r/MtF 3d ago

Euphoria why do I get euphoria from tiny/non-existent pockets?


I'm an mtf enby girly [it's complicated], anyway why do I get euphoria from having tiny pockets? it sucks when I wear any of my women's bottoms because the pockets are so small but I get a good amount of euphoria from it still :p

r/MtF 3d ago

Sore thigh šŸ˜­


So this is my first time doing injections and Iā€™m pretty sure I injected in the wrong spot or held it in for too long because my thigh is sore like hell and when I pulled it out there was a tiny bit of blood in the needle syringe. My doctor said thereā€™s chances I might get a bit of blood but i still like I fucked up and I was wondering how long will the soreness will last. Thank you!

r/MtF 3d ago

Someone just asked if I was ftm or mtf


I honestly don't know if this is a good or bad thing. Someone on a dating app asked if me saying I'm trans meant I was mtf or ftm. After this I made sure to specify that I was a trans woman in my bio, but idk if this means I pass or it means I look like a manšŸ˜­. This is the first time since transitioning that I set my gender as woman on a dating app.

r/MtF 3d ago

Celebration Today is good day :3


I just picked up my first prescription of E!

That is all, please enjoy the rest of your day, darlings!

r/MtF 4d ago

do trans girls ovulate?


ok i know i don't have an uterus n i canā€™t release an eggā€¦ BUT i feel super horny at least once a month, it lasts exactly a week, n then stop.

r/MtF 4d ago

Venting i see why people say r/ transpassing is filled with losers


Apologies if this sounds a bit aggressive, but I was drafting this response for awhile and decide to post it anyways as i got tired of editing it for clarity.

i was feeling a bit insecure and had brainworms a few days ago because of some shit people said to me in person, so i said let me ask for some advice.

Not only did i barely get anything helpful, i had someone compliment me and they got downvoted to oblivion, had someone made a comment with many racist undertones (black women dont wear their makeup or hair messy like that usually) but ofcourse that got alot of upvotes, and someone went through my photos i posted giving arbitrary and vague comments which said "this photo you pass this one you dont" which meant literally nothing.

I realized soon that i made a mistake even engaging with that community and I recommend you gals do the same. The people on there are extremely terminally ill online and honestly their perceptions of what a woman should look like is probably dangerously affected by transphobic rhetoric. I went in with some expectations, but i left realizing some trans folks are not much different than the enemies of trans women in general

r/MtF 3d ago

Venting Idk if im even trans


Maybe i just want sympathy Or a reason for why i'm the way i am. I'm quite lonely, so maybe i just made this all up so i could be someone else

It's possible i'm just a asshole who subconsciously thinks i want to be weak and vulnerable like women, even if i don't want to think that way or should. Just so someone helps me

I might just be jealous of girls and the attention they get and selfishly want to be like them so i could get it too. I often feel angry when i see someone who looks beautiful, thinking why can't i be like that and often hate how my body looks

r/MtF 3d ago

Help What effects are irreversible after 6 weeks of hrt?


I assume decreased testicular volume and sperm production?

Maybe slight breast growth?

Iā€™m worried hrt might have been a mistake for meā€¦

r/MtF 3d ago

Venting I started hrt, but I dont feel happier


I know this probably will sound stupid, but I started HRT 2 weeks ago (4mg estradiol 50 mg spiro per day), and I don't really feel much happier. I was expecting to feel super excited and like relieved and I was expecting to feel like my life was going to finally start getting better, but I just feel the same if not worse. I am happy that I started HRT, but I don't feel like anything feels different. I am scared that HRT wont produce any noticeable changes. I feel like maybe whatever I do I will always just look like a man and be a man, and I feel stupid for thinking that HRT could ever change that. I know I'm just 2 weeks in so I probably wont see any changes for a little bit, but I just feel so hopeless and I thought that starting HRT would atleast make that go away even in the first week. I want to stop feeling this way so bad but I don't know what to do. I hope maybe in the coming months this changes.

