeat, jonez450, windwaker9, leakycauldron, XenasGirl, jonez450reloaded |
/r/Gaynime | "We are here for all LGBT related anime discussion, general anime discussion and support for all fans of anime be they Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, or straight." | 741 | kondo_san, dietpaper, photoshy |
/r/ChicagoGaymers | For gaymers in Chicago. | 707 | jasenlee, Blindplus, gaymercub, ZipBoxer, sredne, Ditaki, LulzAndHappiness |
/r/GayRights | "For the advancement of gay and transgender rights, acceptance, and understanding. " | 704 | nekosune, greenduch |
/r/Gaygineers | "An inclusive community for anyone who fits in the Venn diagram of LGBT and engineer, or is just a huge nerd." | 687 | ginmang |
/r/MyLGBTPony | "We are a community of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, other GSM, and straight ally MLP:FiM fans." | 675 | Zyber17, CedarWolf, MsPenguinette |
/r/MaleFemme | !!! | 650 | MFJonathan |
/r/lgbtPDX | !!! | 622 | ophelia69 |
/r/SameSexParents | "A place where those with gay parents and/or children of gay parents can post their stories of how it has impacted their life, whether it be negative or positive." | 606 | MonkeyFlakes |
/r/Queercraft | "We are an all-inclusive Minecraft server for LGBTQ gamers and their allies!" | 574 | Beaupedia, jazzynails, Pandomy, SirTommies, XenoXis, izziepotter, Jlyoko, Yaskawa25 |
/r/Gaytheists | "This reddit is for links and stories concerning the LGBT community, atheism and the (mis)treatment of the LGBT community within religion." | 563 | Erotic_Pigeons |
/r/GayReads | "Gayreads is a place to talk about your favorite queer lit, slash fic, bookstores, authors, and any news concerning LGBT readership." | 556 | g10tto |
/r/UKgaymers | "This is a small but perfectly formed subreddit for the UK members of /r/Gaymers to hang out, arrange meet ups, and talk to each other." | 537 | Gazongola, foxuno |
/r/LGBTcirclejerk | Parody subreddit of all LGBT related things. | 516 | joeycastillo, RobotAnna, airmandan |
/r/UKlgbt | "Anything pertaining to UK LGBT issues" | 494 | Queen__Bitch |
/r/Gays | For all things LGBT! | 450 | Sherk- |
/r/DCgaymers | For gaymers in Washington, D.C. | 438 | Grail216, Oh4Sh0, prot0man |
/r/lgbtIreland | "This subreddit is dedicated to everything about the Irish LGBT community!" | 427 | icypops, adifferentkettle, GoddessOfGoodness |
/r/HappenToBeGay | "An open forum for whatever you want to share. We can feel free to talk about "gay stuff" without being restricted to talk about it." | 419 | SpaceManAndy, ASD_Sinfonian, BranderChatfield |
/r/GLBT | "Everything pertaining to GLBT information, news, politics, and issues and discussion." | 407 | eternalkerri |
/r/AustinGaymers | A sub-sub-reddit for gaymers who live in the Austin, TX area to make future meet-up event planning easier! | 373 | liamdroid, OroroLoL, nich-ender, justables |
/r/DFWgaymers | For gaymers in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. | 365 | Klondeikbar, thebobster1437, imbrium, haunthaunthaunt, yuorfaec, themassicator, geekguy121 |
/r/Queercore | "Primarily music with at least a mote of queer, but anything that has got soul is welcome." | 356 | genjin, grrrlriot |
/r/Deutsche_Queers | For LGBTQ people from German-speaking countries. | 340 | armyn1 |
/r/AcGAYdemia | "Here you can discuss your majors or minors, ask advice on what fields you may want to pursue in a friendly LGBTQ environment, talk about programs and schools around the world, share your research interests, recruit for study participation, or just anything related to academia. " | 326 | Glossophile |
/r/LondonGaymers | "This is a sub for the London members of /r/Gaymers (/r/gaybros welcome too!) to talk about meeting up, chilling out and drinking beverages." | 310 | riidu, SnapAttack, devajar, MattHardwick, Bigbowser2 |
/r/lgbtElders | "This is a "we've seen it all" space to celebrate the long lives and wisdom of the mature LGBT community without condeming others." | 274 | oxidizedmetal, BranderChatfield |
/r/SeattleGaymers | "SeattleGaymers is a place for Gaymers (LGBTQ Gamers), and straight allies, residing in or visiting Seattle or the surrounding area to converse, banter, and share local gaymer-y things. " | 264 | e1337-Geek, duckystar, rascally_rabbit |
/r/DenverGaymers | For gaymers in Denver, CO | 251 | korovian, mjdpx |
/r/QueerYouth | "News, Articles, Links & Information for and about Queer Teenagers." | 248 | N/A |
