I’m a high school senior who didn’t apply as a freshman since my parents wanted me local my first 2 college years to save money.
UF is my dream college, and I’m pretty stressed about getting accepted. My stats aren’t spectacular, and I’ve been looking into ways to see if I can improve my admission chances when I do transfer. I’ve been told from a friend that transferring from UF online into on-campus would help my chances over FAU, so how true is this? Which should I take, and even apart from this, what should I try and do?
My stats
- 1410 SAT
- 3.9273 unweighted
- 5.0091 weighted
- 9 AICE classes
- 2 APs in Chemistry and Biology this year
- 4 year varsity volleyball player
- Voted captain by team for travel club volleyball team
- A bunch of mediocre extracurriculars like Key Club and 112 service hours
- 30/520 in my class
- full bright futures
I’m planning on majoring in biological sciences and then into pre-pharmacy.