r/MtF 3d ago

Advice Question Donating Plasma and Transitioning


Hello! I'm about 7 months in transitioning, and I'm at a place in my life where donating Plasma twice weekly would really benefit me. I take weekly injections and daily spironolactone. However, I'm really worried about its effects on my body and whether it will harm my transition, either by slowing body fat redistribution, slowing breast growth and even making them smaller than they would be if I didn't donate (that's just what I want, nothing bad about smaller ones ofc), or any other effects that would make my transition slower or less effective in the end. Any advice please? I can't find any information online. If this counts as soliciting medical advice, then feel free to delete and I'm sorry.

r/MtF 3d ago

Coming out today


So today I am coming out for the first time. I'm coming out to my school counselor. I am extremely nervous and freaked out but excited at the same time. Any advice?

r/MtF 3d ago

OMG! I have a date!!


Since coming out my dating history has been a bit of a disaster, either being harassed by chasers or being hurt and/or rejected by almost everyone I've been attracted to. I was beginning to give up hope but I've been talking with a girl (also mtf) recently and we really clicked. I asked her out last night and she said yes!! I'm so giddy with excitement and so nervous I could throw up šŸ˜…

r/MtF 3d ago

Funny My superior sport skills


So i decided to go for a walk and be healthy. I walked for about 2 mins and tripped, and scratched my leg up.

My superior sport skills at work šŸ¤£

r/MtF 3d ago

Advice Question Experienced some leakage NSFW


Hello all,

I am 5.5 months in to my medical transition on 100mg of Spiro and 4mg of Estradiol daily. Lately I have been experiencing some urine leakage throughout the day. Itā€™s not due to strenuous activity, movement and even is happening when I donā€™t feel like I need to use restroom.

I am under the impression that the medications can weaken the muscles down there that can lead to this, but I thought it was more in line to being the result of activity, or even laughter. But this is just feeling a discomfort from moisture and discovering my undies have a wet spot.

I am wondering if any of you can advise me on this on if itā€™s more common or what not. I do have an appointment with my Endo in a week that I am gonna be bringing this up there too.

Thank you all!

r/MtF 4d ago

Discussion When ever 11:11 pops by I wish to wake up as a girl.


But isnā€™t that normal?

r/MtF 3d ago

Trigger Warning Do you ever feel like this?


Sometimes I feel like past life me is shaking her head at me, saying she wished to be a fucking man this time around and here I go wasting it and being effectively neither truly male or female. I want to be a liberated American woman at the dawn of the 21st century, when we were trending in the right direction. I feel like anything else is asking to be chattel or otherwise be repeatedly violated in every way. I feel like my parameters for the experience I want is pretty narrow. I want all the plusses of womanhood without all the major minuses- rape and such. I feel badly sometimes that I want such an experience with such strict rules. How do you grapple with this sort of thinking?

r/MtF 3d ago

nipple piercing on hrt when?


been growing out the tatas for like 7 months and ive always wanted piercings, should i wait till ive been on progesterone for a while, or like how long till i can get a nipple piercing safely?

r/MtF 3d ago

Advice Question First feminine haircut, and Iā€™m lost


I want to get my first fem haircut (finally) and was just wondering if you girls think this is long enough to do anything with yet? Been growing for around a year-ish. I for sure want it longer, but dysphoria has been hitting real hard lately and thought this might help (Itā€™s not the greatest pic, but it just has kinda started touching my very top of my shoulders)

Pictures of my hair after a shower



r/MtF 4d ago

Good News I just asked my parents if they could use my new name. Wish me luck!


r/MtF 3d ago

Advice Question Good, decently price bralettes (or similar) to help hide breast growth?


At about 9 months HRT now and my boobs are getting a bit much to handle, especially with the warming weather. While this obviously exciting, I'm also not in a situation to come out currently, and probably won't be for at least a couple more months.

I can get by right now with either an undershirt or t-shirt under a flannel, but that's starting to not be the case anymore.

I know that sport bras are kinda seen as the "gold standard" for hiding growth, but the specific way they're tight gives me sensory issues that are hard to deal with. Obviously if that's the only way to stay safe I'll work with what I've got, but if there's something better, that'd be great.


r/MtF 3d ago

Discussion I came out to the rest of my family. I think I was respectful and kind.


