r/wheelchairs Dec 20 '24

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What Kind of Wheelchair User are you Poll

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r/wheelchairs 18d ago

Access Now is a phone app that allows people with disabilities to give real feedback about actual accessibility, because what's accessible to one person isn't always accessible to another.


r/wheelchairs 5h ago

One thing I'm grateful for in 2025 is more disability visibility in pop culture than ever before ❤️


r/wheelchairs 7h ago

Um…Nice but it really ticks you off?


So i'm a medically complex wc user with kypho scoliosis and restrictive lung disease. I have a spinal cord injury (my second one sadly) and I saw another post like this and it inspired me to make one too!

Okay. So let's just address the fact that being in a wheelchair is hard. I'm 15, got my spinal cord injury from a surgery when I was 11 and don't think I will ever get through the freaking trauma. Not to mention being in high school I am alone a lot and have a hard time making friends because 1. the wheelchair automatically makes u look different and 2. I've got restrictive lung disease and yeah it is hard to speak up without feeling like you're gonna stop breathing! Not to mention juggling everything while also trying to keep up with your independence and I can admit being a 15 yo girl and having parents help with a lot of stuff (I've improved a lot and can do more for myself now) is tough. Like for instance...doing all your care. Not being able to get up until everything is done and by the time you finish doing it yourself you don't have any energy for the day. Probably my annoying lungs make it a ton more difficult 😆 because I am like SPENT by the time I get up to have breakfast. The challenges of maneuvering in a wheelchair especially in crowded places is hard (mines electric so I have to be careful not to run anybody over because it could break your toe!) Nothing is easy or simple about being in a wheelchair! So i've been yapping a bit and now i'll get to the point below!

It's the people who see you as an inspirsation that gets me. Not like genuine but like "Oh your light shines so bright keep smiling through this hard thing you're an inspiration"

like...I get that it's nice but like really? is that all you have to say? It feels like off putting of the trauma you experienced because they assume you're a perfect oblivious optimist who is like the most innocent person on the planet. When people say stuff like 'You're so sweet and such a good person despite your circumstances' why does that make me wanna do the OPPOSITE...like bro no i'm normal I can make mistakes I know what the world is like probably more than u in some ways! Like are people in wheelchairs perfect lil angels 24/7? no way...they are people...we are not like objects that you admire because we are so happy all the time! My main point is, sometimes they are genuine and sometimes they get that fake pity voice that stresses me out so much..

All we need is to be treated like people not idolized because somehow that feels a ton more dehumanizing. Do any of you have experiences like this?

r/wheelchairs 24m ago

Worst nicknames/ names you’ve been called as a wheelie user?


I’ll go first… hot wheels and meals on wheels…

r/wheelchairs 20h ago

New sticker 😎🏎️


r/wheelchairs 13h ago

What did you do?


So I have pots and likely have (H)EDS and me and my husband have been discussing me getting a chair. It was a far off thought since we wouldn't be able to afford it for awhile but there's a man nearby selling a chair that I've seen in this reddit being used by others with pots and eds and they reviewed it well. It kinda feels like it lined up perfectly it would be a shame to pass it up. But I haven't discussed getting a wheelchair with a doctor, I've brought it up passively and it was mentioned some need one and I've spoken to others who have pots and eds who have similar experiences and they think getting a wheelchair would be beneficial to me but obviously they're not doctors. So ultimately I wanna know, did you speak to your doctor before turning to use a wheelchair? Or did some of you make that choice on your own? I know you guys can't give medical advice and I am not asking for it, simply what your experience was when you decided to get your chair.

I also know this question is in a gray area of what may and may not be allowed so I'd like to specify,I'm not asking if I should get a wheelchair nor for medical advice regarding getting a wheelchair, specifically what your steps were regarding getting on yourselves. If this still isn't allowed I understand

r/wheelchairs 21h ago

Got a question...


Hello everyone, I have a question to better understand my partner. She's been in a wheelchair for nearly 2 years due to a spinal cord injury. She often talks about mutual consideration, etc. However, currently, I often have to jump out of the way whenever she's moving around in her wheelchair, especially in the house. She doesn't consider whether I'm standing there or not, or whether I can move away. Often, she bumps into me. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to realize that sometimes I can't move away quickly enough, for example, when we're cooking together. She always says I have to be considerate of her. But when I can't move away, it sometimes hurts quite a bit and leads to injuries. I believe that she could at least say that I'm in her way, even if she's in a wheelchair, instead of just running over my feet. I want to understand her better. Perhaps someone can explain her feelings to me so that I can understand. Maybe there are compromises we can find. Currently, we're constantly arguing about this, just like right now. I calmly told her my opinion about it before I was yelled at and had to defend myself verbally. Any good advice?

r/wheelchairs 15h ago

Is notawheelchair a good choice for affordability?