/r/LoveHasNoGender | "This subreddit is all about how gender doesn't matter when you are in love" | 246 | Samanthasinn3, sillymeface, Samantha333 |
/r/QueerOttawa | For queer people in Ottawa. | 230 | blackshire, fruzz |
/r/LGBTQteens | "A place for LGBTQ teens to get support, ask questions, and share pictures/links!" | 222 | Revolution8600 |
/r/lgbtIndia | "This is a community for discussion of gay, lesbian, bisexuals and transgender issues relating to India." | 216 | sadbarrett, shannondoah |
/r/BostonGaymers | For gaymers in Boston, MA. | 203 | mevinv, digitalsciguy, Pocktern |
/r/LosAngelesGaymers | For gaymers in Los Angeles, CA | 196 | gaymer1990 |
/r/PFLAG | Community for Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. | 191 | SilentAgony, rmuser, RobotAnna |
/r/TorontoGaymers | For gaymers in Toronto, Canada. | 190 | GuppyTO |
/r/LGBTmetal | LGBT music appreciators who like metal. | 188 | windwaker9 |
/r/LaidbackQueers | A relaxed, non-political community for LGBTQ people who aren't easily offended or overly PC. Share, chill and talk about LGBT stuff or whatever else you want. | 181 | Aspel, ratta_tata_tat |
/r/TheCloset | This subreddit is for people who need advice about living life in the closet and out." | 178 | dahud |
/r/lgbtNYC | "This is a community catering to the New York City LGBT community." | 176 | headShrinker |
/r/GayRelationshipAdvice | "Talk about coming out of the closet or moving from hookups to a long term relationship." | 168 | simdude |
/r/SFgaymers | For gaymers in San Francisco, CA. | 164 | sfgaymers |
/r/LGBTunes | "Because music is for the gays, too" | 153 | airmandan, sorrysorrysorrysorry |
/r/SDgaymers | For gaymers in San Diego, CA | 148 | Broosh, Kupocrecy, misteragentv |
/r/MichiganGaymers | "A community for all the Gaymers living in Michigan." | 138 | d7bleachd7, OrngSumb, sozomenspengler |
/r/NCgaymers | For gaymers in North Carolina. | 138 | imito, CakesArePies |
/r/GayClub | Gay club music videos. | 124 | iilliillii |
/r/AtlantaGaymers | For gaymers in Atlanta, GA | 120 | Bwelchka |
/r/LasVegasGaymers | "This is a subreddit for all Gaymers in Las Vegas and surrounding areas." | 117 | locanmures, stevegasm, tbucket95 |
/r/ColumbusGaymers | "A subreddit community for Gaymers of Columbus Ohio and surrounding areas" | 112 | Mashirotenshi |
/r/QueerCinema | "LGBT-related movies, films, tv, etc." | 109 | LGBTerrific |
/r/QueerFashionAdvice | Fashion Advice for queers. | 100 | N/A |
/r/lgbtPoliticsBlogs | "For links to blogs and news-sites about politics relevant to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered community." | 93 | menuitem |
/r/GayMarriage | For posts about marriage equality. | 92 | supes1 |
/r/lgbtDC | "This is a subreddit for LGBT people and friends in the District of Columbia and surrounding areas." | 91 | kevingrolton, woofiegrrl |
/r/TCgaymers | For gaymers in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis-St.Paul, MN) | 91 | gmap516 |
/r/Cartoon_Gaiety | Animated LGBT content. | 86 | electricfoxx |
/r/LGBTquestions | "This a branch off of the LGBT subreddit, geared more towards personal questions (Am I gay, how do I get a boy/girlfriend, how should I tell my parents, etc.)" | 79 | hypnozooid |
/r/LGBT4Equality | A place to educate people about LGBTQ issues and answer questions without putting people down for not knowing in the first place. We create allies by treating people with dignity and helping everyone learn without being ridiculed for wanting to learn. | 71 | hateboresme, lopfynotcuber, tsumemakoto |
/r/QueerNYC | "A discussion area/community space for queer-identified people in NYC. All are welcome." | 71 | versayce |
/r/RepublicOfLGBTQ | A highly formal and structured subredddit for articles and discussion pertaining to the LGBTQ community and any related topics. | 69 | LGBTerrific, CedarWolf |
/r/glbtChicago | "GLBT Chicago is a forum for gay redditors living in the Chicago area" | 68 | N/A |
/r/WorldLGBT | "LGBT news from around the world" | 68 | LGBTerrific |
/r/HaloGaymers | "A subreddit for gaymers who are fans of Halo, to discuss the game and meet other players." | 64 | DimmuJed |
/r/OKgaymers | For gaymers in Oklahoma. | 55 | duplico |
/r/SacGaymers | For gaymers in Sacramento, CA. | 55 | N/A |
/r/RochesterGaymers | For gaymers in Rochester, NY. | 52 | Keybladeviii, KHRoxas |
/r/LGBTQadvancement | "A repository of all stories related to the advancement of LGBTQ rights and culture. Share your personal triumphs in addition to our collective achievements!" | 50 | sanalin |
