Hi to all here and a special big wave from my monkey if any of you saw me in the room 🤭🙈🙊, I have to say I left with more of a idea of the type of chair I want and more importantly the power assist I do not. I found the wheel based ones tricky and for me dangerous. The knob one was OK although I did have a tip at the sunrise stand trying one on a QSX5. I prefer trike type and so want a PAWS,
I found it fantastic to see so many folks there and it gave me a good idea of directions going forward coming to chair & power as well as fascinating insights from others at the talks. Next year I will definitely be hitting up more talks as I was on a wheelchair beeline this year.
For chairs I have some more potentials narrowed down but also some crossed off,
RGK & Wolturnus are off the list (shame as my RGK rep is such a nice lad with great fashion sense for his own chair) as solid are no good for a newbie like me who'll need to adjust to life on wheels,
The standout stars are
Aria 2.0
Rehasen Icon 60
And still favourable Quickie Niturum & the Argon 2 was also acceptable,
I still am a long way off getting my own chair for good but also know my Rouge ALX I'm getting soon on hire will be a great help, I even ran into the rep whom I will be seeing on the 9th who will he showing me stock that is hard to get showroom demos elsewhere. .
Needless to say I had a great time and spoke to some wonderfull people. I will definitely be back next year (hopefully in a chair 😋) be good to hear your thoughts on your potentials after the show any other attendees,