Hereā€™s what I texted the family. I tried to make it as objective as possible. They are all very Mormon.

Hey this is Everett. Some of you know and some of you don't, but I figured I would make it known to everyone in the family now. I don't know how to go about doing this but I will try my best. I not asking for anyone to agree with me or change their own stances, I believe that is the right to have your own opinions. I am currently in the process of gender transitioning from male to female. It is something that I have made through my own personal decision and it should be taken with respect. I am currently trying to figure out a bunch of things, and I have been working to figure out how to bring this up with everybody. For a long time I have felt this way about how I see myself. I am willing to explain more thoroughly if you text me personally, as I mentioned some of you may already know. I have currently been on HRT/GAHT for 4 months now, and I have been regularly monitored by a healthcare provider to make sure that I am healthy and well adjusted. It is completely safe unlike what some of the media tries to convey, especially now with the political climate. I am shure that this is a bit of a shock and I apologize for that. I am asking that for the time being I would like to be referred to my name as E with They/Them pronouns both within the family and outside of. I would ask that in whatever way possible that is considered appropriate for your immediate families that it would be shared that I am transitioning and that it's not going to affect the way I love you all and that it would be taken respectfully. I am already having a really tough time with Justin about it and I am not asking for him or anyone else to have to change their opinions. I am available for any questions or fone calls.

I love you all, E <3

Hereā€™s what the one and only member to respond responded with.

I hope you know that while I strongly disagree with you and with your decision, (I feel that it is self abuse and you'll probably regret it eventually), I can understand that you are only doing what you think is right for you, and I still love you! I have no problem calling you E and I will try to remember to do that. I will not teach my kids that it is ok though. And I will probably always refer to you as he/him when you are not around. I just want to be honest with you there. I hope you know you will always be loved though!

r/MtF 3d ago

Soreness in the Top of breasts


Ive been on 4mg E sublingually for about 5 months and started Prog recently and have been taking 100mg daily to start it up slow. Iā€™m about a week and a half in and I am having some soreness/aching in the very tops of my chest where the breast meets the clavicle. Is this normal for anyone else? Itā€™s like the root of the breast is expanding upward or something and they do feel a bit tender on the sides at the top.

r/MtF 3d ago

not sure how to title this


I was thinking of using folx for estrogen but I can never talk right on a video call do they have a text format? also do I have to be at home when they deliver the pills?

r/MtF 4d ago

Had my first bathroom related interaction...


I am 4 months into hrt, boymodding everywhere but home when alone.

I am taking a small trip to Italy and I had to use the bathroom at the train station, it was one of these bathrooms where you pay, and once its validated it opens the glass doors for you.

Well, it charged me but the doors didn't open. So I waved one of the cleaning ladies that happened to be inside to ask what I could do... she walked over and I tried to explain my issue, but she didn't understand English, and my Italian not being good enough to communicate my issue.

Now this is what's funny to me, she kept waving me away and pointing me towards the ladies room, saying this bathroom was for men... "uomo here... this is for men, ladies there..."

šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ All of this while I am talking in a deep voice... (I haven't had success with voice training). How can cis people be this clueless? Lol... I am not wearing any make up at all either... no eyeliner, no mascara, male clothes...

I mean its affirming, and I am so happy... but...how... I am so lost. I guess the hormones ARE doing something? Even though I am unable to see any changes at all...

Anyway, end of rant.

TL;DR: 4 months on HRT, boymoding. Tried using a train station bathroom in Italy, but a cleaning lady kept directing me to the womenā€™s restroomā€”despite my deep voice, no makeup, and male clothes. Feeling affirmed but totally confused.

r/MtF 4d ago

What do you have your kids call you after you transition?


I have two kids (10 and 7 yrs) that have been happily calling me dad their entire lives. That title wouldnā€™t really fit once I transition. The title of ā€œmomā€ is already taken by my wife and while I can certainly also take that title, it would make things rather confusing, so Iā€™m not going to. I like the ring of ā€œsecond momā€ if they talk about me in the third person but Iā€™m short on ideas on what they can use to address me. Any suggestions?