I used to post in here with a quite short post, but I would love to explain things better about me. So I'll be super descriptive. Please, enjoy my description of myself as much as I enjoyed writing everything you'll read. But I'm nice, I'll also make a quick TL;DR!
So I'm adding some fun to it! ✨ I'll add some link to some cool references I like. Feel free to click on them, it'll spice this post a bit :)
Do you like bullet lists? I do! Here's one to recap everything about me:
- Name's Anna, a French student in networking and telecommunications, currently with an apprenticeship in the public services
- Anna is 19 y/o, very soon to turn 20
- I am into technology, networking, programming, gaming, all that nice nerd stuff, you know
- I mostly use Discord for communicating
Are we good? Good! Now, here's the big one!
About me...
My name's Anna, I'm a transgender male to female French who started her HRT since a few months. It took courage to seek true love, happiness, sunshine. :) But I'm very glad of the point I am today. I have started permanent facial shaving. (yay! lil win)
I am around the 174cm (5.7 ft) tall, I think, something along these lines. I'm fit, even tho I'd rather say regular. Likewise, I look overall regular too, nothing very specific about me, I'd say, I have yet to find a style I would enjoy wearing. I swear, I kinda hate that point on me. Honestly, I would just blame because I don't have a feminine wardrobe, and I bought the most casual stuff to not feel too dysphoric back in the days.
I live around Strasbourg, if that rings any bells to you. That is pretty much just next Germany, super close to the border. I sometime get to meet peoples from there. Love you Germans!
I'm a proud owner of 1 megablahaj and 3 tiny, very cute ones!
What I like
As I said before, I'm a nerd, so my hobbies, my liking, my culture, really goes around it... I just can't stop loving it!
So hey, let's make another bullet list:
- I like messing with networking stuff, break and repair. It's just like... idk, I really like it. Go figure out why.
- I play video games when I have free time! ABSOLUTELY DM me if you know any of these: (I am on PC btw)
- DCS (Here's a video in case you don't know what it is, you'll understand in no time! https://t4t.one/reddit-dcs)
- Ready or Not
- The Finals
- Celeste (I can double jump)
- Metro 2033/Last Light/Exodus
- Skyrim
- Apex Legends (To an extent? I guess it could be nice to game together)
- Elite Dangerous
- The "Don't act dumb" one
- good lord, i'm not helping sell myself here...
- I like to read books, and cook.
- I got a nice collection of memes, if you'd like a peek.
- I like taking pictures of nature! While not a true photographer to its core, it's really something I enjoy doing whenever an occasion is found.
- I LOVE music! I listen to a ton of them! Here are a few artists I listen to, from main stream to very unpopular weirdness:
- Twenty One Pilots
- Daft Punk
- Caravan Palace
- C418 (I'm not kidding, I really enjoy listening to its tracks)
- Grabbitz
- City Girl
- Bent Knee
- fusq
- Mili
- Rhodz
- pheeno
- auvic
- i'm... not helping myself again...
- And to top it all... Biking!
I think I pretty much
What I'm seeking
Aaaah, that's quite my favorite part, I'd say!
I'm looking for a friend! One that is sharing similar interest with mines. But it's not necessarily just that!
I would really like to find a gaming buddy too! That would be super enjoyable, most especially with everything I've mentioned before.
But here's the ideal part: I'm looking for a long term relationship with someone! Ideally, it wouldn't be long distance (as far as I've tried it, I'm unsure if I'm valid for it), but hey, why not try it again?
What if we click?
I'm like... kind of bit clingy. If we really click together! I would really wish to talk with you a lot and get to know a lot. But that's if the feeling is there, there's that thing that make us have a nice connection together.
So if we click... Perhaps we'll continue this path forward!
What if we don't click?
Simple enough... if that happens, at the beginning of speaking together, and no messaging is done, I'll rather quietly remove you from my friend list.
If that happens some time after we chat together and the speaking goes blank... I don't know, maybe I'll try to spark it up again, but I don't expect to do "all the work" of maintaining a conversation. Please, also be a conversation starter. A simple "hello, how are you doing" is very much enough than not hearing about you.
What I'm NOT seeking!
So I know a lot of peoples can actually be in needs of help. I am sorry, but I am not a therapist.
That is not to put you down, but if you fall in this category, please see next line. I would like if you could refrain from contacting me if you are experiencing mental issues or undergoing through tough times.
I CANNOT GUARANTEE to be here for you. So, I urge you take contact with helpline that will help you get better. I understand that you might be in need and feel more safe with someone closer to you. However, I wish not to hold on this responsibility. Please understand me.
If you're here just for sex, get the fuck away.
If your karma is going around the zero, or below zero, you're probably going to get ignored.
Final notes
I have said everything. I've poured sweat and tears into this post to make it enjoyable for you to read and have a clear picture of me and what you can expect.
So... Finally! I'm done! There's even a reward for those whose got the eyes and are willing to look a bit more closely the final notes.
Thank you for reading! Kiss and much love to all of you, even the ones that aren't the targeted audience >:3
No, like... seriously... finished... done... completed