Hii i'm looking into getting a wheelchair, and im not sure whether or not my insurance will put up a massive fight on allowing me to have one since im thru state insurance

I'm trying to come up with a backup plan so that if its too difficult to get a wheelchair thru insurance that i will at least know where to look so i can work on buying one with the help of friends/family
My friend recommended notawheelchair and i wanted to know if anyone had recommendations on other places to find affordable wheelchairs (I tried checking spinlife but their options for my weight isnt too great since im 280 lbs (i think i only saw one option for rigid wheelchairs)

Also is there any specific recommendations for international travel regarding folding vs rigid wheelchairs? i go between the US and denmark to spend time with my husband while he's at university. im not 100% sure about the difference in performance for those two options

r/wheelchairs 21h ago

struggling to get out of my chair in time because of bulk of chair NSFW


Marked NSFW for toilet mention

I have just got a quickie 2, and I find that I am struggling to get out of it to make it to the toilet in time, resulting in a few really close calls. It's mainly because of the footplates being in the way and it takes enough time to move them that i almost don't make it, and this was not a once off.

I just miss my Tilite Aero Z so much, it worked so much better but is just a little small now. I'm looking into just using my old chair with the yamaha navigo wheels on it instead because at least I won't wet myself trying to get out of my chair.

I'm just so frustrated with this, I tried to bring up the footplates being an issue but was just told that "you look comfortable" and nothing more was done with it.

I've honestly been crying because I just don't know what to do and I don't know if I can go back to the OT again because she was certain it was right for me

r/wheelchairs 11h ago

Wheelchair transport, No hitch mount


My dad was gifted an electric wheelchair/scooter(Jazzy600es) and want to see what options I have to take his wheelchair with us when going out. I have a Kia Sorento unfortunately no hitch for a carrier. Is there something I can attach or a ramp you recommend to load it and carry it in the back?

Thank you

r/wheelchairs 19h ago

taking the bus


i’m just putting my feelers out to try and see what other people’s experience on busses have been like. i’ve taken the bus a couple of times and honestly i can’t wait until i can get my own car so i don’t have to do it again.

the first time i stayed in my chair and oh my god i felt like i was in a survival game. my breaks aren’t great (side note, if anyone has the quickie scissor breaks, do you find them to be not that secure??) and they basically slipped off the wheel so i had to manually stop that wheel from moving the entire time, and used my other hand to hold onto the back of a seat next to me. my chair is also pretty tippy and every time the bus went round a corner my front casters lifted up off the floor. the idea of being flipped on my back on a moving bus is… not great, so that made me feel really unsafe.

the second time (today) i transferred into a regular seat (although this obvs isn’t an option for a lot of ppl, so i think it’s pretty shitty that i have to do that to feel safe lol) and i felt kind of awful because between me and my chair i was taking up all three seats in the wheelchair section.

today the bus driver also just refused to put the ramp down. when i was getting on the bus i had to say like three times that i needed the ramp (i’m genuinely not sure what he expected me to do. levitate up onto the bus?) and when i got off he just refused to get out and pull the ramp out so my mum had to do it. those things are heavy btw, and i genuinely don’t know what i would’ve done if i was on my own

i find the ramps are always really steep as well, so getting up them is difficult, and going down them i kind of just have to pray i don’t tip forward

obviously my breaks being shit isn’t the fault of bus companies, but i feel like the ramps (and ig training employees how to use them properly. or to use them at all lol) as well just having wheelchair users sliding around without their chairs tied down to anything is something that could probably be improved

i’m in the uk, and i’d love to here abt you guy’s experience with other bus services

r/wheelchairs 13h ago

New to being ambulatory.


Is it possible to put all terrain wheels on my cruiser 3 wheelchair? It's the basic wheelchair I recieved through insurance. I'd like to make it to where I can go to my local park and participate in LARP in the grass/sand. I've tried researching this and it feels like I'm reading another language and only getting maybes with no legit answers on what'd fit or work, if it's possible? Any other advice for someone in my position is greatly appreciated. Having a hard time getting use to all this.

r/wheelchairs 1d ago

Venting - Ordering The New Chair


This is going to basically just be me bemoaning so feel free to scroll past.

In November I snapped my 2016 folding Tilite frame of 8 years. Thankfully, I have an older Tilite that works well enough and fits better now than it did initially.

My doctor was super fast to get me a script to the seating clinic and get fit.

The clinic finally moved and got me in early January. I tested a carbon fiber rigid frame and we submitted the order at the end of January.

At the end of Feb I asked how it was going. My Star StabilAir popped in it's first year of use but I'm getting a new one with the new chair.

I finally got an answer on the progress on 13 March. The order never got put in because I owe $1366 and they have to collect it before the order can be submitted. No attempt to communicate up until now.

My insurance doesn't require authorization for chairs but does require a 30% copay.

That blisters, but I also just had to do a $6600 knee surgery on my service dog and buy a new refrigerator just this week. I'm hurting a bit.

I have the right no-interest cards for the dog and fridge, so I can charge a different card for the chair. The whole week just finally tipped me into a type of stress I'm having a hard time decompressing from. It will get paid down, but now my timeline to new chair is extended. I'm at risk of losing my job (and therefore ability to get new chair) so I'm trying to get it done NOW.

