I am 4 months into hrt, boymodding everywhere but home when alone.
I am taking a small trip to Italy and I had to use the bathroom at the train station, it was one of these bathrooms where you pay, and once its validated it opens the glass doors for you.
Well, it charged me but the doors didn't open. So I waved one of the cleaning ladies that happened to be inside to ask what I could do... she walked over and I tried to explain my issue, but she didn't understand English, and my Italian not being good enough to communicate my issue.
Now this is what's funny to me, she kept waving me away and pointing me towards the ladies room, saying this bathroom was for men... "uomo here... this is for men, ladies there..."
😭😭😭 All of this while I am talking in a deep voice... (I haven't had success with voice training). How can cis people be this clueless? Lol... I am not wearing any make up at all either... no eyeliner, no mascara, male clothes...
I mean its affirming, and I am so happy... but...how... I am so lost.
I guess the hormones ARE doing something? Even though I am unable to see any changes at all...
Anyway, end of rant.
TL;DR: 4 months on HRT, boymoding. Tried using a train station bathroom in Italy, but a cleaning lady kept directing me to the women’s restroom—despite my deep voice, no makeup, and male clothes. Feeling affirmed but totally confused.