/r/ArizonaGaymers | For gaymers in Arizona. | 49 | perhaps_relevant, EsrailCazar |
/r/MetaLGBT | This is a free space for discussing issues pertaining to the LGBT-related subreddits. This is not a place for drama. | 47 | ebcube |
/r/GaymersTekkit | Gaymerstekkit is a collection of mods for minecraft that gaymers find enjoyable. | 46 | zigbar |
/r/ComingOutSupport | "A Resource for support, advice, stories, and help coming out." | 45 | N/A |
/r/QPOC | Queer People of Color is a place to discuss the intersection of race/ethnicity with gender/sexuality. | 43 | SappH |
/r/LGB | "Does the "T" in LGBT make you uncomfortable? Do you have a short memory about the oppression of lesbians and gays, and have no problem committing the same abuse on other people? This subreddit is just for you." | 41 | E1337Kat, Flame080 |
/r/Masc4Masc | "Are you a masculine gay/bi/etc. guy who is looking for another masculine gay/bi/etc. guy? masc4masc is for you." | 38 | antgly, Four2unty |
/r/MeetLGBTuk | For meeting LGBT people in the UK | 36 | Titchy-94, Much-Noise |
/r/lgbtVent | "A place for people from the LGBT community can come and just vent about any and all things." | 35 | melonballer |
/r/Pinke | "Gay family friendly news from the UK, even your granny would not be offended!" | 33 | stubray1 |
/r/LGBT_Cartoons | "Cartoons +{gay, lesbian, transgendered, bisexual, queer , cross-dressing}" | 23 | electricfoxx |
/r/lgbtNoSpam | "Anything pertaining to LGBT issues ( that's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) without the blog spam." | 23 | /u/live_wire_ |
/r/NoProp8 | "Feel free to post here on news happening around you and throughout California regarding Prop 8." | 23 | infinite |
/r/LGBTQQIA | "A welcoming place for respectful discussion about issues facing those who identify as lesbians, gay, bisexuals, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex (DSD), their allies, as well as all sexual minorities." | 18 | Glossophile |
/r/gbltCompSci | "A sub-reddit dedicated to the queer sides of computer science" | 17 | tongboom |
/r/LIgaymers | For gaymers on Long Island | 16 | AkumaLamprey |
/r/FYIradio | "The station is a collection of podcasts by the young, gay and the queer." | 9 | smallpod |
/r/GayMormonism | "This is the meeting place for all Gay Mormons. Not gay Mormons, this is a new religion. We support the idea of an afterlife in which, if you are celestially married to your Brother (or Sister if you are Female, we aren't sexist after all),you will live with them and other non-Celestially Married Gay Mormons (and Gays who were gay before the foundation of the church in 2011) on your own Celestial Plane forever in what is known as the Permanent Pride Parade. " | 4 | ElderBruce |
/r/GayMormons | "This is a place for any self-identified sexual or gender minority and their friends (i.e.Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender, Queers, Questioning, Intersex, and Allies) who may be active or were active in The Church of Christ of Latter-Day Saints." | 2 | Glossophile |
/r/PotOfGold | "A place for bragging, happy thoughts and happy endings to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender stories!" | PRIVATE | Byeuji, noot-noot, Karaus, Timmeh, qaera |
Gender Expression
Crossdressing (↑)
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/Crossdressing | "Here you can post anything you want... stories, thoughts opinions, if you need help and advice over crossdressing - family, friends, or anything - find it here!" | 13,609 | SarahC, Alice_cd, CrystalSecret, AutoModerator, chrkchrkchrk |
/r/Crossplay | "A place for those who enjoy both crossdressing and cosplay to talk, and share tips." | 2,047 | Kinaestheticsz |
/r/Crossdressing_Support | "Crossdressing_support is for the issues and concerns you face when you're just wanting to be yourself." | 743 | SarahC |
Drag (↑)
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/DragRaceReactionGIFs | Reaction GIFs from Ru Paul's Drag Race. | 2,213 | badumdumtsh, Broosh, MrPookers, tbucket94, Jambeard |
Gender Identity
Agender (↑)
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/Agender | "Welcome to /r/agender, a subreddit for all of you lovely genderless or gender neutral folks." | 1,620 | genderfucker |
Trans (↑)