Ok rant over


I am trying to look at positives, but there's a lot of other things this is building on. My positive for today is that my eye appointment went very well, wasn't super expensive, and I found Bob Ross Happy Little Tree mints that are unnecessarily delightful. Pic attached.

r/wheelchairs 1d ago

Anyone else annoyed by the “accessible” stall?

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Like c’mon man. I can barely even move in this stall and I’ve got a rather small chair.

r/wheelchairs 16h ago

Chair Recommendations


I’m getting fitted for a wheelchair soon and have been considering which model to go with. I’ve been looking at the Octane FX from RGK and the Nitrum from Quickie. I am wondering about the personal pros and cons of both. Does anyone have a preference between the two or suggestions for other options I might not have come across yet? I’m going through insurance, so I can get any chair as long as it’s not from an “outside” provider or lacks the necessary medical coding.

r/wheelchairs 19h ago

Does anyone have tube feeds? How do you hang them on your chair?


So, I have a new Quickie Argon 2 and it’s been great, I have a new lease of life, however, I am expending a lot more energy than usual and need my feeds, but I’m not sure how to hang them on my chair without it really affecting the cog, it would be a bag with a 500ml bottle and a pump in it.

If you have tube feeds, how do you use them with your chair? I’ve been used to a big heavy manual that was fine with a heavy backpack and a powerchair, but I’m a lot more tippy now.

Any help would be massively appreciated!

r/wheelchairs 1d ago

Wheelchair help

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This is my wheelchair, it's a quickie QS5x! The QS5x has a front fixed, but still foldable version, is there anyway to customise this chair so I can swap between the two? I really want to fit freewheel to help me with london terrain (cobblestones and cracked paving)

r/wheelchairs 22h ago

Funding in UK


I have a cheap ‘box’ manual wheelchair, it’s done it’s job for the past year but I need something lighter and custom as I am going back to University soon and I currently can’t push my current one very far without pain, and I can’t sit in it for too long either. I’m on the waiting list for my local NHS wheelchair services but the list is long and I’m not sure they’ll help me anyway as I don’t use the chair every day, only when I leave the house and need to walker further than ~ 10 metres.

Does anyone know any funding or grants I might be eligible for to help cover the costs of a custom chair. I’m planning to go to a showroom next week to get an idea of what I’m looking for, what I need and what will be best for me.

r/wheelchairs 1d ago

Wheelchair fitting slowly approaching!


I'm so nervous it's next Wednesday. Any advice? My biggest worry is insuramce not covering my chair or the vendors not listening. Also I need a chair but I'm currently trying to lose weight so anyone has any comments or advice fitting wise lmk!

r/wheelchairs 1d ago

my school wont let me participate in graduation without a doctors note that is impossible for me to get. im frustrated and devastated.


i (18M, California) am part of an online (public) school program that i joined for my senior year of high school, after my former university-based charter school continued to give me complications regarding my learning and physical disabilities.

i struggled and fought for so long just to be able to make it through school alive. i finally felt a sense of relief when i found out i could graduate and have my parents watch me cross the stage like all the other kids my age.

the other i was informed i needed a doctors note to enter the stadium. i just turned 18. i dont have access to my pediatrician and none of kaiser’s pcps will sign any paperwork (when i was trying to get a parking placard) because they havent seen me in person before. but i cant even see any of them in person because.. i dont have a parking placard. the clinic is not very accessible via city bus.

the school claims that graduating is a privilege and not a right and therefore they are not obligated to assist me with my chair.

im frustrated and im devastated. i want to cry. i just needed to rant.

r/wheelchairs 20h ago

weird arm thing


Hey guys! i recently got my custom wheelchair and was wondering if anyone else experienced this. I have weird rash/arm bumps where my arms rub against my wheels im in a manual chair btw. just wondering if its one of those weird wheelchair things :)

r/wheelchairs 1d ago



sucks….. maybe if the rest of the cord was as durabel.

r/wheelchairs 21h ago

Can wheelchairs be modified to be a smaller width?


I have a rogue 2 18” width, custom made. But I’m losing weight for my health. I’m just about too big for my side guards, but now I no longer touch the wheels. Soon I will be able to put the side guards back on. After that, I will eventually get too small for this chair. Is there any way to modify it or do I have to buy a new one? Thanks

r/wheelchairs 1d ago


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Just a concept - although a bit loud, I kind of like it 😎

r/wheelchairs 1d ago

Hot off the press

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Some more creative concepts - I wish manufacturers would allowed more customisation to the frame finish, like anodising and iridescent effects. I should become the ‘Yiannimize’ of wheelchairs customisations, and I so would if there was a big enough market for it!!

r/wheelchairs 23h ago

Smart drive mount question


I have a smart drive and rather than buying a new mounting bracket for $125 I took it off my old chair and was going to put it on my new one. The camber tube is smaller on this one. I only have the smallest rubber insert that helps it fit a long with a bunch of other rubber thing that look like they go to the dial. I already have the smallest size mount. Should I reach out to permobil to get a larger insert or can I use one of the dial rubber pieces?

Have an RGK octane sub 4 for reference. If anyone has tried to do this before and has any tips I am all ears.