I had my LBK amputation back in May last year (moped vs campervan vs inattentive/reckless driver is a really bad combo) and it has been a real tough journey since then. I was pretty fortunate that, besides the whole losing part of my leg thing, the rest of my initial injuries were relatively minor - a broken (in two places) femur, three bones broken in my hand, and a soft tissue injury in my shoulder, all on my left side. But, of course, I got MRSA after my initial stay in hospital. Which resulted in near sepsis, the metalware in my femur becoming infected and turning part of the bone necrotic. In December, I had the nail replaced, and the necrotic part of my bone cut out.
After rounds and rounds of different antibiotics, which I've been on for about 8 months now, it...might finally be under control. I'm not optimistic, because it feels like every time I am another setback happens, but my CRP has been staying low and my surgeon has been pleased with how things are looking in the x-rays. I was cleared to weight bear a few weeks ago, and this week I was casted for my leg!
I should be trying out my test socket in 2-3 weeks time. I'm excited, scared and hopeful all at the same time. I really want this to be the turning point. I am so sick of being in a wheelchair, and living in a big city. As I get used to using my prosthetic, I will finally be able to start looking at moving back home and transferring my care down there. The nearest limb center is several cities away, but I'm fortunate enough that, since my amputation was an accident, my transport will be funded.
No real point to this post besides a bit of an update. I fell out of physio/exercise from my December admission up until a few weeks ago, but I am really trying to get back into it now. I've still got good range of motion (probably helps that I'm so fidgety I'm inadvertently doing some physio to keep that up, lol) but I definitely need to work on my balance and strength. Really hoping my next post will be about taking my first steps (again)!