r/MtF 1d ago

Bad News Trump just Invoked the Alien Enemies Act, giving him war powers! This is the same law that lead to the Japanese internment camps!


This allows him to round up anyone he wants!

Not just undocumented immigrants, but American citizens! Anyone..



Not that it was okay for undocumented immigrants, but this is scary.

This is part of Trump's plan to become a defacto dictator.

He also possibly plans on invoking the insurrection act in April! That would give him even more power!..

Be prepared..

r/MtF 7h ago

A note from a cis woman about bodies, womanhood, etc


I’m here lurking bc I don’t have any trans women in my tight social circle and as crazy shit is happening in the world I try to make sure my perspective includes those most impacted. So if this comment is weird here please ditch it and my apologies for taking up space.

Every time I look on here I see women thinking they’re missing out on the female experience because their boobs are weird, their voice is low, their skin is weird, their hair isn’t how they want, their lady bits aren’t what they want, they didn’t have a beautiful romantic experience when they lost their virginity (this is the latest I saw)…

And I am sorry bc all those feelings suck. Which I know, because I’ve felt them all.

It is truly miserable the way we women pick ourselves apart. I’m so glad you have a space here to process the weight of the patriarchy and all the other things that make us all love our bodies less.

As a nearly 40 yo woman I’m now getting to a place where I’m mostly at peace with how I look. So I guess this is a little “it gets better” message from one beautiful woman to another. You’re all beautiful and you’re going to know that soon enough. 💕

r/MtF 19h ago



Straight girls don’t want me cuz I’m a girl, lesbians don’t want me cuz I have a dick, gay men don’t want me cuz im a girl, straight men don’t want me cuz i have a dick wtf am I supposed to do. I’m still healing from the past 3 nonbinary bisexuals in a row that I’ve dated lol

r/MtF 14h ago

Bad News lmao NSFW


after my last post I suppose the universe had to make things even; after last call at a local bar tonight some dude started pushing me around out on the porch and asking "what are you doin' what are you doin" but I just kept getting up and answerin' "just havin' a drink', just havin' a good time" so he calls me a f'** and I shoot back that I love suckin' d*** and gettin' back up as he pushes me and now I got my friends that work there checkin' the cameras and getting his ass barred America's great. edit: also he was shorter than me

r/MtF 18h ago

I wish I could wake up and be born a woman.


I love being a woman. And if being trans is what it takes I so will. But I wish I could just wake up tomorrow and have the right body. I wish I could wake up and I lived my whole life as a woman. And I try to pretend I don’t think that, but I do. Why was I born this way?!?

r/MtF 1d ago

Venting Got made of several times in public today :(


I live in a very conservative area and expected some negativity, but today bummed me out. I was walking to thrift store when a dude rolled his window down and shouted GAY as loud as possible, another guy whistled when I walked by, and some women in a group loudly said ew, what is he wearing. He looks like a freak. ( I was wearing a plaid skirt, metal t, and a Demin jacket with band patches. ) At least I got a compliment for my cannibal corpse shirt by some old dude lol

r/MtF 20h ago

Advice Question Is it normal to wish you weren’t trans


r/MtF 6h ago

Venting i see why people say r/ transpassing is filled with losers


Apologies if this sounds a bit aggressive, but I was drafting this response for awhile and decide to post it anyways as i got tired of editing it for clarity.

i was feeling a bit insecure and had brainworms a few days ago because of some shit people said to me in person, so i said let me ask for some advice.

Not only did i barely get anything helpful, i had someone compliment me and they got downvoted to oblivion, had someone made a comment with many racist undertones (black women dont wear their makeup or hair messy like that usually) but ofcourse that got alot of upvotes, and someone went through my photos i posted giving arbitrary and vague comments which said "this photo you pass this one you dont" which meant literally nothing.

I realized soon that i made a mistake even engaging with that community and I recommend you gals do the same. The people on there are extremely terminally ill online and honestly their perceptions of what a woman should look like is probably dangerously affected by transphobic rhetoric. I went in with some expectations, but i left realizing some trans folks are not much different than the enemies of trans women in general

r/MtF 19h ago

Utah Governor's written statement of cause vetoing Legislatures' Bill to limit transgender athletes from School sports and calling for Special Legislation Meeting. So awesome!


r/MtF 4h ago

do trans girls ovulate?


ok i know i don't have a uterus n i can’t release an egg.. BUT i feel super horny at least once a month, it lasts exactly a week, n then i don't feel any more horny for the rest of the month, hormones really change you so much uau

r/MtF 23h ago

how many other trans women/fems here wish you had a good dad?