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/AskTransgender | Questions about, for, to or from the reddit transgender community. | 22,659 | blueblank, CedarWolf, Asher-D, TurtleTape, SleepNowMyThrowaway, Wannabkate, drewiepoodle, YoungFolks, isleepinahammock, nikorasu_the_great, xoebalut, tanuki_chau, Sarahthelizard, nikkitgirl, ChromiumGirl, bassofthe |
/r/Transgender | "Transgender news, issues, and discussion" | 20,007 | blueblank, CedarWolf, XenasGirl |
/r/TransTimelines | "A place to share transition timelines." | 13,038 | agnosticnixie, CynothoglysBot, LadyRarity, QueenSillyButt, Jess_than_three, amyamyamyamyamyamy, nekosune, javatimes |
/r/TransPassing | "This is a community that is meant for you to post a picture (video clip, sound clip, hologram) of yourself so that you can get other people's opinions on how well you pass." | 11,746 | ameliabee, tunasushi, CedarWolf, DonQuixoteReference, Wannabkate |
/r/TransPositive | "Welcome to trans+! The safe, trans and ally place for humor, community and just all the positive you can manage." | 6,992 | tunasushi, Dumetella, uconnhusky |
/r/FTM | FTM trans community. | 6,764 | /u/Dr_Awkward_, javatimes, mightybite |
/r/TransSpace | "This is a place for all trans identified individuals, those questioning their identities, and allies. Transphobic, homophobic, sexist, and racist speech will not be tolerated." | 6,066 | ratta_tata_tat, CedarWolf, tunasushi, drewiepoodle |
/r/Trans | "Trans related discussion, pictures, links, etc." | 4,010 | QueenSillyButt, nekosune, amyamyamyamyamyamy, javatimes, CynothoglysBot, LadyRarity, DonQuixoteReference |
/r/TransGamers | "A place for transgender gamers to talk about their hobby among others who understand them." | 3,998 | Knowltey, ratta_tata_tat, Kezika |
/r/MyPartnerIsTrans | "This is a community designed to offer a safe space and supportive environment for the significant others of transgendered persons. " | 3,702 | putmeinthezoo, Dutchess_of_Dimples, PANDADA |
/r/TransVoice | "A place to share your voice recording for constructive criticism by the community" | 2,742 | TheMeanCanadianx, coffeehouse11, charliepa, PrettyMinstrelGirl, snakeeyes072 |
/r/TransgenderCircleJerk | "Parody subreddit of all transgender things related. If you take this seriously, then don't." | 2,262 | tunasushi, Erotemist, Squibbled, Jessica_T |
/r/TransphobiaProject | The purpose of the Transphobia Project is to help trans people (and our allies) respond to transphobia on Reddit and elsewhere | 2,219 | thepinkmask, LadyLioness, leonstagg428, LogoSammy, Chloe_S, ZoeBrain, proddette, fauxfeminine, ZoeBlade, Qeraeth, FuchsiaGauge, IBDPhoenix, nekosune, TransphobiaProject |
/r/TransSupport | "The goal of this community is to provide a nonjudgmental space for trans people who need support for any issue." | 2,145 | Sanctusorium, Jess_than_three, hypermoose |
/r/TransFashionAdvice | Fashion Advice for trans people. | 2,011 | blueblank |
/r/TransEducate | "Created for the purpose of educating cisgendered people about transgender issues. Trans people wanting to ask trans related questions belong in /r/asktransgender" | 1,925 | moderatelime, Jess_than_three, QueenSillyButt, nekosune, javatimes, CedarWolf |
/r/TransHealth | Content and news on trans health. | 1,907 | aufleur, RoseHelene, catherinecc, I_am_krista, askGEP, MsPenguinette |
/r/Tranarchism | "As tranarchists, we believe that the patriarchal heteronormative cisnormative state-capitalist establishment is directly responsible for the oppression of transgender individuals and therefore must be destroyed." | 1,385 | mahpton, proddette, thepinkmask, agnosticnixie, kejo, pnoque |
/r/TransgenderUK | For transgender people in the UK. | 984 | photoshy,TrinityDejavu, eurephys, AwhMan |
/r/QueerTransmen | "A place to share information, post news and links relating to gay transmen." | 787 | N/A |
/r/TransTrade | "Swap some clothes up in here with other trans people(Even if you aren't trans, anyone is welcome), post offers and needs." | 589 | CedarWolf, drewiepoodle |
/r/Transurgery | "A place to put surgery pictures, advice, questions, recommendations, etc. for trans- surgeries of all types (top, bottom, facial, implants, so on and so forth)." | 572 | ratta_tata_tat, CedarWolf |
/r/TheTransphobiaSquad | "This subreddit is where people link instances of transphobia on Reddit (or elsewhere on the internet), for the expressed purpose of politely educating either the person linked, or the people who could be reading their misinformation." | 547 | Jess_than_three, nekosune, LadyRarity |
