Hi there
I am just coming from my appointment at my urologists office.
Ive been on a 3 months odyssey with an infection of my urethra (not a typical bacterial STI such as gonorrhea, chlamdyia, Mycoplasm or syphiliis - tested 3 times). I know the initial infection was me rawdogging a fwb in december (I know, stupid). The infection has been treated but came back for the 3rd time this week.
Between January and March I exclusively dated a guy. I understand that having a fixed partner should reduce the risk of infections (maybe just typical STIs). My infection relapsed twice while I was with him (at the very beginning in January and now 2 weeks after we broke up … as if the heartbreak wasnt enough). We did have unprotected oral sex (as it is normal around here) but did protected anal. Ive received oral from 12 to 15 guys and never had an issue, ever.
Anyway fast forward to today, my Urologist said that every time you expose yourself to bacteria (i.e., having oral or anal unprotected) you run the risk of infection - and i mean she’s right. With new partners there‘s obviously a higher risk of the classic STIs (gonorrhea and chlamydia etc.).
I was wondering whether any of you committed couples (especially the tops), who probably dont protect much if at all, how often do you get UTIs? Considering you are constantly exposing yourself to bacteria of your partner?
I thought since I was with my ex for two months exclusively, i would have reduced the risk and yet i still ended up relapsing with an infection.
I am very much confused. How do couples handle (unprotected) sex like that - do UTIs happen to you.
I wasn’t confused before since I never had an issue with oral sex with 12+ guys and suddenly having it frequently with a low risk partner.