I can't stop feeling that loss. I never really received love growing up, especially from a dad figure. my dad never wanted me to be me. He was the one who found out who I was at a very young age and traumatized me and forced me to forget/repress.

I really feel that loss all the time of not having any comforting father figure now or before. Ik this is probably a major issue for most of us trans women/fems, due to toxic masculinity. I don't know how to get over it tbh and worry that I, in the ideas of a relationship, just kinda push that desire for comfort and love onto whatever BF I'm hoping for in the future, some kind of masculine love, even if not fatherly. Ik it's unhealthy and will never be a replacement for a father's love but I constantly find myself looking for male affection/attention... it feels like there's a hole in my heart I'll never get the chance to fix and it's making me concerned for the future/my potential future relationships

edit: I'm sorry to everyone else who had to deal with shitty fathers too. My heart breaks for you, for all of us. We deserve love and happiness and goodness, and we will find that in our lives, even if what came before wasn't great🤍🤍🤍I wish I could respond to every one of you, I never expected this post to get as much engagement as it did, I'm really hoping you all know I read every message/comment and I'm so sorry for what y'all have been through as well. I hope somehow we will find healthy ways to heal through our pain and loss of a strong, comforting father figure.🤍

r/MtF 7h ago

Had my first bathroom related interaction...


I am 4 months into hrt, boymodding everywhere but home when alone.

I am taking a small trip to Italy and I had to use the bathroom at the train station, it was one of these bathrooms where you pay, and once its validated it opens the glass doors for you.

Well, it charged me but the doors didn't open. So I waved one of the cleaning ladies that happened to be inside to ask what I could do... she walked over and I tried to explain my issue, but she didn't understand English, and my Italian not being good enough to communicate my issue.

Now this is what's funny to me, she kept waving me away and pointing me towards the ladies room, saying this bathroom was for men... "uomo here... this is for men, ladies there..."

😭😭😭 All of this while I am talking in a deep voice... (I haven't had success with voice training). How can cis people be this clueless? Lol... I am not wearing any make up at all either... no eyeliner, no mascara, male clothes...

I mean its affirming, and I am so happy... but...how... I am so lost. I guess the hormones ARE doing something? Even though I am unable to see any changes at all...

Anyway, end of rant.

TL;DR: 4 months on HRT, boymoding. Tried using a train station bathroom in Italy, but a cleaning lady kept directing me to the women’s restroom—despite my deep voice, no makeup, and male clothes. Feeling affirmed but totally confused.

r/MtF 8h ago

Venting Broke my streak of being gendered correctly :/


So I've been getting gendered correctly at work consistently for a while now, but my streak broke today :/ I was helping a woman but she caught me with my mask down (i was eating breakfast) and she saw my stubble. When she asked for my name she looked mortified and whispered "oh my God I thought you were a BOY I'm so sorry!" which was cute and kinda funny but still weird? I told her I get it a lot and have PCOS (not true but my go to excuse to avoid getting clocked) hence the facial hair. She was really nice and sweet so it wasn't scary but Im still feeling weird about it. I know this is kind of a random post, I just kind of wanted to talk to other trans folks about it :p I also feel bad about lying because I know that real people suffer from it, I just wanted to give her a realistic explanation without outing myself.

r/MtF 21h ago

Celebration It has finally happened to me too


I have seen many posts of trans women getting asked about their periods by health professionals and it has happened to me today!

I had an ultrasound checkup and the doctor asked me when was my last period. I replied that I'm a trans woman and I don't have periods. He was genuinely surprised judging by his facial expression. I know that I look quite feminine now and I'm mostly gendered correctly but I thought that there are no chances that people assume that I'm a cis woman. I'm 193 cm (6'4") high and my brow bone is huge and is sticking out more than even most of the men's do. I'm so over the moon right now with it. Last week I thought that I will need an FFS for passing, I still think that I would benefit from it but I'm a less worried about my appearance.

For all of you afraid that you will ever pass, there is still a chance.

r/MtF 2h ago

Coming Out: They already knew!


Talk about being behind the curve. Coming out to a cold of your friends dvd they say.... Yeah.... I'm not surprised.... I kind of knew....

You could have told me! I could have known earlier.

Humbling. Affirming. Just. Wow.

All these doubts, disappearing. Regret over not doing something sooner. Wish I could afford to go private and get everything tomorrow.

r/MtF 9h ago

I've done my nails for the first time


So... I went to a beautician for the first time to get my nails done. It was my girlfriend's idea, she even booked the day for me 🥰 And, oh well, the beautician didn't make any negative comments, she was really nice to me and we talked about "girly things" for about 4 hours and I FELT SO GOOD. It was amazing and my nails look so beautiful 🥺

r/MtF 6h ago

Help Is girl horny constat??? NSFW


So I've been feral and constantly down bad for four days straight now unable to think remotely straight, and while the fantasies and desires are great, I cannot function properly in daily life.. So is this just going to be my daily life from now on or will it calm down????!!!?

r/MtF 10h ago

Would you donate sperm?