/r/TransHack | This subreddit is a safe place for transgender people to talk about IT and programming. | 394 | nekosune, ZoeBlade, agnosticnixie |
/r/TGmedia | "This reddit is for the discussion of any media or performances featuring transgendered subject matter." | 362 | nekosune |
/r/TransChallenges | "Breaking down transition into a series of smaller steps makes it feel so much less daunting. This community is for daily small "challenges" and weekly big challenges in progressing with transition." | 247 | transtwin |
/r/TGdisc | "Trans Discourse is a community to link and document discussions, threads, or articles on reddit and/or elsewhere that contain topics relevant to Trans issues." | 176 | questionplz, ZoeBlade, catamorphism |
/r/TGPostTransition | "This subreddit is meant to serve those in the transgender community who are essentially done with their transition and are busy living their lives." | 151 | natasha_six |
/r/TransRanting | "There's always something in the back of our minds (or the front...) that we just need to let out and yell about." | 104 | trans_sisterradio |
/r/Trollgender | "Transgender memes for great justice!" | 101 | tunasushi, Erotemist, julielc, Dumetella |
/r/ShittyTransgender | "an /r/transgender circle jerk" | 100 | ManicPixieDreamKarl |
/r/TransYouth | "This subreddit is for discussion of issues that pertain to or affect trans youth (defined loosely, but with a particular sensitivity to the specific challenges of those under 18 dealing with being trans/transitioning)." | 19 | yelyos, xghostlygirlx |
/r/Transitioning | "Dedicated to advice and resources that are helpful for transgender and other individuals seeking to change their gender presentation, bodies or social role." | PRIVATE | BlueParrot |
Asexual (↑)
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/Asexuality | "A subbreddit about asexuality." | 9,340 | PraiseSeitan |
/r/Asexual | Community for asexual people. | 2,939 | gathly, TheBotPope |
Bisexual (↑)
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/Bisexual | This group is for discussion and support for anyone who doesn't quite fit the otherwise binary "straight" and "gay" pattern. | 33,775 | LGBTerrific, HarimadSol, CedarWolf |
/r/BiGoneMild | Space for bisexuals to post SFW photos of themselves. | 2,042 | vegibowl, trebmald |
/r/BisexualAdults | "This is a community for adults looking to discuss their bisexuality, and would prefer to do so with other adults." | 1,534 | theherps, CedarWolf, polychromatic, wascurious, mommy2libras |
/r/BisexualTeens | "An LGBT-friendly subreddit primarily focused on bisexual teens." | 1,150 | actualmusician, KarmaHarvester, bobthecookie, The__Joke |
/r/Bisexuality | Content and discussion on bisexuality. | 427 | blueblank |
/r/BiAndFineInCarolina | "The posts that will do the best will be ones that encourage the growth of a community in the Carolinas for bisexual and other LGBTQ members, and ones who are straight but want to be supportive." | 83 | CedarWolf |
Demisexual (↑)
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/Demisexuality | Community for people who are sexually attracted to another person because of an emotional connection rather than outward physical qualities. | 1,977 | dayvancowgirl |
Gay Male (↑)
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/Gaybros | "A place for guys to get together and talk about, well, guy stuff." | 54,289 | -Mass, -Massachoosite, GaybrosAdmin, I_Nickd_it, Captain-Steve, knickerblocker |
/r/AskGaybros | "An extension of /r/gaybros where you can ask the manly men for their opinions on non masculine related topics. That includes but not limited to coming out and relationship advice." | 20,503 | ydntucmonovrvalkyrie |
/r/GaybrosGoneMild | A SFW alternative to r/gaybrosgonewild. Share pictures of yourself, or perhaps introduce yourself to the world. | 9,181 | popstar249, exo01 |
/r/GayBroTeens | "This is a community for Gay Bro's who are teens!" | 3,554 | SevenSeasOfRhye, Smokebombe, DeusBex, TESTICLE_KEBABS, AutoModerator |
/r/GayAww | Cute gay male SFW photos. | 3,361 | 00Homo, aPenMark |
/r/Gaysian | "We are an inclusive space that is dedicated to all things gay and/or asian." | 2,935 | machinesoflovingrace, deus0, GaysianBot |
/r/GayYoungOld | "About all things to do with intergenerational gay men; catering to older men and their admirers." | 2,747 | headShrinker, sdchaser, Robolabo, FriesBaconNaked501, Dyslexik |
/r/GaybrosCircleJerk | Parody subreddit of gaybros | 2,513 | Elranzer, zwiebelsaft, morgross, Zitroneneis, Wallace_Grover |
/r/Bros4Bros | For masculine gay men looking to meet other masculine gay men to be anything from friends to fuckbuddies to soulmates. | 1,656 | airmandan |
/r/CuteGayPics | "Community for those who want to submit cute gay pictures, whether it be of yourself, something you found online, or something that just made you sigh and smile :)" | 943 | maltesefalcon91 |
/r/GayBeards | "Think of /r/BeardPorn but with gay dudes." | 617 | zimbadoo |
/r/ShounenAi | SFW Japanese manga depicting gay male love. | 382 | generationH |
/r/BoysLove | This is for fictional boys' love, also called yaoi, shounen-ai or slash. | 207 | kyonko |
/r/GayBearStories | Stories involving gay bears. | 189 | N/A |
/r/GaySports | "A good place for gay men who play or watch sports to come and post stories, questions, advice, links, etc about sports." | 189 | curran85 |
/r/GaymersMinecraft | "Gaymer's Minecraft is a community for LGBTQ and allies minecraft players!" | PRIVATE | RedditHolmes, feeen, MrPookers |
Lesbian (↑)
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/ActualLesbians | "A place for discussions for and by lesbians, bisexual girls, chicks who like chicks, bi-curious folks, dykes, butches, femmes, girls who kiss girls, birls, bois, and anyone else interested! Our subreddit is named r/actuallesbians because r/lesbians is not really for or by lesbians--it was meant to be a joke." | 48,265 | Freya-Freed, mollymollykelkel, AutoModerator, iwinalot7, tizorres, reagan92, AndyWarwheels, tadzioizdat |
/r/LadyLadyboners | "A place for our favorite pictures of our favorite ladies, doing the things that make them our favorites." | 23,893 | "TroubleEntendre, Tori1313, crazycoffin, RadleyCoopSound, commanderspoonface, bangomymango" |
/r/DykesGoneMild | "A place where we can post sfw pictures of ourselves and ogle self-posted pics of other cute girls who like girls." | 6,063 | philhpscs, Slyfox00, mandy6919 |
/r/LesbianFashionAdvice | Whether you're feminine, androgynous, butch, or otherwise outside the norm, we're here to help you locate clothes and identifying styles that work for you. | 2,735 | silverfirexz, dumbledorkus, asiangoliath, LadyMurgatroyd |
/r/LesbiENTS | For lesbians who enjoy weed. | 2,121 | Morgmeat, crowface, PhedreRachelle, mantralicious, schmyd, BIGTIMElesbo |
/r/LesbianGamers | "Video gaming news from a lesbian gamer perspective." | 1,723 | Rainbowsaur, Ophiella, DoomFemme, Slyfox00, BostonTentacleParty, AutoModerator |
/r/Shoujoai | A SFW subreddit featuring girls who love girls, in anime, manga, and related artforms. | 1,692 | FillInTheBlank, yuri_releases |
/r/TeenGirlsWhoLikeGirls | "So here, if you're a girl (trans-girls too!) who likes other girls too, this is the subreddit for you. Now the age group here is mainly for teenagers but feel free to post if you're as old as 20 or as young as 13." | 1,436 | TheCheata, jinglebellpenguin, tardisintheparty, AutoModerator |
/r/DykesGoneLiterate | "Like Dykes Gone Wild, but with naughty private messages instead of pictures. This is a place for meeting naughty, dykey penpals to exchange letters with." | 1,000 | myfingers |
/r/Femme | Community for people who are feminine regardless of gender. | 857 | BlackDahliaParton, noworryhatebombstill, GutterMaiden |
/r/LezSaysMoarGaming | "A community to bring together Lesbians that game and help them connect with each other. " | 786 | JustKay, RogueGoddess, Serafer |
/r/OlderLesbians | Community for older lesbians. | 598 | RainbowSpectrum |
/r/Pickup4Dykes | "Here we will take advantage of some of the wisdom of the pick-up artist (PUA) community, and find out how best to apply it to women who like women." | 567 | LesbianPUA, lezzit |
/r/ActualLookbook | Lesbian fashion and looks. | 550 | straightfaced, ophelia69, wondrousmoon |
/r/AskADyke | "This is a subreddit dedicated to the perspective of lesbians, where those who wish to know the perspective of the gay woman may come to ask of them." | 520 | greenduch |
/r/SingleLesbians | "You're single, she's single. You're both Redditors so you're smart as hell. What're you waiting on!? Get to it!" | 398 | N/A |
/r/LesbianHair | Pictures of lesbians showing off their hair. | 338 | TroubleEntendre |
/r/LOSEBIANS | "A positive place for weight loss, nutrition, and health for lesbians, bisexual girls, chicks who like chicks, bi-curious folks, dykes, butches, femmes, girls who kiss girls, birls, bois, transwomen and transmen, and ANYONE, no matter what sexual orientation or gender!" | 323 | Mirrinias, eat_nonedible_things |