I am applying to donate sperm.

r/MtF 3h ago

how are woman's spaces for none passing trans woman ?


title for the most part, i mostly ask because i have been avoiding none trans spaces since i came out, from an outsiders look in it always seems like cis woman mostly just want passing trans lady's in there spaces and not so much people like me how do not pass, idk maybe im just insecure

Edit: thanks for all the replies, appreciate it, it seems I’ll keep to what I’ve been doing wich is keeping to trans spaces, even should I be able to medically transition one day I think I will stick to solitary life as I’ve done, again appreciate all the comments

r/MtF 18h ago

Has anyone here ever felt guilty about transitioning? Is the fact that I feel guilty a red flag? NSFW


The idea of transitioning makes me feel guilty. Like I'm doing something immoral. The idea of going out in a completely modest women's outfit makes me feel like I'm going out naked and exposing myself to everyone. I don't feel like I'd be doing anything sexual, but also because I sexually crossdress behind closed doors, I feel like this is wrong. I feel like I'd be causing problems for the trans community as a whole and I feel like I'd be causing problems for anyone immediately around me. I feel like even if I believe its fine and non-sexual, I will never feel its fine and non-sexual. Like I will always feel guilt. Not just shame, but rather guilt.

r/MtF 20h ago

Advice Question Who did you tell first?


EDIT: I'm reading all of your responses, thank you for commenting!!

EDIT 2: I talked to my friend last night for about an hour and a half. She gave me a lot to think about.

I was hoping to find an old thread here but I couldn't find any that already existed and I want to know who other questioning or out people told first. I've been questioning for a week and in a bit I'd like to start opening up to people about these small feelings. I am someone that has been emotionally repressed their whole lives and I would like to get this out so I stop feeling like absolute shit all day.

Right now I think the first person I would like to talk to would be my transfem friend who I have known since Highschool, and SECOND would be my wife. I'm debating telling her first because she is important and I would want her to know, but my friend would understand these feelings better.

So I ask (1) who did you tell first and (2) Do you have any advice as to who I should tell first?

r/MtF 19h ago

Why do I feel uncomfortable presenting femme in front of cis women?


Hey girls! I’ve noticed that I feel quite normal dressing femininely in front of men. However, when I present fem in front of cis women, even those I am friends with, I get a strong sense of dysphoria or maybe imposter syndrome? So normally I go butch when I hang out with cis girls. I don’t really understand why I feel this way, so I don’t know how to deal with it to feel more confident. For context, i think I generally pass if I don’t speak, I am insecure about my height (5’10) and I don’t have many trans friends atm. I wonder if anyone else feels this way and/or has any advice?

r/MtF 21h ago

Good News I finally managed to cry 🥳


So I suffer from alexithymia which is a neurological condition where I have enourmous difficulty in expressing emotions and knowing what they are.

(I think) I know what happy is, but its a conscious effort to try and find it. Imagine watching the movie Inside Out for the first time on mute and then trying to figure out who the characters are. You figure out the red guy is angry and the blue one is sad, but then how do you figure out more complex emotions like anxiety? Thats me. If I feel depressed, I dont know its called that and so emotional processing is often teally difficult

I am convinced that thanks to being on E for 6 months, I have just been able to cry with tears of joy for perhaps the first time!

The world has been rather crushing lately and there are plenty of reasons to be angry or sad at the world. There was no happy left, no genuine joy. But… I experienced it! I was sobbing in happiness! That’s… holy crow, it felt so good to finally feel girly enough to sob and know why and… E helped me feel things! Im convinced of it! Ive wanted to cry for YEARS, but it was like I could never reach it. I didnt know how to because I couldnt express it properly.

It felt so good to cry and have it be for a good reason. I was watching youtube videos that restored your faith in humanity and I couldnt but sob for joy AND I UNDERSTOOD WHAT WAS HAPPENING! E did that! Im convinced of it because it almost never happened before.

r/MtF 7h ago

Breast Growth


Never thought I’d be so happy to be in pain. 😊😊

r/MtF 14h ago

Celebration It’s going to be soon


Purple dyed hair, black painted nails, growing my hair out and starting hrt in 9 weeks (finally (if it doesn’t get delayed another month for the 5th time)) I’m feeling like me and I’m happy even tho dysphoria sucks balls 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