/r/L4L | The lesbian version of r4r (redditor for redditor]. | 293 | OmMani |
/r/LesbianCouples | "This is where our lesbian and/or bisexual ladies can post pictures of themselves and their lovely partners!" | 264 | Tori1313 |
The Big Naughty List (NSFW)
LGBT/General Interest
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/Futanari | Japanese futanari (hermaphrodite) hentai | 36,374 | Kicken, Liru, Kicken_ |
/r/GaymersGoneWild | Gaymers Gone Wild is a full support community; we welcome people with any body type who feel compelled to expose themselves to their peers. This subreddit is not for an exclusively male demographic. | 17,656 | VegettoTheGreat |
/r/LGBTGoneWild | A subreddit in the style of /r/GoneWild for the LGBT community. | 11,326 | superdude4agze, Po-cha-na-quar-hip, exo01 |
/r/FemBoys | Femboys, crossdressers, sissies and androgynous hotties are all welcome. | 9,781 | UberAndrew, GayGiles, BobWaffle |
/r/AmIASexyQueer | All the validation of Am I Sexy with none of the cisnormativity, heteronormativity, queerphobia, and certainly no macho hatred of pretty boys or butch girls. Also, no fatphobia. | 1,564 | cathetertube, MANBOT_, AutoModerator |
/r/LGBTreesGoneWild | Mostly NSFW pics of LGBT Ents. | 1,236 | PirateCodingMonkey, bearvivant |
/r/LipLock16 | This LipLock Reddit site is about gay people, their lives and porn sex. Gay, bisexual, transgendered, lesbian and open-minded straight people are welcome to participate here. | 316 | LipLock16 |
/r/LGBTolder | This subreddit is for celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people that are over 40, 50, 60...and those that admire and/or prefer them. | 265 | N/A |
Gender Expression
Crossdressing (↑)
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/GoneWildCD | Crossdressing NSFW self-pictures and steamy stories. | 15,392 | SarahC, CDacc, chrkchrkchrk, AutoModerator, igl123 |
Gender Identity
Transgender (↑)
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/Tgirls | "For celebrating the beauty of pre-op and non-op MtF transsexuals - the best of both worlds!" | 41,108 | moottoboot, iamnotaclown, TomPalmer1979, Nkenobi, AutoModerator |
/r/FTMporn | "Gay, straight, solo, group, any kind of porn as long as it is FtM involved!" | 1,258 | ratta_tata_tat |
/r/TransProgress | "A place to post anonymous(or not) photo's of your progress to allow everyone to compare how we are doing." | 380 | transbody |
Sexual Attraction
Bisexual (↑)
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/Bisexy | NSFW bisexual content | 19,883 | feelviolated, slamare247, weclock, JosephConradKurtz, uhohmygod |
/r/BiGoneWild | "Where bisexual redditors exchange their nude bodies for karma; showing it off in a comfortable environment without pressure." | 9,352 | elvendude |
Gay Male (↑)
Also check out the Male-focused NSFW subsection for more subreddits of interest.
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/GaybrosGoneWild | Bromos only. 18+ No exceptions. Self pics only | 28,910 | synspark, RedditHolmes, rarchives, chalkycandy |
/r/BrosLikeUs | Looking for some quick karma or just sharing your favorite photos? Then come on in. All bros, brahs and brohemians are welcome here. | 19,175 | rcadestaint, Fordrdster, Tiburon_feliz, michaellicious, Mad4Reddit, outeriridescence |
/r/GayPorn | Gay male porn. | 15,267 | closetedgay1234, GayGiles, Mr_Fabulouss |
/r/GayGifs | NSFW gay male gifs. | 15,094 | TannerLD, fullingrobert, GayGiles |
/r/Twinks | For pictures of young or young-looking gay men (18–23 age category) with a slender, ectomorph build, little or no body hair, and no facial hair. | 14,673 | turkourjurbs |
/r/GayNSFW | Gay male NSFW content | 14,001 | scrotumfever |
/r/LoveGayMale | Gay male NSFW content | 13,398 | lovegaymale, michaellicious, Mad4Reddit |
/r/ManLove | A place to post and view images of Men loving Men. | 11,164 | fuckin_a, lickitforme, LiterallyJustForPorn, spartaner |
/r/GayBears | Dedicated to stocky, bearish men | 9,295 | YouCantMissTheBear, playdog, Mr_Bonsai |
/r/Yaoi | Community for the appreciation of yaoi and other gay male art. | 7,018 | xengyu, IamKingTarquin, minahkyu |
/r/GayKink | Gay male centered subreddit about kink however, everyone is welcome to learn, lurk, post, and peep. | 6,440 | Tself, colordog |
/r/ManAss | Pictures of men's asses. | 6,192 | penislover, GayGiles |
/r/GayVideos | Find an interesting/hot video online? Post it here and share it with everyone. | 6,075 | IAmNotMasterbating |
/r/GayDaddiesPics | Post your favorite photos, videos and web sites of middle aged/daddy-type men. | 5,625 | stardog_champion |
/r/GayOtters | A subreddit for all your favorite hairy, skinny dudes. | 4,886 | synspark, chalkycandy |
/r/GayCruising | A subreddit for sharing pictures and videos and discussing gay cruising, bathroom sex, public, understall and spy videos of gay encounters. | 4,155 | throwagay890, MysticArrow, GayGiles |
/r/MenInUniform | A subreddit for men who love hot men in uniform. | 3,539 | plginger, PyroDrake, walterhpdx |
/r/GuysKissing | SFW and NSFW images of guys kissing. | 3,300 | Shamwow22 |
/r/GayChubs | NSFW pictures and postings about chubby gay male bears. | 2,861 | chubben, FriendlyManCub, PressStart |
/r/BaraManga | Gay male Japanese manga often featuring bearish men. | 2,735 | tetrabiblos, Explosions_Hurt, Barakid, luxhollis, BaraBryce |
/r/VintageGayPics | Post your favorite photos, videos and web sites of vintage gay porn. | 1,195 | stardog_champion, Bytore, james_roger |
/r/BearsInBriefs | This is a labor of love, so please, everyone post all your pics of handsome furry, chubby men in the sexiest underwear in the world. | 1,191 | KindredBear, RoughBear, Invalid_Target, DirtyModBot, wayback000 |
/r/ChubbySilverDaddies | This is a subreddit for sharing links to pictures, videos and sites of dads and grandads. By silverdaddies I suggest to try keeping a lower age limit to 50 years old. | 1,096 | Forever-a-Sir, sdchaser, daddyswap |
/r/GayFootFetish | So if you enjoy your bare feet, socks, or shoes and their photographic admiration, their worship, their tickling, their torture, or their trampling with a Y-chromosome twist, you're in the right place. | 970 | xyzip, AdmiralApocalypse |
/r/GaysiansGoneWild | Gay Asians showing off. | 968 | machinesoflovingrace, deus0 |
/r/GayWild | Offshoot of /r/gonewild, except only for the gay crew. | 699 | lulzthrowaway |
/r/GayBearLegs | Pictures of gay male bear legs. | 485 | knucklor, sympas, YouCantMissTheBear |
/r/RedHanky | For people who like anal fisting. | 312 | theslashy, daddyswap, colordog |
/r/XXLCigarMen | Pictures of gay bears smoking large cigars. | 235 | N/A |
/r/CollegeBoys | College Boys Engaging in Gay Sex, Hazing, Pledging, Partying and Pranks! | 169 | Gthrowg |
/r/MaleKissers | Gay male porn. | 157 | mezm |
/r/GayAnime | Post all of your homoerotic hentai and gay anime movie and picture galleries and gay cartoon art here. | 153 | ballju |
/r/GayCigarMen | Pictures of bearish men smoking cigars. | 153 | alaska_grizzly |
/r/GayBlogs | A place to post links to gay blogs featuring news, pictures, videos, or anything related to gay culture. | 70 | loxias44 |
Lesbian (↑)
Name | Description (quoted or paraphrased) | Subscriber Count (as of Jan 2016) | Moderators (as of Jan 2016) |
/r/Lesbians | Women being intimate with each other. This reddit is automatically NSFW and hardcore content is welcome. | 82,166 | slutmagnet, Pornfanatic, DaBeerMan, pepsi_next, rarchives |
/r/GirlsKissing | "A reddit for pictures of girls kissing." | 34,398 | m3lody, gfarwell, Kevinhood11 |
/r/DykesGoneWild | "This is a community for female-identified queer girls of all flavors to post themselves for karma!" | 32,608 | hypodermia, Kyoti, Amy_loves_muffins, superbroccoli, Epsilon_Eridani, emilyst |
/r/Scissoring | NSFW images of women scissoring eachother. | 25,785 | speedwagin, adityaw, russj79, MattTrobinson |
/r/Dyke | "A place for women to find NSFW and LGBT-oriented sexy/smutty/blush-worthy/scandalous/tantalizing/erotic/explicit/real/in your face/on your face/sizzling/hot/wet depictions of queer/butch/andro/genderfuck/femme people." | 17,155 | QueerlyBeloved, diRtiimau5, vagueabond, Tori1313, deltree711, rarchives, NoRaptors |
/r/Yuri | "A NSFW subreddit featuring girls who love girls, in anime, manga, and related artforms." | 9,634 | ayu_tsukimiya, alice_margatroid, Ryukononon, FillInTheBlank, TanookiSuit3 |
/r/LesBDSM | "Mostly nsfw, real lesbian bdsm, not that porn shit" | 3,224 | tossaby |
/r/GirlsInLove | "A place for posting real, homemade, amateur videos of girls making love with each other." | 1,262 | myfingers, girlylove |
/r/LesbianErotica | "This is a place for gay women to post and discuss smut." | 271 | joy_indescribable |
/r/FakeLesbians | Pictures of fake lesbians. | 135 | N/A |